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open Casual Baltimare RP


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"You're going to take a bath after breakfast?" she asked, pretending to be nonchalant as she looked inside the fridge.



Candy laughed nervously, "Eheheh...uhm, yeah...." "You've already started this...might as well finish it." "...it's uhm...a decent sized bath...if you wanna share the space." She gritted her teeth nervously. By now, Candy was entirely red, "Just stop speaking..." "Uh. Uhm. I mean uh- O-only if you want to." She half-tripped and leaned against the wall trying to play it off. "STOP!" She began chuckling nervously again.

Edited by Becker (Fender)
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Breezy Tune sat at the train station waiting..... Waiting for the next train to arrive. He thought about his previous life in Ponyville and all the friends he made there. He thought about the things he had done there and the emotional attachments he had made to the things and places there. He took a deep breath and let out a large sigh. He knew that it was time to move and start his new life in Baltimare. He couldn't live with his parents forever.


As he sat and thought about many things he thought about his new life in Baltimare and waited.... Waited for what seemed to be forever.

Edited by Monkeynet


Awesome signature made by LittleRawr!

My OC Breezy Tune: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/breezy-tune-r4267


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Skycoaster awoke in his hotel room, his head still ringing from the night before. "Ugh, now I know why I'm not alowed to drink and fly," as he crawled out of his bed and into the hotel bathroom. "What time is it anywa......" as he can see the clock in the reflection of the mirror. "Oh Buck! I have to be at the weather center in the town in 15 min!"


Skycoaster grabbed his saddle bag and flew out the open window of the hotel up to the clouds. "Let's see, One, two, three....THREE! is that the whole weather team for this Celestia forsaken city! No wonder Cloudsdale sent some pony to see why you weren't keeping up! Where is your captain anyway?"

Skycoaster was making a seen. Everypony on the streets below him and in nearby buildings could here him screaming at the team.


"Look, I'm sorry I snapped at you guys, but I had a wild night. We need to get you guys back on track. I have, in my bag here.....um...in my....." Skycoaster's face went pale. How could he have lost his morel medallions that we was going to give the team in hopes that Cloudsdale wouldn't need to make a major change. "Where could they have gone?" he said under his breath. "I know I had them in the club with me and the rest of my things last night. The last thing I remember was passing out near that little colt by the stage.....Wait, why would a little colt be in a night club." He said to himself.

"If you'll excuse me, I need to take care of something. Start busting those clouds, and find your captain."



Skycoaster was flying frantically throughout Baltimare looking for the colt. He searched for a few hours before spotting something or somepony in a tree in the park. He hovered over the tree, waiting to the colt to wake up. He had a few questions for him when he awoke.


(OOC Fixed my bad spelling. Captain)

Edited by Skycoaster

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Rut-Light arrived at work and immediately got working on the last of the repairs on the locomotive, which he soon finished.  After that he got straight into the cab of the steam engine and started the ignition procedures; when enough steam was built he held his breath and whispered, "Please work...*releases brake and train starts moving*...oh yes YES!"  The train started slowly but eventually got up to acceptable speeds for the area, he carefully guided it to the steam works a yard away, once he was inside he shut down steam and left the train to be repaired to working order completely.  


As he trotted through the yard he saw the steamer known as the Teutonic as well as a fireman waiting there, as he approached he spoke to the fireman "Well, this is quite a large locomotive, lets get moving."  The fire man nodded and climbed inside the cab to start shoveling coal into the firebox.  Rut-Light got in the cab just as the fireman finished, set the regulator in the right position, released the brake and steam started to build in the pipes.  When enough steam was built he moved the regulator away from him and the train slowly started to pick-up speed.  "Now then, let go collect those cars and then the passengers."  he said as the train set off towards the destination.


(Time skipping a half hour train trip)  As the train pulled the train of 4 passenger cars, Rut-Light spotted a station ahead with a bunch of ponies waiting on the platform.  His hoof reached out and tugged the whistle rope, letting off the loud awesome noise everyone known as a train-whistle.  He then quickly started slowing down the engine by doing the start-up except backwards.  As the rolled into the station and eventually stopped he pulled the whistle again to signal the trains arrival, then he heard the station master yell, "ALL ABOARD FOR BALTIMARE!"

Edited by Midnight-Inferno


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Breezy Tune rushed into the train quickly eager to get to his new life in Baltimare. When he got inside the passenger care he found a comfortable seat to get into and got in. He was so excited he could barely contain himself. So many questions were in his head. "What should I do when I get there?" "What food will I eat?" "What apartment will I rent?" "What ponies will I meet?"


All of these questions went around unanswered in his mind.


Awesome signature made by LittleRawr!

My OC Breezy Tune: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/breezy-tune-r4267


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(the what is caption?)


Starshine was having a sleep of his life. He snore lightly. Having at least two thousand bits in your saddlebag tend to do that. Usually he would wake up early to search for a filling breakfast, but for today he decided to take it a bit easier. Unfortunately his sleep was interrupted by the sound of flapping wings of a nearby pegasus.




"Uh, hello?" Starshine asked drowsily. He wasn't used to such an awakening. Slowly he stood on the branch and shook his head a few times to get his brain going. Now he recognized the pegasus from the last night DJ show. "Anything I can do to help, uh, mister drunk orange pegasus?" he inquired jokingly.


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(OoC I meant Captain lol. Bad spelling.





"Uh, hello?" Starshine asked drowsily. He wasn't used to such an awakening. Slowly he stood on the branch and shook his head a few times to get his brain going. Now he recognized the pegasus from the last night DJ show. "Anything I can do to help, uh, mister drunk orange pegasus?" he inquired jokingly.


Skycoaster got a laugh out of the comment. "Yea, I can't hold my cider....wait that's not why I'm hear. I think you know what I'm hear for. I had a gold weather medallion, two silver weather medallions, and three bronze ones. You were the last pony I saw before I blacked out, so I was hoping you may be able to help me find them." He said sarcastically. "I believe you may know where they are."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Bass finally dazed into awareness. WIth a large yawn, he turned to face to unicorn laying next to him. "Huh? wha?" He mumbled still reorienting himself. "Oh, uh, g'morning. Nah, guess I was too beat to dream er somethin'." Then, with a low rumble from his stomach, he had to add, "Can we, heh, get some food? I'm starving." As he finished his question, a slight smile overtook his face as he remembered his newly proclaimed status, as being completely positive of their future.


"Sure! Lemme go make you something, you stay in bed and relax." Kaz bolted out of bed into the cold, stale air that lingered around the apartment. The window's were still open wide from the night before and a chilly breeze raced in without stopping. "Brrrrrrr, it's freezing." Kaz said as he entered the kitchen. "What do I even make him? Jeez, what if he's allergic to something?! Right, play it safe." he though to himself whilst reaching for the butter at the back of the fridge.


He carefully levitated a bowl down from the top cupboard, an azure piece of ceramic that Kaz reserved for very special guests given to him by a similar looking mare from Ponyville. He poured a fair amount of grains and out into the bowl and then moved it across to a tray with his hooves. "Toast is done!" Kaz said as he took two pieces of bread out of the toaster and slapped a strangely generous amount of butter onto them.


He levitated a matching glass down which had a brilliant sapphire rim and poured some orange juice into it and then carried the complete set on his tray into the bedroom to his still half-asleep coltfriend.

  • Brohoof 1

let's love for me


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cause soon enough we'll die


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Once everypony boarded the train and the doors were closed, the station master blew his whistle and signaled that we were good to take off to our next destination; Baltimare.  Rut-Light once again threw the regulator to the correct position and released the brake, while the steam pressure was rising the fireman shoveled more coal into the firebox for the long trek back home. Once he finished Rut-Light started to slowly move the regulator into position, and with that the wheels started to turn; slowly at first but then they turned faster and faster, the pistons pumped without restraint and the boiler bubbled without a care in the world.  "Off to Baltimare, full steam ahead!"  Rut-Light shouted over the whistling wind as they steamed along the track at what he guessed was nearing the trains top speed of 75 mph which happened to be the speed limit of this particular branchline.  


The train was nearing a brick tunnel after being turned off on to the mainline, Rut-Light knew thins tunnel as a landmark that said that they are exactly 13 minutes away from Baltimare station.  As it entered the tunnel the light in the train went away like a dead lightbulb, and all was dark but not silent as the train clickity-clacked along the railway tracks, it wasn't a long tunnel either as the locomotive burst through into the light of day, and its coat of green reflected the light of the sun well as the pistons pumped their hardest and the wheels whirred along the track as the train approached 67 mph.  Rut-Light whispered to he train as he stroked its side, "Come on old girl, this is the final stretch home...TO BALTIMARE!"  He yelled enthusiastically as he gave the the train whistle two good tugs.

Edited by Midnight-Inferno


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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As he sits and waits for the train to arrive at the station he starts to chat with some other ponies. He chitchats with the other ponies about where they came from and why they are going to Baltimare. He heard that the famous Equestrian artist DJ PON3 was performing in Baltimare at one point and thought about it for a while. "DJ PON3.........." He thought about how much he hated that he had a crush on his favorite artist but he just couldn't stop thinking about her. He began to picture something but quickly shook it out of his mind. "I don't want to be thinking about that kind of stuff now." He thought.


Awesome signature made by LittleRawr!

My OC Breezy Tune: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/breezy-tune-r4267


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Skycoaster got a laugh out of the comment. "Yea, I can't hold my cider....wait that's not why I'm hear. I think you know what I'm hear for. I had a gold weather medallion, two silver weather medallions, and three bronze ones. You were the last pony I saw before I blacked out, so I was hoping you may be able to help me find them." He said sarcastically. "I believe you may know where they are."


Starshine watched the accusing stallion impassively. Did he even see him moving around taking things? He was pretty sure the stallion was totally out cold when he did that. He absentmindedly scratched behind his ears before replying, "Now, mister, I'm not really sure what you're implying here, but I was just trying to help you back there. I could swear you looked like something had just run you over. Before I could get somepony to help you out, you just went up and flew away, leaving me looking like an idiot."


He narrowed his eyes at the stallion. "If you're looking for your things, maybe you'll have a better luck keeping them with you by not getting drunk dead in the middle of a show with hundred of ponies dancing around you, every single one of them out of their minds." His horn glowed. His body and saddlebag faded to nothingness before the stallion. "See you next year," he said mockingly as he disappeared. Below him, on the ground near the tree's base, an image of navy blue colt could be seen galloping away from the scene.

Edited by Starshine


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"Sure! Lemme go make you something, you stay in bed and relax." Kaz bolted out of bed into the cold, stale air that lingered around the apartment. The window's were still open wide from the night before and a chilly breeze raced in without stopping. "Brrrrrrr, it's freezing." Kaz said as he entered the kitchen. "What do I even make him? Jeez, what if he's allergic to something?! Right, play it safe." he though to himself whilst reaching for the butter at the back of the fridge.


He carefully levitated a bowl down from the top cupboard, an azure piece of ceramic that Kaz reserved for very special guests given to him by a similar looking mare from Ponyville. He poured a fair amount of grains and out into the bowl and then moved it across to a tray with his hooves. "Toast is done!" Kaz said as he took two pieces of bread out of the toaster and slapped a strangely generous amount of butter onto them.


He levitated a matching glass down which had a brilliant sapphire rim and poured some orange juice into it and then carried the complete set on his tray into the bedroom to his still half-asleep coltfriend.

Bass looked up at the small ensemble of food presented before him, still a bit groggily. With a chuckle, he teased, "You didn't have to do that for me, Kazzy," putting a lot of emphasis on the name. With that being said, though he didn't hesitate to take the tray from the white unicorn and begin crunching away at the food set upon it. A minute or so into his rather small feast, he looked up to the stallion still there, and queried, "Aren't you hungry, too?" Then, with that question, he took a large gulp of the orange beverage that was present on the tray.

Edited by BassClef
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Bass looked up at the small ensemble of food presented before, still a bit groggily. With a chuckle, he teased, "You didn't have to do that for me, Kazzy," putting a lot of emphasis on the name. With that being said, though he didn't hesitate to take the tray from the white unicorn and begin crunching away at the food set upon it. A minute or so into his rather small feast, he looked up to the stallion still there, and queried, "Aren't you hungry, too?" Then, with that question, he took a large gulp of the orange beverage that was present on the tray.

"No, no, no. I don't eat breakfast much, it's rare when I do." Kaz said sat at the foot of the bed, playing with his mane. "I didn't even know what to make you this morning. So urm... Tell me about yourself... Well, I should say... Tell me what I haven't read in NME." Kaz barged at Bass enthusiastically waiting for some great gossip or secrets whilst the poor tan stallion had only just swallowed his first bite.

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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"No, no, no. I don't eat breakfast much, it's rare when I do." Kaz said sat at the foot of the bed, playing with his mane. "I didn't even know what to make you this morning. So urm... Tell me about yourself... Well, I should say... Tell me what I haven't read in NME." Kaz barged at Bass enthusiastically waiting for some great gossip or secrets whilst the poor tan stallion had only just swallowed his first bite.

Bass swallowed another bite, and furrowed his brow, pondering the request for information. "Well, um what exactly do you wanna know? And, for that matter, what do you already know?" Bass asked, curious to see as to what the white unicorn might have read about him. He then continued before getting an answer, "Like you wanna know, about my past, or like just me in general?" He then finished the glass of orange liquid, and a small belch escaped his lips. "Oh excuse me, heh." he mumbled, now waiting for an answer.

Edited by BassClef
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Bass swallowed another bite, and furrowed his brow, pondering the request for information. "Well, um what exactly do you wanna know? And, for that matter, what do you already know?" Bass asked, curious to see as to what the white unicorn might have read about him. He then continued before getting an answer, "Like you wanna know, about my past, or like just me in general?" He then finished the glass of orange liquid, and a small belch escaped his lips. "Oh excuse me, heh." he mumbled, now waiting for an answer.

"Ew, you pig!" Kaz exclaimed as he hit the bottom of Bass' hoof and laughed. "Well I know a bit... But it's mostly rumours. Nothing's been confirmed yet. And uhhhh... Tell me about everything, anything! Even if its really mundane." Kaz seemed enthralled in Bass and was admiring just his presence. This gleeful feeling still hasn't worn off for Kaz yet and he hoped that it never would.

  • Brohoof 1

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cause soon enough we'll die


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"Ew, you pig!" Kaz exclaimed as he hit the bottom of Bass' hoof and laughed. "Well I know a bit... But it's mostly rumours. Nothing's been confirmed yet. And uhhhh... Tell me about everything, anything! Even if its really mundane." Kaz seemed enthralled in Bass and was admiring just his presence. This gleeful feeling still hasn't worn off for Kaz yet and he hoped that it never would.

"Rumors huh? You should really stay away from them gossip magazines." Bass scolded with a laugh. Then he continued, "Well, uh, I guess you probably knew that I was from Canterlot. Um, when I was young, I was always curious about musical stuff, and one year, my parents had finally thought I deserved to go to the Gala with them, but it turned out to be a bit more important of a night for me. That's when I almost got my family banned from the Gala, and got my cutie mark all in one night. Did ya know that my cutie mark actually was from playing the cello?" He joked, although he actually wondered if the stallion knew from some magazine article he may have read or seen.

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"Rumors huh? You should really stay away from them gossip magazines." Bass scolded with a laugh. Then he continued, "Well, uh, I guess you probably knew that I was from Canterlot. Um, when I was young, I was always curious about musical stuff, and one year, my parents had finally thought I deserved to go to the Gala with them, but it turned out to be a bit more important of a night for me. That's when I almost got my family banned from the Gala, and got my cutie mark all in one night. Did ya know that my cutie mark actually was from playing the cello?" He joked, although he actually wondered if the stallion knew from some magazine article he may have read or seen.

"Huh, I always saw you as more of a Bass player. Does that mean you know Octavia?! Oh she's so cool! Not as cool as you though." Kaz was almost through the roof with excitement. "And how did you get you almost get your family banned? You didn't drop the bass did you?" Kaz chuckled at his very awful joke. "I read somewhere that you were with a famousish mare for a bit but then you broke away from her to focus on your career."

Edited by EllieGouldingIsGod

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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"Huh, I always saw you as more of a Bass player. Does that mean you know Octavia?! Oh she's so cool! Not as cool as you though." Kaz was almost through the roof with excitement. "And how did you get you almost get your family banned? You didn't drop the bass did you?" Kaz chuckled at his very awful joke.

"Oh jeez. Well no, but apparently it's frowned upon for reckless colts to hop on stage while the band is on break, and play the super expensive instrument, at the most important gathering in Equestria... yeah. I was just lucky I was a natural. And as a matter of fact I do know her, well, I've talked to her anyway at a few Canterlot parties, if that counts." He then looked around, for something else to add. "In all honesty though, I'm glad I'm out of that place. Way to uptight for me there. Baltimare, on the other hoof, seemingly quite opposite," he said, chuckling at his statement. "Um, I dunno what else to say I guess.. Hm..." He pondered a bit for what else he could tell the excited white stallion.

Edited by BassClef
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"Oh jeez. Well no, but apparently it's frowned upon for reckless colts to hop on stage while the band is on break, and play the super expensive instrument, at the most important gathering in Equestria... yeah. I was just lucky I was a natural. And as a matter of fact I do know her, well, I've talked to her anyway at a few Canterlot parties, if that counts." He then looked around, for something else to add. "In all honesty though, I'm glad I'm out of that place. Way to uptight for me there. Baltimare, on the other hoof, seemingly quite opposite," he said, chuckling at his statement. "Um, I dunno what else to say I guess.. Hm..." He pondered a bit for what else he could tell the excited white stallion.

"BALTIMARE IS STILL FANCY!" Kaz scoffed, feeling slightly insulted. "It's not uptight but I'd not the exact opposite, cheeky bugger." Kaz said and his Trottish accent popped out quite clearly. "Anyhoof, you never answered me about that mare. Celestia, what was her name again? I can't remember at all."

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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"BALTIMARE IS STILL FANCY!" Kaz scoffed, feeling slightly insulted. "It's not uptight but I'd not the exact opposite, cheeky bugger." Kaz said and his Trottish accent popped out quite clearly. "Anyhoof, you never answered me about that mare. Celestia, what was her name again? I can't remember at all."

Bass cringed ever so slightly at the mention of a mare. "Mare? Who th-?" He then figured Kaz meant exactly what he feared. "Oh! Um, mare... Well, I dunno. I haven't been with a mare since I don't even know, so there's really er- no reason to bring her up." Bass said, a airy nervousness radiating from him.


"Anyway, I, uh, gotta get started on my new tracks if.. if you don't mind, Kazzy." He repeated the nickname again to try and take the attention away from his stuttering.

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"Hold on," Kaz said, putting his hoof on top of Bass'. "Talk to me, sweetie. What actually happened?" Kaz really did care about what had happened to Bass even though he already knew what had occurred. It had been a bad breakup and he hoped that letting Bass open up to him might help them both learn to be honest with each other.


"I know it must be hard, but I'm here to listen." Kaz said empathically.

  • Brohoof 1

let's love for me


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cause soon enough we'll die


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"Hold on," Kaz said, putting his hoof on top of Bass'. "Talk to me, sweetie. What actually happened?" Kaz really did care about what had happened to Bass even though he already knew what had occurred. It had been a bad breakup and he hoped that letting Bass open up to him might help them both learn to be honest with each other.


"I know it must be hard, but I'm here to listen." Kaz said empathically.

Bass sighed.


"Well, I dunno..." Looking around, he realized he was safe to talk, with Kaz the only one who would hear him. He looked the stallion deep in the eyes, and felt an honest trust with him.


"Well, alright. It was more than just 'me breaking it off to chase my career', though. We were both to blame for the problems between us. The whole 'career' thing was just what the magazines print because it's all they could, legally... the deeper side was worse. She had a drinking problem, and I almost got pulled into the drug scene because of the stress she caused me. Albeit, my career may have had a minor role in our issues, because a lot of nights I would be up, working on mixes, or out playing, when I should have devoted more time to helping her, but things just didn't work out that way... I was arrogant, and I regret it all, I thought I knew what I was doing by ignoring her problem, and she almost.." his eyes began to well up as he recalled such awful memories, from what was only a year ago. He then continued.


"She almost drank herself to death one night. The hospital said if I had waited any longer to call, she wouldn't have made it. Of course, this was expensive on both of us, because we had to pay to keep it out of print, but either way... we couldn't see eachother after that. I couldn't see her. She had gone to rehab, and was now back into her career, and I'm now here with my record label, but we just couldn't see eachother again after that night." at that point the tears were running down his face, and there was nothing he could do about it either. He looked down from the stallion listening, and closed his eyes as he tried his best to hold back the pain from the memories.

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"NO NO NO CELESTIA NO KAZ YOU IDIOT" Kaz's mind was screaming at him and his heart was tearing at the seams. "Bass, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. Come here, darling." Kaz pulled Bass' head into his chest and he could feel the tears rolling down his fur. Kaz threw his hooves around Bass and squeezed him tightly, never wanting to let go.

"If I'd have known... Last night... Oh damn, I'm such an ass." Kaz said feeling idiotic about how he composed himself the previous night.

"I promise I'll never do anything like that again, ever. I won't even go near the stuff. Please stop crying, sweetie. You'll ruin those pretty eyes!" Kaz hoped he could lighten the mood a bit.

Edited by EllieGouldingIsGod

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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"NO NO NO CELESTIA NO KAZ YOU IDIOT" Kaz's mind was screaming at him and his heart was tearing at the seams. "Bass, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. Come here, darling." Kaz pulled Bass' head into his chest and he could feel the tears rolling down his fur. Kaz threw his hooves around Bass and squeezed him tightly, never wanting to let go.

"If I'd have known... Last night... Oh damn, I'm such an ass." Kaz said feeling idiotic about how he composed himself the previous night.

"I promise I'll never do anything like that again, ever. I won't even go near the stuff. Please stop crying, sweetie. You'll ruin those pretty eyes!" Kaz hoped he could lighten the mood a bit.

Bass clung to the stallion, sobbing. He barely managed to speak, "That's... why I got so upset last night." he stated, though there was no need, as Kaz had already put two and two together. He just continued to lean on the white unicorn for Luna knows how long, completely engrossed in his sobbing. After some time though, he managed to at least come back to a somewhat normal emotional state, and all he said was, "Thank you." without specifying what for.

  • Brohoof 1
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Bass clung to the stallion, sobbing. He barely managed to speak, "That's... why I got so upset last night." he stated, though there was no need, as Kaz had already put two and two together. He just continued to lean on the white unicorn for Luna knows how long, completely engrossed in his sobbing. After some time though, he managed to at least come back to a somewhat normal emotional state, and all he said was, "Thank you." without specifying what for.

"I know, darling. And don't thank me." Kaz planted a kiss on Bass' cheek. "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want too, just tell me to shut up in the future." Kaz said with a slight laugh, hoping Bass would join him. "I am so sorry about last night though, if I'd have known..." He trailed off being careful as to where he treaded with the delicate situation. "I love you, darling."

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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