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open Romance on the blaze of glory rp


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Wind Stream screams towards the ship before stopping on a dime, landing softly on the deck, adjusting his off-duty clothing and hat. The pony, quite large and noticeable, would walk around on the deck looking for his room to drop off his stuff. Unfortunately, he obviously seems to get lost in the process.

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Inks didn't think she would turn around. He had already said bye, yet she turned around. Why did she turn around?! Inks didn't know what to say. He was slightly panicing, for he didn't know what to do. "Do you wanna um... hang out sometime?" Inks jaw almost dropped at the sound of his voice. Did he really just say that?  Did he really just say that? 

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Inks didn't think she would turn around. He had already said bye, yet she turned around. Why did she turn around?! Inks didn't know what to say. He was slightly panicing, for he didn't know what to do. "Do you wanna um... hang out sometime?" Inks jaw almost dropped at the sound of his voice. Did he really just say that?  Did he really just say that? 


Appy turned her attention away from the griffon and back to the purple unicorn.


"Sure!" She said, then backed down the stairs to her room quietly.


She shut the door and let out a sigh of relief.


Stage one of getting to know other ponies has been completed. She thought to herself. It couldn't be that hard to get over her agoraphobia! At least one pony seemed to have liked her.


She decided to wait til they were out at sea before she emerged again.

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((For anyone who cares, someone very kindly made a vector of Inks. If you want to see it, it's the picture on his character page.))


Inks chuckled. Can she only say one word at a time? He hoped to make some friends here, and it seems he made at least one. For now, he was content with the amount of awkward social interaction for the time being and he followed suit with Appy and went to his own room. He saw his hat on a small night table. His horn glowed a dark green and the hat was surrounded by the same color. Inks place the gently onto his head and sat in a chair in the room.

  • Brohoof 1
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Crimson sighed as he looked out over the quite town in search of the two remaining guests, "come on swordpoint, I thought dash being the fastest flyer in equestria would drag your ass here faster...did somthing happen...nah, swordpoints way too strong to get himself killed...again..." thought crimson as he scanned the area.

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Swordpoint and Rainbow descended from the clouds, spiraling toward the deck with blinding speed. They pulled up before reaching it and landed gently. Swordpoint saw Crimson immediately. "Ah, Crimson! It has been some time, now! It was quite kind of you to invite us."


Rainbow smiled. "Hey, I'm just glad he's not risking his bucking life for once. I'll take a laid back cruise over a bloody battle anyday." 

  • Brohoof 1

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Swordpoint and Rainbow descended from the clouds, spiraling toward the deck with blinding speed. They pulled up before reaching it and landed gently. Swordpoint saw Crimson immediately. "Ah, Crimson! It has been some time, now! It was quite kind of you to invite us."


Rainbow smiled. "Hey, I'm just glad he's not risking his bucking life for once. I'll take a laid back cruise over a bloody battle anyday."


Crimson smiled and punched swordpoint in the arm playfully, "no problem, that's what brothers are for! After so much shit we've been through, were practically family! So why wouldn't I invite you?" Asked crimson happily before turning to dash, "you said it, I thought I would take a break from life threatening adventures and have a calm party cruise instead..." said crimson with a chuckle.

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((OOC just a suggestion which you can tell me to Buck off if ya like... but can Rainbow and Swordpoint speak in two diff colors to make it easier to tell whose talking? Thanks))


Appy heard the voice of Rainbow Dash above her.


Oooooh its Rainbow Dash... Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, What am I going to do... or say? She's so confident and popular.


Appy nervously paced the floor before sneaking out of her room and back on deck. Just just wanted to get a glimpse of the famous element of harmony and hoped she would go unnoticed.


((OOC but you're welcome to find her... she's sort of a female version of Big Mac mixed with a teaspoon of Fluttershy, some scrambled Celestia, a pinch of Twilight and a dash of Mikestar, so you may not get more than a word or two out of her though LOL))

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(OoC: There's one speaker per paragraph, and one character is always the subject of a paragraph. If for some odd reason I do mention both in one paragraph, I'll usually distinguish who's speaking. Also, once you RP with him a little, you'll find it easy to distinguish Swordpoint from RD.)



Swordpoint smirked. "Ha, you are right. I trust that the course which you have plotted will lead us through safe waters. The guests which I can see here do not appear to be very skilled fighters."


Rainbow laughed. "Oh, just wait. Something'll go wrong. It always does. That's something I learned about you a long time ago."


"But you are no slouch, yourself, Rainbow," Swordpoint said confidently. "Why not show Crimson what your training has yielded?"


Rainbow smirked. "I was waiting for you to suggest that!" She spread her wings and glowed with a rainbow colored aura. She disappeared with a pop and reappeared behind Crimson. "Check it out. I'm finally getting the hang of this magic stuff!"


(OoC: If you don't know, Swordpoint is capable of magic, but yada yada yada just read his backstory. Long story short, he's training Rainbow how pegasi can use magic. Crimson already knows this, anyway.) 

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Whirl Wake sighed in annoyance at being ignored. He flew up the stairs and set down beside Crimson, hoping to get his attention. "Like I said," He spoke loudly, articulating every word. "Where are th-" Whirl turned his gaze to see Rainbow Dash, the Element of loyalty, standing before him. He looked at Crimson, then back to Rainbow. Then back to Crimson. He leaned in and whispered to the captain. "When you said you had friends in high places I though you meant some rich Canterlot ponies, but..." He raised an eyebrow and looked into Crimson's eyes.. "Her?!"

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Star saw everypony conversing, and slipped bellow deck. It was much quieter there, and she could still tell it was quiet a bit before nightfall. She still heard the noises from the deck, but it was more muffled.


((Can someone please come talk with Star? I have nothing to do... :( ))

Stone heart saw a mare who had decided to sneak below the deck. This drew her into curiosity, so she came to the the decision of following the mare. She walked down following behind her "um....whatchya doin down here, it's much more fun up there on that there deck." She said looking at the said mare.


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(OoC: There's one speaker per paragraph, and one character is always the subject of a paragraph. If for some odd reason I do mention both in one paragraph, I'll usually distinguish who's speaking. Also, once you RP with him a little, you'll find it easy to distinguish Swordpoint from RD.)



Swordpoint smirked. "Ha, you are right. I trust that the course which you have plotted will lead us through safe waters. The guests which I can see here do not appear to be very skilled fighters."


Rainbow laughed. "Oh, just wait. Something'll go wrong. It always does. That's something I learned about you a long time ago."


"But you are no slouch, yourself, Rainbow," Swordpoint said confidently. "Why not show Crimson what your training has yielded?"


Rainbow smirked. "I was waiting for you to suggest that!" She spread her wings and glowed with a rainbow colored aura. She disappeared with a pop and reappeared behind Crimson. "Check it out. I'm finally getting the hang of this magic stuff!"


(OoC: If you don't know, Swordpoint is capable of magic, but yada yada yada just read his backstory. Long story short, he's training Rainbow how pegasi can use magic. Crimson already knows this, anyway.)



Whirl Wake sighed in annoyance at being ignored. He flew up the stairs and set down beside Crimson, hoping to get his attention. "Like I said," He spoke loudly, articulating every word. "Where are th-" Whirl turned his gaze to see Rainbow Dash, the Element of loyalty, standing before him. He looked at Crimson, then back to Rainbow. Then back to Crimson. He leaned in and whispered to the captain. "When you said you had friends in high places I though you meant some rich Canterlot ponies, but..." He raised an eyebrow and looked into Crimson's eyes.. "Her?!"

Crimson chuckled at rainbow dashes show of magical skill, "very good dash, you've improved greatly since the last time I saw you, if you keep this up you might just get mistaken for a unicorn!" Said crimson jokingly before turning to whirl wake with a raised eyebrow, "canterlot ponies? Why would I want to be freinds with greedy snobbs like them? Me and dash are old freinds, actually I go way back with all of the mane six, they've gotten me out of some pretty bad situations before, actually believe it or not, they met me because celestia sent them to capture me for ripping her off on a job she hired me for, but that's a story for anaother time, right now we should finally set sail, seeing as all the guests are finally here." Said crimson before using his magic to untie the ropes holding the ship to the dock, while also unfealing the sails, crimson smiled, "by the way swordpoint, ive also gotten better at magic..." said crimson with a chuckle.

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Sole sighed and shrugged, before walking away. He hated being ignored, and already being in a bad mood doesn't help. "I've done nothing but embarass myself and get ignored all day... I really need a monster to fight or something..." he mumbled in a slightly depressed tone, before flying above the ship, floating through the air aimlessly.

((Can someone talk to sole? I've been ignored twice now!))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Said crimson jokingly before turning to whirl wake with a raised eyebrow, "canterlot ponies? Why would I want to be freinds with greedy snobbs like them? Me and dash are old freinds, actually I go way back with all of the mane six, they've gotten me out of some pretty bad situations before, actually believe it or not, they met me because celestia sent them to capture me for ripping her off on a job she hired me for, but that's a story for anaother time, right now we should finally set sail, seeing as all the guests are finally here"

Whirl Wake turned back to the rainbow-haired pegasus. "Well, now I know that this cruise will be a lot more interesting than I thought." He shifted his gaze to the stallion next to her. "I'm Whirl Wake, by the way. And you are?" He hoped not to get on this pony's bad side, as he was friends with the captain and appeared to be quite powerful.



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Star nearly jumped as a female unicorn started talking to her.


"Well, um, I'm not one for conversing. And even if I was, I can't exactly strike up a conversation." she said, facing the ground and blushing.


"Oh, I'm Star Gazer." She added just loud enough to be heard.

Stone chuckled, she liked howw she blushed, she thought it was cute. But it also reminded her of herself before the war. "Well, how do you star. Names stone heart." She said with a friendly tone. "Well, if you ain't good at talkin, then why be down here, when you could be up there listenin" she said. "It sure is interesting to be listening to some if the conversations, rather than be alone here" she said.


(And I am not misspelling words, it's just her accent :P )

Edited by synangel


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"I see," Swordpoint said with just a hint of curiosity. "Perhaps we should have a magic duel later. I'm eager to see how your training has paid off. I have somewhat better control of my own magic, as well." Swordpoint turned to Whirl Wake. "My name is Swordpoint, Whirl Wake. It is a pleasure to meet you."


Rainbow waved. "Yeah, me too! So you're probably not a fighter, huh?"

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@, @

Swordpoint turned to Whirl Wake. "My name is Swordpoint, Whirl Wake. It is a pleasure to meet you."


Rainbow waved. "Yeah, me too! So you're probably not a fighter, huh?"

Whirl Wake shrugged. "I guess I could be an advantage to, but not as a soldier." He glanced back at the hatch before turning to the Rainbow Pony. "I could simulate a venom similar to that of a yellow dart frog with a bar of had soap and a lime, with which you could coat your sword to ensure death even with the slightest cut from its blade."

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Whirl Wake shrugged. "I guess I could be an advantage to, but not as a soldier." He glanced back at the hatch before turning to the Rainbow Pony. "I could simulate a venom similar to that of a yellow dart frog with a bar of had soap and a lime, with which you could coat your sword to ensure death even with the slightest cut from its blade."



Crimson smirked t whirl and gave him an intriuged look, "poison skills eh? Interesting...well, while most of the guests besides stone and sole aren't fighters, me and swordpoint are trained warriors, I'm a master of swordsmanship, battle strategy, and hoof to hoof combat, I had ten years of training from equestrias first pirate, and last but not least, because of a fluke of fate, I can also do this..." said crimson mischeviously before jumping back from both swordpoint and whirl and giving them a devious grin, "watch this..." said crimson before his body ignited in flames and he breathed a jet of fire into the sky, after a few moments, he stopped and looked at both of his freinds with a satisfied smirk, "impressed? Or was that a bit too much?" Asked crimson with a light chuckle.

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Crimson smirked t whirl and gave him an intriuged look, "poison skills eh?"

Whirl Wake turned to Crimson. "Well, after being paid for years to create antibodies against said poisons, I learn a thing or two about them." 



"watch this..." said crimson before his body ignited in flames and he breathed a jet of fire into the sky, after a few moments, he stopped and looked at both of his freinds with a satisfied smirk, "impressed? Or was that a bit too much?" Asked crimson with a light chuckle.

Whirl Wake laughed. "Woah-ho-ho! Remind me never to get you mad, Crimson. When I die, I don't think I want it to be due to burning alive." 

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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((So Inks has been replaced by Blaze)) 




Blaze Finder sniffed the air. He smelled smoke. Without a second thought, he dashed out of his room with blinding speed, just in time to see Crimson's whole fire thing. The pyromaniac started laughing hysterically. "Holy crap Crimson that's the coolest thing ever!" How in Tartarus did you do that?"

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Whirl Wake turned to Crimson. "Well, after being payed for years to create antibodies against said poisons, I learn a thing or two about them."


Whirl Wake laughed. "Woah-ho-ho! Remind me never to get you mad, Crimson. When I die, I don't think I want it to be due to burning alive."


Crimson chuckled and patted whirl on the back, "don't worry, I'm pyrokinetic, not only am I immune to flames, but if I wanted to, I could make my flames harmless to you, its just ONE of the many perks of being a fire elemental, that and I can literally EAT fire if I'm hungry, cool huh?" Asked crimson, he then turned to blaze, "I'm a fire elementel, I have comlete and total control over fire, I got these abilities from an enchanted scroll, but like a said before, its a story for anoather time..." said crimson. Edited by ragestar
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Crimson chuckled and patted whirl on the back, "don't worry, I'm pyrokinetic, not only am I immune to flames, but if I wanted to, I could make my flames harmless to you, its just ONE of the many perks of being a fire elemental, that and I can literally EAT fire if I'm hungry, cool huh?" Asked crimson.

Whirl Wake's eyes went wide as he laughed. "Intriguing. What next, you can turn me into a dingy in case the ship is too damaged to ride?" He said, still chuckling. "I wonder what fire tastes like..." He imagined a warm flame inside his mouth. "Like... Excruciating, burning pain, maybe?"

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Blaze's eyes grew wide. "You can make me immune to flames?! That would be so buckin helpful. You don't know how many times some of this coat has had to grow back. Eating fire sounds like the coolest fricken thing ever! You're so lucky." He realized how he had barged in and his ears flattened against his head. One of them was deformed and looked like a flame.

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