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open The Looming darkness

Child Of Darkness

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Xena growled as he changed back into Tempest. The cyan pegesus then groaned and glanced at where Caras was. "He is a fool, though I do agree with him on somethings." He thought. "That doesn't mean I'll give up without a fight, though."


Dark sighed as she landed next to Tempest. "At least that's over." She thought.


(The curse won't actually work for Tempest, since I have already made it clear that magic and aura are two completely different things.)

Edited by Kyurem
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The time freeze was enough to snap sole back to his senses, and as time continued sole growled angrily. "Fuck! I can't believe I let that bastard escape again!" He said angrily, as caras's words echoed in his mind "what drives you..." He mumbled to himself "what drives me is the survival of my comrades!" He yelled defiantly, as he turned back to the fight.


((I don't know if the curse will work on sole. Chaos magic is different from normal magic.))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Stardust Ducked and brought up a shield to defend herself from the Stallions attacks, she was planning on having a very nice fight with this stallion. But then time froze, and Caras made a little speech. But what he did to make that speech pissed her off. She looked at the stallion in front of her.

"I'm Sorry, we'll have to continue this later but I have something to do. And I'm not going to let it fester." Stardust gave him her trademark smile and teleported away.


Stardust ended up in Caras's old home in the everfree, she had no idea if he was here or not. But she needed to talk to him.

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Caras was back at his old home, he had gone back there to get a few things that he did not have time to pack before and the data could be fatal is the heros get there hooves on it. He got the books and was about to leave when he saw stardust here. "What are is that you want Stardust, I am quite busy at the moment?"

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@@Child Of Darkness,@,


((Well, all the bad guys are going away so I guess DH will too))


DH recalled Guayota back to her through the darkling realm. She then flew to Caras' house in the Everfree, silent as shadow. None of the ponies underneath would be able to see her flight.


She landed and said nothing, only observing. 




Minath growled at the spot Caras once was. She called to everypony around.


@,@,  @,  ((And anyone I missed))


"Rally at me!"

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"What are is that you want Stardust, I am quite busy at the moment?"

Stardust was inclined to growl, but she kept her composure. Though she was definitely pissed off and the music in her head was growing it. 

"You do know I'm the MARE OF TIME! I didn't get that name just by travelling through time, I control it. I manipulate it and I rule it. Being the Mare of Time, I have responsibilities. Ones were it does not matter what side your on or if you working with me. Now that little thing you pulled off just before. That was kinda against one of those rules. I'm giving you a chance right now, but understand these words. There is nothing stopping me to my duty."


Stardust headed to the exit of the Stallion's home. 

"And I'll be at my home if your looking, I'll be back shortly."

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There is nothing stopping me to my duty.
 "Then you are still blind to the fact of who you are dealing with. You may be the mare of time, but you were born with your abilities so you can do them naturally, but what is better, to be born with an ability, or spend years perfecting things that others can do without practice". Caras had a lot of rage built up inside of him from the slight pain, he had lost most control and sight of what he stands for. "I'm sorry. I need to be left alone for some time". Caras slowly turned into smoke and vanished.

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@@Child Of Darkness,

Stardust nearly attacked at Caras, she had every right to after he insulted her. But she kept her facade, barely. But when Caras left the room, she calmed down. But she had one thing left to say, and she was going to say anyway. Even though no one would ever hear.

"You spent years training. I spent centuries being tortured, I spent centuries trying to stop my power. You had a choice to take your position, I was created for it. What's worse, training for a goal or being tortured to take on someone else's."

Stardust's horn glowed and she was teleported to a blank wall. And she casted the spell that opened her door. The shadows excepted her.

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Tempest glanced at Minath and landed next to said alicorn. He then nodded and sighed. Using Xena had taken a toll on his body, but that didn't exactly matter to him at the moment. "We should head back to Canterlot to plan, in case Caras and his followers attack.." He said.

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@,@@Child Of Darkness,


DH watched the exchange in silence, and when the argument was over, she left to go explore the Everfree and possibly find a place to regain her strength.


Eventually she stumbled upon a grove, and settled there, and petted Guayota absentmindedly. If her partners needed her the would contact her.


((Just @ me when you need DH again. Until then I'm not gonna bother posting about her regaining her strength and petting her dog.))






"Right. We also need to account for wounds. Do you have any that require immediate medical attention?" 

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Tempest shook his head. "Nothing my aura can't take care of." He said. The cyan pegesus then sighed. "If my aura took control during my two fights, then I'm sorry, if I hurt anypony."


Dark shook her head. "To be honest, I think I was ignored for a large portion of the fight." She said.

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Minath placed a hoof on Dark's shoulder.


"I don't think that may be a bad thing, friend. We were outclassed, as much as I don't like to admit it. We need better training and more power. Maybe even more ponies." She said, then turned to Tempest.


"Can your aura heal others?"

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Tempest glanced at Minath and nodded. "I can also detect where somepony is, as long as they are alive, among other things." He said. The cyan pegesus then shrugged. "As for what Xena can do, that's a whole different story."


Dark sighed and nodded. "I agree." She said.

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Minath nodded.


"I would like to know more about Xena at a later date, if you don't mind Tempest. I need to know his capabilities better. Meantime, can you find the others? Dark, could you go with him please? You two should not be alone, and I an handle myself."


((, Where are you guys? We need you.))

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((I've been extremely busy... And don't have much time on here during the weekdays.))

Sole heard minath and the others talking, and heard them calling him over. But he didn't move at all "no... I've failed... I need... More power." He said quietly, before flying away, toward the everfree forest.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest nodded, and he flew away to find any other survivors. "I would rather Minath not see that side of me, but I'll tell her what she needs to know." He thought to himself.


Dark sighed as she walked away. While Tempest looked for survivors in the air, she would look for the others are the ground.

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Minath watched at Dark and Tempest left, and saw a smudge flying. Minath took off to it.


Thank Faust for my crummy eyesight...




Getting up closer, she saw it was Sole. She cut off his path.


"Where the hell do you think you're going? We need you, Sole." Minath said.


We need everyone. 

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Minath watched at Dark and Tempest left, and saw a smudge flying. Minath took off to it.


Thank Faust for my crummy eyesight...




Getting up closer, she saw it was Sole. She cut off his path.


"Where the hell do you think you're going? We need you, Sole." Minath said.


We need everyone. 

sole ignored her and simply flew around her and kept going. "As I am now, I'm useless to you guys. But I'm not leaving for good... I just need to get stronger, train..." He said as he flew. He was determined to get strong enough to defeat caras "I'll see you guys soon I guess. When I'm not as useless."


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Minath was in tears.


"Nopony's useless, Sole!" She held up the back of her hoof, displaying the scars "I used to think I was useless. If I had followed through, where would I be. Let us help you to be stronger! You don't need to go alone! We are your friends, Let us help you!"

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Minath was in tears.


"Nopony's useless, Sole!" She held up the back of her hoof, displaying the scars "I used to think I was useless. If I had followed through, where would I be. Let us help you to be stronger! You don't need to go alone! We are your friends, Let us help you!"

sole suddenly stopped, and turned to her "minath... Don't cry. I already told you, I need to get stronger... But if it means making you cry... Then I can't really leave no can I?" He said with a sigh "but even if I stay... As we are we can't win. We need to get stronger." He said sadly, he felt bad for minath. Edited by ~chaotic sole~


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Minath nodded and wiped away her tears.


"We'll get stronger together. I just can't lose anyone else... Aura... Celestia... Rambler..." Minath said, and began flying back to Canterlot.


((Rambler is Minath's special somepony, but for this RP we'll say he's been missing. Extra drama factor.))

Edited by Minath Kidemonas
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Minath nodded and wiped away her tears.


"We'll get stronger together. I just can't lose anyone else... Aura... Celestia... Rambler..." Minath said, and began flying back to Canterlot.


((Rambler is Minath's special somepony, but for this RP we'll say he's been missing. Extra drama factor.))

sole nodded slowly, before stopping her "and minath... I don't know if those scars were made by you or somepony else. But please... I don't like to see my friends hurt... So I'll make sure you don't get anymore." He said, as he flew back with her toward canterlot castle.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Minath nodded and landed in the tower, waiting for the others and Luna.


Rambler.... Where are you? You said you were going back to Stallionshire but your family said you never got there. Did you just not want to see me anymore, or did something happen to you on the way? You've been gone for seven years.... but I've never stopped loving you. I will find you one day... whether it's you body or your face.... I just want closure.


Snap out of it Minath. The past is the past.

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Tempest noticed the others leave and sighed. "I can't go back. If Xena is released, I won't be able to stop him." He thought. The cyan pegesus then shook his head. "NO. I couldn't do that to Luna and the others. I took an oath to protect Luna from harm, and I won't let anything make me break it." Tempest then flew into the air and headed towards Canterlot. "If Caras does attack again, I won't hesitate to kill him for what he did to Tia."


Dark noticed Tempest fly away and decided to follow him.

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Stardust walked through the trails of the mountains around canterlot, she had received a letter from the Mares of Sun and Moon. It had been some time she had spoken with them and a good catch would be nice. Maybe they had some old books that needed to restored or something, they did have a young filly last time that she was there that loved the library. Stardust was having a nice stroll, nothing much was bothering her. And the nice cold winter wind was nice on her coat.

Stardust rounded the bend and the castle was in view, she wasn't far from it and she could see something out on the balcony of the palace. Stardust frowned a bit, when did random ponies, and what seemed to be a griffon, started to hang about  the castle's walls. 

Stardust got closer, maybe she could have a chat with them then go back to her business with the other mares of power.


Stardust flew the rest of the way down till she was nearly at the balcony and landed not far from it, landing on some rock ledge right beside the balcony.

"Hello dear children, have you seen the princesses?"

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