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open The Looming darkness

Child Of Darkness

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@@Alex Kennedy

Chivalry looked curiously at Rambler. "eh, Rambler, what are you doing? Your just standing there looking like your deep in thought..." It didn't clue in to Chivalry that Rambler might be contacting Minath telepathically, but how could he considering Rambler is an Earth Pony.


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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The sphere of magic surounding Caras filled his head with all kinds of new magic, ones he had never felt before. All the different types of magic that where known to him, filled his head with new knowledge on how to use this new power, and in the blink of an eye, the barrier was gone. Caras had his movement and the ability to talk once again.

"Sorry for making you wait so long. This is not an easy job talking over the known world, again. One question, before we kill each other. Have you ever heard of The High Masters?" Caras looked over to Sole and Tempest waiting for them to respond.

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Tempest landed, and sheathed his swords. He was still angry at Caras, but he had to control it for now. "I heard of them, but that was only in books." He said, slightly suspicious. "Let me guess, this is the part where you tell us that they do exist, and your going to use their power to take over the world through the corrupted elements of harmony. Well, you can just go back to Tarterus, because I won't let you."


Xena thought for a second and nodded. "I agree. I'll do everything in my power to stop you." He said, through Tempest.


The cyan pegesus smirked and nodded slightly. "It's about time you showed up, Xena." He thought.

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Tempest landed, and sheathed his swords. He was still angry at Caras, but he had to control it for now. "I heard of them, but that was only in books." He said, slightly suspicious. "Let me guess, this is the part where you tell us that they do exist, and your going to use their power to take over the world through the corrupted elements of harmony. Well, you can just go back to Tarterus, because I won't let you."


Xena thought for a second and nodded. "I agree. I'll do everything in my power to stop you." He said, through Tempest.


The cyan pegesus smirked and nodded slightly. "It's about time you showed up, Xena." He thought.

"You catch on quick don't you. Well you are partly correct, although now I don't care bout taking over Equestria, that will be just a bonus for now. The situation has changed, dominance is just a seconday, destruction and the death of all of you is now my top priority."


Caras' horn glowed blood red and the elements of harmony began to glow dim and grey. He cast a shield spell to encase them all inside his home.

"One chaos mage, one aura beast and one High Master, should be an easy fight."


(High masters are extreamly skilled in all forms of magic and are deadly lethal with them all and are quite resistant to magical attacks. The difficulty when fighting Caras has gone up around 35%)

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Sole cursed "looks like he knew I was here." He mumbled, before flying up and landing next to tempest. "And I'm not a chaos Mage, I was born to use chaos... Created by chaos. So don't think you can use that to beat me." He warned, as he got in a fighting stance "and you may have ungodly magic, but there's a few things I beat you in." He said, before disappearing, and reappearing behind caras with a smirk "speed and raw strength." He finished, as he cracked his knuckles "now all we've gotta do is kick a near omnipotent beings ass, and save our friends. Is that all?" He asked sarcastically


Discord sighed "looks like tempest, dark... And my son, are all about to combat caras." He informed them


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest simply rolled his eyes. "Really, is that the best you have. If I had a bloody penny every time somepony threatened me,my family,or the entirety of Equestria, I could retire. As I said before, I won't let you destroy Equestria." He said, his anger starting to resurface


Dark noticed the shield, encasing the ruins, and flew back to Canterlot. 'I have to tell the others." She thought.

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Sole cursed "looks like he knew I was here." He mumbled, before flying up and landing next to tempest. "And I'm not a chaos Mage, I was born to use chaos... Created by chaos. So don't think you can use that to beat me." He warned, as he got in a fighting stance "and you may have ungodly magic, but there's a few things I beat you in." He said, before disappearing, and reappearing behind caras with a smirk "speed and raw strength." He finished, as he cracked his knuckles "now all we've gotta do is kick a near omnipotent beings ass, and save our friends. Is that all?" He asked sarcastically


Discord sighed "looks like tempest, dark... And my son, are all about to combat caras." He informed them

"Th fake born still thinks it stands a chance. It would be funny if it was not so sad." Caras almost effortlessly picked up Sole with his magic and flung him across the room at high speeds into a wall. "You are still created by chaos magic and you are chaos magic, so by default you fall into the power of the Chaos mage. As for you Tempest, your magic is a strange thing indeed, but I can work something out."


Caras listened to Tempest remark about what he said. He simply sighed and said "Maybe that's what you should have done."


(This attack is going to be damaging and unavoidable.)


Caras made a bright light come out of his horn at the equivilent brightness and length of a flashbang grenade. In the blinding light, he teleported behind Tempest and threw him to the ground with force. While Tempest was on the ground, Caras grabbed his front right leg and twisted it until it broke and snapped out of place. Caras grabbed a small dagger and stabbed Tempest in the broken joint.

"Maybe you should have called quits when you had the chance."


(Again, unavoidable just one time. You can get your own back later.)

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Tempest didn't even scream from the pain he was feeling. "Fun fact: Most pain... is mental." He said, before firing a point blank aura sphere at Caras, sending him into a wall. "You just have to learn how to control it." The cyan pegesus then tore the knife out of the wound, as his aura began to heal him. Truth be told, though, he could still feel the pain from the wound as it healed at a highly accelerated pace.

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Sole cursed as he was thrown, but right before he hit the wall he flipped around in mid air and kicked off of it. The extra momentum form the kick, and him flapping his wings, sent him rocketing into caras and tackling him off of tempest "I don't care if you say I don't stand a chance, I'm still gonna kick your ass!" He growled


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Caras landed on his hooves after being thrown back a few feet.

"You realy to much on brute force to attack, and brute force requires a solid target. Let's turn that against you shall we."

Caras switched forms so he was now made of smoke in the shape of his pony form.

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Sole smirked "that's where your wrong caras, I don't only rely on brute strength. Don't believe me? Just Watch this." He said with a mischievous smile, as he used chaos magic to create a small tornado to suck in caras in his smoke like form. "Hope you don't mind spinning!" He said sarcastically.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Caras was inside the vortex, but was uneffected by its winds.

"For what you have in brawns, you lack in brains. Your winds cannot hurt me, but its fun to see you try. This is actually rather entertaining, exlporing my new power. Go on attack me again, I will not even try and stop you."


A grin creeped across Caras' face but was unoticable due to being made of smoke. Thinking to himself, he wondered 'What are the limits to his new power. Being a high master is fun and all, but what are my limits.'


Caras turned his thoughts to Sole and Tempest stairing them down with Glowing red eyes.

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Sole smirked "nah, I didn't really think it'd to anything other then make you dizzy. But it did distract you long enough so I could do THIS." He said, as he created a barrier around the smoke like form of caras. As soon as he did he tapped the bubble with a talon "now, let's see how you like being discorded!" He said with a mischievous grin, as the place he touched began to turn to a faded grey, climbing it's way around the barrier. "I may not be able to touch you in that form, but this barrier should fix that." He explained

Edited by ~chaotic sole~


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest simply watched Sole. "This is to easy." He thought, slightly suspicious. "Caras wouldn't be giving up this easily, would he?" 


Dark landed in Canterlot, and entered the palace. The dragoness glanced at Alex and the others, and sighed. "You probably already know this, but Tempest and Sole are fighting Caras." She said.

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Chivalry glanced over at Dark. "What? Darn it, are you serious? Those idiots, what do they think there doing! Caras's power has grown exponentially, do they really think they can take him on alone?!" Chivalry glanced back at Rambler.

@@Alex Kennedy,

"Rambler! whatever your doing, please hurry! This is very dire, two of our most strongest members are about to die, We need Minath, NOW!" Chivalry then ran towards the castle doors, past Dark Opal. Then he looked back at Rambler once more. "When Minath wakes up, inform her to contact me telepathically. Please do not forget, this is urgent. I'm going to go try and help the others!" Chivalry then ran out towards the source of massive energy.

Edited by ChivalryKnight


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Sole smirked "nah, I didn't really think it'd to anything other then make you dizzy. But it did distract you long enough so I could do THIS." He said, as he created a barrier around the smoke like form of caras. As soon as he did he tapped the bubble with a talon "now, let's see how you like being discorded!" He said with a mischievous grin, as the place he touched began to turn to a faded grey, climbing it's way around the barrier. "I may not be able to touch you in that form, but this barrier should fix that." He explained

Caras did not strugle when the barrier was put up, all he did was look at sole.

"I think not."

Caras raised his hoof and pointed it at Sole, and with a quick flick of his hoof, he sent out a powerful shockwave destroying the barrier and sending Sole aross the room.

"Anything else you want to try?"

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Tempest simply laughed slightly. "Well, that was interesting, but why don't we try adding in a bit of aura to the mix." He said. The cyan pegesus's eyes then glowed, as his armour disappeared. His arua arced around him like electricity, and he was letting Xena out. All eleven tails grew at once.


Xena smirked as he took control of Tempest. "This should be fun. At least I get to rip this abomination limb from bloody limb." He thought. He then glanced at Caras and growled.

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Sole skidded to a halt "damn... Thought that might've worked. Ah well, I'll still take you down somehow." He said, as he built his chaos energy around himself for another attack. He glanced at tempest to see him releasing xena "heh... Just like old times, eh tempest?" He said with a grin, before throwing a chaos spear at caras.


Discord paused as chivalry ran to assist the others, and sighed "I can't just float here and watch my son and friends die... I'm going to assist them." He said, as he turned to leave, but stopped and turned to minath's bubble "princess... I know you can hear me. Please, when you leave that bubble, you must retrieve the elements of harmony. Nothing else matters, without them all is lost." He told her telepathically so only she could hear, before teleporting away in a flash of light.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Xena glanced at Sole, and smirked. "I agree, only this time, there is much more at stake." He said. The aura beast then turned his attention back to Caras."You have cause my friend,whose mind I share, much mental and emotional havoc. In the name of every insignificant living thing, you will die this day.I don't care how much power you have."


Dark glanced at Alex. "Be sure to get Minath out of there." She said. "We may not last long without here." The dragoness then flew out of the castle, and towards the forest.

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The spear caught Caras off guard and it stabbed him in the side as he was reverting to normal.

"That hurt. Slightly, but overall useless."

Caras stood up and removed the spear from his and Caras a spell to heal his wounds. Then he turned his attention to Tempest/Xena.

"I know how I'm going to deal with this."

Caras used his magic to try and break into Tempests mind. With his new found power this should not be much of a challange.

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Xena felt Caras try to get into his mind, and smirked. "I'm a three thousand year old aura beast. You're going to have to try better than that to get into my head."He thought, before forcing Caras out of his mind. The aura beast then lunged at Caras, claws at the ready.


Dark landed in front of the ruins, and noticed the dome. "This can't be good." She thought.

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Caras moved out of the way of Xena and once more tried to get into his mind. This time with more force and power, strong enough to kill a lesser pony.

"You cannot hold out forever, you may be old, and with age does come strenght, but you will be broken. You will fall."

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Xena grit his teeth as he exerted every ounce of will he had to keep Caras out. "I'm not one to give up easily." He said, as he swung around. He managed to hit Caras with his many tails. "Something's just simply aren't meant to be seen." The aura beast was getting tired, but he couldn't give up.

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Xena grit his teeth as he exerted every ounce of will he had to keep Caras out. "I'm not one to give up easily." He said, as he swung around. He managed to hit Caras with his many tails. "Something's just simply aren't meant to be seen." The aura beast was getting tired, but he couldn't give up.

"You are strong, that will be granted to you, but you are still only a pony, you will run out of energy soon, and then I will get in."

Caras tried again to get into his head, each time putting more power into the attack and more presure on Xena. Caras knew that if he could get inside Xenas head he could destroy it from the inside or kill one of them and leave the other for later. Caras was spoiled for choice on what to do when he got inside of Xenas head.

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As caras tried to break his way into xena/tempest's mind, another mind suddenly assisted xena in forcing caras out. "Don't forget about me. I may not be as old as xena, but I've been trained by the best." He said with a smirk. Before throwing a ball of chaos magic at caras, which exploded on contact.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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