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Stardust just stared out the receding demon. Not compatible? Their magic wasn't compatible? If anything they should've matched up pretty well. Caras was a demonic alicorn pony and she was an alicorn pony that control time magic, the magic was pretty much at the same level.  Stardust's anger shot through the roof, and at that point of time the griffon came into play. 

Stardust didn't really have to think, her body's anger did most of it through muscle memory.

She flew straight towards the griffon, pushing him towards one of the walls and start to rip some of the feathers of his wings, the large feathers used mostly when flying. While her teeth got to work on ripping out the feathers she used the built up force in her shoulders to punch the griffon right near the liver and other organs. 

She pushed herself away after her mouth was full of feathers and the griffon was panting slightly because of her punch

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As sole flew at blazing speeds, he soon realized that all of their magical energy was revealed. "Hehe, idiots." He mumbled, as he sped up and created a sonic boom, more then doubling his speed. Soon the hideout came into sight. He charged into it, busting the door down. "Knock knock..." he said sarcastically, as his chaos magic was turning the area around him into a chaotic version of itself "come out you bastard, I'll shove a cotton candy cloud up your pansy ass!" He growled.

"Bravo for creativity on your introduction son of discord, flawless entry bravo. Bask in awe, few have ever set hoof in this once great castle, you should have seen it 10000 years ago, let me show you."


Caras cast a memory spell on Sole which gave sole the illusion of being in this location 10000 years ago.


"Look at it all, the soldiers, the food, the bits everything here was fit for a God, because it was ruled by one."


Caras then shared another memory of him overlooking Equestria from the peak of the mountain that Canterlot is currently on.


"Look, everywhere you look you will see ponies suffering, home burning and death, only the strongest lived in these times, it was glory, and look what it has become"


They returned to normal as Caras broke the spell.


Look at what has happened, can you blame me for wanting revenge, but no matter, you are here to kill me and free Tempest, not going to happen".


((Sorry if this is out of context, this post is ment for just after Sole burst into the ruins))

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Stardust just stared out the receding demon. Not compatible? Their magic wasn't compatible? If anything they should've matched up pretty well. Caras was a demonic alicorn pony and she was an alicorn pony that control time magic, the magic was pretty much at the same level.  Stardust's anger shot through the roof, and at that point of time the griffon came into play. 

Stardust didn't really have to think, her body's anger did most of it through muscle memory.

She flew straight towards the griffon, pushing him towards one of the walls and start to rip some of the feathers of his wings, the large feathers used mostly when flying. While her teeth got to work on ripping out the feathers she used the built up force in her shoulders to punch the griffon right near the liver and other organs. 

She pushed herself away after her mouth was full of feathers and the griffon was panting slightly because of her punch

((your godmodding... you can't controle how you damage me, or what I do.))

Sole smiled and spit out some blood. He was getting bloodlusted after this show of violence. In a flash, faster then she could react, sole was in front of her. He grabbed her by the horn and punched her repeatedly, before slamming her into the ground.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest opened his eyes as his pupils dialated. His aura surrounded him and looked like a violent windstorm. He had done this so many times in the past, but this was stronger than it ever was. The only thing he needed was to be let out of the cage. "I am Tempest Sol, element of the aura." He thought, before furring aura spikes at the ground.

Edited by Missingno
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Stardust felt bones crack and fracture in her back but she didn't exactly mind the pain.  She pushed sole off her and moved away, another smile crept onto her face. The Pain in her wasn't the cause of it but she thought that , that slamming into the ground actually fixed her back a little. Though the fact that many of her ribs were damaged didn't quite exactly make her smile.

Though she was definitely ready for another fight and the music crescendoed in her head, egging her on to keep fighting.

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As sole was knocked back, he flipped into the air and landed perfectly. "Your in my way... move!" He said, as he flitted up to her and slammed her into the ground. He looked at caras "your the one I want. And your shitty illusions aren't gonna stop me from cracking your skull open like an egg." He said angrily, as he threw a ball of chaos magic at caras.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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As sole was knocked back, he flipped into the air and landed perfectly. "Your in my way... move!" He said, as he flitted up to her and slammed her into the ground. He looked at caras "your the one I want. And your shitty illusions aren't gonna stop me from cracking your skull open like an egg." He said angrily, as he threw a ball of chaos magic at caras.

Caras put up a shield spell that absorbed the magic.


"Powerful, but fool hardy. My turn now."


Caras channeled his magic to creat a more powerful version of the magic just used against him. The large ball of chaos magic flew at high speeds at Sole, hitting him direcly in his chest.


"That magic is hard to replicate, you must be strong to use such power, and not even be a Unicorn or Alicorn, and that is worthy of some respect. So unless you want to die here tonight, leave this place or I will kill you".

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Tempest roared as he used hardened aura to pound against the bars of his cage and ground. His aura was controlling him at this point, and it wasn't happy. The bars wouldn't budge at all and the ground didn't seem to budge. The cyan pegesus was sure that Caras and any other pony within five miles of the ruins could hear him.

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Caras was to focused on his fight with Sole to pay any attention to what Tempest was doing in the other room.


"Final opportunity to leave this place Sole, your powers are to great to be wasted here, you will be needed in the future. So what is it going to be, stay here and die, or leave and live, choose."


((Character Transition. It has been a while since I was Luna so its time to talk to the rest of the group)).


Luna: Minath, gather everyone in the throne room This afternoon. There are some things we need to talk and we also need to figure out how we are going to find and defeat Caras, or else the world is doomed to chaos.


Luna's voice was serious, she wanted everyone to know that this was no joking matter and they should take into full account what they have to do, and what they have to be prepared to give up.


((Also current RP time is 07:00 so we have got some time before the main group to meet up, just enough time for you to notice Tempest and Sole has gone missing)).

Edited by The Shadow Alicorn

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Tempest growled as he stared at the door to the cell block through the bars of his cage. He then curled into a ball and fell asleep. The cyan pegesus's aura still surrounded him, making him seem almost invisible in the unlit cage. Even if Sole was able to free him, there was no telling what Tempest might do.

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((I'm so sorry guys, I got lost for hours on a hiking trip! Sorry!))

Sole took the blast to the chest and grunted, but was otherwise fine "is that the best you got?" He said challengingly, before flying forward at incredible speeds and punching caras backwards. "I'll never work with the bastard who hurts my friends. You can go shove it!" He growled.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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((I'm so sorry guys, I got lost for hours on a hiking trip! Sorry!))

Sole took the blast to the chest and grunted, but was otherwise fine "is that the best you got?" He said challengingly, before flying forward at incredible speeds and punching caras backwards. "I'll never work with the bastard who hurts my friends. You can go shove it!" He growled.

"A clean punch, but very well then, I see there is no reasoning with you, then you have sealed your fate. I shall make sure your demise is swift and honourable."


Caras raised his sword into a fighting position and prepared for the swift fight that is to come. He held back waiting for Sole to make the first move.

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Sole smirked as he saw caras' sword "huh, nice blade... looks like I can fight you on even terms." He said cheerfully, before holding a talon out. A sword quickly materialized "I'll show you the power of a chaos spawn." He said, before slashing at caras with deadly speed and percision.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Caras raised his sword and deflected his attack. Caras proceeded to attack by swinging his sword at Sole at incredibly fast speeds, and if any of his attacks where to land a blow on Sole, most of them will cause a fatal injury.


"Face it Sole, you cannot best a War Lord in sword combat. You may have been bred for war, but with age comes experience, you have many years experience in sword fighting, but I have just under 2000 years to perfect my skills. You cannot win,"


Caras broke his attack pattern and done a powerful kick to Sole with enough force to shunt him back a few feet.


((I will not deflect all you attacks, because that is just cheating)).

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((Okay, but you should probably know that sole has insane durability. He could take beatings that would kill most ponies several times over.))

Sole skidded to a stop several feet back "do you think I give a damn? I'll beat you no matter what it takes, even if it kills me!" He said, before flying at caras and kicking at his head, and then followed up by slashing at his back.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"A clean hit, You have some strength, but no matter".


Caras quickly got up of the ground and slashed Soles right eye.


"For can you fight successfully, if you cannot see what you intend to hit. So what are you waiting for, make your move. Pathetic mortal, attack me."

Edited by The Shadow Alicorn

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Sole ignored the slash, and the blood dripping down his face, as he grabbed caras' blade with his bare talon and held it in place. "One... I'm no mortal. And two... I don't need to see you to do this!" He said calmly, as he charged his sword with chaotic energy and slashed him across the chest.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"So you wish to fight with magic do you, you had the upper hand until you decided to do that. You the rules of the ancients, and now you pay the price".

Caras started to hover and burst into smoke, with this he charged his horn and very powerful magic started so burst out of his horn in all directions, he concentrated all of the bursts into one big bolt of power. He fired it directly at sole.

((This magic is very strong, one hit could come very close to killing you)).

Edited by The Shadow Alicorn

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Tempest's eyes opened as he had an idea. "The bars may not be able to be damaged, but let's see how they do against the trials of time." He thought. The cyan pegesus then made his aura surround him. He then placed a hoof against one of the bars, and it started to rust and break down. The cyan pegesus smirked as he returned to the state he was in before, and glared at the door. His aura then started to float around him, before forming a sphere infront of his mouth.


(If this seems OP, please let me know. I just wanted Tempest to get out of the cage.)

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@, (( since you used time magic to get out of the cage, you're just going to have to fight the pony that got her cutie mark with time magic. Thats how it kinda works. ^_^ ))

Stardust watched as Caras fought with the griffon she was just fighting with and enjoyed the show. Her back just recovering slightly. She felt the spike of time magic and saw the pony in the cage use a simple ageing spell, she was impressed that a pony could do something like that, even though it was a small spell.


She turned fully towards him and shouted

"Oi, you stay in there now. I'm watching something." 

Stardust had to joke, she was having fun watching the other two fight and she didn't want to interrupt them. Some popcorn would've been nice at the time too. 

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Tempest fired the large aura sphere and it exploded when it touched the door, blasting it off it's hinges. He stepped out through the cloud of smoke. His aura was completely visible around him, covering his cyan fur and wings, while his eyes glowed red. The cyan pegesus then laughed darkly.

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Stardust just stared at the pony in front of her, really tempted to laugh with him. Though she had a feeling that he wasn't up to any good, considering he was in the cage in the first place. She expected something from him. Considering what side he was on, she waited for him to speak then, he would probably do something to hurt her after that. Heros were sometimes very predictable.

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Tempest glanced at Stardust and shot a aura spike at her. "Seeing as how your little friend is busy at the moment, I might as well go ahead and kill you." He said. The cyan pegesus then shrugged and fired a aura spike at Caras. "You know what, forget what I said earlier.You both die, now."

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Caras was in smoke form as the aura spike was launched so if flew right through him and into an armour set, smashing it to pieces.


"You inturupted my battle, and you broke my armour set you will pay the price for you ignorance."


Caras fired another of his magic beams at Tempest. This one was much more poweful than the first as his anger adds to the strenght of the Magic.


((Let's say you get out of the way and dodge my 'lazer'))

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