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open The Looming darkness

Child Of Darkness

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Sole heard screaming and crying as he looked down to spot Aura lying dead at minath's hooves. "N-no... I was watching, I should've seen... I SHOULD'VE WATCHED BETTER!!" He growled angrily, as he swooped closer to the ground "caras I swear on my life that your gonna die today! This ends now you bastard!" He said in a blinding rage, as he began to fly all around in search of the assailant.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Stardust watched as the ponies and others start to freak out over the death of one of their own. She looked at the other two beside her as they watched the others as well. Stardust was getting quite bored from just sitting and waiting, she just wanted to go out and attack sompony. Though she knew that Cara's was a slight controller so she stayed still. Though she did want him to at least contact her, she was getting extremely bored from all the fuss below and just wanted to fight.

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Caras laughed with glee over the sight of the dead pony and the reaction of the others, it was time for him to come out of hideing. "Fools, did you think I would be so foolish to reveal myself to you, you where foolish to trust Luna, she is young and nieve and look at what is has cost you. Dark Heart, you can summon your darkling now. Stardust, let's have some fun with these ponies." Caras puffed into smoke and started to fly around the ponies.


((I will be using all my magic and abilities and everyone else is permited to use the same, hold nothing back, this fight will be won by the side with more power and tactics))

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Tempest glared at the smoke as multiple tails grew from him. "How dare you insult Luna." He thought. The cyan pegesus then began to grow in size, as claws and sharp teeth grew. A skeletal and nerve system also grew from Tempest's aura. He only needed to grow four more tails, and the full power of Xena would be released and at his disposal.


Dark roared and breathed fire at the smoke. "You will die today." She said.

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Chivalry glanced over at Caras. "He's here." Chivalry grit his teeth and glared at Caras. He heard Caras say something about a Dark Heart and Stardust. 'Alright, this is it. First we need to be rid of Stardust, then we can go all out on Caras.' Chivalry though to himself. Chivalry then started to secretly charge his energy to his horn. He unsheathes his blade using his magic and stands in a battle position. "Alright then, Caras, your rein ends in this fight!"

Edited by ChivalryKnight


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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Minath set Aura's body down, tears still streaming down her face. She pulled her biggest, most badass sword out of her plane of weapons.


Minath didn't look like the easygoing, relaxed pony she normally was. She looked... frightening. She yelled out.


"You want a piece of me? Just like you wanted a piece of Aura? COME GET IT!"


My sorrow turns to rage, and rage makes me stronger.





((Sorry, you're gonna have to battle a thing the size of a mountain that eats souls...))


DH released Chrmosh, and he was let loose. He set his gaze on one, one that had an appetizing looking soul. He swatted it from the sky.

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Minath set Aura's body down, tears still streaming down her face. She pulled her biggest, most badass sword out of her plane of weapons.


Minath didn't look like the easygoing, relaxed pony she normally was. She looked... frightening. She yelled out.


"You want a piece of me? Just like you wanted a piece of Aura? COME GET IT!"


My sorrow turns to rage, and rage makes me stronger.





((Sorry, you're gonna have to battle a thing the size of a mountain that eats souls...))


DH released Chrmosh, and he was let loose. He set his gaze on one, one that had an appetizing looking soul. He swatted it from the sky.

((lol, he loves this kinda stuff. Imagine a saiyan from DBZ as a griffon, but nicer.))

sole cursed as a giant hand crushed him into the ground. But the limb began to lift slightly, revealing sole holding it up with a pissed expression "get... Out of my way... You ugly bastard!" He growled, as he drew his sword and cut the limb off "I'm after caras, now get out of my way you stupid bastard!" He said, as he slashed at it with a chaos slash.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"Poor, poor Sole, you want me first you have to go through the darkling and then you have to find me." Caras laughed at the Griffons anger and frustration, but then Caras set his eyes on Minath. "So, here we are, the ruler of Equestria vs A God, you think you can kill me, let's see." Caras cast a spell that made him invisable, both to the eye and magic. He flew to Minath and he reverted to a solid form, stright from flight an hit Minath across her face, knocking out a tooth. "Your move". Caras used his magic to equip his armor and pull out his sword, then he got into his battle stance and waited for Minath to attack.

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Xena glanced at the giant monster and simply roared. A nineth tail grew, and Tempest's body started to expand to the point where he was twice as tall as Sole, and yet that wasn't even him at his full power.. A sphere of aura then formed in front of him.


Dark glanced at Tempest and was scared. "This can't be good." She thought. The dragoness then flew into the air and breathed fire at Chrmosh.

Edited by Kyurem
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Chivalry looks over at the giant darkling. "What the hell is that?" Chivalry didn't have any idea about this before, so it makes him confused. "Ugh, we don't have time for this!" Chivalry stops charging his energy to his horn for a while. "If I'm going to help beat this thing, I'm going to need my magic!" Chivalry started to shoot his energy bubbles at Chrmosh which exploded with alot of energy force. He also commanded his sword to slice Chrmosh in the head with precision strikes.

Edited by ChivalryKnight


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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Stardust had been waiting for this fight and it was finally happening, finally. Stardust could see that Caras was going for the other alicorn and she saw that the darkling was fighting the others. The blue stallion that she had fought and talked earlier though, he was just having a go at the other, thing.

Stardust teleported right beside him and bucked him right in the gut.  

Edited by rascal61
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Chivalry get knocked back and slides on the snow. "Ah, darn it! What the heck was-" Chivalry looks at Stardust. "It's you. I knew I would find you here!" Chivalry brings his sword back to him and sheathes it, he then gets up. "You know Stardust, it doesn't have to be this way. Why do this huh? Why not join us to defeat Caras. Together we could be an unstoppable team, you and I." Chivalry looks determined.


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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"You know Stardust, it doesn't have to be this way. Why do this huh? Why not join us to defeat Caras. Together we could be an unstoppable team, you and I."

Stardust moved herself so that she was ready for anything, but the stallion talking to her was surprising.

" Really, I told you my story so that you'll have a warning. I am never going to join you, I'm never going to be on your side. And you fight like a filly."

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"It's a shame really, because i thought that maybe, we could have been friends. But obviously that isn't what you want, so I guess that makes us rivals." Chivalry creates a small thin bubble around himself and starts to float up in the air. "And as your rival, It's my job to beat you. Yes that's right, I'm not going to fight you just because Luna told me to. Right now, this is personal." Chivalry commanded his blade to slash at Stardust with precision strikes as he floats upward into the sky.


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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@, @,


Chrmosh exploded because of the constant attacks, but reformed. He swatted at both of the things attacking him.




@@Child Of Darkness,


Minath spit out blood and the tooth. Her rage was blinding her, but she could still think. Like a true warrior.


She stabbed Caras in the should and twisted her blade before he had time to revert to smoke. Doesn't matter if you're a god or not, that had to hurt.

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Xena was hit by the attack and was flung into the ground. He then stood back up and roared, as a tenth tail grew. "I'm almost there." He thought, as he grew to the point where he was half as tall as Chrmosh. He then slammed his paw into the ground, making aura spikes shoot out of the ground under Chrmosh.

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Caras felt the sword pierce through his shoulder and twist, it hurt quite a bit, but was not in long before he reverted to smoke. "A clean... Hit... Very well done. There is... Some hope for you yet... Mortal". Caras has slightly panting as the pain coursed through his shoulder, but the wound was quickly healed because of his small regeneration ability he get in his smoke form. "You cannot kill me by convetional means, your to weak to do that. Caras landed infront of Minath and cast his magic trapping her in a one way shield. "Don't even try and break it, the more you attack it, the stronger it gets. Now then what to do with you."

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@, @,


Chrmosh exploded because of the constant attacks, but reformed. He swatted at both of the things attacking him.




@@Child Of Darkness,


Minath spit out blood and the tooth. Her rage was blinding her, but she could still think. Like a true warrior.


She stabbed Caras in the should and twisted her blade before he had time to revert to smoke. Doesn't matter if you're a god or not, that had to hurt.

sole dodged the attack this time, and used a chaos slash to cut off the giant limb. "Is that all you've got bitch? I've fought stronger field mice then you!" He taunted, before laughing insanely and unleashing attack after attack upon the beast. Due to all the chaos, he was now in a berserker state. Not caring if he was hurt, just as long as he killed the ones responsible for his friends death.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@, @,


Chrmosh exploded once more, but this time he didn't reform.




DH saw as Chrmosh exploded.


"D***." She muttered under her breath, then summoned Ornias.




Ornias appeared in the field of battle, and touched both Sole and Xena in his stealth form, causing them immense pain.




@@Child Of Darkness,


Minath sat down in the shield, and closed her eyes, concentrating. She channeled the part of her that now belonged to Celestia to escape the shield. Celestia was a god, after all. Taking advantage of the surprise Caras was sure to have, she slashed him across the forehead before he could revert to smoke once again.

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@, @,


Chrmosh exploded once more, but this time he didn't reform.




DH saw as Chrmosh exploded.


"D***." She muttered under her breath, then summoned Ornias.




Ornias appeared in the field of battle, and touched both Sole and Xena in his stealth form, causing them immense pain.




@@Child Of Darkness,


Minath sat down in the shield, and closed her eyes, concentrating. She channeled the part of her that now belonged to Celestia to escape the shield. Celestia was a god, after all. Taking advantage of the surprise Caras was sure to have, she slashed him across the forehead before he could revert to smoke once again.

((sole can't feel pain in his current state. He's in a berserker mode after seeing his comrades hurt and killed.)) sole scoffed as chrmosh exploded "pathetic. And here I expected a real fight." He mumbled, as ornias touched him with his spell. Sole's body twitched for a second, before turning to ornias with a grin "what the fuck was that? You trying to tickle me to death?" He asked, before charging forward to attack with an insane laugh.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Xena felt something touch him and felt a slight tingle. He then turned around and noticed a unrecognizable aura. The aura beast roared and lunged at Ornias, intending to rip the darkling's throat out. A eleventh tail grew, and a muscle system grew over the skeleton.


(I'm surprised no one noticed that Tempest is about to unleash the power of Xena. :shrug:)

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((We noticed, we just don't know what to expect))




((Well Ornias was a flop))


Ornias dissipated back into the darkling realm, unable to harm the two.




DH was running out of options. She had to put Guayota in.


"Go my pet." she said to Guayota, and her darkling dog grew to the size of Chrmosh and set upon Sole and Xena.




Guayota thundered into battle and bit both Sole and Xena, making them bleed.

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Xena smirked as he threw Guayta off of him. He then roared as the twelfth and final tail grew. The aura beast then grew skin and his fur was as black as a moonless night. At this point, he was as tall as a three story building. "I am free." He yelled, laughing darkly.

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((We noticed, we just don't know what to expect))




((Well Ornias was a flop))


Ornias dissipated back into the darkling realm, unable to harm the two.




DH was running out of options. She had to put Guayota in.


"Go my pet." she said to Guayota, and her darkling dog grew to the size of Chrmosh and set upon Sole and Xena.




Guayota thundered into battle and bit both Sole and Xena, making them bleed.

sole laughed insanely as the large dog beast bit into sole's back, and then began to pry the mouth open with nothing but raw strength. "Hahaha! You've made me bleed? This should be fun!" He said crazily, as he finally pried the mouth open wide enough to slip out. "I'll kill you all for what you've done to my friends you bastards!" He howled, as he threw a large blast of chaos magic at its face.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"ENOUGH!!!!!" Caras cast a powerful time spell, one stronger than he had ever done before. The spell made everything but himself freeze, but maintain full awareness of there surroundings. "It is clear one cannot defeat the other on this field of battle her today. If you wish to senselessly tire yourselves out, please carry on. And you Tempest or should I say Xena, you think you are all so powerful with your aura and size, well he is the thing you are at the mercy of time and it is not your friend. Sole, defeated so many times and yet you still continue to fight, what wonders me is what drives you son of discord. Chivalry, your loyalty is admirable yet foolhardy, and it shall be your downfall, and Minath, I still wonder why Celestia gave you her powers, but that said, she was a delusional, short sited and a fool. You have proven to be more of a fight, but I have been toying with you all up to this point in time. The full extent of my power, reaches beyond this world and into the next. My strength and abilities are ones an Alicorn can only dream of. So here's the muffin, you can keep fighting a lost battle and simply delay the inevitable or you can stop the fighting, surrender and we will see that you and your companions are put to an honourable death by execution. I leave you all with these final words, Dreshte arach san drook shing khol thingle thu plon." Caras vanished into smoke and lifted the time spell. Time was now ticking normally and Caras has left the ponies to fight.


((That sentence translates as magic of the mind, shall crumble beneath your hooves. This is a curse which is carried by all who have magic, excluding Stardust and Dark Heart. This will make you magic weaker slightly, but will drain it from you over time. A herb from my time can lift the curse, but how you get it, is the problem. Hurry know, clocks ticking. From this point on odds of being killed are considerable higher)).

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