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Remmy smiles at Elipsis. "Of course you can! But maybe you should  go now. You may think she wants to be alone, but it might be better to apologize as soon as you can. But do whatever you think is better." She turned towards Whirl Wake. "Oh uh, yea!" She took the paper out of her saddle bag and showed it to Whirl Wake. 


((Just so you don't have to look, Remmy has phys ed with Whirl Wake. I might need to change her schedule since i she has nopony in her classes.))



@@Psych Ward,


Blaze nodded. "I didn't get a paper, but the dean told me which dorm I'm in. I think I'm in dorm 7. Yea 7 sounds about right." He flew up to where he knew the Sherclop Pones series would be and grabbed the last book in the section. He floated back down and landed next to psych. "Last book in the series. Only one I haven't read yet."

Edited by Ampharos
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Psych smiled, grabbing the first Daring Do book off the shelf, one of the few series she hadn't read yet, and nodded.  "You're a few down form my dorm then," Psych smiled.  "Light Eye and I are in Dorm 2."  She put her overly large stack of books onto the checkout desk, carefully placing her card on top.

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Remmy smiles at Elipsis. "Of course you can! But maybe you should go now. You may think she wants to be alone, but it might be better to apologize as soon as you can. But do whatever you think is better." She turned towards Whirl Wake. "Oh uh, yea!" She took the paper out of her saddle bag and showed it to Whirl Wake.


((Just so you don't have to look, Remmy has phys ed with Whirl Wake. I might need to change her schedule since i she has nopony in her classes.))



@@Psych Ward,


Blaze nodded. "I didn't get a paper, but the dean told me which dorm I'm in. I think I'm in dorm 7. Yea 7 sounds about right." He flew up to where he knew the Sherclop Pones series would be and grabbed the last book in the section. He floated back down and landed next to psych. "Last book in the

series. Only one I haven't read yet."



Elipsis sits down next to Remmy "well I'm her room mate, I'll talk to her before bed I guess..." She smiles "thanks for letting me sit here, as Remmy spoke to her friend Elipsis wanted to get to know every pony at the table "so...it nice to meet you ponies, what's your names?" Elipsis made a sheepish smile as she asked the question (OOC well, this is odd, now I have to meet my OWN CHARACTER!? Guess I gotta, she's sitting at my table, but not now, I'll let someone else reply first.)

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((OOC: Its cool. Germaneigh. I like that name. I used to called it Germareny. I like yours better.))
"Ja," he replied. "I only use a few words of it any more and less of the accent, but most of my foalhood was in Germaneigh. 'Germaneigh ist wunderschön' as my mother said often. Common Equestrian wasn't too hard to learn, as the two languages are fairly similar. But I don't get to use my native tongue terribly often in this part of the world. Ich mah dich. Would you like me to show you around the campus? I know it very well and little has changed since the last time I was here."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@, @@Ampharos,


After splashing some water onto her face and gathering enough courage to re-enter the cafeteria, Ciel approached her table only to find it empty. She glance daround the cafeteria and found both Elipsis and Remmy sitting at a table with a couple of other ponies. She started forward then hesitated. They looked pretty happy and content, and she didn't want to ruin it. But she needed to apologize to both of them for her outburst, Eilpsis especially.


So she took a deep breath and approached them. "Elipsis, I am so sorry for snapping at you like that. It's just that cutie marks are a touchy subject to me and when I hear ponies complaining about them or taking them for granted, i get really upset because I don't even have one." She bowed her head a bit. "I'm really sorry..." She murmured. She shook her head so that her mane covered her face a bit, as she really hadn't thought of the fact that her apology was being made public. There were a lot of ponies at the table, she just hoped they didn't say anything. "You too, Remmy. I'm sorry for ruining our conversation."

Edited by DarligPegasi
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@, @@Ampharos,


After splashing some water onto her face and gathering enough courage to re-enter the cafeteria, Ciel approached her table only to find it empty. She glance daround the cafeteria and found both Elipsis and Remmy sitting at a table with a couple of other ponies. She started forward then hesitated. They looked pretty happy and content, and she didn't want to ruin it. But she needed to apologize to both of them for her outburst, Eilpsis especially.


So she took a deep breath and approached them. "Elipsis, I am so sorry for snapping at you like that. It's just that cutie marks is a touchy subject to me and when I hear ponies complaining about them or taking them for granted, i get really upset because I don't even have one." She bowed her head a bit. "I'm really sorry..." She murmured. She shook her head so that her mane covered her face a bit, as she really hadn't thought of the fact that her apology was being made public. There were a lot of ponies at the table, she just hoped they didn't say anything. "You too, Remmy. I'm sorry for ruining our conversation."

"Im glad we can still be friends Ceil" Elipsis smiled and hugs Ciel. " now please, sit with us"

Elipsis pointed towards the table.

(OOC Characters up to two hundred! Why do I have to give so much to this thing. Two hundred, three hundred characters fhhhhhhh

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Whirl Wake gave Light a confused stare for a a few seconds, right before trotting back to the restaurant and getting another lemonade.



"Your drink." He said to the mare, smiling and handing her the cup. "I don't think I ever got your name, I'm Whirl Wake." He held out his hoof and put on a friendly expression.


"Oh, thank you! I'm Starry Night, you can call me Starry, Night, or Star."


She shook his hoof and smiled, her smile was pretty. She looked towards hallway.


"I'm going to head towards the library, you can join if you would like Whirl."


Starry had held her drink with her magic.She started trotting towards the hallway, trying to catch up with the others.

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"Oh, thank you! I'm Starry Night, you can call me Starry, Night, or Star."


She shook his hoof and smiled, her smile was pretty. She looked towards hallway.


"I'm going to head towards the library, you can join if you would like Whirl."


Starry had held her drink with her magic.She started trotting towards the hallway, trying to catch up with the others.

Whirl Wake smiled. "I'm fine with that!" He smiled, getting out of his chair. "Do you wanna go now, or stay here for a bit?" He quickly walked to a nearby trash can and threw away the halved like he had under his wing. 'No need for that anymore.' He thought to himself, thinking of other ways to bring adversity to Steeleye.

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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"I'm heading now."


She gasped, how could she be so stupid? She could teleport to the library! Starry looked at Whirl.


"Could you grab my hoof? I can teleport both of us to the library. Not in a creepy way."


She blushed while still smiling.  Starry never had many friends and most of them weren't stallions.

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"I'm heading now."


She gasped, how could she be so stupid? She could teleport to the library! Starry looked at Whirl.


"Could you grab my hoof? I can teleport both of us to the library. Not in a creepy way."


She blushed while still smiling. Starry never had many friends and most of them weren't stallions.

Whirl Wake blushed slightly at the suggestion and smiled. "Okay.." He grabbed Starry's hoof, feeling weird to be touching a mare other than to shake their hoof, a thing he did whenever he met a pony. "I've never exactly done this before... Does it hurt or anything?" He said, sounding silly but feeling serious in asking the question.

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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"I'm heading now."


She gasped, how could she be so stupid? She could teleport to the library! Starry looked at Whirl.


"Could you grab my hoof? I can teleport both of us to the library. Not in a creepy way."


She blushed while still smiling. Starry never had many friends and most of them weren't stallions.

"May I come too?" I needed to go to I quieter place. Also I wAnted to be with Star. (Also the fact my own character is at the same table)

(Characters characters characters characters characters characters two hundred two hundred two hundred, ok seriously this is ridiculous)

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Whirl Wake blushed slightly at the suggestion and smiled. "Okay.." He grabbed Starry's hoof, feeling weird to be touching a mare other than to shake their hoof, a thing he did whenever he met a pony. "I've never exactly done this before... Does it hurt or anything?" He said, sounding silly but feeling serious in asking the question.


Starry giggled.


"No it doesn't hurt, you'll be fine! Also, sure thing Pelate you can come!"


She teleported all three of them (and her drink) to the library! Starry noticed her voice had gotten a little lower (and sexier~) since she had gotten here. It was most likely because she was talking more! Starry never talked much. Ah well.


"Oh my Faust! look at all these books!!"


She squeed quietly, Starry looked like a filly in a candy store! She was so excited to be here.

Edited by Starry Night

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Starry giggled.


"No it doesn't hurt, you'll be fine!"


She teleported both of them (and her drink) to the library! Starry noticed her voice had gotten a little lower (and sexier~) since she had gotten here. It was most likely because she was talking more! Starry never talked much. Ah well.


"Oh my Faust! look at all these books!!"


She squeed quietly, Starry looked like a filly in a candy store! She was so excited to be here.

I almost died from the sound of Stars Squee. I never make fillyish sounds like that, especially not in public. I look around and make an approving nod "impressive, but a little librarian pony back in ponyville, told me the crystal empire has a much larger library, believe it or not..." I say to Star while looking around. "Ever been to the Crystal empire? I would but I can't afford a train ticket at the time."

I get up on a ladder to find something interesting

I tilt left to move more "sheesh I'm having quite a hard time finding the stuff I want. Ooh, never mind" I grab a book from the shelf "any of you guys ever read 'Animal Farm'? My friends tell me it's amazing!"(tis the only book that I can think of right now) I say flipping through pages.

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"Oh my Faust! look at all these books!!"


She squeed quietly, Starry looked like a filly in a candy store! She was so excited to be here.

((OOC: "Oh my Faust!" I see what you did there.))


Whirl Wake tapped his foot on the ground, waiting for Star to turn around a corner. When she did, he quickly faced Pelate and put on a menacing, piercing glare. "Listen here, prince charming. I don't care what you think you know about be, but I know something about you. You think your agent 007, huh? Well you're not. Stop snooping about me, okay? I'm not the pony you want to screw with." He turned back around and followed Star around the library, chuckling at how excited she was.

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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((OOC: "Oh my Faust!" I see what you I'd there.))


Whirl Wake tapped his foot on the ground, waiting for Star to turn around a corner. When she did, he quickly faced Palete and put on a menacing glare. "Listen here. I don't care what you think you know about be, but I know something about you. You think your agent 007, huh? Well you're not. Stop snooping about me, okay? I'm not the pony you want to screw with." He turned back around and followed Star around the library, chuckling at how excited she was.

"Some pony is a grump today, sheesh, trying to hang out with a friend of mine and another stallion, and the stallion is already hating me" I step off the ladder and adjust my wing *just ignore him Pel you don't want bad karma...* I began to like being named Pel, it was kinda cool. Especially because A beautiful mare made it up,

*whats up with Whirl, all I did was try to help him then deny his drink offer because I didn't trust it...what could it be....* "all of the above...dammit" I say to myself under my breath.

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Whirl Wake approached Star with an open book in his hoof. "Hey, have you read this? It's pretty good!" He closed it to reveal the cover of Cracked, a novel about two teenage ponies who end up in the same psych ward after trying to commit suicide.

((OOC: Its completely legit. Look it up.))

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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I walk closer to Whirl, i didn't know what i did that made him not like me, but i didn't like it. i needed to at least TRY to make this water under the bridge. "Excuse me Whirl, its true, i didn't trust you in the beginning. but that's only because you where acting a little weird a while ago. and i apologize for jumping to conclusions about you"

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"I would most definitely find the acceptable," Light Eye's usual manic grin was a more subdued, calm smile. "Would you like to start with the library? That was my intention to begin with that, and that would be the location the presence of a skilled navigator would be the most benefit at." 

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"Excuse me Whirl, its true, i didn't trust you in the beginning. but that's only because you where acting a little weird a while ago. and i apologize for jumping to conclusions about you"[/b]

Whirl Wake turned to Pelate and put on a serious expression. After hearing his speech, he maintained the face before smiling. "It's okay, man. I just have some more personal things about me that I'd prefer not to let out." He put his book under his wing and sighed in relief. "No hard feelings, right?"

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Starry ran around the corner and grabbed about five or ten books. She wanted to read all of the books in the library but she couldn't. Starry hopped up and down, it was so fun! She saw Blaze and another pony and waved to them excitedly. She sipped her lemonade, she could see why they were so expensive they were so good! She accidentally forgot what Whirl had said! Her eyes were bright and sparkling.


"Hey Whirl, I can see why these are so expensive! They're really good! What do you think they put in them??"

Edited by Starry Night

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"Hey Whirl, I can see why these are so expensive! They're really good! What do you think they put in them??"


Whirl Wake turned to Star, smiling, and shrugged. "Well, it probably depends on the ratio between lemon juice and sugar to determine how good it is. There's actually an interesting way that they react, you see certain isotopes of iron in the citrus of lemon would-" He realized that he was getting too scientific with it. "They probably make it with love." He laughed, reacting to her mentioning that it was expensive and feeling his wallet. It was significantly lighter than when he arrived. 'Man, I guess they were pretty pricey.' He thought, reminding himself to be more careful about spending his money while in college.

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Of course Starry knew what lemonade was made out of but she thought his answer was cute. She set her books on the counter and checked them out, then she teleported them to her dorm.


"I can pay you back Whirl, I don't mind helping a fellow student."


She smiled and thought a moment. Starry wondered if she had any classes with either of them.


"Hey Whirl and Pel, what do you guys have for schedules? I want to see if I have any classes with you guys"

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Of course Starry knew what lemonade was made out of but she thought his answer was cute. She set her books on the counter and checked them out, then she teleported them to her dorm.


"I can pay you back Whirl, I don't mind helping a fellow student."


She smiled and thought a moment. Starry wondered if she had any classes with either of them.


"Hey Whirl and Pel, what do you guys have for schedules? I want to see if I have any classes with you guys"



"Thanks for understanding, no hard feelings"

I make a sigh of relief "thank celestia you don't hate me"

(I don't remember the schedule and u can't copy/paste sense I'm using my phone)

I handed my schedule on a paper to Star (you cans check the OOC for my schedule) "this is my schedule"

Pelates Schedule;






PE *phys- Ed*


"Any classes in there that you have?"

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"I never really checked before."


She gave Pelate her schedule.


Starry Night's schedule:







Phys. Ed.



She didn't know if they did have any together,she didn't think they did. Starry looked at Whirl.


"How 'bout you Whirl? Think we have any classes together?"

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