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private Chocolate Hearts | One on One RP


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Starshy was nervous as she approached the gate, especially upon noticing some pony else was waiting by it. It was almost as though he had been excepting her. She wondered who this stallion might be, perhaps his younger brother?



She gave a small timid nod to his question. She didn't know what to think, he seemed friendly enough - certainly moreso than that other pony she came across before.


Her nervousness was soon replaced with relief that he wasn't judging her yet . That was good news.


As he was looking at her horn, making her feel a smudge self conscious, her green eyes suddenly flashed with annoyance at his words.


"I'm hard working just like any other pony. I wouldn't use my magic if that would help prove I'm capable." She said, her head titling to the side.


"And my name is Starshy."

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The stallion walked ahead of her as she spoke to him. "No no wouldn't want a unicorn hurting herself on the farm. You're a huge liability here you know?" He said as he made way towards the hay bales. "So... Starshy was it? I'm not sure if my brother told you this or not, but our family doesn't take kindly to non-earth ponies. It's kind of the way things are around here." He said pulling one of the bales with his saddle. "Unless of course he lied to you and made you think everything was peachy." He grinned. "You can help us out for now, but don't let our father see you." 

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Starshy frowned, even though she knew he couldn't see her face. " Oh, I know very well that your family doesn't like me. Chocolate told me that, and your cousin certainly made sure to tell me off last I was here." 


She sighed, wondering if was really a good idea. Even though she wanted to prove that she was strong, the fear of being caught by their father was rather daunting.


I hope Chocolate gets out here soon.. I thought he was usually an early bird, or stallion rather. She thought to herself as she got to work.  

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Caramel worked alongside her and made sure to keep his distance from her, after all unlike his brother he wasn't sure what she was capable with with her magic. And even though he worked alongside her, it was very obvious he was glancing and watching her whenever she wasn't looking. A few minutes after they began a deep voice came from the side of the field, and Chocolate began to trot over to them. "Caramel you can go inside and have breakfast. I'll take over form here." He said as he spotted Starshy.

As the younger brother passed by his much larger sibling Chocolate spoke under his breath. "You don't tell them yet, understand?" He said just loud enough for the three of them to hear. Caramel glanced back to her then back to him before reluctantly nodding. "Fine..." Chocolate trotted over to her and spoke softly. "Sorry, I must have overslept." He said quickly starting work. "How are you this morning? My brother didn't bother you did he?"

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As she worked, she noticed that Carmel was rather distant from her. Not that it really bothered her or anything. She had a thought to give him an extra tail or something like that just freak him out. However, she thought better of it, and continued with her work.


The sound of a familiar voice came to her ears, and she turned her head to see Chocolate approaching them. A smile appeared on her face, happy to see him.


She watched as he spoke with his brother, whispering to him not to say anything to the family. Her eyes turned away from them. This was certainly a problem... how would she ever be able to marry Chocolate one day, if she so had the desire to, would they be able to without his family's blessing? Would he leave her if they didn't approve? 


All the worries going though her mind was starting to make her stomach hurt.


When she heard Chocolate addressing her, she looked up at him. " I'm alright, still a little sore here and there.. and no, he didn't. He was a lot friendlier than your cousin." 

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Chocolate also smiled upon seeing her, he didn't think she would be coming back to work so soon. He expected her to take a few days off before returning fully. "Don't worry about him, most of my family is relatively harmless." He explained. "As I said before... so long as you feel comfortable I have no problem introducing you to them. But only when you feel like you're ready. I don't want to force it." He said looking down into her eyes as he nuzzled her affectionately. Once pulled back he gave her a reassuring smile and nodded. "Now then, let's get some work done."

A few hours had passed and the stallion withdrew a paper list from his saddle and read over it aloud. "Finish moving the hay, clean out the barn, and ready the ground for harvesting." He said as he looked over to her. "Looks like we finished earlier than usual." His expression changed when he saw she seemed a bit worried. "You sure you're feeling alright, Star?"

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Starshy felt her legs shaking under her after they had finished all the work. She had used her magic for a few things here and there, but had also tried to help without it as well. It had been a struggle, yet she was able to get it done regardless.


Her clothes were dirtied from the hard work, and feeling rather uncomfortable.


The expression on her face, that she hadn't know was there, had caused Chocolate to ask a question. 


She sat herself down, giving herself a moment to breathe. She lifted a hoof to wipe away the sweat from her forehead. "I'm alright, Chocolate.. just tired.. "

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He pulled a small towel from his saddle bag and brought it to her face to wipe some of the sweat away. She looked very tired, moreso than usual. He realized why, she wasn't using her magic as much as she normally did. Had his brother said something to her to make her work without it?  "Star..." He started as he finished wiping her face. "How come you are not using your magical abilities?" He asked looking to her horn for a brief moment. It didn't look damaged...

His gaze returned to her face, "If this is about my family then you need not worry. I've already said we will get them to understand you for who you really are." He said with a reassuring hoof on her shoulder, minding her bruises. "If you are going to magic school... you're going to need to use your abilities more."

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Starshy welcomed the cool towel on her face, letting him wipe away the sweat from it. " I thought maybe I could try it without.. " She mumbled. 


As he spoke, sounding so sincere, she had to believe him. Maybe she could cast aside all the worries she'd had earlier. He'd make them understand, she hoped. No, together they would make them see that she was a good mare and just because she was born a unicorn doesn't make her a bad pony. 


" I know that... I just get hesitant using it around here at the farm. I'll try not to let it get to me so much.. " She looked down, sighing a bit. 

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He moved in front of her and looked into her eyes once more, his mane fell over his shoulders as he spoke. "You are a good mare, Star." He said putting the towel back into his saddle. He placed a hoof on her shoulder and smiled to her. "Just promise me you will be yourself when we see them." He said looking over to the barn that they had finished up. "I would like for you to meet them before you go off to magic school..." His voice trailed as he had his back turned to her.

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She swallowed heavily at his words about meeting his parents. She was a little nervous, but she'd do it for him. " Do you want me to meet them now? " She inquired, looking up to the sight of his back to her. Her eyes trailed down his long back and to his behind. She blushed a bit realizing she was staring at it. 


Her ears flopped back, moving her gaze down to look at her hoofs. " ..Because I will if you want me to. "

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He heard her speak softly behind him and he turned back to face her, "Of course I do, Star. It would mean a lot to me if we make my family understand, not just for unicorns and pegasi, but for us." He said looking into her eyes. He saw she was blushing but he assumed it was because she was flustered at the idea of meeting his family. He stood beside her and let her lean on his large sturdy body. "I won't force you. But if you choose to, you know I will be right by your side." He said reassuringly. 

His heart was pounding, was she really considering? He was hopeful yet nervous at the same time. He wanted them to get introduced to her so their relationship could grow. Maybe he could meet her parents afterwords? He was going to miss her when she left for school.

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Starshy considered his words as she leaned against his body. It sounded so important to him, as it was for her too. She was admittedly a little nervous but it made her so happy to know that he wanted their relationship to grow even further. They had already taken a huge step so it only seemed like the right thing to do.


" Alright, well, let's go meet them now then. It's now or never, right? " She looked up at him, offering a smile. 

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He smiled down to her nodded. "You'll be fine." He said helping her up as they began to slowly trot through the fields towards his home. There was a brief period where nothing was said and then he spoke up. "Don't be afraid." He said looking down to her. "They're a little different than what you'd expect but they are good people." He explained making sure she was prepped for the meeting. They stood in front of his home and he adjusted her clothes so her bruises weren't visible and nuzzled her a little. "We'll tell them everything, well... almost everything." He said looking away for a second with a light blush on his face.

"Are you ready?" 

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Starshy felt herself flush at his words, knowing what he was referring to. She took a deep breathe to ready herself. 


Don't be scared.. Don't be scared.. Chocolate is right beside you.. whispered her inner thoughts to try and calm her nerves. 


She nodded up at Chocolate, glancing at his home. She knew beyond those doors would be his folks. She nibbled on her lower lip just thinking about what they'd say. She knew, much like Chocolate had, they'd be staring at her horn. All those she had encountered on this farm had looked at it. She couldn't help that it was there. 


Her ability to use magic was as much a part of her as her mane. This is who she is. Both of her parents are also unicorns, so it would seem as obvious as day that she'd turn out to be a unicorn herself. It was no different than the fact that Chocolate was born an earth pony. 


She had to remind herself of this and it seemed to ease her nerves considerably. 


" Let's go. " 

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Chocolate held a hoof in front of her as he knocked on the door, motioning for her to remain there as he went inside. The doorway was large, more than likely to make it easier for their larger earth pony bodies to fit through. He stepped inside and was greeted to the surprised faces of most of his family, his cousins, brothers, and sisters were all there. His father and mother looked to him also a little surprised. "Chocolate? You're finished with the morning chores already?" His father asked. While Chocolate was large, his father was even bigger than he was.

"I finished early." He explained looking him in the eye. "But I had some help." Both of his parents looked at one another and then back to him, other than his cousin and his brother, they didn't know he had help on the farm. This was the first time they were hearing about it. "The past week I've been getting help from someone. She is very special to me, and we became very special somepony to me." He said motioning to the door for her to come in and show herself. "Everyone, I'd like you to meet, Starshy." 


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Starshy waited outside while Chocolate went in and spoke to his family. She poked at the ground with her hoof, once again trying to get a control on her nerves.


 "Everyone, I'd like you to meet, Starshy." 


That's my cue.. she thought to herself and slowly walked into the house. She felt goosebumps raising on her legs as she felt the eyes of his family on her and her horn, there were a few of them seemed glued to it as though she had two. The was a collective whisper amongst them. She felt horribly shy suddenly, moving closer to Chocolate. 

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There was a murmur about the family as they all looked to each other trying to make sense of what was going on. Chocolate stood very calmly between her and his family, he could feel her move closer to him, a sign she was feeling uncomfortable about this. His cousin, the same mare Starshy had encountered a few days earlier was the first to speak up. "So you finally decide to show her off huh?" She said with a sneer on her face. Both Chocolate's parents looked to one another and then to him. "Finally?" His mother asked softly. "Just how long have you kept this from us?"

Chocolate's father stood up and looked to his son. "You know very well, we don't accept help from others, especially non-earth ponies." He said glaring to him. Chocolate's ears fell flat on his head and he spoke up. "She's the reason we've been able to get most of our tasks done around the farm since you hurt yourself." He explained. His family all looked to her in silence, all eyes were on her now. "We shouldn't judge others based on their appearance or species, but by their character." Again no one said anything and Chocolate stepped beside her, "If you all cannot learn to accept this then... I will leave this place. I want our family to be one that accepts everyone, and if you all won't." He placed a hoof around her. "Then we will."

Again, more silence before someone spoke. "What do you have to say for yourself?" One of his sisters asked her.

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Starshy was silent as the words between his family were exchanged. There was a lump in her throat that was growing from the things being said. They sure knew how to crush a ponies self esteem in just a few short minutes. Everything that she had convinced herself before she had walked inside - that she's a good mare and it didn't matter that she was born a unicorn - flew out the window so to speak.


She had to pick herself back up though. She couldn't cry in front of his family, but the tears were already forming. " ...I love him. Chocolate has been the kindest stallion. More so than other stallions that I've met. He's accepted me for me - never judging me because I have the ability to use magic. 


I'd like to have your acceptance of me, but obviously that's not the case here. You judge me about you even know m-m-me.." She choked on her last words, as the tears slide down her face. She stepped out of Chocolate's embrace and turned on her hoof, trotting out of the house and planning on getting as far away from the farm as possible. 

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Chocolate could hear the wavering in her voice as she spoke to the rest of them, he could tell she was hurting but he would allow her to speak for herself. The only way she could get through to them would be for her to speak to them herself. He listened to her words as she spoke and then she immediately began to leave the house, "Starshy!" He called after her, but she had already left leaving Chocolate to glare at his family. "I had hoped you would all would have at least given her a chance..."

He also turned and began to rapidly trot after her, his stride however, was much larger than hers and he was able to catch up with her before she had completely made it out of the barn. "Star... please wait." He said as he caught up to her and tried to stop or at least slow her down.

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The unicorn mare stopped in her tracks as she heard Chocolate following after her. His stride was much bigger than hers, and he literally towered over her. She bowed her head, tears falling onto the floor. " ..I'm sorry, Chocolate. I couldn't.. " She tried to explain her reason for running out like that, but then did she really need to? 


" They hate me.. they'll never want me to be part of the family.. " She swallowed heavily, feeling defeated. 

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He placed a large hoof on her back and tried to calm her down and soothe her. "You did nothing wrong, Starshy." He cooed to her with his deep voice. "I already told you, I will be by your side no matter what happens. Even if my family chooses not to accept you, I will remain by you... if you will have me." He was trying his best to cheer her up but could think of nothing more to say. The huge stallion stood by the much smaller crying mare and reached into his saddle, he took a tissue and wiped her eyes. "No more tears, Star." He said once again.

He nuzzled her and kissed her head around her horn and hugged her close to his large body. 

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She sniffled quietly, giving herself a minute to calm down. As he spoke, she could feel herself relaxing. She seemed to have stopped crying, wiping away a few last reminding tears with her hooves. 


Starshy nuzzled him back. " Thank you, Chocolate. I feel much better now.. but I think I'll be heading home now. "

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Chocolate nodded understanding what she meant. Sadly, this whole family thing had not gone as he had hoped. If anything, it probably made things worse between them, and now he had to worry about how they would treat him as well when he went back home. For now, he had her to worry about. "Let me walk you back home then." He said looking down to her.

The two trotted all the way back to town together and he walked her up to her porch and nodded to her. "I'll be seeing you." He said bowing his head a little and turning to head back.

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Starshy had thought to walk back home by herself, but when he had offered to come with her, she didn't say anything.

They went back to her house in silence. What had happened today had been a huge let down. Somehow in the back of her mind, she'd had this silly fantasy that his family would see past the fact she was a unicorn and actually accept her because she loved Chocolate so dearly. However, it sadly reminded a fantasy. She was at least happy to know that Chocolate wouldn't leave her.


Once they got to her house, he turned to leave. She lifted her front right leg up, saying, " Wait, Chocolate.. would you like to come inside? " 

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