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The Irony Of Princess Cadance


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When I first saw the previews for A Canterlot Wedding, I could tell that Cadance was supposed to be created just for the little girls of the show.


She's all pink and the princess of 'love' and got happily married to a knight in shining armor (pun intended) which is the dream of little girls growing up with fair tales.


However, she is also the only character I've seen kill. Yes Cadance, the happy pretty pink princess of love killed or at least heavily played a role in Sombra's death. What's funny is that no pony seems to notice or care Sombra died although this is probably because it's a kids show.


Doesn't anybody find it ironic?

Edited by Sergios117
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Well sombra was a completely underdeveloped, villain in a children's cartoon. therefore when he was "killed" no one could really make a point about it.  And history is only written by the victor, so instead of the cold-blooded murder of sombra, it was the brave and noble vanquishment of sombra.

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Well there is a slim chance of his survival, you see his horn get blown away but it looked perfectly fine other that it not being attached to a head xP But that's just my guess, I doubt the writers would bring him back.

But yeah, I can see it being a ironic in some sort of way. Although it was either him or an entire Kingdom being enslaved, And I wouldn't really call it a murder like the person above mentioned, I feel it was more of a vanquish or a cleansing for the kingdom to get rid of the evil spirit that haunted everyone for thousands of years.

  • Brohoof 1


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And I wouldn't really call it a murder like the person above mentioned

I was saying that due to the fact that only the victor writes history, it is a vanquish.
had the forces of evil won, sombra's death  would've been seen a tragic occurrence. But it all depends on the point of view.
Does that make a bit more sense?

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We don't even know if he was killed/vanquished. He could still be just fine out there, wandering who knows what, looking for his next victim(s).

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tbh was he alive to begin with?

he seemed to have very little real physical form aside from one that was often between being there and just being mist.

He had no real lines to speak of, or show any real hint of actually being there aside from the darkness that spread around in his presence..


So honestly, was he really there? 

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tbh was he alive to begin with?

he seemed to have very little real physical form aside from one that was often between being there and just being mist.

He had no real lines to speak of, or show any real hint of actually being there aside from the darkness that spread around in his presence..


So honestly, was he really there? 

just because Sombra diddnt had many show-time,it doesnt mean he wasnt there.Not to mention that,if we take the Pony-world logic,he DID a ton of stuff while he was the ruler of the Crystal Empire(including torturing and probably killing ponies yay.)...and yet,hopw can we be sure he is dead?His horn is intact,so maybe a IDK evil pony to use the horn and some dark magic to awake Sombra?..not to mention that,in a way Hasbro is the only one who must do this,because I saw so many fanfictions where Sombra come again to power(and even some dark ones when he isnt destroyed,enslave Celestia and all that.Yay evil pony-fiction,my favorite genre >D).So yeah,in theory he did many stuf.And I dont say this just because he is my favorite character from the whole show,but just.

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just because Sombra diddnt had many show-time,it doesnt mean he wasnt there.Not to mention that,if we take the Pony-world logic,he DID a ton of stuff while he was the ruler of the Crystal Empire(including torturing and probably killing ponies yay.)...


Yes we know he was there nearly 1000 years ago when Celestia and Luna defeated him originally. But what of his return?

Lack of airtime aside, when he was shown he was almost an ethereal being, a ghost of sorts.

Was that the REAL him, or merely a PIECE of him? He seemed to lack any real signs of actually being alive and acted more a specter than a living being.

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Yes we know he was there nearly 1000 years ago when Celestia and Luna defeated him originally. But what of his return?

Lack of airtime aside, when he was shown he was almost an ethereal being, a ghost of sorts.

Was that the REAL him, or merely a PIECE of him? He seemed to lack any real signs of actually being alive and acted more a specter than a living being.

He did say "That is mine!" When he saw Spike with The Crystal Heart. And he seem to have sensed Twilight being near the Crystal Heart and Activated the Last Trap that she couldnt transport out of. He might have lost some of his mind due to his punishment but he still had some Brains in him.

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When I first saw the previews for A Canterlot Wedding, I could tell that Cadance was supposed to be created just for the little girls of the show.


She's all pink and the princess of 'love' and got happily married to a knight in shining armor (pun intended) which is the dream of little girls growing up with fair tales.


However, she is also the only character I've seen kill. Yes Cadance, the happy pretty pink princess of love killed or at least heavily played a role in Sombra's death. What's funny is that no pony seems to notice or care Sombra died although this is probably because it's a kids show.


Doesn't anybody find it ironic?


What about Twilight in "Too Many Pinkie Pies?"  That, IMO was a much more egregious example of killing in the show.  Sombra was basically Pony!Hitler, so it would be pretty hard to justify not killing him.  What else would Cadence do?  She probably didn't have the power of trapping him in some celestial body, and leaving him be would only cause death and suffering on a massive scale.  Nor do we really know that Cadence intended to kill him.  Most of the time beaming love-lasers at a pony brings about their redemption rather than their death.  Come to think about it, Sombra is the only exception to that rule in the series that I can think of.  [Edit: Chrysalis is also an exception, but unlike Sombra, she was a representative of an alien species.]  It should also be pointed out that Cadence was suffering from exhaustion and sleep-deprivation.


In the case of the Pinkie clones, they were all, as far as we can tell, fully sapient, thinking, feeling individuals.  Not geniuses, mind you, but they all had a sense of humor, which requires the ability to mentally model other minds in order to anticipate what they'd find funny, which in turn requires having a mind to do the modeling with.  They caused damage and disruption by being a Fun! Fun! Fun! mob, but they weren't malevolent and never set out to hurt or enslave anyone.  Yet Twilight massacred the lot of 'em without the least hesitation, and with the other M6 characters (excluding Pinkie) as accessories.  This was euphemized as "sending them back to the pool," but in the animation of the clone creation process, we are shown that there's no "there" there.  You step in, the world turns over, and you're stepping out with a duplicate.  There is no reason to think the clones got to go on living, much less have any Fun! where they were "sent."

Edited by InvisiblePinkUnicorn
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He did say "That is mine!" When he saw Spike with The Crystal Heart. And he seem to have sensed Twilight being near the Crystal Heart and Activated the Last Trap that she couldnt transport out of. He might have lost some of his mind due to his punishment but he still had some Brains in him.


but it still doesn't paint a picture of him being all there IMO. Like i said, he seemed almost ghostly. Think of it harry potter style, where part of him could've been revived and had power, but not the whole yet. What also of the pieces that were cast out?


Watching the ep now even, and still he appears/acts as if he's not fully awakened.

The only time he seems to appear "there" is after his mist is shed when he approaches the crystal heart.

but even then his reactions are barely a scratch and slow witted.


Also seeing the way he was destroyed, and given the way his horn was able to maintain power, infect parts of the empire, and regrow... it still paints somewhat a picture that he may still be about (his horn is whole when cadence cast him apart)

Whats to say those shards couldn't revitalize again just as the horn had done before?

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Yes we know he was there nearly 1000 years ago when Celestia and Luna defeated him originally. But what of his return?

Lack of airtime aside, when he was shown he was almost an ethereal being, a ghost of sorts.

Was that the REAL him, or merely a PIECE of him? He seemed to lack any real signs of actually being alive and acted more a specter than a living being.

Actually,there is a scene when Sombra recover his body and all that.and oh well,this is why sometiems I enjoy fanfiction more than the original thing,I saw so e many interesting Sombras fanfiction I cant even(and I'm a Sombraholic so I think you realize what this means OwO)...also,I have a theory of Sombra so um yeah.And who know?Maybe in one episode,Hasbro will finally bring him back...even if as I said,I just love those -no-happy-ending fanfictions,where Sombra isnt defeated after one or two chapters,but just rule in the terror of the others.Freaking badass.And well,I'm a Sombraholic so I just love Sombra,and I fangirlism over him also IMAO.So I also find a pony hot.Yay.

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I'd have to say that we have only seen Cadence kill Sombra, which is true. But, when it comes to trying to deliver a message to little girls on how to protect your kingdom instead of being a classic dansel in distress. She basically changed that message, then again I'm just speculating on how many ways we could have had Sombra come back again if there are pieces of him left.

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Actually,there is a scene when Sombra recover his body and all that.


I mentioned that in a later post tongue.png

despite his physical form shows, he himself still appears loosely there, and when the crystal heart spell hits him he simply falls apart. Its entirely possible he was only in part there (my point) and may even come back later (as i said above, his horn retained power when it was cutoff, and regenerated, so why not the rest of him?)

Edited by GrimCW
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I mentioned that in a later post img-1593224-1-tongue.png

despite his physical form shows, he himself still appears loosely there, and when the crystal heart spell hits him he simply falls apart. Its entirely possible he was only in part there (my point) and may even come back later (as i said above, his horn retained power when it was cutoff, and regenerated, so why not the rest of him?)

meh :P

And I like this theory,I wish that Hasbro to do this,is should be great(and al it could be great if he isnt defeated in the first part,or second...I should prefer if he isnt defeated at all,imao.).

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It don't think Cadance directly "killed" Sombra. Sombra was destroyed by the energies of the Crystal Heart if I remember correctly, all Cadance did was rescue it from him.


In any case, what I do find to be ironic is that, as you said, Cadance is the most stereotypically girly character on the show and yet she manages to subvert the typical "Damsel in Distress" character that we usually expect from such characters. Not sure if this was intentional or not but I think it fits with the show's motif of "You can be girly and a strong person" rather well.


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We're not completely sure he's dead, and that's why it's not made into a huge deal: Because we're not sure. If we knew that Caidence had killed him, there would have been a lot of hate mail.

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