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private Chocolate Hearts | One on One RP


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The huge stallion looked a bit saddened as he turned tail to leave. In his mind he believed she hated his family, and to an extent himself. There was no way he was going to be able to regain her trust. Though it wasn't important, he was also concerned with how his family was going to be towards him once he got back home. He had left his home in a bit of rage and knew they would be waiting for him once he returned. Though his mind was racing her words caused him to stop mid step.

His ears perked and he looked to her with a curious expression. She was inviting him inside her home? He remembered back to the time they had shared a bed together and also recalled how nice it was. "I wouldn't mind. But are you sure?" He nodded and trotted inside once she invited him in. 

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Starshy nodded, closing the door behind her. " Yes, I'm sure. " She said while trotting into the living room. She sat down on the couch and invited Chocolate to join her.


She leaned back against the couch, sighing. " If you think that I hate your family.. I don't. I'm just disappointed. It was rather heartbreaking to hear them say what they did. I just wish things had gone differently. " 

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He took a seat beside her, the couch sinking a bit under his weight. "I know, I wish things could have been different as well." He said in agreement. "We cannot change how they view you but it does not matter. You have always been the same amazing mare since the day I met you on that train." He said reminiscing about their past experiences together. He leaned back on the couch cushion and waited a bit for her to respond. "What matters is how we feel about one another." He said lightly wrapping his hoof around her.

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Starshy nodded, leaning into his side embrace. She didn't know what else to say really about the family situation. However, another topic came to mind that she felt she should address. Her green eyes turned upward to look at Chocolate. 


" Well, I wrote my letter to the University of Fillydelphia the other night. I'll be sending it off tomorrow at the latest. They're usually fairly quick with replies so we'll find out soon if I get accepted. " 

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Chocolate fell silent as well once the family issue had been talked about. He had nothing more to say on the issue either. But then he felt her lean against his side and he looked down to see her gazing up to him. Then she brought up the topic of her going off to school. The topic he wasn't fond of speaking of. If she went off to school, he wouldn't be able to keep in contact with her as much. His work on the farm hardly granted him time to go to the post office. "I hope you get in then..." He said feigning a small smile, he wasn't good at being subtle with his facial expressions as he looked a little saddened as he spoke.

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Starshy knew she bought up another unpleasant topic for Chocolate. She could hear it in his voice, he sounded so sad. She hated to make him feel this way, and it wasn't as though she was happy to leave. It was something that she had to do though, and it wouldn't be forever. She didn't even know if they'd accept her or not.


" I'm sorry, Chocolate... but, if say I were to go, we could share one last night together.. you know.. a round two if you will.. " She blushed, hoping he'd get what she was hinting at and maybe that would brighten up his spirits.  

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The stallion continued to look down as his mane fell over his eyes. He didn't want to make her feel bad, especially when she was trying to better herself by learning and getting a higher education. He didn't want to guilt trip her into staying there with him. This was for the best he would tell himself. That was, until she spoke again. This time her words were much more suggestive and it made even him blush. "I suppose... that is..."

He cleared his throat and looked a bit flustered. "I'd like that." Was all the large stallion said, barely audible.  He averted his eyes for a while and pretended to be interested in something on her wall. "I am going to miss you though. If you do leave." He said softly. "But I want you to be happy too. And if that means not being able to see you for a while then I will deal with it."

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The unicorn mare smiled, nuzzling herself against him. He was so cute when he was flustered. " I'll miss you too.. so much. This isn't easy for me to just leave especially after the fact that we're a couple now. " She turned her head slightly, kissing at his chocolate fur and tasting it lightly with each kiss. " I'll be able to back for holidays, so we'll be able to see each other during those times.. " she said softly. 

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The chocolate colored stallion's saddened demeanor seemed to change when she said she'd miss him as well. Maybe a part of him did fear because she was such a special mare, another stallion would try to make a move on her while she was at school. He trusted her but them... he didn't like the other stallions. She had already been taken away from him once at the resort and he didn't want to lose her again in the same way. 

His jealous thoughts were soon interrupted when she began to kiss on his fur, he knew it was her being affectionate as well as trying to taste as well. "S-star..." He protested lightly. His objections soon ceased when she mentioned visiting on holidays. "I look forward to it." He said leaning his head down to kiss her head as well. He gently nuzzled her horn and fell silent as they enjoyed each other's company on the couch that night. "Starshy? May I stay the night with you again?" He asked seemingly out of nowhere.

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Starshy lifted her head a bit, mildly surprised by his request. He wanted to stay the night? She wondered what he was thinking but decided not to ask. Instead, she smiled and nodded her head. " Sure, you can stay the night. " she said while nuzzling him again.  

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Chocolate gave a small smile and laid his head down on hers as she nuzzled him. "Thanks, I don't want to intrude but I'd like to spend a little more time with you." He explained as he gave a soft contented sigh. "Thanks Starshy." He said with a tail sway. He looked to the kitchen and spoke again. "Would you like me to make you some tea before bed tonight?"

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" You aren't intruding. You know that you are welcome here anytime. " She protested as she rested against him. They sat there for a while, enjoying each others company, when he asked her about tea. The unicorn mare shook her head in response, saying, "No, thank you. " It was kind of him to offer but she usually liked having tea in the morning, or when she wasn't feel well, or when she needed some time to think about something. Right now wasn't the time for it. 


" But.. I would like something.. sweeter.. " She said, gazing up at him and bating her eyelashes in a flirtatious way. 

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He continued to enjoy her company as she denied his offer to get some tea for her. The two shared the quiet together and then he looked over to one of her windows. It was already getting late it seemed. It was already getting dark out and he knew that he was more than likely going to sleep on the couch tonight, that was until her words came to him. "Sweeter?" He asked as he looked down to her cute fluttering eyes. 

"Are you sure?" He asked tilting his head slightly. "Maybe we should wait a few more days..." It was obvious the flustered stallion was merely asking because he was worried about her, but a second glance would reveal he wanted to spend time together as well.

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The unicorn mare's flirtatious expression changed to one of embarrassment. " Oh.. I actually meant a kiss.. " She didn't know he'd take her words that way, but she supposed she hadn't been all that clear. 


However, there was a look in her green eyes that said she didn't mind doing that again. " Well.. I mean.. if you wanted to.. I think I'd be okay.. we could always... " she paused a moment, flustered. She couldn't quite get the words out. How could she be so flustered when this has already happened? It was a rather embarrassing subject for her to talk about, even in the comfort of her living room. 

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The large stallion rubbed behind his head with his large hoof. Clearly he had assumed way to much from her harmless comment and now he had egg on his face, so to speak. He blushed and quickly tried to correct himself as he sat up and gave a nervous laugh. "Oh? Oh! Right a kiss." He said leaning his head down and closing his eyes expecting her to meet him halfway for the kiss but she didn't stop there. When she suggested other things he bowed his head down. 

He said nothing for a while then he got up off the couch. "Let's go." He said deeply. Even though she seemed surprised by his reaction he waited until she had gotten up from the couch to start nudging her flank towards her bedroom with his muzzle. 

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Starshy woke up the next morning, feeling a bit sore but otherwise happy. Her thoughts were fresh on what happened last night. What night that was. She was becoming even closer with Chocolate by the day. She had moved away from him during the night and she looked over at him, sleeping soundly. She smiled to herself as she used a cleaning spell on the bed. Her green eyes shifted over to the night stand beside her bed, and the letter that sat there. She had forgotten to send that off, but considering, it was fine. 


She stretched her hind legs and front legs, moving her head back and fourth as she yawned. Sitting up, the unicorn mare used her magic to float the letter over to her. She then magically sent it off using a transporting spell. 


After that was done, she got up and trotted off to the bathroom. Her appearance was unlike how she usually had seen herself. Her mane and tail were complete mess, her white coat not looking as white as it usually did, her body felt achy and sore.


Starshy decided it was a good time to take a shower. She closed the door to the bathroom and then stepped into the shower, turning the water on.

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The large brown stallion laid on her bed as she shifted away from him and began to snuggle and cuddle the pillow in her stead. A few minutes after he began to stir he sat up on the bed, rubbing his eyes with his hoof as he looked down to the bed. "Star?" He asked sleepily as he realized she wasn't there. He rubbed his head and fixed his long black mane as his ears perked. He could hear the sound of running water in the distance. He whinnied and neighed deeply as he recalled the night before.

He knew today would be a big day for his special mare and that last thing she probably wanted to see was a huge dark stallion sleeping in her bed. Even still, the night before had worn him out a bit and he lay back down, waiting for his mare to come back into the room as he knew he would be headed back home after breakfast. She would more than likely find out if she was accepted today as well.

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After getting herself showered and ready for the day, she left the bathroom and went back into the bedroom. She glanced at the bed, to find Chocolate still resting within. She trotted over to it, sitting down on the bed. " Good morning, my handsome stallion." She said, giggling a bit. She couldn't contain her happiness in this moment. " Did you have a nice sleep? " She asked. 

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The stallion smiled when he saw she was up and about, a sign that he had done exactly as he had hoped. No noticeable, injuries or a limp this time. He leaned up a bit and spoke warmly to her. "That I did, you look well." He said complimenting her much happier demeanor that morning. In his eyes she always looked beautiful in the morning light, especially when she smiled.

He hefted himself out of the bed and went to help her make the sheets before looking to the windows. The sun was already rising and he still had tasks to take care of back at the farm. "Today is the day hm? When you find out if you must go?" He asked with a curious head tilt as he stood in her bedroom.

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Starshy bounced off the bed, helping him with making the bed. She gave a small, nervous nod to his question. " Yes, I just sent off the letter a few moments ago before going to shower. I'm a bit nervous.. " She confessed, trotting out of the bedroom. " I'm going to make breakfast, so how 'bout you come on downstairs with me? " She said, already making her way down.


Once the young unicorn mare was in the kitchen, she got to work making her and Chocolate some eggs, toast and bacon. She needed something to keep her mind occupied. 

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Chocolate smiled inwardly as she spoke about being nervous, he could understand her reasoning. "You needn't worry, Star." He started to speak and then noticed she was already headed downstairs from to the kitchen. He blinked for a moment then followed behind her, as they both made way to the kitchen he stood a little bit to the side so he wasn't in the way. "I think you'll be fine, Starshy." He said again just she hadn't heard him upstairs. 

He stepped forward standing behind her to nuzzle her as he spoke again. "When do you believe you will find out?"

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Starshy paced about in the kitchen, getting everything ready for breakfast. She heard Chocolate's question, and considered it for a minute. " Probably soon.. I'll know by the end of the day, maybe earlier, it just depends on when they decide to send me back a reply. " She said as she lightly trotted about. The eggs were cooking, and so was the bacon. The smells filled the small kitchen. " So, um, would you like some coffee, Chocolate? Or maybe some hot chocolate? " She inquired, turning to look at him. 

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He gave her a small wry smile as she asked him what he wanted to drink for breakfast, it was a bit of a teasing look as he pretended to think about the choice. "Hmmm, I'll have the hot chocolate please." He said with a polite bow. "If you need help setting the table I'll do that." He said looking for something to do. He just wanted to make sure she was happy today. It was a big day for her and he wanted to help out if possible.


"Star... I'm thinking... of getting my own place away from home at the farm." He said thinking ahead for their relationship. "I can't continue to live the way I am and still expect you to put up with my family." He explained as he sniffed the air. Everything smelled delicious.

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Starshy grinned slightly and got the hot chocolate ready for him. She used her magic to float the cup of steaming hot chocolate over to the table once it was ready. Everything else was done by this point and she fixed up their plates. 


As she was doing this, his words made her stop. " Really? " She asked, looking at him. " So.. maybe we could live together? " She blushed at the thought. It was almost as if they were already, but not really. He was just staying at her house and they had slept the night together but he didn't actually live here.

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He nodded and took a small sip of his hot cocoa from the steaming cup. He spoke again and looked over to her as he set the cup down. "That's right." He said elaborating a bit more. "If I could get somewhere out near Everfree I might be able to get a place for us to stay together." He said smiling a little. "You seem a bit surprised when I said that, Star." He said as he began to eye the plates of food she had made for the both of them.

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