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Yay Sombra theory


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You know how Sombra dont have a background,and some of the fans create their own for him?Well,be prepared for mines.Is not original,fascinant,intelligent and all that...is just...mines.


Imagine a filly(male,duh.)..his coat is light yellow,and the mane/tail color is white and his eye color is orange.His name is Sunligt(and just to clear something,yes SUNlight..and yes,powers of the sun but dont think he is/was a sort of Celestia,all he could do was to create some light sparkles and to turn the sun into moon,but there yet to be light for what,few minutes?is a filly though and my intention wasnt a re-creation of Celestia.Keep it for yourself)  and his cutie mark is a sun with 2 sparkles on it,and he is a unicorn.All good.Until his mother die of old age(imagine being little and your mother telling you something like "Is time for me to go..." and then kiss your head and hug you and whatnot.Yeah that.)..and well,poor Sunlight,leaved alone without his mother D:(just a small fact,in my theory Sombra/Sunlight didnt meet his father at this point and whatnot,but just read and you will find all you need about my theory)..so he just..dont have anypony left.He never meet his father and his mom is 'gone'...poor Sunlight.But in a day,he meet a mare filly,a alicorn little pink filly(yes,Princess Cadence,in my theory when Celestia adopted her she turned her from pegasus to alicorn.Deal with it.) and well,Sunlight tells Cadence about his mom and whatnot,and Cadnece decided to bring him to Celestia castle.Is all good and fun games until Celestia figure out that Sunlight's father is,and then abandon him(YES.Celestia,the Princess of sun and all the good things and whatnot..well,she dont seem very good in my theory,but is mines.And I do what I want >D)..now,FINALLY,Sunlight meet his father in a dark forest(because it was night *cough cough*)..his father..just.He was just a shadow/dark cloud(imagine being young,and one of those appearing because it wants you to be on the dark side.The joy.) and well,Sunlight finally figure out that,the dark/black cloud that look like ones of those from his nightmares,it is actually his father.So,his father lead Sunlight to the dark side (YES.This is that comment when the dark cloud enters Sunlight's heart/soul,a and mind and whatnot and corrupt him.)..so now,Sunlight turned into Sombra.(a little thing,in my theory his father want to just temporally corrupt hm,in order to scare/whatnot his brother,on that time the current ruler of The Crystal Empire,but after they meet,sadly the sadness and terror and angry-level and whatnot of Sombra became so big,that his father  cant do anything,and so Sombra became corrupted for his entire life[and since he is immortal...just...])..and after some time,he enter the Crystal Empire castle(yes.Without any warnings,or anything.Just entering like a boss who dont give a f***).And well,now Sombra angry and whatnot level come in play,because his father cant control him anymore,instead he can control himself,yet still being corrupted(and he have a very,very evil mind >D)...so,instead of just scarring/whatnot his father brother,he kill him.YES.He kill the damn king like a boss,without regretting nothing.And therefore he now became the ruler of The Crystal Empire,therefore he now became King Sombra.Yay.(and yes,this theory include that he killed some of his slaves[because on that time,you either did what Sombra did you to do,or you should be killed.In a very torturing way.Deal with it]),,,


And yes,this is my not so epic-tastic theory on Sombra.Meeeeeeeh.I know is unoriginal,bad,it sucks and whatnot but oh well...hope to like still like it.

P.S. after Sunlight was corrupted,he now got a dark gray body,black tail/mane,fangs and whatnot...and also,his cutie mark was gone as well(imagine a tyrant ruler with a sun that have sparkles on it as cutie mark.That's why).


please dont insult me and if you dont like this theory,or have a personal problem with me in general,just ignore it and myself.Thank you.

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Haha it is a very.. fascinating idea. Why does this remind me of star wars?


If you ask me, I simply think that Sombra was one of those mean types who learned black magic or something, and when he realized he was powerful he started to like to rule over ponies, which made him even more... Evil.


..Yeah that's basically it.


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I believe that the longer you let evil seep into your mind and physical contact, it will eventually consume you, and you may become one of the darkest forces to ever exist. It is my theory that this may have been how Sombra came to be.


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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My theory Is that The Dragon Empreror Black Mailed Him as Sombra Was one of the royal Gaurds of the crystal Empire.

My second theory is that He was raised to believe that Crystal Ponies are disgusting.

Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom

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Haha it is a very.. fascinating idea. Why does this remind me of star wars?


If you ask me, I simply think that Sombra was one of those mean types who learned black magic or something, and when he realized he was powerful he started to like to rule over ponies, which made him even more... Evil.


..Yeah that's basically it.

thanks :D

and very nice theory there too :)mI like it :D (more than mines imao.)...and I dunno why it remind you of star wars haha XD*..really,I just dunno._.)

My theory Is that The Dragon Empreror Black Mailed Him as Sombra Was one of the royal Gaurds of the crystal Empire.

My second theory is that He was raised to believe that Crystal Ponies are disgusting.

both of your theories are so much better than mine is :o

I like them,both actually :D..if I need to choose a favourite,I think the disgusting one got me :)

I believe that the longer you let evil seep into your mind and physical contact, it will eventually consume you, and you may become one of the darkest forces to ever exist. It is my theory that this may have been how Sombra came to be.

so simple,yet so fascinant. The actual reason why my theory is that long is that I wanted to cover as much stuff as I can,like how Sombra was originally,why he did became evil,what happened to his parents and whatnot.)

whatever,you theory just destroy mines,it just does.

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My friend, what you need to do is remove all the comments and get better grammar. Sorry, I'm too tired to decode that today. But it's interesting, what I did read.

...excuse me?Why I should remove all the comments?...and my grammar is understandable, If you can't read,is not my fault, if you are too tired to read, is not my fault either.If you have a problem with me,then dont bother to comment on my stuff and ignore me, simple as that.

And umm...thanks I guess :/

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