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A grin crept up Caramel's face as she watched Ember getting excited about helping other ponies...It reminded her of home. "I suppose it'd be alright for ya to get us some fixins...but just this once, " she winked. "So uh...do ya think they have any flapjacks here? I'd love some with some apple cinnamon and apple slices on top...Oh, and can't forget the whipped cream!" She closed her eyes and rubbed her stomach as the thought brought the taste to her mouth.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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"Aaaah!" Screamed Bubble at the sudden appearance, snapping the notebook closed and almost hurled herself across the room in surprise. "Thunder?! This is my bedroom! I might have been getting changed or... something!"


The fact that, as a pony, she rarely wore clothes was a negligible point.


"What is it with everypony appearing in here?!" She shouted over the knock at the door.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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"Uh, beg your pardon Bubble, but...we don't normally wear clothes. Anyway, sorry for barging in like this but...Ember, wanted me to tell you that the fireworks show is still on. He's not canceling it." Thunder Dash said. "Nice room by the way." Thunder Dash added as he looked around. 

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"Thank you!" She said in a still slightly flustered voice, as she opened the door without looking to show Thunder out, Cinders oversized goggles slightly skewed on her face. "Sorry Thunder but this is a very delicate piece of work!" She said, mimicking the words her sister used to say to her when she had been the one interrupting as a filly as she motioned towards the assortment if bits and pieces on the ground.

Finally turning to look out of the door, she noticed another familiar face.

"Ponder? Why is everypony coming to my room all of a sudden!"




Edited by Cinderscribe

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"Ya know, there's only one way to find out!"  Ember smiled at Caramel, chuckling softly at her reaction to her imaginary breakfast.  The young stallion leaned back in his seat to wave down a waiter, shooting a small shower of green sparks out of the stump of his horn to help grab a distracted pony's attention.


With a smile, Ember placed his order as he handed the waiter his small coin purse.  "Umm, some toast and a blueberry muffin for me, with water to drink.  And whatever the pretty mare wants."  Ember chuckles and winks at Caramel as the waiter starts to write down their order.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"End up being flapjacks if ya got any with whatever apple toppins you can find." Caramel ordered knowingly."Don't need no beverage. Had my fill this mornin heh." She then looked at Ember, smiling smartly, "So where will we be performin this show? I mean, it's a big city and after that Thunder character came around, I'd think there'd be lots of ponies.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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"Hmmm, well..."  Ember tapped a hoof against his chin, thinking.  "I generally need to get permission first to set off my fireworks on private property...  But I remember a nice park I spent a little time in yesterday.  I shot off a couple of fireworks and no one seemed to mind, and it had a perfect clearing to do so.  No trees or anything to interfere with the trajectories."


The young stallion digs around in one of his bags for another sheet of parchment, this one seeming to be a hoof-drawn map.  He taps a specific area with one hoof.  "It was around here, I think...  It would be better if I could get my hooves on an actual map, I had to throw this one together out of memory.  Though if we could find a nice public clearing anywhere it would be sufficient, tall buildings could mess up the show though."


Ember's ears twitch as he thinks.  This project was more than just his fireworks, and he was trying to come up with a good way that they could both show off their talents.  "Hmm, I wonder if we could find anywhere with a built in stage?  Or maybe a plaza?"  His ears flicked again.  While a real map would likely help out a lot, he didn't really mind problems like this.  It was like a big puzzle, and he wanted to figure out how to solve it!











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@ and


As the door to the room opened, a slightly sickening feeling washed over Pondah. The last time he'd been in Bubble's hotel, he'd almost been burnt an unknown amount. Pondah struggled to restrain his excitement as Bubble started talking to him. "Don't worry!" ​he said eagerly. "I've just come to say that we've been offered a job by Sky, the pegasus who took us to his hotel. Apparently, it's easy money and we have to do barely any work."


​Pondah's curiosity soon got the better of him. It had seemed odd that Bubble was wearing goggles whilst she was surrounded by various components of machines. He noticed Thunder was walking away from the room."Oh, hello Thunder," ​he said in a less eager voice. The excitement of a job opportunity had began to lessen after he told Bubble and he was finally able to in a more traditional, analysing way. He faced back towards Bubble and resumed speaking. "You're surrounded by pieces of what looks to be machinery, you've got goggles on and if I'm not mistaken, that's the notebook that attacked me earlier. I'm going to take a guess you're building one  of the projects in there or fiddling with one that either you or your sister made earlier."

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Glancing back at the bits and pieces scattered haphazardly around the room, Bubble grinned sheepishly.


"Uhm... No?" She said unconvincingly, running a hoof nervously through her mane much in the same way she used to whenever she knew that she was about to be on the receiving end of a lecture from her sister. "I mean... kind of... maybe?"


She shuffled nervously, but thankfully Pondah had brought up something that was certainly much more important and hopefully more interesting to talk about.


"A job? That's great news! Oh I'm really pleased for you! Now you can... hold on a minute... we've been offered a job? As in, both of us?"

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As Bubble gave a very sketchy and suspicious reply, a 'hmm..." escaped his lips and his brow furrowed. 


'I can grill her on this later. She's definitely hiding something. For now, act natural.'


Pondah quickly changed his face to one that more suited the eagerness of receiving his first job. "Yeah," he replied. "Both of us. Sky offered me a job and said that you can help me if you wanted to. If you feel up for it, he'll probably find a way to fit you in as well. There must be something else available that you can help with. Apparently, the weather team round here is really bad. Perhaps you can do something for team morale?"

Edited by Sir. Loin
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'Why does everypony think that I can't do anything important? I'm reliable!' Bubble thought indignantly, but maintained her beaming smile out of happiness for her friend. "Of course I'll help! I could do... stuff!"


She waved her hooves excitedly in front of her before realising the black smudges that seemed to have formed over them in the past few minutes.


"Oh! Now you can buy me some lunch! Then I'll be able to get you a birthday present after all!" She cheered excitedly.

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Bubble's positive reply made even happier. "Great!" ​Pondah replied. "We just have to go and tell Sky that we're both up for the job. Then we can start earning! I don't mind buying lunch but I will need to start hoarding my money."


​Pondah was about to leave before he took another look at the bits and bobs cluttering Bubble's floor.


'Say... whatever machine that Bubble's working on looks quite interesting. I wonder if I can have a look or even help?"


"Do you mind if I help you do whatever it is you're doing with that machine? I'm hoping I can be of some assistance."

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"Oh! Uhm, I don't think that's such a good idea..." Bubble winced. True, Pondah would probably be really helpful - and she trusted him - but Cinder would be so angry if she found out that Bubble had shown somepony else her work!


"It's, uhm, very... Science!" She said, mixing up phrases into something that sounded vaguely coherent. It was painfully obvious even to her that it was failing. "Sorry Ponder... I'm not supposed to show anypony my sisters things. When it's done you'll be the first pony I show! Promise!"

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The happiness drained from Pondah's face when Bubble turned down his offer to help. Before he replied, he shrugged. "Ok," ​he said quietly. "I understand. If that's her will, that's the way. But anyway, are you going to finish whatever it is you're doing and then I'll tell Sky that you're up for the job or are you coming now?"


'One moment... she said 'I'm not supposed to show anypony my sister's things' but previously said that it wasn't something she'd made or something her sister had made. I knew she wasn't giving the full story. I love being able to spot lies. It preserves the sanctity of truth.'

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Suddenly, Thunder Dash turned and saw Pondah. "Oh hey Pondah. Didn't see you there." Thunder Dash said.


Suddenly, when Bubble mentioned science, he chimed in and said "Oh! I love science! And yes, I can be random at certain times." He added trying not to blush in front of his two friends and get embarrassed.  

Edited by Thunder-Dash
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"We should probably both go now - this is probably going to take a while, I'll come back to it later." Bubble shrugged happily before turning on Thunder again. "Please don't... appear in my room again Thunder! This is really, really delicate! Just, knock or something?" She said with a pleading smile as she trotted back into the room, tucked the notebook away into her saddlebag and returned to Pondah.

Edited by Cinderscribe

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"Sorry, was just lookin' for ya to tell you the news." Thunder Dash said as he walked out the room with Bubble and Pondah. "So wehre to next? I was planning to head over to the Baltimare Bar & Grill so I could sit in with one of the local bands and maybe jam on a few songs." Thunder Dash said.  

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"A stage? Ya mean y'alls park don't have a stage?" Caramel tapped her hoof to a beat, "Back home, we had one that was there all year round." She raised an eyebrow at Ember smartly, "Surely in this big city, y'alls park would have one." Ideas seemed to flow through Caramel's head, yet none really solved the problem. She sighed loudly as she looked at Ember, hoping he would have better luck.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@ and


Pondah was the first to answer Thunder's question. "We're off to get signed up for a job!" ​ Pondah replied. ​The corridors and stairs out of the hotel seemed much longer after Pondah's high speed dash to give the employment news to Bubble. He turned back to face her and give another piece of information. "The arranged meet-up point is in a quiet and rather secluded park a few minutes from him here," ​Pondah told her. "We won't be going for too long."

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"Oh now that's awesome! Where's the job? What positon are you in?" Thunder Dash asked excitedly. Thunder Dash really wanted a job in the music industry, which is why he came to Baltimare, for he had heard it was the third most musical city in all of Equestria.  

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"Something to do with weather I think!" Said Bubble cheerfully. It was perfect actually: If she could get the machine to work then she would already be in the perfect position! Of course, there was the minor issue of her not actually being an engineer or scientist to contend with first...



"Okay, lets go! We don't want to be late... or do we?" She raised a hoof to her chin thoughtfully, leaving an inky black mark behind - an impressive achievement considering she hadn't actually done anything to get dirty yet. "No, of course we don't."

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@ and


"We don't want to be late," Pondah said in a blunt but determined tone. "There's too much riding on this for us to be late."


Taking a glance over his shoulder, he caught a full glimpse of the shadowy smudge blemishing Bubble's face. He almost pointed out to her but the thought of appearing late kept him hurrying.


'Must not be late, must not be late. I can't appear sloppy and set a bad first impression. This may be a one-time chance and I can't let it slip away.'


After what seemed like eons, the trio finally reached the hotel lobby. It was almost completely desolate, spare the trio and  a single, young stallion spinning on a swivel chair behind a desk.

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"Okay, on that note, I'll let you guys go. See y'all later!" Thunder Dash said building up electricity and disappearing with a poof that could be heard. He reappeared outside of the hotel. He then looked at the time. "Oh, it's a perfect time to go to the bar!" Thunder Dash said to himself.   

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"We wont be late!" Grinned Bubble as she bounced after Pondah, thoroughly enjoying having a reason to burn off some energy as they raced through the hotel and out from the lobby. Passing a few of the colts who had helped her carry her most recent purchases as they did.

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Ember shrugs slightly.  "There might be one, I just said I don't remember seein' one.  Ya gotta keep in mind I just got here early yesterday mornin' myself, hehe.  For all I know I walked right by one..."  Before he could go on the waiter brought their food.  With a smile Ember took a bite of his muffin, swallowing most of it before continuing.  "I think the park'll be between here n' the store I'm aimin' to make a deal with...  We can look on the way!"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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