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open The Blueblood murder mystery

Drago Ryder

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In the light of the unicorns horn, Copper Lock answered the stallions question with a much more serious look on his face than what he had had just a few seconds ago.

"Something tells me that that isn't the case..." Shortly after he had said that, the pegasus that he had seen earlier found the light-switch and yet again the room was filled with light.

"And I think we could call that proof" Copper looked around the room looking at the other assembled there. As he looked at them, he noticed that something seemed different.

"Hey, are we missing somepony?" He asked the other guests around him.


Sig made by Thunderstorm

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Once the room was full of light, stone dimmed the light on her horn till it was gone. She then let a sigh of relief. Till she had noticed, and heard, that a pony was missing. She then became pale from fright. "Nononononono, he couldn't have....started...already" she said to herself.


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Tempest glanced at Stone. "Who are you talking about?" He asked, slowly letting his anger loose. He didn't show it, though. "Do you know what's going on?"


Ivy tried to get up, but she was quickly forced back down and restrained. The silver unicorn tried to use her magic, but it didn't work, for some reason. "What's happening?"


(If anypony has an evil OC, then he can be the killer.)

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Pink Mist trotted towards the manor in a hurry. "Great I'm late, I'm so dead! I hope Blueblood's not mad." She was raised in Canterlot and knew enough about the unicorn prince to reject any party invitation of his. She didn't like snooty stuck up ponies who thought they were better than everyone else. Yet being an adventurer had led her to travel all over Equestria, and the prince had sent her an invitation to the party knowing she would be back to visit family in Canterlot. Wanting to hear about her most recent adventures, she of course couldn't say no. She never passed up an opportunity to tell everypony about the many places she had visited.


As she neared the manor she noticed that all the lights were out. "Hmm, I didn't know this was gonna be a surprise party." As she entered the doorway she could see a purple glow coming from a unicorn's horn. "Well that pretty much ruins the surprise." Pink Mist chuckled to herself. Then suddenly the whole room lit up and everypony looked confused and some looked scared. "Ok, from the looks of it, this definitely isn't a surprise party." Pink Mist trotted towards the group of ponies in the ballroom, she managed to hear something about somepony being missing. "Oooh a mystery! Yay, just like in my mystery books, but live!" Unable to resist such an experience she trotted closer so she could hear more details.

Edited by Pink Mist


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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Sole entered the large building with a laid back grin, flying up to the partygoers and trying to have fun. That is, until he noticed stone talking to tempest with bruises and markings "hey stone... who did that to you?" He asked in a dark voice, trying to hide his anger.

((I'm going to assume he knows stone, tempest, and the others he's met before.))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Stone heart shook her head. "No.. I can't let you know it's to bad." She said sadly. "He'll punish me" she said quietly trying to not grow attention to him. She then put her head down and kept her mane over her black eye, trying to hide it. She then closed her eyes trying to calm down.


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Sole's blood was boiling, he'd beat whoever did this within an inch of his life "tell me who did this to you..." he said quietly "tell me so I can make damn sure it doesn't happen again!" He said angrily, his voice now filled with rage "noone hurts my friends like this, I'll break all four of their legs!"


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Stone shook her head "no, he'll hurt me no matter what" she said. She didn't want her friends involved "if you try, his companions will hurt me, if you leave it alone, I'll be good and he won't hurt me, unless I'm bad, but I'm good, please" she pleaded with all her heart.


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Sole grit his teeth in pure rage "they can't if they're dead!" He said darkly, as energy began to cover him. He quickly shook his head and made the energy disappeared "I'm not gonna let these pricks hurt you... I'll leaveit for now, but if your hurt again... I'll tear this place down brick by brick!" He said seriously.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest's left eye twitched and he sighed. "Look, my friend is missing. I just want to know where she is." He said, in a calm voice. The cyan pegesus knew what would happen if he got to angry, but it was hard to keep his temper at a time like this. Tempest then trotted away from the others.

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Copper watched as first a pink mare and then another griffin joined their group of guests. He especially noticed the griffin being angry and the maid on the brink of tears. She obviously tries to hide something. The griffin also seemed to know the maid and the cyan pegasus...


As the griffin now started to come with death threats, Copper realized things were going out of control. 


"Alright,everypony calm down.

One of the guests here have mysteriously disappeared and we need to know what happened. But for this to work, I think we need the help of each other to solve this mystery and I don't even know any of your names. I think presentations are in order. I'll start. I'm Copper Lock, captain of the "Bellarose", the finest airship in Equestria." he said and made a small bow.


Sig made by Thunderstorm

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Tempest stopped and glanced at Copper. "My name is Tempest Sol, captain of Luna's division of the royal guard, and proud of it. There are a few other... interesting things about me, but you'll just have to find that out yourself, The pony that's missing is named Ivy. She is able to control plants. The other maid that Sole didn't yell at is my sister, Aqua. You may already be able to tell by the name, but she is able to control water."

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Tempest's left eye twitched and he sighed. "Look, my friend is missing. I just want to know where she is." He said, in a calm voice. The cyan pegesus knew what would happen if he got to angry, but it was hard to keep his temper at a time like this. Tempest then trotted away from the others.

Crimson cursed in annoyence as he walked around the house in a blind and lost state, "DAMMIT! The only reason I came to this damn party was to kick bluebloods pansy ass! But I can't even find one freaking pony in this piece of shi-" crimsons curse was cut short as he bumped into sompony, crimson got back up with an angry look, "hey! Watch where your going assho- wait....tempest!? What are you doing here!?" Asked crimson with a grinn.


((How about umbra void, crimsons evil father?))

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Stone heart walked upstairs and went into her room. She knew the others wouldn't be of any help. She could stand the thought of being punished again. She sat down on her "bed" which was all crappy, and put her head into her hoofs and cried. She felt helpless.


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Tempest glanced at Crimson. "I got an invite, and I decided to see what the big deal was. Ivy got an invite to, so we decided to go together." He said. "So, what have you been up to, and how's Luna been?" The cyan pegesus then gave a knowing smirk.


(That would work out. Just put him in the sign up thread.)

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SharpShot had been listening to everypony, not really doing much "Okay...what is going on here? The lights went out and now somepony is gone?" She asked 'And i thought this party was going to be boring..' SharpShot thought then walked a little closer to the crowd "And where is that royal pain Prince Blueblood anyways?"  


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Sole was sad to see stone walking away in that condition, before he turned to copper "alright introductions... whatever." He said calmly, glaring at tempest for his complaining. "My name is sole... I'm a traveller and adventurer. And so it doesn't become a problem later, I'm just gonna tell ya now, discord is my father, hope that's not a problem." He said in annoyance.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Curious was surprised, and perhaps just the slightest bit giddy, when the lights flashed off and then back on. "Ah! Finally, something interesting!"


Scarlet, however, dropped her drink in surprise, but thankfully it didn't splash on anypony.


Curious was not too eager to get buddy buddy with anypony there, figuring if there was a mystery a-hoof, it would be best if he went and solved it himself. He turned around to try and break off from the rest of the guests, but he felt Scarlet suddenly grab him back.


"It's a pleasure to meet all of you! Well, sorry to hear about your marefriend going missing, but trust us! I, Scarlet Trace, can find her! With the help of my little brother here, Curious."


That elicited an eye roll from Curious, "if anything, she's the one who is always helping me! not the other way around."

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Tempest glanced at Crimson. "I got an invite, and I decided to see what the big deal was. Ivy got an invite to, so we decided to go together." He said. "So, what have you been up to, and how's Luna been?" The cyan pegesus then gave a knowing smirk.

(That would work out. Just put him in the sign up thread.)

Crimson chuckled and grinned, "well, I've been great, just doing what i always do, sailing the seas and hanging rund luna as much as I can...." crimsons smile then faded into an angry growl, "but I've come here tonight becouse me and luna got an invite as a couple, but that bastard didn't even go to luna's birthday party, and he Expects her to go to his party after that!? The only reason I'm here is to kick bluebloods spoiled, rich, selfcentered ass!!" Said crimson angrily as his eyes literally ignited in flames.

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Tempest glanced at Scarlet and nodded. He then glanced at Crimson. "Calm down. We don't need the whole mansion to burn down, yet." He said, before looking at the others. "Anyway,I have a idea on how to find Ivy. It may see, weird, but it is defiantly effective." The cyan pegesus then closed his eyes and breathed deeply. His black aura then slowly surrounded him


Luna came into the ballroom and glanced at Crimson. "Trust me, I hate him as you do. Maybe more." She said.

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Tempest glanced at Scarlet and nodded. He then glanced at Crimson. "Calm down. We don't need the whole mansion to burn down, yet." He said, before looking at the others. "Anyway,I have a idea on how to find Ivy. It may see, weird, but it is defiantly effective." The cyan pegesus then closed his eyes and breathed deeply. His black aura then slowly surrounded him

Luna came into the ballroom and glanced at Crimson. "Trust me, I hate him as you do. Maybe more." She said.

Crimson sighed and calmed down as luna walked in, "well.....I guess your right....but still, after I'm done with that little prick, there will be no ammount of bits in equestria that could be paid to fix his face....anyway, tempest is right, let's look for ivy...." said crimson as he stood next to luna.

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Temepst's opened his eyes and could see the aura around everypony. He still couldn't find Ivy, though. His aura receded into him and he sighed. "Well, that was pointless." He muttered under his breath. The cyan pegesus then exited the ballroom and trotted through the mansion.


Aqua had had about enough of this. She trotted upstairs and stopped at Blueblood's door. She then knocked.

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Sole noticed overheard that ivy was the missing pony "alright... someone is trying to get an energy spear up their ass!" He muttered angrily as he walked upstairs, deciding to follow stone and talk to her alone. "I'll kick whoever's doing this stuffs ass to luna's moon!" He said angrily.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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SharpShot was surprised to see princess Luna here...and confused. She stepped away from the crowd slowly "I have no idea whats going on.." She said to herself then bumped into somepony, or 2 ponies. She turned around, she saw the ponies who introduced themselves. "Scarlet and Curious right?" 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"Is it just me or does every pony here operate on a short fuse? Seriously, they are all violent brutes! Doesn't surprise me that that slit-pupiled one is a royal guard." Curious muttered under his breath, confiding to his sister.


A mare bumped into him though, and he readjusted his scarf and turned around, "Oh, hello there, why yes, you are correct. And you are..."

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