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private Whisper II: Kingdom of Darkness


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@@ActFast231, @,


He turned to Lume, smiling at her nervousness. "Hello, Mrs. Greenpark." He smiled and inclined his head. "There is no need to be nervous, dear. I'm just another pony- perhaps one with half of my head metal, but a pony the same." He shook his head. "Not that they listen, but tenacity is a value prized by the Inquisition, so they're all hardheaded."


Solar Flare sighed. "A pony with half a metal head who slayed half a dozen demon lords fifty years ago."


"All the same, that was with my horn, and when I was in better condition then I was now."


Solar Flare huffed and looked away.


He then turned to Nexus. "There is no need to bow, my friend. Especially if you speak true about being Axel's son. It was a tragedy, it was." He shook his head slowly, then looked back at him. "I'm sure that you certainly had to work for your living, eh? Scavenger, changeling hunter,  explorer? You certainly are a busy pony. And the Tarot of Justice? I'm sure that we'll get along just fine..."


He sighed and sat back. "Before I forget, may I introduce Lord Inquisitor Flare Blitz, Head of Celestia's Branch?" The red pony next to him nodded once and sat back. "Unfortunately, the other heads- Moon Crypt and Glimmer Heart- can't be with us today. I doubt they even know that I'm alive. I will have to issue a callout to them soon." He shrugged. "But I digress. Now, back to the topic at hand... might I hear your stories? What happened in Delvia?"



@, @@Psych Ward,



Fen rubbed her head. "Yes... there are some nearby. There are a few in the air, a few in the streets nearby... but there are more voices..." She recoiled and buried her head in her hooves. "Underground... calling me... ungh..." She fell into silence, visibly strained.


White Rose stroked her once and then looked at the road split off. "Alright, you need to take a left here..."


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midnight looked back and nosed the filly "dont strain yourself dear." before nodding at white rose and moving slowly down the street, looking around "strange we havent seen...." he paused "well speak of the devil.." two tentacle beings appeared in the street ahead, "alright, here goes nothing..." 


his horn started glowing, but rather than a sickly green color, it glowed a blueish sparkily color, and suddenly the 4 of them dissappeared, the two beings passed them by, chirping at each other before turning a corner, "alright, lets keep going, hopefully i can keep this up till we reach the town hall."

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Arianna smiled at Midnight.  She looked at Fen with worry.  The poor little creature.  This probably wasn't too easy for her.  She looked around s Midnight cast his illusion spell.  She smiled, hoping it would be stable enough.  She followed them at a steady pace.

  • Brohoof 1
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Nexus stood, impressed by the apparent feats of this pony. Of course, it has left him scarred. Nexus knew more about that than anypony. But they have healed well.




"But I digress. Now, back to the topic at hand... might I hear your stories? What happened in Delvia?"


"Well, it all started when I arrived at the Canterlot University. I was there to learn about any old ruins that might hold loot or changeling infestations. It was where most of us met. The headmaster called us all into his office, and offered a contract for an expedition into the Crystal Empire. Or what's left of it. This is exactly what I was looking for.


"However, as soon as we reached the transport meant to take us, we were sedated and taken to Delvia. We awoke and quickly established groups and a plan. I went with a fellow Tarot holder and a survivor to the town hall, where I found an alchemy book-" Nexus pulled the book out of his chestplate and held it up with his wing.


"And a demon with a giant robot and an army of mutated squid ponies. After he captured the other two, and a back and forth between me and the demon summoned by the Presence himself, I fought the giant robot, and killed it. This demon was working on a way to release the Presence and it looks like he succeeded.


We were saved by Lord Inquisitor Moon Crypt, and brought back to his base of operations. A few things happened here. We learned what our Tarot cards were, I fell in love with Lume here," He emphasized this by wrapping a wing around her and giving her a tight squeeze. Which is hard to do to a pony outfitted like a damned tank.


"And two psychotic mercenaries fused together into a single body...Well actually that part is a secret, but let's just say that is was pretty weird. It is worth mentioning that I didn't always look the way I do. The Justice card has been healing me physically, mentally, and internally. As well as changing my appearance to match my behavior.


"I also wanted to ask about the possibility of getting a few mages to use some light magic to restore the mutants in Delvia." 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

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My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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@@ActFast231, @,




"I see... interesting." Karma sat back, deep in thought. "Well... to answer you question, yes, we do have enough light magic to reverse the mutation, but if this is the demon lord I think it is, it won't be enough for all of the mutants. What effects one effects them all... so, using it on one will increase the other's resistance to light magic." His eyes then widened. "Wait... you said you had an alchemy handbook? Let me see it." Upon almost running down to get it- revealing a pair of metal hind legs- he opened it and skimmed through it. "This is... what they use, then?  Do you mind if I borrow this? You'll have it back by tonight, I assure you." Before waiting for an answer, he signaled to a guard. "Take this down to the alchemy labs. Splash Solvent will be quite happy to find that he finally has a way to convert the mutants back instead of destroying them." The guard bowed and walked out of the hall. "I'll tell you now, we've been searching for an antidote for years." He smiled. "Now all we need is a sample of the catalyst for this, and we're all set."


He then shook his head. "I'm... I'm getting too far ahead of myself. Sorry." He sighed. "Alright... now we have to deal with the Presence." He sighed. " There were three essential parts to the spell- the container, which was the Crystal Heart, the spell, which is hidden somewhere in the castle, and a physical channeling device known as a seal- which, due to the spell being broken, would be snapped in two. So, what we have to do... We have to find the spell and the seal, as well as deal with any threats and/or obstacles that we have found."


Another guard came in, handing a sheet of paper. "Hmm... Alright. Let's see..." He sighed and shook his head. He then said to the guard, "Let Shining Steel and a squad of his swordsponies go undercover to the Gate Warden. Keep anything from forming until we can get it sealed, alright?"


He sighed. "I would like you two to come and participate in a communal meeting tomorrow, but until then, you are free to go. If you wish to ask me any questions, you are free to, but otherwise... Solar Flare, go ahead and show them up to a pair of unoccupied rooms. Unless you two wish to share a room?" He asked, looking at Lume under Nexus's wing.



@, @@Psych Ward,




"Mmph..." Fen nodded, barely moving.


White looked at her with concern. "I'm not sure if this is the safest thing, to have a mutant fighting off the hive mind on your back. What if she-" She stopped and looked at Midnight before turning back.


Moving somewhat slowly now, the four of them made their way across the city. The spell gave out about ten meters from Town Square- luckily, with nothing on the street. However, about five groups of six stood around the fountain and the Town Hall, some merely standing around, some soaking their tentacles in an odd liquid streaming out from the fountain, some roaming around.




Edited by Thunder Knight
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Arianna was bout to reluctantly agree with White Rose when the spell gave out.  This was not good, not good at all.  She stayed still, only moving her eyes to glance around.  Fear was in her eyes.  She didn't want to face these creatures again.  The last time was bad enough.

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The only thing that alerted the King that he was no longer alone was a sound like the fluttering of curtains, and the whispering hiss of a crocodile. He didn't move, didn't speak, didn't even blink. He didn't need to. His end had come, and with that aknowledgment, he found it ironic that the only thought he was capable of producing was a single, simple word.


His posture remained tall and proud, though inside he was tired, and weary with defeat. His gaze was fixed straight ahead, into the distance where he knew, somewhere out there, nestled in its cavity of deprivation and desolation, sat the city of Delvia. The Mist was all but black, a pitch color shrouding the once bright and happy kingdom, now a reflection of the same dizzying nothingness in which the Presence had been spawned from. A Kingdom of Darkness. There were so many things he'd come to regret, and his final moment seemed as good a place as ever to dwell morbidly on his many, oh and there were many, mistakes. However, instead, he chose to speak.

"It has been twenty long years since that day." His voice rang clear and unwavering, a sentinel of his final defiance in the company of death itself, "I am the only one left."

The Presence's voice, when it finally chose to reveal itself, was raspy and garbled, as if it'd swallowed a white hot branding iron and a pad of sandpaper to top it off:

Yes, and how the mighty have fallen! Your name as reigning King over Equestria will go down in history as the epitaph of a Tyrant!

The King shuddered. It had been twenty years since he'd heard that voice, much less seen the "body" it belonged to. Twenty years of debilitating nightmares, insomnia, and bad decisions. He could still remember everything about it so clearly. Darker than black, eyes reflecting the smolder of Hell itself, deeper and more infinite the Tartarus, a being born of shadows and fear and hatred.

"I know you are not here to dissect the finer points of the many mistakes I have made. I know what you are planning and I will tell you this, " the King's voice regained its strength as he turned to look the ghastly being in the eyes, "You will be stopped. There are ponies out there working against you as we speak, and I know that they will do anything to stop you. No matter how hard, no matter how long, or how far they must go, they will put a stop to you."

The Presence was silent.

Are you prepared for this?

The King closed his eyes, the first smile he'd given in years coming to light. The faces of the comrades that had fallen flashed before his mind's eye. Peace settled over him.


In the steadily dimming light of the Mist, shining crimson blood spattered across the walls and floor.


Klarix shuddered at the sudden disturbance in the air. Something was wrong, so so terribly wrong....

She closed her eyes, as, just outside, the first vestiges of oily, black rain began to fall.

  • Brohoof 1
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Nexus looked down at the object of his affection, a thoughtful gaze occupying his eyes.


"Well...I'm not opposed to sharing a room. It would certainly conserve space." He looked back up to Karma, again, deep in thought.


"If the mutants grow more resistant to light magic the more it is used, maybe hitting them one at a time is not an option. Couldn't we find a way to maybe...hit them all at once? Maybe w-" Nexus was cut off by a feeling of...darkness. A disturbance. Nexus shivered and let out a shudder, almost looking pained.


"W-what the hell? D-did anypony else f-feel that? It felt like, like the entire area just got darker. If that makes sense."


(Idea: Why not have the Tarot holders be able to sense the Presences dark energy?)

  • Brohoof 1


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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As Karma continued explaining everything and asking more questions, Lume listened closely to Nexus while he answered said questions. She smiled warmly and made herself comfortable under the bat pony's wing when he embraced her. She followed up when his explanation was over. "In my case, I didn't even make it to the Canterlot University. I blacked out and arrived Delvia halfway through from Fillydelphia. Lord Moon Crypt saved me in the glimpse of death and introduced me to the others. Ever since, The Chariot card has been affecting my mental and physical stability according to my emotional state."


Karma then proceeded to explain his plans and to speak about the sealing spell they were looking for. Lume was relieved at the thought that the half-faced Inquisitor would make use of the alchemy book in order to soon stand up against the Presence. As soon as they had everything necessary in hooves, the nightmare would be over.


"I would like you two to come and participate in a communal meeting tomorrow, but until then, you are free to go. If you wish to ask me any questions, you are free to, but otherwise... Solar Flare, go ahead and show them up to a pair of unoccupied rooms. Unless you two wish to share a room?" He asked, looking at Lume under Nexus's wing.

Nexus looked down at the object of his affection, a thoughtful gaze occupying his eyes. "Well...I'm not opposed to sharing a room. It would certainly conserve space."


The mare blushed slightly. "I see no problem either. We can share a room..." She started wondering what the communal meeting he was talking about would be like. Only thinking about the uncountable kinds of Inquisitors they would find in that place filled her with curiosity. They were all seemingly very wise and strong as well. While Nexus continued asking Karmatic Justice about the use of light magic in Delvia, Lume was somewhat lost in thoughts until sudden goose bumps were sent racing all over her body, leaving an awful feeling that something terrible was happening. She looked around the room, frightened by the disturbance in the air.


"W-what the hell? D-did anypony else f-feel that? It felt like, like the entire area just got darker. If that makes sense."


"Yeah, I felt that too..." She glanced over at Klarix, who was clearly upset as well. "Whatever it was... I don't think it's anything good."

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@, Garrison looked up. "Dammit, vat is zis? Vy did it just start- whoa. What in the hell was that? Did you guys feel that? Something just went wrong. Something has just gone completely wrong. Yep. Somevone just took ze big tripWait, what?"

@@ActFast231, Nexus's PDA gave out a loud, insistent beeping.

Edited by baman



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Nexus clamped a wing down on his PDA, which was hidden from view.


Damnit, what the hell do they want? He thought to himself.


"Excuse me a moment." He trotted out of the room and pulled out his PDA, pressing a button to bring up a call.


"What is it? You nearly blew the big secret you told me to keep." 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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@@ActFast231@, @




Karma watched as Nexus left and smiled to himself. before turning to Lume and Klarix. "That would be the Presence... and so it begins." He sighed. "I hope that we can get this done before the Presence does something that bodes ill for everyone." He shook his head. "I will ask you again- anything that you want me to help you with? You have been particularly silent, Mrs. Klarix."




@, @@Psych Ward,



Fen continued to shudder ever so slightly. White Rose drew her swords, looking at the mutants ahead and keeping half an eye on Fen. "So.. now what? I don't think that that illusion can hold us anymore..."




((Listening to some Sonic Advance 2 music, and, honestly, I'm thinking this for the Presence takeover scene.


But, opinion is opinion.))

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Klarix opened her eyes and turned to face Karma. She'd thought a little about what her powers could offer the group as a collective, and, so far, had only come up with one thing.

"They say my Tarot power has to do with the mind, the Inner Voice. From what I have observed of the mutants, not only have they been changed physically, but there's something wrong with their minds. It's like....they're still asleep." She started, "The citizens of Delvia were infected through some kind of nightmare virus, right? So what if, in the final stages of this virus, they never woke up? What if they're still asleep? I want to know if there is some way I can help with that. It may not mean much physically, but at least I can put them back in their right state of mind..."

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Karma sighed. "You see, Klarix...The slime that they produce was first distilled by the demonic being known only as Lord Void and given to Resh as part of a plan to destroy the world and return it to Chaos eons ago. It comes from Tartarus- it was one of the Demonic Tools, if you have heard to that story- and, with the intent of obedience, it basically removes or suppresses the ability to think and act for one's self." He shuddered. "It's a nightmare just thinking about it. Imagine living without a mind... just a voice telling you what you should do and how you should do it." He shook his head. "Before we can 'wake them up' as you put it, we have to banish the demon lord in question back to Tartarus. Which, being one of the Seven, is going to be hard to do. At least he's the most docile of them."



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@@ActFast231, it was not in fact the spliced mercenary on the PDA, but the machine itself: the flashing red text on the screen read ​Warning: Large change has occurred. Tipping point inevitable. Correct the problem within 72 hours or more Jumpers will intervene.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Lume jumped when the crazed beeping went off from something. Almost immediately, Nexus reacted to it and trotted out of the room. She then assumed that the beeping was from the strange device Nexus was playing with earlier inside the elevator. Needless to say, curiosity struck her. But she decided to save the questions for later and give him some privacy for now.


The quiet Klarix asked Karma about her Tarot power. While the Inquisitor answered the question, Lume began thinking of her own card for a moment. She knew it had something to do with controlling her emotions and that the man driving the chariot would achieve success by using such emotions for his greater good. She didn't know, however, if such power would benefit the others around her as much as it benefited herself. But she thought that would be something she would had to find out on her own.


The heavy armor was finally starting to tire the earth mare. She sat herself on the ground to rest while she could and started looking around in the room, aimlessly. However, she soon remembered about a question she wanted to ask and immediately turned to face the Inquisitor.


"Why us?" She said to Karma. "Why have we been brought here so abruptly, and by who? Have we... have we always had these powers inside us?"

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Midnight looked back at fen and nuzzled her gently, "my illusion did cut out, its weak right now...." he frowned, "i dont want to kill them, they could still be saved..." he sighed, "theres got to be another way in that dosent include the front door...." he paused "come with me."


He turned away from the city hall and towards the outskirts of town, avoiding patrols as they went, either skirting around them or waiting for them to turn their backs so they could quietly cross the street and into the shadows.

Midnight slid into the ditch near the destroyed bus and smiled, "in here, this is the tunnel fen and i used to get out of city hall the first time." he grinned and pushed into the pipe which led into a tunnel, "there should be a door..."


he looked around then saw it, it had a star shaped emblem with multiple other stars around it, overgrown with moss "here it is," he pushed it open "we should be underneath the city hall right now."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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He thought about it. And then he said, slowly, "Although I am many things... I am not a psychic, nor a philosopher, nor do I study the minds of spirits or unearthly powers- although, several Inquisitors dedicate their lives to such a thing. Whether you obtained these powers through an accident, their previous owners dying... perhaps you were born with them, or you were blessed by some angel or demon. No matter how you got them, you got them. And, as a great stallion once said, to one whom much is given, much is expected." He sighed. "Why you ponies in particular? Once again, I do not know. Yet, perhaps you were given this power because something thought that you might be able to turn this world around from the dark path it is headed down." He sighed. "I am not sure who sent you here, either. Fate? Destiny? Or perhaps your own choices? Perhaps there is an invisible force, guiding your every movement for the sake of telling a story? Who knows? Either way, you have been brought. There is an evil force outside. You and a few others have the power to stop it. In the words of one of the greatest stallions of recent years:


What do you do?"

                          ((-James Wyatt, 3e D&D playtester, and writer of the 4e D&D core rulebooks))




@@Psych Ward, @,





You open the door to see what appears to be walls and walls of test tubes, each marked with the name of an ingredient. There is a huge, empty glass capsule on the wall with a door and a large hatch, with a large device above that appears to open to flood the chamber with something. A book holder was nearby.


Midnight began to feel a slight tingling along his back and along his stomach...


((Guess what it is? Yes, I will do it to you if you are either stupid enough to jump into it or you don't get my gist and... well, if you remember what was said earlier about Fen, you'll recognize it.))




((Gosh! Certainly took me long enough!))

Edited by Thunder Knight
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He thought about it. And then he said, slowly, "Although I am many things... I am not a psychic, nor a philosopher, nor do I study the minds of spirits or unearthly powers- although, several Inquisitors dedicate their lives to such a thing. Whether you obtained these powers through an accident, their previous owners dying... perhaps you were born with them, or you were blessed by some angel or demon. No matter how you got them, you got them. And, as a great stallion once said, to one whom much is given, much is expected." He sighed. "Why you ponies in particular? Once again, I do not know. Yet, perhaps you were given this power because something thought that you might be able to turn this world around from the dark path it is headed down." He sighed. "I am not sure who sent you here, either. Fate? Destiny? Or perhaps your own choices? Perhaps there is an invisible force, guiding your every movement for the sake of telling a story? Who knows? Either way, you have been brought. There is an evil force outside. You and a few others have the power to stop it. In the words of one of the greatest stallions of recent years:


What do you do?"

((-James Wyatt, 3e D&D playtester, and writer of the 4e D&D core rulebooks))




@@Psych Ward, @,





You open the door to see what appears to be walls and walls of test tubes, each marked with the name of an ingredient. There is a huge, empty glass capsule on the wall with a door and a large hatch, with a large device above that appears to open to flood the chamber with something. A book holder was nearby.


Midnight began to feel a slight tingling along his back and along his stomach...


((Guess what it is? Yes, I will do it to you if you are either stupid enough to jump into it or you don't get my gist and... well, if you remember what was said earlier about Fen, you'll recognize it.))




((Gosh! Certainly took me long enough!))

(i dont know what your talking about....)


midnight looked around, frowning, no stairs...which meant the door was the only way in, "hmm.." he looked around the room then up at the device, wondering what was in it, he approached it and blinked, pushing open the door and poking his head inside "huh...

Edited by Nightmare Rarity


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Well, all the more reason for me to get this done. The last thing I need is more of these guys." Nexus overheard Karma in the other room, and how he spoke of slime and a demon lord that needs killing. He turned his attention to the PDA, and to the Codex. He couldn't find anything on a Lord Void though. He sighed, returning the PDA to its place before returning to the room.






Nexus walked in just as Karma was finishing talking to Lume.


"He has a point. Personally, I don't care how I got these powers or why I have them. I have a chance to do something good with my life for once, and I intend to take full advantage." A scar has healed. Nexus didn't know it, but he was very close to his final transformation. When all his scars are healed, his true Tarot powers will be unlocked. He has one already. It was how his fatigue and wounds healed in Delvia after the crash. And it would only get more powerful. It just take a little more.


"I was wondering about something. You said that mutants adapt to light magic as it is used on their comrades? So they would build a resistance. That would make it impossible to save them all. Isn't there a way we can, maybe...hit them all at once? So they don't have time to adapt?" 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

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My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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((@, Not sure if I should give hint... Meh. Don't want your char to suffer that fate. ONCE.))


@, @@Psych Ward,  



As you ascend up the stairs into the city hall, the tingling along your back and stomach increases significantly. White Rose looked at you, as well as the twitching Fen and the slime running down her tentacles, and, somewhat wary, said, "Umm... Midnight? I don't think you should be wearing Fen like a backpack anymore..."


((Resistance =/= immune. I gave you that solely so that you could do stuff like this with Fen, but a quick reminder of the danger that it poses. That, and a reality check is due over here. You have been warned. Next step is euphoria.))




@@ActFast231, @, @,




He sighed. "Yes, but the biggest blast of radiant energy we can create is only about as big as the Castle Courtyard. So, in order for that to work, we would need to literally gather every single mutant in existence and stuff them into the courtyard and tell them to stay for ten minutes while we build up the energy." He sighed. "That's why I was so exited about the alchemy book. With it, the alchemists in the labs can create a serum that will counteract the effects of the potion and, while perhaps not completely restore their form, can at least restore their mind. We still need to kill the demon first, but after that... we just restore their minds from the hive mind to prevent the resistance building up, and then we can bathe them in light energy to complete the change." He turned to Nexus. "If you find a squad of these mutants, the light magic can fix them, but it will take noticeably more to fix them the next time. As for the drones, I'm not exactly sure they can be fixed. Their brain is literally replaced by an organ sensitive to psychic waves, and I'm not sure that any light magic that we are capable of producing can fix that." He shook his head. "Oh, if only Celestia was here..."




((I'm confused on what to do with you, @@@rolle. I posted for you guys a few days ago and then I got told that baman was going to powergame, and then... nothing. What is goin' on?))

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midnight looked back then shook his head gently setting fen on the ground "sorry fen," he rubbed the fillies mane gently "nothing personal." he smiled, "just stick close." he looked at the spot fen had been sitting on, "hmm..." he shrugged, "not the worst thing thats happened to me." 


he frowned, "so.....what are we doing here exactly....?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"If Celestia were here, we would not be needed. Or maybe we would. Considering she was defeated by this Presence." Nexus thought a moment, a look of concentration in his eyes.


"Restoring the mutants would require a mage to be present and for him or her to charge the magic of the course of a few minutes. Longer the more we do it. That doesn't seem practical. Maybe...wait, what about crystals? I read somewhere that crystals can store magic. Couldn't we charge the spell into some of these crystals and use them like grenades? If we plan it right and time it properly, we could hit a lot of them before a resistance is built."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Arianna frowned at the slime.  She smiled warmly at Fen.  It wasn't the poor filly's fault.  She followed close behind Midnight, leaving room for Fen in between them.  She kept her eyes ahead, not looking at anything around her.  She was too afraid of what she may see.


(Was away for the day.  :()

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Flare Blitz spoke up from his seat. "If Celestia was here, we'd still be the ones dealing with the Controller and his projects while she dealt with the Presence."


Karma sighed. "While that might be true, we'd still have noe of the most powerful white mages of all time."


"Kinda makes you wish that Starswirled the Bearded was still alive, eh?"


"Indeed." Karma sighed again and turned to Nexus.. "The amount of energy a crystal can hold depends upon what it is and what quality it is. For example, if I just walked over to the Crystal Empire and pick up a shard of Crystal, I could charge it with a small amount of energy, depending on the size of the particular piece." He sighed. "Let's have another- if I were to find a rough diamond the size of my hoof, that alone would hold a huge amount of power. However, if I were to spend three or four days polishing and cutting it into a true work of art, then it would gain almost double the ability of a magical charge." He smiled. "That certainly is an option, but it'll take a while, and I'm not so sure that it will work. This resistance is built up almost automatically as others are hit by it so, while it might delay them becoming immune, I don't think that it will fix it completely."




@, @@Psych Ward,



"Recon the place, pick up information, and locate the portal, plans... or secret switches. This definitely isn't all there is, but I can see why the demon would want to have a hidden chamber for his personal experiments," White Rose said.


Fen shook herself and sighed, rubbing her forehead. She slowly brought her hooves down from her forehead. "I'm okay... I guess..."



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