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Dark smiled at Soulfire's speech.

"I suppose you want to find the heart of this and the rest of us to follow inline behind you" He amused to himself. He eyes grew between a purple and pink color "Fine I'll help you, but you need to prove to us you can be a leader. prove to us why we should even be fighting against the all this. You need a crew to support you. From most of our group I don't think anypony is ready for that task"

"We have one pony that only cares for herself, another that would kill for simple food, another that is weeping for the dead, and then me the random twisted ponything from the forest. Actually I think I might be the only one who might be of any use unless the others would like to prove me wrong"

His eyes turned Red and he faced the mare


"Murderer" Dark said dragging out the word as he smiled at the mare. 

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm

"Hold your tongue before I cut it out!" Kingfisher snapped, drawing her cutlass. "I have had just about enough of you!" She hissed past the hilt of the blade in her mouth. "Better to kill and have done than to torture and torment like some among us!"


She didn't know why she was so aggressive: it certainly wasn't a smart move - she didn't fear the unicorn in the slightest but combat was always best won before it began, not met head on. There was just... something about the way he talked down to the others. Maybe it was true about her but they didn't deserve it... not with the world like this, life was hard enough as it was.


'You're an idiot. Is this how Red would handle things?'


No. It was how she was going to handle it.

Edited by Cinderscribe

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@@Snowy Storm,

Nuclear bared her teeth at Dark before pointing at him with her horn.


"Okay, if I'm a murderer then I guess over half of Equestria is too...." she spat, her horn flowing yellow.


"What about you, Mister Condescending?" she hissed, feeling hurt.  


"I bet you've done terrible things. So, unless you are perfect don't talk!"

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Blaze wandered around the town. He kept his neck cloth over his face to keep away sickness. He wandered around, and happened to look inside a house. He saw several ponies there. And one had a sword to another's throat. When this whole thing happened and food started growing scarce, he vowed to ever kill someone else or take anyone's food. But he heard yelling and fighting, which was something he hated. He knew someone was stealing form someone else. He came through the door, prepared to help, but he then realized he couldn't do anything. He just stood in the doorway speechless, not really sure what to do.

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Dark turned to face the mare.

"And here I thought you only cared about yourself. It surprised me you would stand up for another, are you also going to tell me you're a stallion too? because that would make my day!"

"Besides I find violence and murder to be unneeded things. As you saw me I simply used fear and a display of my power to gain what I wanted. She start out abused what her magic can do and cursed if not killed that pony. You would dare pass harsh judgement on me, who I might add allowed his prey a chance to escape and live, and let this mare, who killed, to be free?" 


"And yes my dear I have done dark and twisted acts to live, But killing another? No, It is always a last resort for me, not my first, But I suppose for a pony with a sad story like yours deserves to kill others to vent there grief? No? And see if that pony you killed didn't have a family he was helping

Dark saw her horn pointed at him and she looked ready to shot him with her magic.

"I suppose savages will be savages" He said "Go ahead shot me. Prove to me I was right and you are nothing more then a murder"

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Blaze stood there awkwardly while everyone fought. "U-um what's going on?" was the best he could manage at the moment. He felt a lot of tension in the air, and these ponies all seemed pretty focused on threatening each other. He didn't know what to do, and he hoped noone had actually heard him as he began to slowly back away from the door.

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"Ah now. You are forcing words into my mouth I never said" Dark smiled. "Not once did I saw I was morally superior and I also made it clear that I have also done dark things as well"

"Couldn't the same be said about you? Not that long ago you didn't care, now you are? Ah does the lonely pony want to try to be a hero? Does she want to be the beacon of light to shine through the darkness? Then instead of threatening me, you should prove me wrong and show me through your actions that I was wrong." Dark heard a small voice. He looked and saw a pony by a door. his eyes finally faded back to their normal dull pink color

"Well it seems we have a guest. Please do greet him" He said towards Kingfisher "I would like to believe you still have some manners? and besides as long as I see a need for my games I will keep playing them, my game did help you though, standing up for another when before you wanted nothing to do with us" Smiling he turned away from the mare. "This was fun. We should play again" He said as he began to walk to the rumble of a house. 

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@Nuclear Neurotic,


"Please don't kill him, I'm going to be the one to do that." Muttered the Brigand as she sheathed the blade before turning to the newcomer.



"A disagreement. Who are you? You'll take nothing from any of us so move along if thats your plan." She appraised him as best she could: not old, probably not armed. Not a likely threat. "What are you doing here?"

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Blaze had a slight look of panic in his eyes. He started taking deep and relieving breaths so as to keep his temper at bay in the case that someone made him angry. He didn't want to say something that he would regret. "Uh... I'm noone. Just saw stuff happening and thought I'd try to stop it. Then... I realized I can't really do much against two unicorns and a sword wielder. Hehe." He laughed nervously even thought there was nothing funny about this situation. 

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Kingfisher rolled her eyes: just once it would be nice if somepony answered that question the first time she asked it.


"Right... and I'm Princess Celestia. Whats your name?"


She couldn't really blame him for being guarded, what with the swords and magic and all... Still, It wasn't helping her, and she wasn't going to do anything before she found out more.


"Calm down. We're not going to rob you..." Actually, that was yet to be seen. "Well... I'm not anyway."

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Blaze smiled nervously. "Oh um... My name's Blaze Finder... And I tend to get a little edgy in situations where I know there's a chance I won't get out alive. I think it's a phobia or something. Like when I'm out-numbered and unarmed. Oh wait that's like right now. Well I'm not really calming myself down then." Blaze sat down on the ground and sighed, trying to clear his head. He always panicked in situations like the one that was going on right now. 

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"I think they actually just call than common sense." Kingfisher answered him with the vague hint if a joke. "I'm Kingfisher. This is..." it dawned on her that she didn't even know the names of all her 'companions'


"I'll let them introduce themselves."


She shook her head and motioned to the sword at her side with a hoof.


"I'm not going to stab you! Didn't I already say that?



  Reveal hidden contents


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Soulfire saw all of this as it progressed. He just stood there beside Starstream and watched, processing everything. He wondered who the new pony was, and what interest he would have in their ragtag group of arguing ponies. He stepped up after Kingfisher introduced herself. 


"I'm Soulfire. This is Starstream-" he motions to her, "- and the grey pony over there is Nuclear Neurotic". He looked out the door, recently vacated by Dark, and said "The dark purple pony that just left was Dark." He turned again to the orange pony standing by the door. "We were going to..." He trails off. Soulfire still wasn't sure whether the others were in with his plan. He looked around the room, at all the ponies whose attention he now held. He needed to be sure who was willing to help. He took a deep breath and then said "We need to stop this. We need to find out the cause of all these disasters - and we will never do it alone. We need to work as a team if we are going to stop it. Now I need to ask - who is going to help me?" He put as much emotion as he could into the last words.


He looked around the room at all the ponies.




                                                         "They may take our lives, but they will never take our ponies!"

                                                                          DerpyMail: Exanime32@derpymail.org

                                                                   Soulfire - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/soulfire-r3945

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@@Fluttering High,


Blaze smiled widely. Finally somepony who seemed to be sane. "Alright I'm with ya mate. You probably need all the help you can get, and that's exactly what I like to do." He smiled even wider and patted the pony on the back. "I feel like you and I are gonna get along well. If you were interested I'm a mechanic pyrotechnic inventor genius analytic pegasus from Trottingham. Glad to be of service mate!"

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Dark come back with a bag on his back.

"I found it in the rumble. Would have been a pity to let such a well made bag go to waste"

@@Fluttering High,

"I suppose. Better to join you then to stay in that forest. My magic and dark knowledge are at your service" Dark then focused on the new member of their team.


"I am Dark Regal, but call me Dark" He bowed to him.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,


Blaze was surprised by the sudden change in attitude. Just a minute ago this pony was toying with the others and taunting them, making them feel horrible. But now he seemed different. He was polite when introducing himself, and he had willingly joined Soulfire's little expedition. "And I am Blaze Finder, but call me Blaze." He had analyzed the way that Dark spoke and bowed, and mimicked him nearly perfectly. The bow was spot on, but Blaze's voice was slightly higher than Dark's, although there wasn't much he could do about that. Blaze smiled, showing that he wasn't trying to mock him.

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@@Snowy Storm,

The grey mare narrowed her eyes in warning at Dark.


'We are not going to get along....' she snapped mentality before turning to the newcomer.




Nuclear smiled at Blaze tiredly. "Hello there...I know they've already told you my name but I'm Nuclear Neurotic." She stood up a bit taller as she said her full name.

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@/profile/17483-fluttering-high/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="17483" rel="">@Fluttering High,

"Might I suggest where we should go?" Dark asked.

"I have several locations that might provide us some good. The Everfree Forest seems to be expanding and it seems nature has it's own laws there. Something could lay at the center of the woods. I could guide us through it, but some ponies might not trust me. Canterlot would be good too, Find out where the princesses are and if anything bad has happened. The Final location would be.... Nevermind. We would try the Crystal Empire instead"


Dark noticed Nuclear staring at him

"Has anypony told you it's rude to stare?"

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"We should move." Kingfisher nodded grudgingly. "I've been saying that for the past half an hour. I still say we head for the coast but I guess that's you're decision to make."


She snatched a small piece of bread from her saddlebag and chewed it thoughtfully, wondering if any of the others actually had any supplies of their own.

Edited by Cinderscribe

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A look of determination formed on Star's face. She picked herself up from the floor and tied the cloth she had picked up around her neck. She took a deep breath, collecting her thoughts, focusing on what she could do from here on. She rubbed her temples as she took a moment to consider the suggestions that had been made.


She muttered to herself, "the coast... by now whatever has been going on must have spread there too, surely it'll be no different from the cities where everyone is fighting each other over the food that is available, and I'm willing to bet that whatever ships were there have already been taken by ponies who got the idea to look for escape from this nightmare..." She groaned. "The idiots. With the amount of food there's probably left there will be no way they'll reach any destination alive."


She considered the other suggestion. "Canterlot... That seems kind of pointless. With what's going on I highly doubt we'll be able to even get to the higher-ups there, let alone that we'll get any useful information."


"So then..." She looked at the others and spoke normally again. "I think going to the Everfree forest would be the best. It seems to be somehow related to what's going on, so maybe there is something to end this all with in there too."

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@@Snowy Storm,

Nuclear just Dark a agitated look before turning back to listen to Starscream.




"Sounds like the best option, I guess. I don't to have to deal with this kind of stuff again." She glanced at Dark. "And get told off for being desperate and hungry..." Nuclear muttered.

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Blaze nodded as well. "Sounds good to me. Best place to start is somewhere noone likes to go. Pretty logical." Blaze looked around at the others. He wanted to size them up before he went on some expedition with them. Kingfisher was equipped with a sword and had some sort of leathery tunic. Nuclear just seemed a little odd overall for some reason. Dark he was scared of. This new mare Starstream seemed to be a determined sort. And Soulfire seemed to be the only semi-normal one. Great.

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Soulfire considered their options. Starstream's reasoning was sound, and the Everfree forest was practically the melting pot for all things twisted. "The Everfree forest does seem like a good place to start, but we should gather supplies before we go." He looked at Dark and Nuclear. "And don't take anything from houses with ponies still in them. If all the ponies starve there will be no more Ponyville at all." Thinking if there was anything he was forgetting, he told them all "Meet back here in about an hour. Bring everything useful that you find." He turned around and flew off towards the ruins of the market square.

Edited by Fluttering High



                                                         "They may take our lives, but they will never take our ponies!"

                                                                          DerpyMail: Exanime32@derpymail.org

                                                                   Soulfire - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/soulfire-r3945

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'At least they're doing something practical now...' Kingfisher thought as she pulled out the cutlass again and went to work silently on one of the locks of another charred building, prying and twisting the blade until the brittle mechanism broke apart and the door swung open. 'Rather than arguing or playing hero. Supplies and Solitude: thats what we need.'


It didn't take her long until the bags were feeling a healthy weight again: it really was amazing how many things other ponies could miss simply by not looking properly.

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