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open The Secluded Village {RP}

Pripyat Pony

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@@Pripyat Pony


"I don't work well with others. I can barely stand him and he's supposed to be my friend." Symphony half-smirked, fluttering her flightless wings in anticipation as she jerked her head back towards Scribe.


"Just, don't stay too close, you'll distract me." She said dismissively.

Never quite forgotten.

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"The Princesses told me that it is essential that we enter the village as a group," Sanura said. "A single pony entering alone would have no chance against what lies within the village. So we must enter together. However, once inside, you may go off by yourself if you wish. It won't matter as the scene will be set."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Speed Blast stretched and grinned, his black eye standing out on his yellow coat, and he grabbed his bat as well as a small hoof crossbow. "Let's go and get this over with!"


Quick Shot said nothing all morning, other than to hang back and drink his coffee and prep his crossbow."Ready," he said, nodding curtly before turning away.

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Sunset hid behind her mane but obeyed. At the pony's question, she stifled a cringe.

"Y-years," she whispered in response. "S-so many I've lost count. I-i've been here since before the time loop st-started..."


After a bit more conversing, the group went their separate ways for the night. Vinyl stayed at a shop, close to the other ponies that were there, that she now called her own. There was plenty of room for others to stay there, but no one had ever asked. Well, except for one mare that she was pretty close to, but that's a story for a different day.


The next morning, Vinyl woke up early and headed outside to meet the others

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Lost nodded, more grateful than ever to have Clover with him. "Right. We can do this. If we stay together, we can make it." While he tried to maintain an outward appearance of calm and confidence, inwardly he was wrestling with fear and anticipatory anxiety at the prospect of what he might see in there.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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"Brace yourselves, everypony," Sanura said, trying to hide her own fears as she stepped forward. "We're going inside."


As soon as everypony entered the village, the scene changed. The village looked like a ghost town; the buildings seemed to be falling down, altho some had been roughly repaired and were obviously lived in. Ashes fluttered down from the sky like light snow. It was day time so the eerie fog was not present. Clover was on the look out, tensed and ready. She gasped and her horn glowed as she heard hoofsteps, but it faded as the pony making the steps walked up to the group.


It was an adult unicorn mare, with dark blue fur and a mane and tail of two lighter shades of blue. She looked at the group with a world weary glance.


"Welcome to hell," she said. "You got in, too? Well, that's too damn bad, cuz you're not going to be leaving here, ever."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"Brace yourselves, everypony," Sanura said, trying to hide her own fears as she stepped forward. "We're going inside."


As soon as everypony entered the village, the scene changed. The village looked like a ghost town; the buildings seemed to be falling down, altho some had been roughly repaired and were obviously lived in. Ashes fluttered down from the sky like light snow. It was day time so the eerie fog was not present. Clover was on the look out, tensed and ready. She gasped and her horn glowed as she heard hoofsteps, but it faded as the pony making the steps walked up to the group.


It was an adult unicorn mare, with dark blue fur and a mane and tail of two lighter shades of blue. She looked at the group with a world weary glance.


"Welcome to hell," she said. "You got in, too? Well, that's too damn bad, cuz you're not going to be leaving here, ever."

A charcoal-furred, unicorn mare, with a red and yellow, flowing mane and scarlet eyes, walked up behind her and looked at the group. "Well what's this? New prisoners of this gods forsaken place? I hope y'all aren't afraid of living forever, like me. I've been here twenty years and not a damn thing has touched me."

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Sunset woke up and looked around. Nothing, as hoped. She was safe until tomorrow,

The small filly stretched her legs, fluttered her wings, and started looking for the bakery. She saw a group near the barrier, and went around to try to approach them unnoticed. She was curious but so wary. She had taught herself to be sneaky and quiet over the years,  since she had run away from the orphanage and found herself here. She wasn't sure she could wish she hadn't; at least the unicorns only came for her once a week, and some of the ponies here were kind. And it wasn't as if she had had anypony who would miss her, and nopony to miss. She hated being stuck in a time loop, but it was more enjoyable than being beaten every day.

She didn't know why this was going through her head at the moment, so she waved it off as she inched toward the group, hiding behind the remnants of a broken-down building.

Edited by Silent Dawn
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As he heard somepony coming, Lost instinctively wrapped a foreleg around Clover's shoulders protectively. He spoke to the two that had approached them. "Just you wait and see. We're going to get out. And we're going to get all of you out with us. The princess sent us, and I don't intend to let her down."

Real men don't need signatures...


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@@Alex Kennedy

Sunset's eyes went wide as she heard the stallion talk. She inched into view, hiding most of her face with her mane.

"Th-the Princess sent you? Y-you're going to get us out?" she asked timidly, her hopes rising slightly, though she was still very wary. She couldn't trust just anypony.

Don't get your hopes up. You've looked nearly everywhere and haven't found an exit, she told herself. She knew better than to get her hopes up, even though she wished so badly that she could.

Edited by Silent Dawn
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Clover was glad of Lost's closeness. She raised her head and looked straight at the strangers.


"We're not your usual visitors," she said. "We were sent by the Princesses to fix this village and free everypony. And we will do it."


The blue unicorn smiled sadly. "I really want to believe you can do that," she said. "But experience tells me otherwise. My name is Shadow Star. When I came here, my son was just a colt. Now tho, enough time has passed to make him as old as I am. Vinyl here has been here even longer than I have. What makes you so certain that you will succeed where we failed?"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony

Sunset nodded in agreement. 

"I-i've been here since the day before the time loop started," she said. "N-nearly every day for years,, i've looked for some way out and haven't found anything... i don't  know if y-you'll be able to help us out... S-sorry..."

She hadn't said this to be mean, she had said this to remind herself to not get her hopes up. She knew she wouold never have a normal life, why even try to hope?

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Pripyat Pony,


((I was kind of waiting for someone else to post, but I guess that's not going to happen.))


Lost shook his head. "Look, the princess chose us for a reason. If she thinks we can solve this, than I'm sure we'll be able to. Besides, if there's a way in, there has to be a way out. We're bound to find it eventually. You don't have to help us if you don't want to, but one way or another, we're going to fix this." 

  • Brohoof 1

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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@@Mint Drop, @@Alex Kennedy,


Clover stood up straighter at Lost's words. "That's right," she said. "We will work together to try and figure out a solution; the Princesses are counting on us."


Sanura said, "The first thing we need to do is map out the village. We need to go around, see what's there."


Shadow Star rolled her eyes. "Such optimism," she said in an aside to Sunset. Shadow Star felt a motherly feeling towards the foal, that she hadn't ever felt before. Even towards her own son, she thought, wryly.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Staying close to the others, he looked around a little. "I wonder where my fear might be lurking... I already have an idea of what it might be, but I am not sure..." he said, looking at the shadows around them.

"And I agree that we should have a peek around... Could be helpful if we have to flee from anything, or hide." he continued.

  • Brohoof 1

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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"You need not worry about nightmare creatures for the moment," Shadow Star said. "Those will only come out at night, and it's morning now. But I would advise you to find someplace to stay for the night, if you don't want to be killed by your nightmares. Those of us who survive here know that our nightmares can't be killed, only stayed."

  • Brohoof 1



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"Some of you can stay with me, in the run-down shop, if you want to. There's plenty of space, and, if you wouldn't mind, I could use some help tidying up the place." Twenty years in this place and I still haven't found the time to completely fix the place up... Dear Luna...

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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  • 2 weeks later...

"That would be best," Clover replied. "We all ought to keep together, in any case," she added, looking at the others.


Shadow Star said, "Especially when darkness falls. You ought to make a note of what your nightmare looks like when you see it, so you can keep an eye out for it another time."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony

Sunset nodded slightly as the mare muttered "Such optimism." 

She couldn't agree more. How did they know they were going to get them out? Even if it were possible, it could take years!

She pawed the ground timidly as the other ponies spoke. When everypony was quiet again, she mustered up the courage to ask soothing.

"Wh-what... d-does anypony kn-know what time it is?"


((Minty and Sunset should meet... they're both shy.))

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@@Mint Drop, Sanura checked the wind up clock she had in her saddlebags. "According to this," she said, "It's mid morning. But it doesn't look like that here."


The days in the Village always seemed as tho they were stuck mid afternoon, with night dropping suddenly at the end of the day. It was all part of the strangeness.


Shadow Star chuckled. "I bet it doesn't rain ashes out there, like it does here," she said.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Mint Drop, Sanura checked the wind up clock she had in her saddlebags. "According to this," she said, "It's mid morning. But it doesn't look like that here."


The days in the Village always seemed as tho they were stuck mid afternoon, with night dropping suddenly at the end of the day. It was all part of the strangeness.


Shadow Star chuckled. "I bet it doesn't rain ashes out there, like it does here," she said.

"It probably doesn't. I wish it didn't here. The ashes always mess up my coat and mane, and it's a pain to clean off." Dear Luna... Don't make yourself seem so vain. Vinyl glanced over to Shadow Star, then looked away quickly. "So, umm... While we're waiting, I was thinking of organising a little get together, maybe a dance, to lift our spirits a bit."

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Ooc: @@Alex Kennedy, @, @, @@Zhooves, @, Hello? O_o



@, "I'd like that," Shadow Star replied. "True, I never went to dances back when I lived in the real world; I was far too busy going to bars and playing cards." She laughed a little. "Oh, the stallions all thought that they could beat me, but I soon showed them!"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,@,


((Sorry, I've been unusually busy lately, and I didn't realize how much this RP had carried on since my last post.))


Lost shrugged. "Not that I have anything against getting to know you and all, but don't we have more important things to do than dancing? This situation isn't going to resolve itself, and the princesses are counting on us."

Real men don't need signatures...


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@@Alex Kennedy,


@@Mint Drop,


Clover said, "Maybe we could use the time as a means of learning the layout of the village." She held up a blank scroll that she'd taken out of a saddlebag. "This is a new spell of mine, that I only developed about a month ago. Basically, as we walk around a place, it appears on the map. That way, we could get a proper map of the village which would help us work out what to do. Also, we do need to talk to the ponies here. Maybe one of them holds the key."


Shadow Star looked thoughtful as she listened. That unicorn mare didn't know how right she was. Shadow Star glanced at little Sunset, who's death was the cause of the village being the way it was; that and the failed ritual. She couldn't for the life of her work out how to say this tho, these other ponies would probably think she was crazy, since Sunset obviously wasn't dead now.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony

Sunset gasped quietly and squirmed where she was standing. Pawing the ground, she wasn't sure what to do. She was the cause of the whole time loop- running away had caused the ritual to fail. She didn't know if she should tell them. Who knew how they would react. 

Feeling nervous, the little filly inched away from the group slightly.


((oh just they wait... when Sunset dies tomorrow and is revived when the time loop restarts, I think they'll understand.))

Edited by Mint Drop
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