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searching changeling extermination (open joining to everyone)


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Whoa. This seems like a serious thing coming from the ponies.


Equestria is all Nazi-like now, trying to completely wipe out the whole changeling race. Do they have a reason to do that? It all seems unclear; it would have made more sense if they believed the changelings had cause their empire to deteriorate, the changelings planned a total invasion, stuff like that.

Edited by Cartophile
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it probably would but i didnt think.this thing the whole way through if you can think of a reason feel free to tell.me.amd.ill add it in :3

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hey cause of a stupid medical issue i need to leave the forums until wednesday at least mayby forever i dont know ill have a friend of mine keep this going if i do wont let this die haha. sorry everyone

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results for the reason i may have had to leave literally just came back a lot earlier then we were told they would and i dont have to leave anymore (im really begining to hate docters they scared with those stupid results haha :P)

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i would love to do these roleplays but they always say no alicorns why is that anyway? why are alicorns so limited to what roleplays they can or cant do i think it might be because some people hate alicorns and think they are not a type of pony breed at all though that most likely not true but thats what it feels like to me pls tell me why nearly every roleplay wont allow alicorns

Edited by carrick sparkle
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i have no clue but if you want amd if the dm says okay i dont really care you can enter an alicorn if ya want

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Okay, so if you want to join in with an alicorn I need to know the specifications of the OC.

The reasons alicorns are not commonly accepted is because alicorns are capable of both magic and flight. Therefore they are pretty overpowered.

I will accept your alicorn if it isn't too overpowered. Please send me what the OC is capable of in a PM. :)

i would love to do these roleplays but they always say no alicorns why is that anyway? why are alicorns so limited to what roleplays they can or cant do i think it might be because some people hate alicorns and think they are not a type of pony breed at all though that most likely not true but thats what it feels like to me pls tell me why nearly every roleplay wont allow alicorns


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Ill be dem changlings! Im happy to join dis lets play! When are we going to start it?


Your friend

-Sparkle SPeed


yaaaaay another changeling person

and i think we can almost start dm whenever you deem it good to start i will create the rp page

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oops how did i miss that -_-

im ready to create the page then will we begin what hopefully wont become an epic failure?

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