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open Equestria University Re-Roll


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Steeleye smiled and stood, sending his empty bowl over to the disposal stand with a burst of magic. "The library is quite large here at the University," he said weary tone. "So large in fact that they can't fit it all into the space that it was allocated. You'll understand when we get there, but just as a warning, it will throw you for a spin." He lifted one hoof and gestured at the proper exit. "I'll show you the way. It'll take a bit to get back out, so you might want to gather anyone else you wanted to bring with you."

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"I'm pretty sure they all headed off already, anyway, so don't worry about it," Light Eye said. "I'll be ready to go when you are." She sat on her flank and smiled, waiting for Steeleye to be ready so that they could go to the library together. It was going to be amazing, she was sure.

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@@Psych Ward,@, @, @,


Blaze had been about to say something to Psych when he finally realized that other ponies were in the library. He turned to see Whirl Wake, Star, and Pelate. "Why hello there lads and lasses. Well... lass. Didn't notice you guys were here. Actually... when did you get here?" Blaze hadn't remembered seeing them walk in, but then again he hadn't realized that they were there at all.. Did he not notice because of Psych?

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Psych smiled at the other ponies as she put a couple of the books into her saddle bag and the others were carefully balanced on her back, a skill she had managed to master despite her clumsiness.  She didn't say anything though, suddenly uncomfortable with so many ponies in one room.

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"I teleported us here not too long ago!"


She smiled at Blaze, for some reason she trusted him with her life! Guess nice ponies will make you feel like that sometimes.


"I had an idea for a party, well, like a welcoming party! For all of the new students! Like me."


She giggled in excitement, this would be awesome.

"It will be so fun, and everypony is invited! I'll have to ask the principle if it's alright that we use the cafeteria or somewhere like that."


Starry was so full of energy! Ooh, what was she going to wear?!


"Hope to see you there, and you too!"


She pointed at Psych, she didn't know the mare but heck, everypony was invited!

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She didn't know if they did have any together,she didn't think they did. Starry looked at Whirl.


"How 'bout you Whirl? Think we have any classes together?"

Whirl Wake thought for a second and recalled his schedule. "Hmm.."








Phys. Ed



"Hey! We have music and PE together. That's something!" He was too focused on trying to perfectly memorize the list to notice that Star until she's already appeared to have planned it all out. "A party, huh?" Whirl said, smiling at her unbeatable adorableness. "Sounds fun! When will you have it?"

Edited by Jverne
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Steeleye led the way out of the food court into the halls of the University. It was an old establishment. Magic had seeped into every stone and strut after a millenium of unicorns learning to use spells and incantations. Perhaps one of the places most affected by this was the Library. Knowledge was power, as one fabled pony scholar had said. When a large amount of knowledge was collected together, it began to warp reality to fit its influence. The Equestria University library was one of the foremost of its kind. This, with the heavy presence of magic, had made it a place of stupifying wonder and mystery. Though it was located in a single building, the contents inside could have expanded over an entire city. The rows of bookshelves seemed and very possibly did go on forever, containing the entire written knowledge of Equestria. Here words came to life in a very little sense. Tomes filled with powerful spells and dangerous information had to be chained to shelves so that they would not escape. Wards against harmful magic hung thick in the air, just out of the range of sight. Much like the Minotaur's Labirynth of Legend, it was a maze without peer, but only had one entrance and exit. At this entryway stood a reception desk that looked more at home as a medieval fortress. Books were stacked around it so thick that the individual volumes had started to blend together into one never-ending mass of pages. Steeleye, with his talent for knowledge, seemed to grow in power and personality in the presence of so much of his obsession. It looked like it actually made his magic stronger, as stray sparks of latent energy began to crackle up and down his horn. "Did you know," he inquired idly. "That there is actually a type of magic that is only present where there are written words and images?"

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"Yup! I spent a LONG time in the massive Manehattan Library whenever I could, one of the few places the effect is present. In there I spent countless hours reading, studying, learning, getting my grubby little hooves on every book I could. Heh. I've never been terribly, social, to be honest. Most people find my upfront demeanor... off putting. Not to mention I use too many big words," she smiled sadly, remembering a time past. "That reminds me: you know Whirl Wake? I've got a bad feeling about him. He's had no ability to control his emotions, he's unnecessarily cruel, and he's been acting suspicious. I would definitely not trust him if you can avoid it."

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"Looks like me, You, and Whirl are all in PE together, cool!" I smile, *awesome I'm in a class with ponies I know.

"Oh hello you guys, you two must be pretty quiet I didn't notice ya..." I shrugged as I spoke and I heard Star mention a party "wow sounds really cool! I'll bring some booze!!!!" Of coarse I wasn't serious about it "no not really, but do we need to bring anything or is it all good?" I didn't think Star would throw a party without refreshments, let alone buying it all on her own "and also, can I help set it all up for ya? Can't imagine a pony setting up a party on their own."

Edited by PelateOvercast
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"I'll help too if you want. Whether it be buying crap or settin it up. I'm always one for parties." Blaze thought about whether he could do any pyrotechnic work. He eventually came to the conclusion that doing pyrotechnics probably wouldn't be the best idea. Maybe mechanical work? It all depended on how big this party was going to be.

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Whirl Wake jumped in. "Count me in as well!" He pulled out his bag of bits and shook it next to his ear. "Don't expect me to be buying and drinks, though!" He laughed. "I'm fine with helping set up, though. These wings aren't here for nothing!" He flapped the two extremities on his back, recalling how little he actually uses them.

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Psych listened intently.  The party sounded fun but she wasn't sure she could handle all the ponies at once.  She thought it would be polite make it look like she was going though.  "I might come," she spoke up.  "It sounds fun."  It felt good just to be invited.  That was nice of the pony.

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"No fraulein," he replied softly. "He is a stranger to me, as I have just met him today. It is my suspicion that he is doing exactly what I advised against, which would be expecting me to be responsible for the fate I predicted coming true, as if I had any control over it. Perhaps I would be good enough of a pony to not use such things to my advantage if I was able to, but as things stand, I have about as much control over what fate appears as a filly has over the sun and moon." He thought over that statement for a moment. "Well perhaps that is not the best example. The mare, Twilight Sparkle; she apparently once was able to raise the sun with Celestia's guidance, as her magic is quite powerful. I've never met her personally, but I may in time, if I visit places such as this often enough." He led her stealthily around the reception desk, taking a path that managed to avoid the Librarian's gaze. "It would be wise to not meet the Librarian yet. He is a stubborn stallion that has all of the patience of an angry minotaur. To him, this place is holy ground. Also, please, keep your voice down. He has an ear that can hear a mouse squeak a mile away, and he punishes rough-housers -very- harshly. I should know, he turned my tail into a peacock plume one time."

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I look at Whirl "at don't be showin off alright" I say in a sarcastic voice budgeting him "I am a little light on bits too, but I'll try to see what I can get." I look into my saddle bags to find my bit bag *30 bits...not bad* "Hey Star, what time can I come to help set up? I insist me and Whirl *i think* can help you" I smile to the right tilting my head towards Whirl.

Edited by PelateOvercast
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Light Eye gave a high pitched giggle at this. "I would love to see that. I wouldn't mind a peacock tail myself, my height betrays me and far too often  my over-long tail ends up dragging on the ground. However, I have learned the hard way not to mess with anyone who works with books. Authors, librarians, even editors and publishers. They tend to have strange powers that can only be explained by the influence of the books themselves."


She sighed and relaxed. The presence and smell of books meant home to her in a way that nothing else really did. It was a place like here that she had slowly built up her confidence despite years and years of solitude. She was much calmer here, and that was the truth. She grinned wide, but then her face fell slightly. "Well, Princess Twilight aside, I know that you weren't the creator nor executor of his will, but I still fear his reprisal. After all, when a pony wants revenge, they have their ways of going a bit... crazy."

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I look at Whirl "at don't be showin off alright" I say in a sarcastic voice budgeting him "I am a little light on bits too, but I'll try to see what I can get." I look into my saddle bags to find my bit bag *30 bits...not bad* "Hey Star, what time can I come to help set up? I insist me and Whirl *i think* can help you" I smile to the right tilting my head towards Whirl.

Whirl Wake laughed. "Showing off? I just want to help." He whispered into Pelate's ear. "She's all yours, don't worry." He pulled back and winked to the stallion. 'Seems I've got his trust.' He thought, pouring out his bag on a nearby desk to reveal... "Nine bits." He shrugged and shoveled them back into the small purse. "It's not much, but I can still help out."

Edited by Jverne
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Blaze frowned and pulled at his cloth. He looked down and saw the pouch that held his bits and grabbed it with his teeth. He poured out the contents "40 bits... That can buy some stuff. I'd be happy to help." He was close enough to the two stallions to hear what Whirl Wake had said. He suspected that Pelate had a thing for Star. "That is... if you want us to help," he whispered to Pelate.


((I don't know what to do with my other characters :( I don't think it'd be appropriate for me to respond with Remmy. And Acoustic Cloud hasn't responded to Dust yet...))

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Whirl Wake laughed. "Showing off? I just want to help." He whispered into Pelate's ear. "She's all yours, don't worry." He pulled back and winked to the stallion. 'Seems I've got his trust.' He thought, pouring out his bag on a nearby desk to reveal... "Nine bits." He shrugged and shoveled them back into the small purse. "It's not much, but I can still help out."

I whispered back," I was just pullin your legs" I chuckle a little I hear him say *she's all yours* "thanks dude" I pat his back *this guy doesn't seem so bad after all, can't believe I misjudged him after just one out burst of anger* I look around me for a clock, I wanted the time "I decide to ask Star "hey StAAr..." My eyes widened, my voice cracked "dammit" I say through my teeth I clear my thought *Star is become even HARDER to talk to now* I think to myself "sorry..." I facehoof "do you know the time?" I say in a shaking a little, looking away. I looked and felt so stupid. *what the hell Pel!!! You never act like this!!!!* I tell myself in my mind. Edited by PelateOvercast
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"Indeed," he responded. "You probably have noticed by now, but my magic becomes a little more... pronounced in the presence of so much learning material. It can be a double edged sword, as it also makes it harder to control. One of my worst nightmares is that I will accidentally start a fire in a place like this." He shivered unconciously, showing that he really -was- afraid of that happening. "Do not fear overly much for my safety fraulein," he said to her and patted her on the end of her nose with one forehoof. "While I certainly do not think myself capable to the point of over-confidence, I have seen much and have dealt with quite a few dangerous beings. The Librarian, however, I am still very much afraid of him. He turned one of my friends into a chicken when he accidentally put a small rip in a book's page. It took the school nurse three days to turn him back to normal, and he still involuntarily clucked once in a while for months."


Steeleye had safely maneuvered them away from the reception desk and into the safety of the book shelves. They were tall, far taller by far than even the a hydra. It made one wonder how they stayed upright, or did not collapse on themselves with the excess weight. "Ahh, here is something you would be interested in," he said quietly, pulling a thin pamphlet from a sheath on a nearby shelf. It had an intricate picture of a castle on the front, stylized so that it look a bit childish. "These are scattered around here and there, if you know where to look. It's a map of this section of the library. The order of shelves and books tend to... shift on their own. So myself and students like my began to cast spells on old magazines so that they would guide you to the book you were looking for. The route would change to match the book's location if it happened to move on its own." If she chose to open the pamphlet, it would be blank on the inside. Fading in slowly, a detailed route map would appear on the page, no directions shown yet as she had not chosen a book.

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@, @@Ampharos,


Ciel smiled and hugged Elipsis back, although she was a bit surprised. Most ponies she knew would hold a grudge or at least pounce upon the opportunity to yell back at her.

She sat down in one of the recently vacated spots and smiled at Remmy and her roommate. "Wow, so...Everypony left, huh?" she asked, glancing around. She didn't see the large group of ponies that she had spotted before.

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Remmy looked around and nodded. "Yea they said something about going to the library but I thought I'd just stay here." She smiled back at Ciel. She had personally thought it wasn't a big deal to not have a cutie mark, but then again she wasn't the one without one.

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"Hm... very interesting. It would definitely be useful tool to find around here, in such an eldritch location as this. My first thought is naturally to test it with some sort of impossible question, but I'd best not bring the wrath of the librarian upon my ever-so-adorable head. Let's go for something more basic, like books on window making?" A basic map quickly appeared on the magazine. "Ooh, excellent. A place as massive as this has got to have some times I haven't perused yet. Care to join me? Even with this handy little tool I'd like a big, strong stalion to make sure I don't get lost. We'll be quiet so that we don't incur the wrath of an angry bibliomancer."

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Whirl Wake observed in amusement as the stallion awkwardly addressed his crush. He leaned in and whispered to Blaze, still watching Pelate and Star. "15 bits say they make is to first base by the end of the week." He smiled, stifling a laugh as Pelate's voice cracked.

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"I don't even think it needs to be bet on," Blaze whispered back, grinning profusely. He glanced at Psych. Something about that pony had intrigued him. He still didn't know what. He knew he liked the way she thought, and the way she looked... Did he... like her? He shifted his eyes back to Whirl Wake. "He obviously has a thing for her, and a while back she killed me and him attractive. Something's definitely gonna happen by the end of the week," he whispered.

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"Wellll," Steeleye said with mock reluctance. "Your head -is- adorable and you complimented me... so I -suppose- I could take the time. Maybe if we get far enough, there won't be a need to be quiet. After all... he is but one pony, even if he does have a plethora of avian related hexes." Steel tapped the map with his forehoof. "It says we should go this way," he said while gesturing his hoof in the correct direction. "While it's not deadly to stray off the correct path, most off the time anyway, it wouldn't be a good idea. We could get lost in here for days with only a couple of wrong turns. Of course, unless you felt like not being found for a while?" Even with such a heavily suggestive comment, he managed to make it sound like an idle thought.

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