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private Whisper II: Kingdom of Darkness


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Midnight blushed, "uhh, heh," he chuckled, "well, were, ahh, " he sighed, looked at her then back, "shes my special somepony, and im hers." he smiled, "i like her alot,"


he looked back at her again, "im happy, never thought a mare would ever like me....now more than ever" he laughed slightly, his fangs showing, "but....we seem to be alot alike."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Nexus chuckled at the flustered hybrid. However, that was unexpected. Seeing other changeling/pony relationships before, he worried for the safety of both, then again, it only went to shit when he tried killing one of the two. Plus a hybrid may be different.


"It's alright. I'm happy for the two of you. You seem like a nice couple." He said pleasantly, a scar vanishing from his body.


"Make sure one you watch each others backs in the field. Should something happen to the other...well..." That raised his thoughts up, thinking about what would happen should Lume perish in battle. That would probably kill Nexus as well. He couldn't take that kind of pain. Not again. 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

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Nexus chuckled at the flustered hybrid. However, that was unexpected. Seeing other changeling/pony relationships before, he worried for the safety of both, then again, it only went to shit when he tried killing one of the two. Plus a hybrid may be different.


"It's alright. I'm happy for the two of you. You seem like a nice couple." He said pleasantly, a scar vanishing from his body.


"Make sure one you watch each others backs in the field. Should something happen to the other...well..." That raised his thoughts up, thinking about what would happen should Lume perish in battle. That would probably kill Nexus as well. He couldn't take that kind of pain. Not again. 

Midnight smiled and nodded, "you and lume should do the same." he winked, "and if something DID happen to her, id kill the guy, go to the spirit relm, bring him back, just to kill him again, then go back to the spirit realm and bring back celestia, luna, arianna, and a whole plethora of ponies." 


he paused then smacked his forehead, "that was....a terrible joke...im sorry, my mind is just a jumble with all these memories coming back, in bits and peices, its hard to figure out exactly where or when they happened."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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and if something DID happen to her, id kill the guy, go to the spirit relm, bring him back, just to kill him again, then go back to the spirit realm and bring back celestia, luna, arianna, and a whole plethora of ponies." 


Nexus had a blank expression on his face. He wasn't quite sure what he just heard.


"Umm...I understand changelings have above average magical capabilities, but I think you would have to be Princess Luna herself to perform such a feat." He thought for a moment, then added to his statement.


"And I don't recall mentioning anything relating specifically to Lume." He wasn't exactly being secretive about it, but he didn't like spreading gossip. Plus, he didn't want her to hear this second hand. It had to come from him directly...whenever he got the nerve to say it.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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well, i just noticed you two spent alot of time in that room,." he shrugged, "forgive me for making assumptions, but itll stay with me, i wont go spreading it around," 

midnight tilted his head, "on a diffrent subject you seem....oh whats the word, more chipper than usual, you litearlly look brighter and happier."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Well, I was training her in hoof to hoof combat in there. I recommend that Arianna get the same training. We need those with no fighting experience in top form. Perhaps you could teach her some spells while learning some of your own.


"As for the change, it ties in with my Tarot power, but I figured that I might as well stay positive while here. Help keep morale up." It wasn't a total lie, it was just omitting facts from the truth. Nexus was getting better with the Tarot power and his own positive behavior, but it was also the joy of feeling love again after 16 years of hate.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

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My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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i just might, thanks, i have no idea what my tarot power means, or what i can do with it, ive just decided....im going to ignore it for now, i have enough problems on my plate, trying to learn how to be a changeling and all that." he shook his head, "in any case, thats good about your behavior."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"It's wonderful," Arianna had said before Nexus walked in.  She didn't say anything, a bit shy as she listened to their conversation.  "I happened to bring a couple spell books along for some reason," she finally spoke up, shrugging as if it wasn't odd that a formerly magic-less unicorn be carrying around spell books all of a sudden.

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Lume went back to the living room with the fireplace, where her saddlebag was. She was going to look for an empty room upstairs where she could accommodate herself and rest. Upon retrieving her bag, she started trotting her way throughout the enormous base, towards the second floor. In the process, countless thoughts rushed through the mare’s mind: thoughts about Nexus.


Well... I'm clear of doubts. Obviously I’m in love with that pony, I can't deny it anymore. And it's such an amazing feeling! His mane, his eyes, his wings, his kindness, the way he talks, everything! I feel so calm, so safe, so happy when he's close to me! I've never had these kinds of feelings for anypony else before... And oh boy, is love the best feeling in the world after all! I never knew it.


But... what should I do now? I mean, I'm still not a hundred percent sure that he feels the same way about me. Besides, how should I approach this situation? I'm not romantic in the slightest! ...I should've read more love stories. Because now I don't know what to do.


Perhaps I should tell him... I should build up enough courage, be completely honest and tell him about the way I feel! ...And try not to sound stupid while doing it.


...Oh yeah, now I remember why I never read any love stories! I've always thought they were stupid, and ponies who fell in love were merely victims of love's stupidity... But I don't care. I feel great! I love to love him! ...Wow, that really does sound stupid. But I don't care!!


Carried away on her cheerful thoughts, Lume didn't notice she was already in the corridor where the bedrooms were. However, a very familiar voice coming from one of the rooms caught her attention. T-that's Nexus' voice!! She freaked out. I'm not prepared yet!


Looking around desperately, she noticed another bedroom before the one from where the voice came: an empty bedroom. ...Guess that's where I'm staying. She decided, as she leaped into the room and slammed the door shut behind her. She then dropped her saddlebag on the floor and threw herself on the bed, grappling onto a pillow.



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"It's wonderful," Arianna had said before Nexus walked in.  She didn't say anything, a bit shy as she listened to their conversation.  "I happened to bring a couple spell books along for some reason," she finally spoke up, shrugging as if it wasn't odd that a formerly magic-less unicorn be carrying around spell books all of a sudden.

midnight turned back and smiled, "well, we could practice if you want," he chuckled, "i....kinda need to brush up on some attack spells, i THINK a changeling can preform some of the most basic spells.....though im not sure."  

and those books can be useful, i think its good that you brought them.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Nexus nodded, yawning a bit. 


"Listen, it's been about 38 hours since I last slept. I'm going to catch some sleep, if I'm not up in 4 hours, wake me." He let his head fall onto his pillow, and stared sleepily at the ceiling. His hoof rested on his chest, and he felt a bit of fur growing back. It was with this that the hunter fell asleep with a small grin on his face. He generally didn't snore, but he would on occasion mutter something. Usually it could not be heard, but on occasion, he was heard mumbling "Always be there for you", or "Love you" or something along those lines.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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midnight turned back and smiled, "well, we could practice if you want," he chuckled, "i....kinda need to brush up on some attack spells, i THINK a changeling can preform some of the most basic spells.....though im not sure."  

and those books can be useful, i think its good that you brought them.


"Okay," Arianna smiled, getting her bag out.  She waved goodbye to Nexus as he went to sleep.  She pulled the bag out and dumped out its contents.  Five books, two spell books and three novels, some bruised apples, a large number of daggers, an old charm necklace, and some bit and pieces of stuff fell out.

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midnight tilted his head, he didnt even have half that stuff in his saddlebag, his was mostly empty save for a book or two plus the bottles of love he saved.

next he looked at the daggers and smirked, "well, i can tell you dont need protection." he laughed softly as he picked up one of the spell books, "hmmm," he opened it and started looking through it.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Arianna nodded, quickly shoving the daggers back in.  She left one of the novels and both spell books out, along with a bruised apple.    She bit into the apple as she flipped open the other spell book.  She didn't really find anything useful for awhile.  She took another bite of her apple.

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midnight shook his head, until he found a spell that he knew he couldnt do, yet, he felt compelled to look it over, "illusion spell, make your enemy see 3 of you at once, this spell causes doubles, and even triples of the casting unicorn, all of these illusions can attack, and even cause damage, but there is only one problem, if they take one hit, they dissippear,"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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midnight shook his head, until he found a spell that he knew he couldnt do, yet, he felt compelled to look it over, "illusion spell, make your enemy see 3 of you at once, this spell causes doubles, and even triples of the casting unicorn, all of these illusions can attack, and even cause damage, but there is only one problem, if they take one hit, they dissippear,"


"Interesting," Arianna shrugged.  She was slowly flipping through the book, finding spells she had mastered as a little filly.  It was back before she had received her cutie mark, when she was sure it would have something to do with magic.  She flipped to teh next page, then the next.

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My'Kola sighed as he made his way downstairs to Moon Crypt- who was talking to a white-cloaked Inquisitor. He started, then looked at him. "Hello, Lord Inquisitor. If I may ask, who is this?"


Moon Crypt smiled. "Ah, yes. He is Inquisitor Sun Flare of Celestia's branch."


"Celestia's branch? Don't they HQ in Canterlot?"




Sun Flare cleared his throat. "I am here to escort three ponies to Canterlot, to find the spell to recapture the Presence."


My'kola smiled. "Ah. Might I show you to-"


"No. I slept for a few hours on the way over."


Moon Crypt smiled. "Excellent. I'm going to go... meditate for a while. You'll know where to find me, My'kola."


He left the door, heading for the plains that was once part of the Everfree Forest, heading to a small grove in the distance. He needed time to think...

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Midnight smirked and nudged her, "oh you love it and you know it." he giggled softly, "anyway," he continued flipping through the book, "no...no...deffinetly cant do that," he stopped on another, a basic fireball, seemed easy enough, just gather a bit of anger and turn it into energy. "easy enough, now comes the fun part, can i actually do it."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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The red mare laughed softly.  Arianna glanced at the spell.  "Don't burn anything down," she smiled.  "That wouldn't be too good.  Maybe you should aim at a bowl of water or something.  Water doesn't burn, right?"




(Please quote or mention your responses.  I'm nto gonna be paying much attention to my computer for awhile.)

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The red mare laughed softly.  Arianna glanced at the spell.  "Don't burn anything down," she smiled.  "That wouldn't be too good.  Maybe you should aim at a bowl of water or something.  Water doesn't burn, right?"




(Please quote or mention your responses.  I'm nto gonna be paying much attention to my computer for awhile.)

hmm, well theirs only one way to find out..." midnight stood up and dissappeared into the kitchen before coming back with a large metal bowl of water, "okay....lets see.." he closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them as his hooves started to spark, a diffrent color this time, a deep orange, same as his eye color, before releasing the energy, only to have it explode in his face.


shaking his head, midnight blinked and coughed out some smoke, "ack, well.....i almost got it." he laughed.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Nexus was having the most wonderful dream about you-know-who, when he was shocked awake by the sound of an explosion. He practically rocketed out of his bed, clinging to the ceiling, hiding behind one of the hanging lights. He peered cautiously over the edge to see what was causing explosions right next to him, only to see Midnight in the room with Arianna.


"Damnit Midnight, why are you doing that in here?! There's a training room you know!" Nexus began removing himself from the light when a hoof caught a pillar holding it up, causing him to flip forward. He couldn't get his wings out in time, and landed with a dry thud on the floor.


"And that's what Justice does when you get snappy..." He muttered to himself, splayed on the floor in an odd fashion.


(My attempt at comedy.)


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

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"Huh? Did you hear that? Yep. Zis time, if I tell you it vasn't me, vill you believe me? Hmm. Maybe. Let's check it out."

Garrison jogged towards the training room, and observed the water all over the place. "Lemme guess. You put somesink explodey in a bowl of vater to test what would happen. Vas I right?"

  • Brohoof 1



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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hmm, well theirs only one way to find out..." midnight stood up and dissappeared into the kitchen before coming back with a large metal bowl of water, "okay....lets see.." he closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them as his hooves started to spark, a diffrent color this time, a deep orange, same as his eye color, before releasing the energy, only to have it explode in his face.


shaking his head, midnight blinked and coughed out some smoke, "ack, well.....i almost got it." he laughed.


Arianna laughed softly.  "You aren't angry enough," she said.  "You need to focus on what little anger you have more."  She stiffled a laugh as Nexus fell.  "Are you okay?" she asked.  "That was quite the fall."  She continued flipping through the old spell book slowly.

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The red mare laughed softly.  Arianna glanced at the spell.  "Don't burn anything down," she smiled.  "That wouldn't be too good.  Maybe you should aim at a bowl of water or something.  Water doesn't burn, right?"




(Please quote or mention your responses.  I'm nto gonna be paying much attention to my computer for awhile.)


"whoops.....sorry nexus..." midnight blinked, he turned and looked at the twin pony and raised his eyebrow his eye color shifting, "no, it was water, the spell backfired." he turned "hey arianna, you want to join me, ill be in here alright?" and he dissappeared into the training room.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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@@Psych Ward,



Nexus dragged himself back into his bed, groaning all the way. He sat up, looking over everypony in the room.


"Fillies. Gentlecolts. I'm going back to bed. Try not to burn the house down while I sleep." He said sarcastically, earning a light bulb that fell out of the light fixture, onto his head. Nexus didn't react at the moment, keeping his gaze normal. But that was because that hit knocked him out. He fell back into the bed, eyes finally closing. His head was bleeding slightly, but it seems like no major damage was dealt.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

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My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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