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@@Snowy Storm,


She caught herself before she had chance to make a move, taking a breath and leaving the sword untouched.


"I'm not a fisher pony." She said coldly: ponies didn't eat fish. Well, not normal ones. She had, once, when starving at sea: she'd thrown up for the rest of the day and ended up worse off than before. Just thinking about it made her shudder internally.


"I'm at home wherever I go." She said firmly.

Never quite forgotten.

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 "Home is where the heart is. So you're home is the open world then" Dark closed his eyes once again

"To be that carefree is a blessing that I may no longer carry. We have talked long enough. On wards to Ponyville"


Dark moved as quickly as his brisk walk would allow him to move.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Soulfire was worried about Ponyville. As he dashed farther ahead of the other ponies, all that he could think of was his friends in the town. He could see Starstream coming up behind him. He yelled back, "Come on!", and dashed ahead.


Ponyville was a disaster. City hall was completely vaporized, the only remnant being a smoking crater in the ground. It would have been almost comical had it not been so horrible. It was like the explosion had thrown flames out over the entire town, and now different places all over Ponyville were burning. 


Soulfire flew up to observe. Many of the fires were isolated, but a building on the side of the market square was on fire, and with the cramped-togetherness of all the houses surrounding the square, fire could easily spread to all of them. The first house was done for, and there was no way that he could put out the second house all by himself. The most effective way would be to create a fire break. Grabbing a board from one of the destroyed stands, he braced himself against it and flew with all his might at the corner of the second house. Sheer velocity brought him crashing through it, and the house sagged significantly. Repeating this, he brought down the house on the third go. Effectively preventing the fire from spreading further, he flew off to the next greatest danger.



                                                         "They may take our lives, but they will never take our ponies!"

                                                                          DerpyMail: Exanime32@derpymail.org

                                                                   Soulfire - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/soulfire-r3945

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@@Fluttering High

Watching the pegasus try to stop the spread of fire was heartwarming pathetic. Kingfisher watched from the boundary as she caught up at a steady pace. She could almost admire the tenacity he was showing despite the futility of the situation.


Almost. Not quite.

"It's gone. Look at the town, you put out the fire maybe two or three, then what?" She chastised harshly. "We should be finding supplies before they all burn... "

Never quite forgotten.

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Dark frowned. Ponyville was lost. all that the pegasus was doing was delaying it ruins.

"Why waste time stopping the fire? I should just cause more fires to show him how pointless all this is" Dark was really tempted to Just cause a series of fires just to prove he wasn't lying.

"But since I don't want to cause trouble I'll just watch the show" Dark began to move closer to the city when he noticed a pony on fire running out of the house on fires. Dark's eyes grew a Deep Red and he started to laugh. Using his magic he threw the pony to the ground and began to harshly roll the poor pony in the dirt and let him go. 

"Did you see that? That pony was like a ragdoll before me" He had a wicked smile "Before you judge me I just saved that pony from being burned to death" He held his smile before his eyes faded back to pink.



Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Kingfisher shuffled a single hoof on the ground uncomfortably, under the pretense of impatience. The Unicorn was going to be a danger to her. To all of them. Not that the rest mattered she reminded herself.

'Look after yourself, nopony else matters.' 


She ran the mantra through her head to remind herself not to get sentimental. to stay alert. No not get complacent just because there were others around her with similar goals.

Never quite forgotten.

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Soulfire was angry. This is hopeless!, he thought to himself, We need to find some way to put them all out at once! Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to him. "Hey!", he yelled to the pegasi closest to him, "I've got an idea! I need your help!".


It took him a couple of seconds to realize they weren't paying attention to him, just panicking over friends or property that they could no longer (or didn't have the guts to) save. He raced over to the nearest one, a white pegasus with a bright red mane. "Hey!". This time he yelled it right in her ear. She looked numb, not able to comprehend a disaster of this scale. "I need your help! I've got a plan to put out the fire, but I need all of the pegasi to get it to work." The mare nodded numbly. "Get the other pegasi to come over by the crater!" The mare nodded again. "Oh- Okay". Soulfire almost smiled. No matter what others believed, everypony had courage to help in times like this. "Go!", he shouted, and the pegasus flew off.


Soulfire continued this routine until he had a collection of pegasi hovering near the crater where town hall used to be. A few had panicked and flown off, but most had come to help. He hoped it wouldn't be too late to save the town. The fire had spread farther in the short time it took to collect these pegasi. "Okay!" he yelled, flying up where all of them can see him. "We have to stop the fire! Collect all the clouds that you can, and push them together!"


He dashed up and grabbed a cloud out of the sky pushing it down until it was low over Ponyville. "Come ON!" His words jarred the pegasi into action, and they all pushed clouds into the middle, melding them together to form a monster cloud. He wondered if Starstream was helping as he dashed to another small cumulus and pushed it towards the middle.


Eventually the cloud was big enough. He yelled out to all the other ponies, "Follow my lead!". Then he started flying. He flew around he monster of a cloud, pressing his side against it as hard as he could. More pegasi followed his lead, just a couple at first, then more and more. A few of them just hovered there indecisively. When they realized what he was doing, some of the ponies flew up to the top and started ramming into the top of the cloud.


Finally, what he had hoped would happen, happen. The cloud, which had accumulated into a large dark storm cloud as he and the other ponies flew against it, started to drip, then trickle, and then it turned into an absolute torrent. As water poured down from its dark underbelly, it extinguished all of the fires that the ponies pushed it over. It was working!



                                                         "They may take our lives, but they will never take our ponies!"

                                                                          DerpyMail: Exanime32@derpymail.org

                                                                   Soulfire - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/soulfire-r3945

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@@Snowy Storm,


Nuclear took a few steps back from Dark, actually seeming afraid of him. She gave him a look before taking off into the town.


She didn't what she could do to help, her magic mostly being of the destructive variety. But the gray mare was determined to help in some way.


@@Fluttering High,


Just as Nuclear entered the smouldering ruins of the town, she saw the raincloud put out most of the fires.

It was a bit saddening that she couldn't help but at least the fire was dealt with.


'What can explosions and radiation do to help anyway...?' she thought, looking up at Soulfire.

Edited by Nuclear Neur☢tic
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@@Fluttering High


"Good job, their houses wont burn. Now they can slowly starve to death if they don't kill each other first, but at least the breeze wont bother them..."


Kingfisher sighed: It really was a sad thought, but what more could she do? The fact was that they were doomed anyway - she needed to make sure the same didn't happen to her. Approaching the husk of a burnt-out house, she bucked at the door. It shuddered violently but held fast.



Grunting in frustration, she drew the cutlass she kept at her side and started to pry the door open with the flat of the blade.It was a skill she had picked up years back in...


The doors heated lock shattered and the heavy wood swung in on its frame. She ventures inside to try and find something better to sustain her than apples and grains.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Nuclear spotted Kingfisher breaking into a ruined home. She had moment of inner turmoil of whether or not to do the same thing.


'It's not any different than the looting and arson you did in Manehattan...' a part of her thought.


'I guess...plus...' Nuclear put a hoof to her stomach, feeling the ribs that were visible. 'That apple wasn't much to begin with...' 


In the next moment Nuclear ran to another home, busting open the door with ease with her explosive magic.

Anypony brave enough to make her stop would get a lethal dose of radiation if they tried to stop her.


She hated having to use her magic like this. But the current state of Equestria had forced her to use them.

And...not surprisingly they were very effective in this new world.

Edited by Nuclear Neur☢tic
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Dark watched as the ponies broke into house and steal stuff.

"I guess this is how the world is supposed to be now" The rain felt nice on his body. His pink eyes began to dull. He sat down on the ground. 

I wonder how things got this bad? Where did everything go bad? He thought to himself. He sat on the ground a little longer before picking himself up. He walked towards a house and blasted the hinges of the door off it. he saw two ponies inside and looked ready to eat grain and an apple. Dark wasn't going to waste his time.

"Either you leave this house and everything in it or you leave this world with my help" Just as they were about to say something about his rude statement he bared his sharped teeth and revealed his black aura around his horn before throwing one of the ponies outside. the other pony quickly fled. Dark moved over to the food and take his time eating it.

"What is mine is mine and what is yours is also mine"

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Kingfisher quickly sifted through the ruined building: judging by its condition, she had assumed it to be empty and as far as she could tell, she was correct. Minutes later she stood outside, bags only slightly heavier. It was amazing exactly what you could find if you knew how to search: but she doubted bits and family heirlooms would be of any use now.

Never quite forgotten.

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Soulfire was conflicted. As he watched the other ponies from the little group that had gathered in the forest breaking into homes, he felt both that they needed supplies, but also felt a flash of anger when Dark threw another pony out on to the street. "Hey!", he shouted. Soulfire dashed down to the pony on the ground outside. He realized it was Flower Burst - a friend of his mom. 


His anger growing, he walked inside the house as another pony came out, probably Flower Burst's friend or relation. He saw Dark standing there, eating some grain from a bag on the table. "You can't do that!" he said loudly. "I'm all for taking food when there are no ponies to eat it themselves, but this is just wrong. There's little food as it is, and if you eat it, they are going to DIE!". He shouted the last word, then stood there, breathing happily.



                                                         "They may take our lives, but they will never take our ponies!"

                                                                          DerpyMail: Exanime32@derpymail.org

                                                                   Soulfire - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/soulfire-r3945

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Dark was tasting the grain and apple he had taken. It was such a long while since he had grain and it tasted a little funny to him now.  as he was eating a other pony enter the house. Just as he was going to tell the new pony that he already claimed this food. The other pony started yelling at him

"Ah Boo Hoo, the world is a dark place now. The weak and gentle hearts have no place here" Dark took another bit of the apple. "Hey at least I didn't kill them. So what are you going to do? Stop me? Go ahead and try" Dark frowned

"I hate to use violence, so I'll leave what little grain there is, but I'll take the apple, happy?" Dark took another bit of the apple and started to move past Soulfire.

"Try to harden you heart child, you'll find life easier to live that way" Dark said as he left the house he broke into.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Nuclear walked into the house she had burst her way into and looked around. It seemed like there was not much into roomm she was in. So she moved onto the kitchen, grabbing an old burlap sack from the ground to hold whatever she'd find.


"I hope they have something in here..." she said, opening the cupboards.


She found a small half eaten bag of grain and around 3 very ripe oranges.


'It's not much but it's something...' she thought before hearing one of the civilians of Ponyville yell at her from the living room she had come from.


"Hey! That's mine!"


Nuclear sighed. "I suggest you let me take this without any resistance or your lifespan is going to be much shorter than it already is." she warned the pony, 


"No! That is my food and you're going to put it back!"


Nuclear's horn began to glow before glancing at the defiant pony. "Your funeral then..."


A yellow blast of radiation magic hit the pony, making him stumble and suddenly begin to retch blood, patches of hair falling out from his coat.


Nuclear bit her lip as she passed the now radiation sick pony. "I'm sorry..." she muttered, leaving the house.

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Starstream simply stood there, spectating, too shocked to react, too shocked to even move. She breathed heavily and she stared at the charred down... 'thing' that was once her home, trying not to break down and desperately trying to keep her composure. She had lost everything she held dear. Her warm bed, the roof above her head, her friends, her coltfriend, and most importantly...


"My children!"


She choked up and found herself losing her ability to control her breathing, only making long, deep inhales as if she were suffocating. Tears streamed down the side of her face. Her entire body trembled.


She dragged herself over to the charred mess and started to slowly dig through it.


"H-Honies... s-say something..."


She waited a few seconds, hoping, praying for a response.


"H-H-Honies...? P-Please talk to mommy..."


She broke down and wept uncontrollably as she clawed through the ruins of her home. She desperately cried out,


"Winter...!? Comet...! Byte...!!!"


As she recklessly dug through the rubble she gashed her forehoof, but she kept digging regardless.


"Say something! Anything! This isn't funny girls!"

Edited by Starstream
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Kingfisher turned hypocritically distastefully away from the other looters. One was enjoying the situation far too much. The other... well if the sounds were anything to go by, the other wasn't exactly exercising self restraint. She shook her head: as least they were trying to survive, not save those that were already doomed.
She couldn't believe that they were willfully slaughtering the villagers despite the fact that there were clearly empty properties still in the area.
'Survival of the fittest. You know that. You're no more noble than they are.'
Her disgust briefly turned on herself before she pushed the thoughts out of her head: it had been becoming harder and harder to be 'Kingfisher' herself recently. All of this death and destruction, it made her feel like she did as a filly.
'Grow up. It makes you weak.'




She left the two to scuffle, turning instead in the direction of the other pegasus she had returned with. Clearly distressed at the sight of one of the husks that was once a building. Approaching, she stopped at a safe distance: the pony was clearly distraught - it was clear enough why. The last think she needed was for somepony like Kingfisher to interfere.


She kept an ear on the argument behind her. Always listening. Always watching. Paranoid, somepony she shouldn't have to be.



Never quite forgotten.

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Dark took another bite from the apple. The burned out Ponyville was nothing, but ruins. He heard the shouts of a pony.

He could feel the pain that was carried in the voice. Walking to the source of the sound he stumbled on to the pony he met earlier by the forest. 

He watched her as she dug through the rumble in search of something.

Dark grew bored of watching the mare cutting herself as she dug through the rumble. 

"And so no pony is going to help her?" He said a little out loud "Here I thought I was the only heartless one" He laughed a little at his own humor.


His eyes for a moment turned back to purple and he faced the mare. He walked over to her and began to move some of the rumble.

"Mind If i ask what we're searching for?"

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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As Nuclear stepped out of the home she heard Starstream shouting, making her turn towards the voice. 


She shook her head, trying to keep any tears from forming in her eyes.


"Starscream..." she walked up to the hysteric pony and took a deep breath,


"I don't think they are alive..." She wanted to raise a hoof to put it on the crying mare's shoulder, but knew it wouldn't be welcome knowing the current emotional situation. 


Nuclear understood what Starscream was feeling.


'I lost my parents in a way similar to this...' she thought.



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Soulfire came out of the house after Dark. He had been thinking about the odd pony's words. On one hand, they DID need food, but they could take it from places where there were no ponies that needed it to survive. He was stil thinking about this when he heard Starstream.


She was crying over what seemed to be the wreckage of a house - what had probably been her house. He went up to her and put a hoof on her shoulder. "I- I'm sorry", he stuttered. He just stood like that for a long time.



                                                         "They may take our lives, but they will never take our ponies!"

                                                                          DerpyMail: Exanime32@derpymail.org

                                                                   Soulfire - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/soulfire-r3945

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Her digging unveiled a piece of jade coloured cloth that was charred at the bottom. her crying gradually ebbed down as she watched it. She sniffled as she carefully picked it up and rubbed it against her cheek. She silently rested her hoof over the one Soulfire had put on her shoulder. She grasped it tightly, still trembling a bit.

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Kingfisher watched the events unfold as the mare dug through the charred remains of her home: watched as the panic was replaced with... nothing. It was painful, even just to watch. She wanted to reach out, to comfort her.
"I'm..." She started to say.
'You're what? Sorry for her loss? Why? It never hurt you. Not once you got away, everything was fine. Everything still is.'
She needed an excuse to vent some violence: get back in the right mindset. This wasn't helping: emotion wasn't helping and sympathy most certainly wasn't helping them to survive.
"We should go." She said instead, looking adamantly at nothing in particular, far into the distance.

Never quite forgotten.

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Soulfire felt horrible. Though they had saved Ponyville from the fire, too many ponies had still died. Looking at Starstream and everything that she had lost, he saw the embodiment of what was happening to Equestria in this series of disasters. Thinking, he came to a conclusion. "We need to find out why this is happening," he says to the others. "Just stopping the disasters that are happening isn't working, it's just treating the symptoms of a bigger disease - a disease that reaches over all of Equestria." All of the ponies from the ones that had met in the forest were now there - Himself, Starstream, Nuclear, Kingfisher, and even the not-so-nice pony, Dark, was listening in skeptically.


"We need to find what is causing this - all of this!" Soulfire motions to the wrecked town around them, "and everything else around Equestria." He looked around, looking at each pony in turn. "We need to stop it". He stands, and waits to see what they have to say.



                                                         "They may take our lives, but they will never take our ponies!"

                                                                          DerpyMail: Exanime32@derpymail.org

                                                                   Soulfire - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/soulfire-r3945

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@@Fluttering High


It was a noble speech: spoken from his heart it touched hers. Reminding Kingfisher of who she could be. Of the better pony inside her. Of course they had to...


'That has got to be the biggest load of sentimental nonsense i have ever heard.' She muttered dismissively. 'Me? I'm more than satisfied with just not getting killed. I'm only here because most of you seem at least half sane.'

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Nuclear raised her head to look at Soulfire.


"But what do you suppose we do? None of probably have any idea what could be the cause of this anarchy...." she remarked, scratching at the ground with her hoof.


She looked up at the gloomy sky, now darkened even more by the smoke from the fires.


"I'm willing to help I guess..." said Nuclear, smiling widely at Soulfire and Kingfisher. "I have no home to go back to..."

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