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private The pure hotel Rp


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Aarod, who had been hitting the bag for a long time now, finally dropped down to his normal standing positions, must of the steam he had now gone, he did turn around and buck the bag however, sending the thing swirling around madly. Yeah, that's right you stupid stallion, doubt your ever gonna see her again. This is why you don't drink, or at least excessively. As these thoughts swirled around his head, he sank to the ground, a few tears in his eyes. He hadn't cried in ages, that's one of the things he had learned on his own, don't show weakness, but how could he not when he had lost the one pony he thought might be his friend here.

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Glancing at his flank, Windy said playfully, "Well, you're correct, but that also means you weren't checking out my flank, because my cutie mark is kind of a dead giveaway on what I do." he said, gesturing towards his prized soccer cleat mark. "I always loved all different sports, but soccer always had, and always will have, a special place in my heart. I loved it from the moment I first set hoof on a pitch. My parents wanted me to be a member of the Royal Guard in Canterlot, but I knew my calling was to play pro soccer." Windy's face lit up and he became more animated as he began talking more about his passion.


"My favorite club was always the Cloudsdale Cavaliers, and I trained, and played hard, and gave it my all on the lower level teams just to get a tryout with them. My hard work paid off, and I got to have a tryout with them. But...." His voice trailed off and he looked away awkwardly, trying not to betray the shame he felt whenever he blundered into talking about his injury. Even thinking about what happened brought a stab of pain to his left temple, but he resisted the urge to massage it. "Well, that's behind me now. Soccer's not really an option for me at the moment, so I guess I have to find a new passion. I must be the only stallion alive who had his cutie mark get it wrong." he mutered bitterly, looking away from Emerald and sipping his drink silently.


"Wow, I guess you must be thinking now that I'm some kind of angsty killjoy, huh?" he said, forcing a laugh from his throat and plastering on a artificial smile. 


"I can't let her think I'm some broody, depressive whiner that is no fun to be around. How do I deflect the topic off of me again??"    

Edited by Windy Runner
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"Don't be stupid, I'm glad to see that the Stallion I've been talking to actually has emotions that aren't based of boasts and bravado." She said, shaking her head a little before swallowing the last of her drink.


"I won't pry if its private." She added, having noticed, even in her intoxicated state, how he had jumped away from the subject immediately after bringing it up.


"It's late, I should get back to my room." She stepped away from the bar, managing to remain upright but feeling a little uneasy - it didn't matter, her room wasn't far - only three floors!


'And stop drinking.'


"I've really enjoyed myself though. I'd like to do this again sometime."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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OOC: Sorry I haven't responded. I had to leave my computer for a couple hours so I'm writing this from my phone.

"Oh my gosh, that's terrible. But I personally think your cutie mark is no reason for anypony to make fun of you. It actually looks pretty cool. I think they exaggerated when they called you Devil's Spawn, too much!" Pink Mist felt sorry for the poor mare. She was glad she had told her what was wrong, that way she could give her advice. She had never been picked on so harshly and it was terrible to hear how horribly mean some ponies can be. "But I think you should tell your stallion friend. You don't have to tell him all at once or too soon, just when you think it's the right time. If he's a good friend and worth being with, he won't make fun of you like the others. He'll comfort you and help you forget your pain. He'll understand why you did what you did." She pointed to the mare's scarred hooves. "And I do too, for some ponies there's just no other way they can cope with their pain. But just try talking to him ok? Then you'll feel all better." She noticed an orange pegasus come in. "Oh, hi. You wanna try one of these mud baths, they're really relaxing!"


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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"Alright." Windy said, paying for the drinks and getting up. Noticing that Emerald was a bit unstable, he offered a hoof to help support her. "Easy Emerald. Do you want me to help you get back to your room?" he asked, before realizing the implications that lay behind it. "I mean, literally just help you get to your door, no further? No funny business, I promise." he said, hoping that even in her drunken state, she would realize that he was actually being sincere.  

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Sunset squeaked with surprise as she realized somepony had spoken to her. She turned to see the source. It was a pink mare. Sunset Sky hid behind her mane, covering most of her scarred face.

"U-um... I-I guess so... M-my wings were s-sore, and I-I don't like m-m-massages... S-so I'm hoping this'll help..."

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Emerald found the choice of words that the colt had used entertaining but knew he was right - she probably could use somepony to at least watch that she didn't fall over her own hooves.


'"Room 302.' she said, still surprised that it seemed to take her body a few second to react to what she was telling it to do. "This... Your not exactly seeing me... At my best.

Never quite forgotten.

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Noon watched in amusement as the lightly influenced group of ponies struggled to maintain sanity. It was quite comical to her, a bit pitiful even. She shifted her gaze towards two particular characters, one stallion and a drunken mare having trouble staying on her feet. Noon walked over to them to get a better look. "Need help?" She asked, examining the stallion. 'A bit headstrong, but sincere. Very quick on his hooves as well.' Noon thought to herself as she waited for a reply.


((OOC: You may want to check out my OC's page before reading my posts, she's a bit unique and you might assume the wrong things about her. XD))

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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@, @,


((Nah, its cool. I love the new Sherlock TV series too!))


Continuing to support Emerald, but turning to look at where the voice had come from, Windy saw a white mare with a vividly pink and purple mane standing in front of him. Blinking once in surprise, he waved his free hoof in a nonchalant manner. "Thanks but no thanks Miss. I got this under control. I'm pretty good at holding my liquor, but I can't say the same for my friend. I'm just gonna get her back to her room, I think I'll be able to do that. Thanks for the consideration though." he added, flashing a smile at the mare before shifting his weigh and half carrying, half walking Emerald out of the bar. 


"Well, that seemed like a nice and helpful mare.... And not too bad looking either. Maybe I'll see her again." he mused as he walked back into the lobby. Shifting Emerald so that she was slumped over his back, he spread his wings. 


"Emerald, since this is an open air hotel, I can just fly us up to the third floor. It'd be easier than the stairs. If you don't feel comfortable with that, though, I'm fine with taking the stairs." Windy said, hoping she'd let him fly her; giving non-pegasus mares that he had a thing for rides was one of his favorite ways to charm them.  

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@, @,

Continuing to support Emerald, but turning to look at where the voice had come from, Windy saw a white mare with a vividly pink and purple mane standing in front of him. Blinking once in surprise, he waved his free hoof in a nonchalant manner. "Thanks but no thanks Miss. I got this under control. I'm pretty good at holding my liquor, but I can't say the same for my friend. I'm just gonna get her back to her room, I think I'll be able to do that. Thanks for the consideration though." he added, flashing a smile at the mare before shifting his weigh and half carrying, half walking Emerald out of the bar.

Noon smirked. "Okay then." She said in an if-you-say-so-tone, probably too quiet for him to hear, watching as the well-built colt brought the groggy girl back to her room. She couldn't imagine she would have been much help anyways, so why did she ask him? He truly was an impressive stallion, though Noon was never able to pinpoint what kind of activity he got that from.


Or his name.


"Damn you, distractions." Noon said quietly to herself.

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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"I'm fine. I'm fine!" Emerald determinedly told the newcomer who had spoken to them, hopelessly trying to wave her off - a difficult action for a pony who was having trouble staying on her hooves anyway.


She vaguely heard Windy suggest flying up to the third floor - it seemed as good an idea as any.

"I... Yeah ok!" She nodded.


'Emerald Gaze! That is EXACTLY the sort of stupid thing you were supposed to AVOID saying!' The fresh air helping clear her mind a little, though not enough for her to listen to herself.

Never quite forgotten.

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"Awesome! Hold on tight Emerald!" Windy said, flapping his wings and flying her up to the third level. Hovering in midair, he looked around until he found room 302. Flying over the balcony and touching down carefully in front of the door, he let Emerald down. As he waited for her to unlock the door, a devious niggling though entered his head. "Wow... she's really drunk! Maybe you shouldn't have gotten her an extra strong! Bu since she IS like this, why don't we have a bit of fun? She'd be more than willing I bet.... No! I shouldn't, I promised that I'd have no funny business! Why not Windy? Well, I promised! So? You know you want to.......I'd be lying if I said I didn't, but I can't! Wow, you're really weak, you know that Windy? A beta loser! Shut up! I'm not weak, me saying no to this is a mark of strength, not weakness! I don't think so Windy..... I think you're just afraid... I'm not afraid of anything!"


Caving in to his temptation, Windy said in a flirty tone, "You know Emerald, I should probably come in.... Need to make sure you make it all the way to your bed without falling, and get tucked in." 


"This is so wrong......."  

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There was forward, and then there was inappropriate. It wasn't anything that she hadn't heard before - some of the more spineless noblecolts had favoured a similar tactic.


Her gemstone eyes locking onto his. She stared at him unflinchingly for a few seconds.


"I like you Windy, but that's cheating. It might work on... on the fillies but..."


She blinked a few times, trying to unfog her vision. Failing that, she realised that she wasn't thinking clearly all and needed to shut down the situation - quickly.


"Don't... Don't lower yourself like that. It's not attractive." She said, still swaying a little.

Never quite forgotten.

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Noon trotted back to the bar and payed the bartender. She said farewell to Stone, glad to meet and new friend on her first day here. After marveling at the many amazing sites around the hotel, Noon walked up the stairs to the third floor, where her room was. Upon getting there, she heard a familiar voice from the room next to her.


"You know Emerald, I should probably come in.... Need to make sure you make it all the way to your bed without falling, and get tucked in." 


"I like you Windy, but that's cheating. It might work on... on the fillies but... Don't... Don't lower yourself like that. It's not attractive."


Noon was half amused, half surprised. "I guess there's more to this duo than meets the eye..." She said to herself quietly. Noon chuckled lightly, went back to her door and walked in. The mud bath and cider had really relaxed her muscles, making it not too difficult to quickly doze off.

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Stone sat at the bar. Alone, bored. But slightly happy that she just met a wonderful, and yet bueatiful mare. But why didn't she say anything, why didn't stone open her mouth, her, biding shy, unheard of, what the hell was wrong with her today. She sat looked at her drink. "What....is wrong with me today..." She said.


Synangel nodded her head "ok....then I might as well tell him, thanks" she said.


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After lying on the roof for a while, sole yawned and stood up, slowly stretching. "Guess ill go back to the bar..." He mumbled to himself, as he flew back inside, heading straight into the bar. He quickly noticed stone and grinned, walking over to her and sitting on the opposite side of the table "why's a beautiful mare like you sitting here alone?" He asked curiously.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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After lying on the roof for a while, sole yawned and stood up, slowly stretching. "Guess ill go back to the bar..." He mumbled to himself, as he flew back inside, heading straight into the bar. He quickly noticed stone and grinned, walking over to her and sitting on the opposite side of the table "why's a beautiful mare like you sitting here alone?" He asked curiously.

Stone looked up from her drink to see a lot of feathers. A griffon? What's a griffin doing here. And the comments. Stone blushed, "just waiting for something to happen I guess" she said "say, are you here for a lady griffin, or pony. Because you know, your beak can be used for a exciting...." She turned extremely red. That.... Was the alcohol talking. She looked down back at her cup

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Sole shrugged "yeah, I'll go with that I guess." He said jokingly, grinning mischievously *if she's an assassin, I wouldn't mind being iced by her...* he thought, before shaking his head "not waiting for a beautiful mare, ive already found one." He complimented "the names sole!" He said happily, holding out a talon *im offering a handshake? Whats wtong with me?* he thought in confusion.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Sole shrugged "yeah, I'll go with that I guess." He said jokingly, grinning mischievously *if she's an assassin, I wouldn't mind being iced by her...* he thought, before shaking his head "not waiting for a beautiful mare, ive already found one." He complimented "the names sole!" He said happily, holding out a talon *im offering a handshake? Whats wtong with me?* he thought in confusion.

Stone shook his talon, 'strong grip, nice' she thought. She blushed from his compliment on her. She smiled "stone heart, nice to meet ya sole" she said with a warmly tone to her voice. She took another sip from her drink, it was strong, and it was already making her tipsy.

Edited by synangel


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Sole nodded and smiled "stone huh... Thanks." He said cheerfully, before watching her take annother sip from her glass. *is she trying to get wasted?* he thought to himself, before sighing "so stony, you here to relax too?" He asked calmly, before ordering annother drink.

Stone nodded her head "yeah...I mean, I really didn't plan on ANYTHING, but some things happened when I got here,but some of the spa treatments are wonderful, as well as the mud bathe" she said before taking another big sip. It was a strong acohol that she was drinking.


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Sole quickly downed a large glass of whiskey, before smiling "sounds nice I guess, but I'm not really into that spa stuff. I like hot tubs though." He said with a shrug, before ordering annother large glass whiskey "this place needs stronger Booz..." He said with a sigh.

Stone shook his head "I think the booze is fine, I most certainly like mine, it's marshmallow Smirnoff with some coke mixed in. Tastes so sweet, yet so strong" she downed the rest of the drink, and ordered another one. She loved this type of drink, so far so good.


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Sole shrugged "nah, I tastes fine, but I mean they need a drink with more kick." He said calmly, downing annother glass "marshmallow Smirnoff huh... I'll have to remember that." He said suggestively "but I still don't know how ya could get tipsy off such a light drink." He said with a shrug.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Sole shrugged "nah, I tastes fine, but I mean they need a drink with more kick." He said calmly, downing annother glass "marshmallow Smirnoff huh... I'll have to remember that." He said suggestively "but I still don't know how ya could get tipsy off such a light drink." He said with a shrug.

"If been here for a whole hun, this ain't my first rodeo" she said said ordering moonshine. Two shots. This, was going to get her drunk, maybe even worse if she just had one shot, and that's it. She got one for her and sole. "This is the strong stuff" she said with a wide smirk.


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