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@@Emerald Wave

Rose felt calm for a moment, knowing that she hadn't completely screwed the whole world up, but then she ran through her mind what Emerald had just said. "Wait, what did you say?" Rose exclaimed without prosecution, but just in shock. "And I thought my life was screwed up." She secretly thought to herself.

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Emerald tried to explain, but burst into tears instead. "I was- I was b-being stalked by some murderer... I hid Symphony and tried to find him... Then-then he took her!" she sobbed. "Night Star saved her for me." She bawled. 'She probably thinks I'm insane now. Way to go, Emerald,' she scolded herself in her mind.

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@@Emerald Wave

Rose just kind of sat there in shock. If anything happened to her sister, she would probably just die. She thought of her sister July back at home, she was missing her birthday. Almost crying herself, "I'm.. sure it wasn't your fault. How could you have reacted to something like that? It's not... not a normal situation you know." Rose put her arm around the crying pony. "Night Star, you say? Who's that?" Rose didn't really want to make her more upset, but she had to admit that she was pretty interested in all of this mess.

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Fire raised an eyebrow as the two started wrestling on the ground. She rolled her eyes at Rags comment about Tag liking "Somepony" but on the inside her heart stopped...not in a good way. "You two remind me of my brother and I. We fight all the time." She laughed. "And in a good way...I mean like...wrestling and stuff, mostly to build muscle, someday, we're gonna join the best circus in Equestria." She said, proudly.

She may have pretended to ignore it, but what Rag said was still rushing through her mind, making her suddenly very nervous.

She smiled as they arrived at their cabin and quickly ran in. "I CALL A TOP BUNK SOMEWHERE." She said, spreading her wings and flying across the room to the top of one of the bunk beds in the corner.

Rag and Tag stopped fighting as quickly as they started, and followed Fire into the cabin. "Circus, huh?" Tag said, sounding interested, but Fire had taken off, Rag dashing after her. Rag climbed up into the bunk that Fire had claimed, and was saying something along the lines of "I saw it first!" She was attempting to wrestle Fire out of that bunk.


Tag, however, noticed that the room wasn't equipped for five ponies, and his eyes were opened wide. There were only four bunks.

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"Okay, I'll tell you the story. I was walking through the Everfree going home from class. It was raining, so I took the Everfree shortcut home, and Night Star was still a bully, so he followed me in there because he was confused what I was doing. I saw a shadow moving towards me so I tried running away, only to hit my head. Night Star got concerned. So he walked me home and then a few days later, Symphony and I heard banging in the basement. So I hid Symphony in the medicine cabinet, and went to find what it was. The banging now came from upstairs, and I found Symphony gone. Night Star found that guy for me and saved Symphony. The guy was in jail, but I think he might have been released," she explained. "Long story, I know."

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Lavender Pierce


Lavender huffed and crossed her hooves waiting for the pony to answer. When she didn't she glowered at the mare. "Well?" She demanded. She has expected a simple yes or maybe even a stuttering yes. The possibility that this pony might say no was making her...Feel things. Honestly, all she wanted was one friend now, she didn't want to be alone forever.

Ugh, this is humiliating! She thought, and brushed her mane out of her face, waiting for the answer.




Missy Splash


Missy grinned, "Really? Great!" She gave a little squeak and pranced towards an unoccupated log, patting the side next to her. "So, let's talk. Um, good topics to talk about with new friends would be..." She tapped a hoof against her muzzle. "Cutie Marks! Or have I already asked that...Nope, don't think I have!" She stared at Star intently before clapping her hooves together. "Oh, silly me! My cutie mark represents my ability to groom pets and make them look fabulous!"

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@@Emerald Wave

Rose looked into Emerald's eyes with pity. "That must have been... horrible. I imagine it still is.." She felt really bad for the poor mare who was sitting right next to her. "I, I can't even imagine. You don't think the guy will come back for you, do you?" Rose wished she could take those last few words back, they must have caused her so much anxiety.


{btw, I was looking for roleplays to join when i happened to come across your story. I'm on page 2.

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Emerald Wave wiped away her tears and looked toward Rose. "Maybe, but I doubt it. I don't think he even knows I'm here. I made a song about him. Ring around Inferno! You are such a weirdo! Your death should be really slow! So you can feel your pain! Ring around the black pony! Your ugly, dumb and annoying! No matter what you'll always be mean!" Emerald sang.

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Rose felt a little better. At least she knew her friend was safe. "Where did this guy come from? Why did he want to.... get you guys?" Rose had a quizzical look on her face. She wondered if she should stop asking all these questions, but it was her nature to be curious, although she wished it wasn't. She remembered a black pony with a blue, spiky mane who was a regular at the coffeehouse named Inferno, or was it Infurno? He seemed nice enough though and had a talent with animals. Probably Infurno.

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Blaze laughed. "What do you mean? On some occasions I think your timing was great! If you know what I mean." Blaze had been talking about when Artsy had made it rain on Lavender on accident. He was liking that mare less and less, and when the rain poured down on the her, he thought it had been kind of funny. Well I sound like a horrible person now.

Edited by Ampharos
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"You mean when the rain poured on that stuck up mare? That was hilarous! The only reason I acted like I was sorry was because I have manners," Art Streak remarked, laughing. "We'd better go back and see if Rose is alright. I'm not sure that green earth pony knew what she was doing..."

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"Yea Emerald, the green one, is in my cabin. I think she took Rose back there." Blaze began to trot in the direction of Cabin 3. He wondered for the umpteenth time when the donkey was going to come. He figured leaving for a few minutes wouldn't end badly. Right? "Come on then!" he shouted jokingly at Artsy. 

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Sorrow didn't intend for this to be some sort of staring contest... She continued staring at Lavender, still shaking.


What if she hurts me? Who'll take care of me? Why did they make me come here? I hate it here... I wanna be in my home... where I am safe.. and alone... I just hate it...

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Star seemed to shrink down slightly at the mention of Cutie Marks. "I um...d-don't have mine." She said, looking down at the ground rather sadly.






Fire burst out laughing and hugged the railing around the top bunk with her back legs as she used her front hooves to wrestle Rag. "There...Are...A B-Bunch...more." She said, locking hooves with Rag.

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Leafdew grumpily trudged to his cabin. Great, they're all older foals, I bet. Which means more teasing than foals my age.


Leafdew walked into the cabin, grabbed an unclaimed top bunk away from everypony else, and laid down. "I'm Leafdew, and I don't want to talk to any of you."

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"I'm coming!" Art Streak shouted, and spread her wings. She didn't go too fast, but caught up to Blaze pretty quickly, pulling into a trot. "Is there anything you'd like to talk about? I can't think of anything, even though my talent is supposed to be creativity."

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Blaze continued walking. "Yea I'm not really good at starting conversations either. I think we're close to the cabin anyway." And truth be told, the cabin came into view. He walked inside. "Hey guys is everything alright? Em kind of swooped in so I didn't really get the chance to see if you were okay." He directed the second sentence towards Rose.

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Missy froze her eyes widening. Aw crap I messed up! She reprimanded herself. "Oh! Sorry! I just automatically assuume that everypony has theres! Sorry, I didn't mean to seem insensitive! Umm...Let's talk about something else! Where are you from? I'm from Ponyville." She said in an attempt to change the subject.


@, @@Windy Scamper,


When the green colt walked in and said something along the lines that he didn't want to speak to any of them, Lavender shrugged. "What makes you think that I would want to talk to you anyway?" She snapped, over her shoulder and turned back to the mare on the floor. She got up and grabbed her blanket from off of her bed and dropped it onto the mare.

"There, another blanket, now for the love of Princess Celestia, stop shivering!" She groaned. It was then that it occured to her that maybe instead of being so snappy and abrupt she should try and be somewhat...Nicer.

She trotted to her bed and got out her scissors. "Want me to give you a hair cut? That's my talent, cutting hair. I usually don't cut hair for..." She trailed off she didn't want to say 'non upper crust ponies', so she just smiled instead.

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"It's okay." She said, slowly sitting down next to Missy (Since I forgot to say she did that)
She took her usual deep breath in preparation before she spoke again. "D-Dodge...well, sorda. It's an hours walk from my parents farm." She said, mentally letting out a sigh of relief that they had stopped talking about Cutie Marks.

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@@DarligPegasi, @@Windy Scamper, @,
Art Streak felt like she didn't belong so she went to her own cabin and saw quite the wild sight. "Well, this is intresting." Art Streak walked over to the shy pony, and lifted the blanket up. "Geez, hiding under a blanket won't help you any! We aren't going to harm you, I promise. You can come out," Art Streak said calmly. She didn't know what the stuck up pony said, but it probably didn't help.

Edited by Art Streak
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Right when Lavender got out some scissors and asked her if she wanted a haircut, Sorrow immediately stopped shaking. She couldn't tell what to feel at that point: scared or happy. She actually liked having her hair cut.. She was just about to get out of the blankets right when Art Streak had appeared in the room and removed the covers from her, making her more exposed. She quickly curled up into a ball, and went back to her shaking again, hating the fact that there were more ponies in here.

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Art Streak cringed. This pony was going to be a tough one. "Please, why are you so scared? I don't know what I did to make you be so afriad of me! I gave you cupcakes, I took you to the cabin, I talked to you and made sure you wouldn't be left behind, what more do you possibly want from me? I'm not trying to be mean, I just want to know why!"  Art Streak was unsure of herself. She had always been able to cheer ponies up, using some of the wackiest methods out there. What could she possibly be doing wrong?

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Missy Splash


"Dodge?" She asked, "Where's that?" She was happy that Star hadn't taken offense at her cutie mark comment. "And you're parents have a farm? That's awesome! Do they have like cows and sheep and stuff?"


@, @,


Lavender Pierce


Lavender curled her lip in irritation when the purple pony came in. And just as she seemed to be getting somewhere with the mare, the black pony had even stopped shaking but that lame purple pony had made her regress! "Ugh! Do you mind?" She growled at the newcomer. "We were talking!" She snapped, even though she had been the only one talking really.

Edited by DarligPegasi
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Immediately, when Sorrow was starting to hear the yelling of Lavender at Art Streak, She was starting to scoot her ways away towards the bathroom. Once inside, she closed the door and locked it, going into a vacant stall and also locking that as well. 

((I would have assume there were showers, but I wasn't sure. So I put in a bathroom.))

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Fire burst out laughing and hugged the railing around the top bunk with her back legs as she used her front hooves to wrestle Rag. "There...Are...A B-Bunch...more." She said, locking hooves with Rag.

"But I had dibs on this one!" Rag said loudly. She grunted as she scrambled back onto it, nearly having fallen off.


Tag inched, unnoticed by either of the others, and claimed the bunk below the one they were fighting over. Win-win for him, really. He didn't care which mare won the battle that was raging on the bunk above.

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