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open The Looming darkness

Child Of Darkness

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Icarus woke up and noticed Nightmare next to him. "Well, this is interesting." He said. "I was wondering what happened to you."


Nightmare smirked slightly as she trotted towards Icarus. "Yeah. I guess I was brought into Tempest's mind when Luna gave Tempest her powers. I want to help, though." She said.


The aura beast of light nodded slightly. "Thank you. We could use the help. The others should be up soon, and I bet they would love to meet you."


Xena and the other aura beasts woke up, and they each had a small conversation with Nightmare Moon. One thing was certain, though; They trusted her.


(Come on people. I don't want this thing to die.)

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Xecha was still roaming in Canterlot castle, feeding off of the life energy of the guards that patrolled the almost abandoned corridors. While looking for his next victim he felt a large power surge through the Castle. Having a faint idea of the location.



Once he arrived in the throne room, the sight was not very surprising to him.

'Caras had it coming.' Xecha thought to himself.


Xecha noticed a person he had not seen before, a griffon non the less. Xecha moved up behind sole and started to breath down his neck.


( Sole is in trouble now.)

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Sole ignored the presence for a moment, before finally speaking. "Can I help you?" He asked in a cold voice, his grip tightening on the hilt of his sword. He could sense this creature was a threat, but he wasn't going to attack recklessly. So as he sat there he prepared to dodge or teleport at a moments notice.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Xecha could sense that Sole perceived him as a threat, and was happy that sole gave the response he did. This gave him a small opportunity to have some fun. Xecha made his breath turn from a mild chill to a blazing cold, and made his body cold enough that a few seconds of contact would cause damaging frost bite.


Xecha edge ever closer to Sole's ear, still breathing as he moved. When he was close enough to Sole's ear, he wispered into his ear, counting down from 20.


"20... 19... 18... 17..." (You get the idea.)

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@@Child Of Darkness


At that moment, a cloud of black smoke suddenly appeared between the two, and a pair of red eyes as big as basketballs glared down at Xecha from inside. The creature made a low growl and suddenly shot a clawed hand out, grabbing Xecha by the throat, pulling him closer. Of course, the only ones who could actually SEE all of this, were Xecha, and the pony who really stood in the now dissipating smoke, Crimson Grinn. His eyes were glowing a faint yellow color as he stared at Xecha with a look of loathing. "Same old Sole, always getting into fights with ponies you don't even know...you might want to get out of here while you can, you know...this isn't somepony your magic is very comparable with..." he said, making the illusion squeeze tighter around Xecha's throat.


((Is that too OP? If so, I'll change it...))

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(It is OP, but I will let it slide.)


Xecha was slightly surprised at the apperance of the smoke clouds, and the words he spoke where true, dark magic was one he did not have a resistance against.



Xecha turned into a shadow to escape the grip, and get a better look at what was attacking him. What he saw was not surprising but it was another very powerful pony.


"You should be more cautious about who you pick your battles with. Their are some ponies in this world that you do not want to meet. Next time, you shall not have the luxary of living."


With the words spoken, Xecha became a shadow and sank into the ground.

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Dark noticed Tempest, and pinned him to the ground with her tail. "Tempest, this isn't your fight." She said, slightly concerned.


The cyan alicorn glared at the dragoness, and growled. "Like Tartarus it isn't." He said, as he tried to lift Dark's tail off of him.

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@@Child Of Darkness


Crimson rolled his eyes as Xecha disappeared into the shadows. "Yeah, yeah. You will have your revenge on me if it's the last thing you do, and yada yada yada, save the monologue for the next issue, will ya?" he said in a bored tone with dry sarcasm, before turning to Sole. "So...how are things?" he asked.

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Tempest eventually threw Dark off of him and flew into the air. He then noticed that Caras was still pinned by Sole, and turned one of the swords in his hooves into a aura sphere. The only thing that was going through his mind was one word: revenge. "This is for Luna, you sick freak." He muttered, as the aura sphere in his hoof grew.


Dark recovered from the throw, and landed on all fours. She then turned her attention to Tempest, and felt a sense of fear run through her.

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Sole was silent for a long while. He didn't mind nor care that a strange pony just nearly took his life, or that crimson reappeared. He only cared that he'd lost the only parent he had, and he couldn't get him back. Suddenly sole stood up and swung at crimson, punching him in the face and sending him flying through a nearby wall. "Fine... just Peachy." He said darkly, before turning to tempest. He knew what tempest wanted, and he wanted it too. But he couldn't do it, not if it meant breaking his promise. But he knew tempest would and could, and he was so overjoyed that caras might finally die that he could taste it. But the words that came tumbling out of his mouth were much different... "Don't do it." He said calmly


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest glanced at Sole, and thought over what he said. He stayed like that for a few seconds, before his anger began to show. "Why should I. After everything this thing has done, I would've expected you to be the one to give the kill order." He said, on the brink of yelling. "After all of the pain and suffering this thing and his allies have caused, what possible reason could you have that would lead to his redemption."


Dark had had enough of Tempest's rage, and flew towards him. "I just hope this works." She thought.

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Sole was quiet for a moment, tears welling in his eyes. "Don't you think I know that he deserves to die? He's taken my only family from me, I hate him with all my heart. But..." He said shakily "if we kill him in cold blood, the same way he killed the others, then we're just as bad as him. We are supposed to represent what's right in this world! WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THE GOOD GUYS DAMMIT!!" He finished, his tears finally spilling forth. "All my life I've slaughtered everything and anything that I was ordered to. I never questioned it, and I didn't care. I was a soldier. It took the compassion of one pony to change my horrible life and end the war that made me a monster, but at the cost of an innocent life. And not a day goes by that I don't regret the lives I took, or the life I could've saved. Just please... Don't make my mistake..." He said quietly as he sobbed


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest felt his anger subside, as he heard what Sole said. He knew he had two choices, and he didn't exactly like either of them. He could kill Caras right now, and probably lose his friends, or he could spare Caras and let him get the punishment he truly deserves. The cyan alicorn then laughed slightly, and turned his attention back to Sole. "I'm sorry." He mouthed. Due to the lack of neccesary concentration Tempest needed in order to keep it stable, the aura sphere in his hoof detonated. The resulting blast sent him barreling into one of the marble supports of the throne room. A few pieces of the ceiling then came down one top of him.


Dark was slightly surprised, and shocked. "Tempest." She yelled, as she landed next to the pile of rubble. She then began to shift through the debris.

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Sole watched in horror as one of his oldest and most trusted friends were buried in rubble from their own attack. "No! Tempest you stupid bastard!" He roared desperately, before focusing his magic and making all the rubble turn into butterflies and fly away. "Your not dying on me!" He said


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Crimson growled in annoyance as he teleported beside Sole and Dark, rubbing his jaw with a miffed expression. "I don't know what he hell happened to you, but we'll talk about it later...for now, lets save Tempest, and if he's still alive, I'm gonna kick his ass after he recovers..." he said, before using his magic to levitate some of the debris off of Tempest, throwing them to the side.

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Tempest groaned as he regained consciousness. His breathing was hoarse and pain consumed his body like a wildfire. The stone that was still on him slowly crushed his body. Dust entered his lungs, slowly suffocating him, and his left eye burned from a incision created by a piece of stone that had fallen on top of him. The cyan alicorn then saw a light in the darkness surrounding him, and slowly moved a free hoof towards it. Before he could do anything else, Tempest blacked out from both shock and pain.


As Dark removed stone from the pile, she noticed a hoof was sticking out of a hole. She quickly expanded the breach and pulled Tempest's broken and bloodied body out of the rubble.

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Blackness. The ever lasting blackness of the void was all that could be seen and the cold touch of deaths embrace, was all that could be felt. Caras life was slipping out of his grasp.


But the road would not end here, Caras could once again feel the pain of his broken leg as he awoke on the cold floors of Canterlot Castle. Magic was still limited, and movement restricted due to his broken leg. Surveying the area he spotted that Crimson had returned once again.


"Crimson, looks like you finally decided to show up... Where have you been, they could have used your help during the fight."


Caras started laughing in total, uncontrollable hysteria hoping it might just anger Crimson and the others.

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Dark glared at Caras, and simply slapped him with her tail. "You're lucky to still be alive." She said. The dragoness the turned her attention back to Tempest. She felt the magic that lay dormant within her body grow, and she used it to heal some of Tempest's more serious wounds.


Tempest groaned as he woke up in a area completely bathed in light. A gate stood in front of him, and it only need a single touch to let the cyan alicorn in. "I know where this is going, and I'm not taking it." He said, smiling slightly. "I'm needed somewhere other than heaven, as much as I would love to go." Tempest then walked away from the gates and soon found himself back in the Canterlot palace throne room. His soul then floated back into his body, and began the arduous task of healing the damage that had been done. Thankfully, he had Dark's help.

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Caras flinched at the slap from the dragon. The attacking of a wounded enemy brought Caras back some memories of the old days.


"Striking a wounded enemy while they are down. I though the good guys where above such acts of deprivation. But it seems that the old ways of Mercy and the oh so enjoyable public executions are long gone. Out of curiosity, what happened to Tempest while I was gone? That's not my work."


Caras magic was almost use able again, and once it was, the ponies will not know what hit them, for know he just needs to buy his time until then. He just had to wait it out.

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Sole gave caras a dark look and helped dark heal tempest "you... Should be grateful. Everypony in this room was ready to kill you, but I stopped them. I saved your life twice now, and it pains me to do it.... But I won't allow my friends to stoop to your level. So leave, and be thankful I allowed a bastard like you to see mercy." He said icily. He thought for sure that celestia, luna and his father all hated and scorned him for sparing their killer.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Crimson merely turned to look at Caras with an almost pitied stare, but ended up looking as if he didn't care at all. "If your so curious, then I will tell you...after you killed one of my oldest friends I've ever had, I went off to look for a way to increase my powers over darkness...and I ended up finding the spirit of Sombra himself...I bound his spirit and had him teach me the ways of darkness...skip a while, and my training finished, allowing me to return...only to find that you had caused even more despair...your so pitiful...the reason I steady my hoof from striking you down right now Caras..." he said, his eyes glowing purple as what seemed to be the spirits of Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Discord, and others that have died in the past, now all stood behind him. "Is because of the guidance and love of everyone close to us that you've killed...leave while you still can...if you linger any longer, you'll start to stink...like that garbage you are..." he said seriously.


((Note: Celestia, Luna, and the others, are just illusions made by Crimson to scare Caras and make a point...Crimson is in no way, a necromancer! Lol))

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Dark simply ignored Caras, and focused more on healing Tempest. Something wasn't right, though. Tempest's body seemed to be getting colder by the second.


Tempest felt a sense of feeling return to his body, and simply smiled as he saw the aura beasts and Nightmare. "Well, I'm glad to see all of you are still here." He said.


Xena smirked, and lightly punched Tempest. "If you ever scare us like that again, I'll put you in a bag of your own skin." He said, laughing slightly.


The cyan alicorn shrugged, and smiled. "Yeah, sorry about that. Anyway, I'll see all seven of you later. There's something I have to take care of." He said, before disappearing from his subconciousness. Tempest then groaned as he opened his eyes to see Sole and Dark. "At least that blast only hurt me." He said, smiling slightly.


Dark was slightly surprised that Tempest had woken up, and wasn't exactly happy with him. "If you ever do that again..." She said, not finishing the sentence. The dragoness then smiled, and nudged Tempest. "I'm just glad your back."

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Sole gave caras a dark look and helped dark heal tempest "you... Should be grateful. Everypony in this room was ready to kill you, but I stopped them. I saved your life twice now, and it pains me to do it.... But I won't allow my friends to stoop to your level. So leave, and be thankful I allowed a bastard like you to see mercy." He said icily. He thought for sure that celestia, luna and his father all hated and scorned him for sparing their killer.



Caras looked at Sole, clearly not caring much for what the Griffin was saying at all. But the over arching message got through to him.


"You spared my life and that just makes you a spineless bastard who has not got the guts to kill me. You should have killed me when you had the chance you absolute idiot. Looks like foolish and misguided mind sets run in your family."


Crimson merely turned to look at Caras with an almost pitied stare, but ended up looking as if he didn't care at all. "If your so curious, then I will tell you...after you killed one of my oldest friends I've ever had, I went off to look for a way to increase my powers over darkness...and I ended up finding the spirit of Sombra himself...I bound his spirit and had him teach me the ways of darkness...skip a while, and my training finished, allowing me to return...only to find that you had caused even more despair...your so pitiful...the reason I steady my hoof from striking you down right now Caras..." he said, his eyes glowing purple as what seemed to be the spirits of Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Discord, and others that have died in the past, now all stood behind him. "Is because of the guidance and love of everyone close to us that you've killed...leave while you still can...if you linger any longer, you'll start to stink...like that garbage you are..." he said seriously.


((Note: Celestia, Luna, and the others, are just illusions made by Crimson to scare Caras and make a point...Crimson is in no way, a necromancer! Lol))

Caras found the words that Crimson where saying to be absolutely hilarious in their own respect and for a few other reasons. He could not help bursting out it a hysterical laughter.


"Let me explain something to you, Crimson. Compare the powers of you and the false king Sombra, Sombra was much more powerful. Compare sombra to me as a 20 year old and we where matched. Compare me a 12000 and you at what ever age you are, you are nothing. You can fill your head with these false hopes of defeating me in this mini war. But the truth is painfully clear, you cannot. A god had to sacrface himself to make me week. And I don't see many other gods around here. For all you think you can, you cannot. It is hopeless. You are given the choice Tempest once had. Surrender yourself and face imprisonment for life, or die a shameful death fighting a lost battle. You have a choice, choose carefully."

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Sole just smiled "spineless huh? Well, you were just mortally wounded by the father of the idiot. And had your life spared by him twice. I think the real fool is the one who can't kill one 'spineless idiot' even if he tries." He said, before spitting at caras's hooves "and you pathetically kill off anyone better then you. And that means you've got a lot more to go. So if you want death so badly... Then I guess I'll give it to you." He said, finishing his speech and summoning his sword. He really WAS a fool for letting this monster survive, and it looked like he had to break his promise. " I'm sorry... Sky." He thought


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@@Child Of Darkness


Crimson was silent for a moment, giving Caras an un-amused look. "I choose...my own path...as you have chosen yours, Caras...I may not be strong enough to defeat you...but with all six of the elements combined, you'll be nothing more than a whining filly, who fancy's himself a god...or in other words..." he makes a madness inducing illusion, to distract him for Sole. "Go fuck yourself." He said in a demonic tone.

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