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open Constellation Crusaders Reboot


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Aurora saw him flying in the air,but he stopped and flew back in,laughing. Misery growled as he laughed "oh-ho-ho...you can NOT get rid of me that easily you little..."he growls,his horn and eyes glow as the elements all glow,holding down Luna and Celestia in such a tight grip of force,they couldnt move a single muscle. Misery them slowly walked over with the eeriest of laughs,he then stopped to admire the beauty of the sisters "mhmhmhm...oh,I could never resist your flanks Celestia...and Luna...your just pretty to look at...so...no...I won't kill you...no,no,no,no,no....mhmhmhm...I something BETTER planned."he says with a very very creepy smile as he places his hoof on Luna and Celestia's chest,he then dissabled their magic.

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Sparkshower saw him fly back in "we've got to get help. " she raced inside the palace and found twilight sparkle "You eed to find a spell to banish the elements of chaos back to their cave and you need to do it NOW" Twilight's eyes widened and she raced off to find Cosmo

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Misery laughed and looked at Celestia's throne and he drug the two Princesses up to sit beside him as he took his place as the new "King" of Equestria,he laughed ahrd and nearly fell out as he felt the rush of excitement that overcame him "oooh~..now I now why Celestia LOVES this throne thingy...its even warmed by said Princess's big flank itself."he said with a disturbed chuckle. Aurora blinked and slowly trotted/limped his way into the castle to see the dead guards,he slowly walked to see the sight he had dreaded...he stopped and sat,staring up at Misery. Misery looked at Aurora and tilted his head slightly "...bow..."he says,he looks to Celestia and she reluctantly nods,so her friend wasent hurt or worse. Aurora sighed and bowed,vowing his vengence.

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(By the Night, Slow the buck down!)

Cosmo enters the throne room, clearly irritated at misery, "To face many foes at once is foolish, but to ignore them? To dismiss an opponent and forget about him? That's simply a death wish..." several swords formed in the air and several Cosmos formed as well, each with his own sword, and all of them radiated the same amount of energy, hiding Cosmo in the crowd of himself.

(In the time he'd have reacted to Misery's rampage, Cosmo got some energy reserves he stored in his room. Again, slow down guys, or at least explain why Cosmo couldn't react...)

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Misery growled in annoyance "you dare speak to your God in such a tone? How dare you,you insolent,useless pony....Aurora...kill him..."he says,he looks to Celestia,her eyes widen in horror,he gulps,he didnt have contol over his body as his hoof reached his pistol,it slowly took it out and pointed it at Cosmo "COSMO! RUN!"he yells at him,trying his hardest to resist Misery's magical power.

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Sparkshower pleaded for twilight to reach cosmo in time. she didn't have enough energy to move at all the running had taken even the last bit. She fought blacking out. She heard Aurora's cry of "Run Cosmo Run" and feebly stoobd up and tried to make her way to the throne room.

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Misery growled in annoyance "you dare speak to your God in such a tone? How dare you,you insolent,useless pony....Aurora...kill him..."he says,he looks to Celestia,her eyes widen in horror,he gulps,he didnt have contol over his body as his hoof reached his pistol,it slowly took it out and pointed it at Cosmo "COSMO! RUN!"he yells at him,trying his hardest to resist Misery's magical power.

(Which one? This is pretty much that ability from Naruto where he summons a bunch of fragile clones of himself.)

Cosmo flared his magic to restrain the firing mechanism on Aurora's pistol. The group of clones spoke in unison, "God? First, it's Goddess. Second, you aren't Lady Night. Third, you haven't impressed me enough to demand respect. However you have earned this." A sharp pulse of Telekinesis knocked Misery out of the throne and toward the group of Cosmo clones who then attacked in groups leaving countless cuts across Misery's body.

(Btw, what's Twilight doing in this?)

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Misery laughed through all of this and he slammed his hooves down,sending a gigantic pulse of destroying energy through all the clones,destroying them instantly as he slowly walks forward,the blood seeping from Misery,but he seemed to..grow...stronger by it...it was so unnatural... oh,I'm sorry? I didnt HEAR YOU!!!"he yells out in the Royal Canterlot voice,making everypony's ring before he teleported forward and he punched Cosmo in the face,cracking his jaw,then he picked Aurora up with his powers and said "would you like Celestia's,Lunas,or Aurora's blood on your hooves?"he asked as they all floated towards him,each one with a knife to thier throats "choose wisely Cosmo..."

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Misery laughed through all of this and he slammed his hooves down,sending a gigantic pulse of destroying energy through all the clones,destroying them instantly as he slowly walks forward,the blood seeping from Misery,but he seemed to..grow...stronger by it...it was so unnatural... oh,I'm sorry? I didnt HEAR YOU!!!"he yells out in the Royal Canterlot voice,making everypony's ring before he teleported forward and he punched Cosmo in the face,cracking his jaw,then he picked Aurora up with his powers and said "would you like Celestia's,Lunas,or Aurora's blood on your hooves?"he asked as they all floated towards him,each one with a knife to thier throats "choose wisely Cosmo..."

Cosmo froze as he realized his mistake. "Now who's the fool..." he muttered quietly. After a tense pause, Cosmo knew he couldn't bear for any of them to die because of him, so he said, "My loyalty to Luna demanded I oppose your strength, and ultimately, I've only confirmed it... If blood must be drawn, let it be my own... I will not betray another to suffer for my actions... although its been my expirience that a broken foe sends a stronger message than a dead one..." Cosmo hated himself for this, and knew what he would do if Misery ignored his request, but he recognized his own arrogance was what got him in this situation... "I'm definately not leader material..."

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Misery made an evil laugh from deep in his throat "awww~...so kind...but...if you cannot choose...I shall kill all three of them."he growls and presees the knives to their throats,all the gulp hard and shake "One last chance Cosmo...choose...or all three die..."he says. Aurora blinks and stares at Cosmo,then Misery,then to his Princesses.

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Sparkshower reaches the throne room and sees misery with the knife to his throat. Anger pulsated through her, giving her energy. And a new spell came to mind. her magic had returned probably just for this for tonight. She saw Cosmos struggle to choose and suddenly she had a burst of energy. She rose into the air the blue light back in her eyes "The elements of chaos might think themselves righteous, they even might think themselves cool. But as long as we're here, none should fear for chaos NEVER shall rule" The blue light branched out and wrapped around ,misery, sending him to the cave where the elements of chaos are detained. (p.s. aurora Misery is getting just a little too op'd right now he needs to try to recuperate and get the other elements, while the others the good guys rebuild)

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(Seriously, Sparkshower's right. At the same time... I had a great plan... Now I can't use it :( )

Cosmo watched Sparkshower banish Misery and decided, "I will talk to Luna about her... She has as much power as I do and she's probably better suited for leadership... She deserves to be Luna's apprentice." Cosmo walked up to her and said, "Thank you. I don't want to think I was helpless, but I was quickly running out of options... You saved my life." He then approached Luna and Celestia, kneeled with his head down and said, "Princesses, I underestimated my opponent and put you in danger... I'm sorry..."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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((OOC: he had all six elements on him,but now he is trapped,crisis averted.))

Aurora blinked and coughed,the knife clanked to the ground with him and the Princesses he looked at the two,he sighed in relief and hugged them "I'm sorry...I couldnt...couldnt help...I...I don't diserve to be...to be in the new branch...I'm useless..."he says,looking down.

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Luna stepped over "you have not begun your training the fault lies in that fact, you simply did not know how to handle the elements. Fighting these guys requires training, even me as a princess could not fight them as you see, You managed to weaken him enough that he could be banished and served a s ad distraction, that is not useless that is untrained, and you did pretty well despite that"

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Aurora shook his head "...still...I couldnt fight...I was useless...Cosmo and Sparkshower desirve all the credit...they banished him...and served a real purpose...all I did was get in the way,Princess Luna..."he sighs shamefully and quietly. Misery growls in his cell "DAMN YOU PONIES,I VOW I SHALL HAVE MY REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!"he yells out into the air.

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Luna said "all the same I want you to be in the group, more importantly Sparkshower wants you in the group, She needs you by her side to give her strength. She was only able to perform the banishing spell because you were in danger, had you not been there she probably wouldn't have found the strength to perform the spell, speaking of which I do believe sleep is in order for your mare friend." she nodded over to sparkshower who was trying to sty awake and barely succeeding.

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Aurora sighed and looked at Luna "...thank you...Luna...I...I want to spend some time with you later on..."he says,then he bows to his Princesses he nods to Celestia,who nods back and smiles,he sighs and slowly trots over to his mare friend,he looked at her and held her "shhh...go to sleep Spark...I got you now."he says in a soothing voice.

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sparkshower yawned and rested her head on his shoulder and quickly fell asleep. She had strange dreams, not a one making sense, not a one being good or bad. They mostly included apple pies but that didn't really matter, all that much. she snuggled closer to him in her sleep

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Aurora smiled slightly and flew her on his back to her home,he sighed softly as he smiled and crawled into bed with her,he closed his eyes and dosed off into a deep,dark...lonely...sleep...no light,no warmth...no nothing...darkness...he hated the dark...for many more reasons than one...he slept...

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(And Cosmo from the future hovered over them being creepy as buck. Lol, no)

Cosmo was silent till he got to his room. He was still in shock that he'd nearly gotten one of them killed. "I should've used Blood Wind on him. Why didn't I have Shadow Dance on? I should've teleported the knives away. I should've..."

"ENOUGH!" Fade shouted from within the sword, "What's done is done and everyone's ok Cosmo. If Sparkshower hadn't stepped in, you would've used Blood Wind and reduced him to paste. You're always harder on yourself than neccesary..." Cosmo replied, "I was overly reckless!" Fade came out to say, "What else is new? Your method is unorthodox but it works. Don't start questioning yourself now." Cosmo lightened up at his guardian's advice, "Thanks Fade... I don't know how I functioned without you." Fade smiled, "Neither do I."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Misery sat in the dark,cold stone cell,his eyes closed as they focused on the floor,he started to chuckle,but stopped when he heard it...a distant laugh...he hated Laughter...well...excluding his own,evil laughter... Misery slowly looked up as his eyes glowed the milky white,he let out a snarl as he saw a mare walk into view,she sat infront of the cell and cocked her head sideways,smiling kindly "hello mister,seems oyu have yourself in a bind hmm?"she asks. Misery blinks,confused but he stares at her,his frown still upon his face "...You arent who I think you are...are you?"he asked. The mare simply giggled and scooted closer to the bars,holding her mouth and nose through "oh you sure never forget a face huh?"she asked,her bright eyes and smile almost making Misery want to throw up,but he replied "...no...especially not the ones I hate..."he replies seethingly,he felt uncomfortable...very uncomfortable...


((X3 nice Breech))

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Waterfall opened the seal of the envelope and read the letter, her eyes going side to side. When she was done reading she let out a really high pitched squeal. "I can't believe I got promoted again this is a dream come true. My parents will be so proud that I got a promotion again in my job."

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Finally the  day  had come. The day in which The first debriefing of the Constellation Crusaders would take place. The recruits all lined up and waited for Luna to speak. Alright She thought Now we just have to wait for Sparkshower Aurora Cosmo Waterfall and Coral Reef.

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Waterfall arrives at the place and she sees that she is the first one there. She starts to walk around and look around looking at the guards. she finally gets tried of walking around and goes back to the seats and sits down. while she is waiting she starts to read.

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Cosmo walked in shortly after Waterfall, making note to introduce himself later. As he waited for the others, Cosmo sat down with a book on time travel, studying the magic in hopes of mastering it in a few decades. Anyone watching him would notice the glowing crystal on a cord around his neck, and that he seemed to be moving at an abnormally fast pace for reading. A gifted unicorn or magic user would figure out he was in a separate time space and for him, time was slowed so he could read more.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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