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open Happenings in the Everfree RP


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Impetus waits quietly behind a tree, signaling to Lyona that he's ready to attack whenever she gives the word.


((Sorry I haven't been active lately. I just didn't really see anything for Impetus to do. So... yeah. Winter Wrapup, Winter Wrapup, Winter Wrapup.))


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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img-1640777-1-cinderthumbnail_by_cinders img-1640777-2-redwaveavatar_by_cinderscr


Redwave sunk to the ground, dead central in front of the gate, motioning Cinder to join him. "No sense staying hidden, what with the whole concept of our purpose being to lure the villains away." He reasoned as the mare joined him.

"..." Cinder remained silent.

Red watched for for a moment. "Do not fret - I have no intention of allowing your friend to come to any harm." He said.


"... I know. I'm fine, I've got your back." The mare forced herself to speak.


Red paused again.


"If Scribe has faith in you, then so shall I." He said after much deliberation, smirking. "My cousin. I think he chooses to not speak of me, what with my choice of lifestyle. You will have to ask him for further details."


His smirk turned to a frown. "Minty has been gone a while..."

Edited by Cinderscribe

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Gmork had been pacing back and forth at the entrance to the castle.


"They approach" he growled. "You two, guard the prisoner. The rest of you, go out and attack the others, two to each one. I don't care what you do with them but I want their leader and the mail mare alive! GO!"


The wolfs raced forward snarling with out hesitating.


Silver struggled against his chains. "What do you want with Lyona and Derpy?" He asked angrily.


'All in good time" growled the dire wolf.


((Ok you can kill the wolves anyway you like... thought i'd give you guys something to do :P))

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Lyona discovered a window with broken glass, which entered into the far end of the hall, in shadows. She could see a great big black form, and shuddered. The pegasus went back out again and waved to Ditzy, signaling that everypony should come here. 


The yaps of timberwolves filled the air, and Lyona frowned a bit. I hope that everything goes to plan...



Near Redwave, a manticore cub burst out of a bush. It meowed loudly, and got the attention of a few more of the wolves.


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img-1640777-1-cinderthumbnail_by_cinders img-1640777-2-redwaveavatar_by_cinderscr


"Aweh! Look at this little fellow!" Cinder said with a squee: she loved animals even though they tended to not really like being around her. "Hello there...! He's so sweet!"


Red facehooved. "Well that's the element of surprise broken..." He said "We cannot simply wait for them to come to us, to the waves with the plan - we are going now!"


He found his hooves again and strode towards the castle. "Cinder, follow me and do as I do. We will buy them as much time as we are able.




Striding towards the castle, cocky smirk on his face, Redwave flourished his cutlas in anticipation as he tried to find the supposed horde of wolves.

Edited by Cinderscribe

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The little manticore roared in response to Cinder's words. Timberwolves could be seen streaming from the castle, a rather large group heading towards Redwave, Cinder and the cub.



(I'm getting tired of calling the cub a 'it'. Henceforth, it's going to be called a majestic name. Fluffy.)


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img-1640777-1-cinderthumbnail_by_cinders img-1640777-2-redwaveavatar_by_cinderscr


"Finally, a challenge worthy of Redwave!" The stallion shouted tauntingly at the wolves. "Come then! Prepare to meet you're doom! To the depths with you!"


Having learned his lesson in their last encounter, Red hacked at the legs if the first to reach him - cleaving the much thinner wood and dropping it to the ground snarling.


"That won't stop them Red, they just reform after a few minutes!" Cinder shouted as she snatched up the cub.


"I know what I am doing, thank you!" Red shouted over the snarling as he backed against one of the castle walls to stop the beasts from flanking him. "Sort of... Quickly, beside me!"

Edited by Cinderscribe

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Fluffy chewed one of the timberwolf's leg, much to the wolf's annoyance. It then scampered off with it, and the timberwolf chased after it. Five remained out of the six surrounding Redwave and Cinder.



Lyona heard a bark behind her, and jumped up just in time to avoid a wolf jumping for her leg. She then bucked it in the face as hard as she could, scattering it. Most of the branches landed in water, where they remained.


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The pegasus went back out again and waved to Ditzy, signaling that everypony should come here. 


Ditzy saw Lyona signal to her. From her position on the cloud she attempted the waving of her forelegs that Lyona had shown her. she waved at the others, but the motion caused her to clumsily fall off the cloud. She tried to right herself with her wings but crashed to the ground upside down among some bushes.


Two timber wolves approached her menacingly. Derpy tried to get herself upright but couldn't quite make it.


"Oh no" She said

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Lyona wiped her forehead of the sweat that had suddenly appeared there. From the corner of her eye, she could see Ditzy in the bushes and the wolves surrounding her.


" Ditzy!" She yelled, running to her. She managed to buck a few of the timberwolves to pieces, and grabbed the mail-mare. Lyona flew up to the cloud that Ditzy had previously been on and placed her there. 


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img-1640777-1-cinderthumbnail_by_cinders img-1640777-2-redwaveavatar_by_cinderscr


"Now!!" Yelled Red, lunging downwards towards one of the wolves as Cinder hurled a bottle at it: shattering and filling the air with smoke as the force caused her to struggle to keep her balance.


"Quickly!" She urged, pulling him past the figures in the smog. "This way."


Stumbling out of the cloud, the two ponies looked back..


"That can't be all of them Red, what about the others?" She said.


"One problem at a time, my lady." Redwave answered "For now we deal with these. Go! I shall lead them to you."


As one of the wolves stuck its head he kicked it in the snout.


"Is that it? Come! Redwave shall..." He trailed off as more wolves heard the yelp and found their way through the smoke. "... If anypony wants to save the fool and vacate this place, make haste please!" He bellowed to whoever might be listening as he sliced through the wooden muzzle and shattered the wolf before following Cinder with the others close behind.

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"Thank you Lyona" Derpy said. "We've got to save Silver while there's a chance." She said. "Redwave won't be able to hold them off for long"


Derpy gazed down at the scene, watching Redwave single hoofedly take on several timberwolves at once. "Where are the others?" she said nervously. To help him out, Derpy took a muffin out of her mail bag and hurled down at a timberwolf. It hit one squarely in the head and sent it sprawling to the ground with a yelp.


"Come on" she said to Lyona. "While they are distracted we should be able to sneak in and see where Silver is. maybe we can get to him and... Well I don't know how we will break the chain. Any idea's?"




A small swarm of parasprites buzzed around the timberwolves that were attacking Redwave, annoying the enemies, who swatted at them angrily. This gave Redwave several openings further his attack.




Gmork peered at the scene through a crack in the walls. "Useless fools" he grumbled. "I told those wooden headed wolves to split up! Always have to do the job myself"


Gmork prowled towards the entrance, sneaking out to see who he could find.

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"Agh!" Redwave gasped, dropping the sword as claws found his flank, tearing right through his mark and replacing the red waves with deep crimson gouges.


Allowing himself to drop to the ground he rolled onto his back and kicked upwards as a parasprite dived at his attacker, sending the wolf rearing as he scrambled back to his hooves and snatched the weapon from the ground.

"Can everything in this blasted forest please stop trying to kill me?" He growled.

As Redwave fell, Cinders pace faltered for a moment, however a couple of the timber wolves didn't stop at him and continued on towards her. Moving far enough away that they weren't likely to lose interest, she skidded to a halt and faced them.

As the nearest one lunged, she flicked another of the black filled vials into its mouth, adding an angry yelping to the usual effects. 

Not fooled like the last time, the second wolf leaped into the smog, it's eyes shining through the almost liquid smoke as it searched her out. Frowning, Cinder quickly too stock: four more black vials and one of her initial unlabeled ones.


'Where's the fun in knowing anyway?' She thought, flicking the glass containing a green liquid towards the second wolf.


As the glass shattered and the liquid reacted with the air, Cinder allowed herself a brief, grim smile as the smog ignited, transforming into a fireball with the two wooden wolves still inside.


Never quite forgotten.

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Minty trotted around the castle, flying up towards one of the windows. "Hopefully, I can sneak past the guards.." She flew up silently to the top of the castle and started to dig at a loose brick. She gasped as the ground--well, ceiling-- crumbled and she landed in a jail cell.


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Trotting towards the castle, jumping over the protective wall. Lowering down on her four hooves, sneaking up behind a guard. Choking the guard out with her hind legs, sneaking past the other guards. '' I'd better go rescue Minty.'' Grabbing a cell key from one of the royal guards, going up to Minty's cell. Opening the cell door with the key. '' Go Minty! I'll take care of the guards.''

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Lyona nodded. That was the first plan anyways, but I don't want to leave them... No. They can handle it themselves, they're not helpless. 


We'll figure it out when we get there. I need to see the chains first." She flew through the window she had found, the one who's exit was in the end of the great hall, in shadows.



Fluffy padded up to one of the wolves attacking Redwave. It grabbed one of it's leg branches, breaking it. The timberwolf's leg struggled to reform, but once again, the little manticore was holding a piece. 


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"Next time, I shall be bringing more Brandy!" Redwave shouted, running out of taunts and simply reverting to making a lot of noise in a cocky voice. "I am starting to really dislike these beasts!"




"There must be more than this Red, we need to..."


Rushing to help the white stallion, the head of one of the downed wolves lashed out, latching onto one if Cinder's rear legs and causing small streams of scarlet to trickle downwards.


"Ouch!" She half-screamed before bringing her other hoof down on its head, smashing it against the ground.



  • Brohoof 1

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" We'll figure it out when we get there. I need to see the chains first." She flew through the window she had found, the one who's exit was in the end of the great hall, in shadows.




Derpy nodded to Lyona then quietly flew after her through the window, keeping as close to the other mare as possible with out crashing into her. 




'' Go Minty! I'll take care of the guards.''


gmorkicon_zpsff7794c5.jpg@"Not so fast you two" Gmork growled stalking into the area and approaching the two mares. He pounced on Minty pinning her beneath him. @@Scootalove, " If you want your little green friend to live, you'll drop those keys and stay that magic of yours."


Gmork snarled at Fireblaze. "Oh yes, you recognize me don't you? You've seen me someplace before? On maybe... the same box you've seen Batman perhaps?  Everypony thinks your crazy... but I know otherwise.You have traveled where I have traveled...across dimensions into the human world. Those aren't dreams... I've been there too" he snarled.


"Let this one live" he growled to his guards. "Chain her up with the other one!" Gmork snatched Minty up in his jaws and carried her off. "Hmmmm" he thought. "Tastes like mint!"


The two timber wolf guards rounded Fireblaze into the castle and chained her beside Silver Note.


Silvernotesmiley_zps95e4caec.jpg "Glad you could join the party" Silver said to her sarcastically.




Gmork rounded the corner where Redwave and Cinderblock were fighting his wolves. He dropped Minty and pinned her under his claws.


"Surrender or this mare DIES" he threatened.


((thought i'd give you guys something to fret over LOL he will reveal his ultimate plan soon))

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Lyona had snuck up to Silver and Fireblaze. 


" How did you get chained up-" She whispered when she saw Fireblaze, but then shook her head. " Nevermind. I'm here to try to free you."


One of the guards had noticed Lyona. A quick buck to the face fixed that. However, that had attracted the attention of the other one.



A scratch and another buck later, that had been fixed too. Lyona limped back to the two, her front hoof out of commision.


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img-1640777-1-cinderthumbnail_by_cinders img-1640777-2-redwaveavatar_by_cinderscr






"No!" Eyes widening as he saw Minty's form against the creatures claws. The sword clattered uselessly to the ground as the beaten and bloodied captain felt his resolve break. "I shall do as you bid, let her go! If you hurt her I swear that you will rue the day you climbed from whatever dark corner bore you..."

"Red, shut up!" Cinder hissed, eyes narrowing behind the aqua lenses.


((The more I use those two colored texts together, the more they look the same.))

Edited by Cinderscribe

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"I shall do as you bid, let her go! If you hurt her I swear that you will rue the day you climbed from whatever dark corner bore you..."


 img-1687980-2-gmorkicon_zpsff7794c5.jpg Gmork laughed an evil laugh at Redwave's remark which he found pathetic. "Don't make statements you can't follow through ... my little pony! Timber wolves! Bring these two in" he ordered. "It is time!"


Gmork snatched up Minty and loped back to the castle ruins with her.




@@LittleRawr,img-1687980-3-Silvernotesmiley_zps95e4ca "Lyona, you have to be careful" Silver warned her. "We are dealing with an enemy that isn't even of our world."


Just at that moment Silver heard movement at the entrance. The frightening sound of claws on the hard surface. "Hide" Silver told Lyona and Derpy, but it was too late, Gmork entered with Minty in his mouth.



 img-1687980-2-gmorkicon_zpsff7794c5.jpg  Dropping the mare Gmork smiled an evil grin. "Right into my trap" He snarled. "You're all so predictable. Glad you could join the party." Gmork leapt forward and pounced on Derpy. "Just the pony I needed, the favorite! You'll be my first victim" he snarled. "Guards, cease the leader!" he said pointing to Lyona.



((ooc I have a full day today so won't be able to post til later on. Chat among yourselves, Thus far I think we are all captured except Impetus, ;)  So once we are all in the castle I guess the big battle begins.)))




((The more I use those two colored texts together, the more they look the same.))


((OOC they do sort of look the same but I can generally still tell who is talking. Maybe make Redwave redder?))


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'' Well let's just say that, I was trying to save Silver. Instead, I got chained up when I was trying to save Minty. So yeah, I was able to knock out some guards but I wasn't able to defend myself. I guess, you could try to free us if your hoof will recover.'' Looking over at Lyona, holding my chained up hind legs.

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img-1640777-1-cinderthumbnail_by_cinders img-1640777-2-redwaveavatar_by_cinderscr







"No!" Eyes widening as he saw Minty's form against the creatures claws. The sword clattered uselessly to the ground as the beaten and bloodied captain felt his resolve break. "I shall do as you bid, let her go! If you hurt her I swear that you will rue the day you climbed from whatever dark corner bore you..."


"Red, shut up!" Cinder hissed, eyes narrowing behind the aqua lenses.


((The more I use those two colored texts together, the more they look the same.))

(( OOC: They already did look the same. x3 ))


Minty frowned. "No, Redwave! You can't surrender!" She said in tears, before she got dragged away by Gmork. "Hey, Silver.. Hey, Fireblaze. I hope he doesn't do much to us. He's going to kill us anyway.." She sighed. "I hope Redwave is okay."


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img-1640777-1-cinderthumbnail_by_cinders img-1640777-2-redwaveavatar_by_cinderscr


As the wolves surrounded the two of them, Red tried to fight again now that Minty had been taken from the battle. It was no use: he was good but nopony was that good. Kicking dirt into the faces of the wolves he lunged for the blade...


"Aagh! Get... Nhg!"


He stopped dead in his tracks as Cinder was lifted in the jaws of two of the beasts, fresh wounds showing since his 'surrender'. He backed down: it wasn't worth the life of one of his companions and his family might never forgive him...


"To the waves with you all, hounds! Go on then, take us to wherever you may..."




A few moments later, the pair were dumped in with the others: decidedly worse for wear.


Red had two more clusters of claw marks on his neck and back to match the one on his flank. They were bleeding, but he quickly did his best to conceal the worst with the red... Well, they were little more than rags now.


Cinder was in shock from the bites to her legs and neck: none fatal but far from superficial: she might have been an Earth Pony, but she wasn't a fighter.

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img-1640777-1-cinderthumbnail_by_cinders img-1640777-2-redwaveavatar_by_cinderscr


As the wolves surrounded the two of them, Red tried to fight again now that Minty had been taken from the battle. It was no use: he was good but nopony was that good. Kicking dirt into the faces of the wolves he lunged for the blade...


"Aagh! Get... Nhg!"


He stopped dead in his tracks as Cinder was lifted in the jaws of two of the beasts, fresh wounds showing since his 'surrender'. He backed down: it wasn't worth the life of one of his companions and his family might never forgive him...


"To the waves with you all, hounds! Go on then, take us to wherever you may..."




A few moments later, the pair were dumped in with the others: decidedly worse for wear.


Red had two more clusters of claw marks on his neck and back to match the one on his flank. They were bleeding, but he quickly did his best to conceal the worst with the red... Well, they were little more than rags now.


Cinder was in shock from the bites to her legs and neck: none fatal but far from superficial: she might have been an Earth Pony, but she wasn't a fighter.

Minty trotted over to Redwave. "Th-thank goodness you're okay!" Minty said, hugging Redwave tightly. "Are you bruised? Are you hurt?" Minty said, looking at his hoof and all of his body. "Please tell me you're okay!" Minty said frantically. She was now completely oblivious to her own injuries: the lingering scar on her back.


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