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open The Looming darkness

Child Of Darkness

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Tempest grit his teeth in both anger and pain. He then pushed Nightmare off of him. "There's more than one way that I can see." He said. The cyan pegesus's aura then began to drift away from him, and it soon surrounded the two ponies in a dome. "Honestly, though. Why would you let somepony as weak as Caras control you?" He asked.

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"You are misunderstood. He is not in control of me. He is just giving me power and draining Lunas life energy from her. So you see, he is not in control."

Being confined in a dome Nightmare moon decided that this was a great opertunity for attacking. She lifted her scyth and relentlessly attack Tempest with fast and brutal strikes.

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Tempest felt his anger to rise, as he blocked the attacks. "This is getting out of hand. I have to end this now." He thought. The cyan pegesus then ducked and tripped Nightmare. He then pinned her to the ground, and used his aura to turn into what looked like smoke, enter Luna's mind. "I just have to help Luna take control of her body, then I can focus on Caras."

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Luna felt Tempest trying to reach out to her and save her from Caras' control, but she knew this could not be done.

"Tempest stop. Its already to late. Even if you do free me, I will be to weak to take control over my body. I will die if he loses his grip on my mind. I'm sorry Tempest, but you cannot save me from this."

Nightmare moon broke the connection and shoved Tempest off of her, sending him to the ground. After which, she shattered the dome and stood back from Tempest, slightly drained of her energy.

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Tempest struggled to stand up. He was honestly scared about what he was about to do. "Xena, please take over." He thought.


The aura beast nodded and took control of the cyan pegesus, causing his appearance to change accordingly. He then formed a aura sphere in front of him, before swallowing it whole. "Forgive me, Tempest." He said, before opening his mouth and firing a massive beam of aura at Nightmare.

Edited by Kyurem
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Sole cursed as the fire came toward them, but him and discord worked together to create barriers around themselves and the others just in time. Discord scowled "that's it, I've had enough!" He said, snapping his fingers and turning caras' fur pink, his mane yellow and giving him a neon green Afro. Sole was laughing so hard there were tears in his eyes, but he still attacked by kicking caras in the head, followed by a punch from discord, and finishing the combo with a combined blast of chaos magic directly at caras.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Daeva shook her head.
"I believe in the end your quest will prevail, and Caras will be overcome. But this will take a long while, and during this time I will find many heroes. I have no alliance to any of my heroes, DH being my current master, and our contract is one of convenience. The moment she dies, which is soon, I will be released from my contract and travel the realms once again. I am not ashamed to be a darkling, just as you are not ashamed to be a unicorn. It is simply what I am. "
Minath watched in horror as the battle went on around her. She singled out Caras and an idea dawned on her. Caras' body was made out of smoke, and you could blow smoke away... could it work?
@@Child Of Darkness
Minath conjured up a swirling vortex around herself, her wings flapping and her eyes dripping the slate and gold auras. She sent the freezing blast of air at Caras.
Lumi watched the struggle between Tempest/Xena and Nightmare moon. She started chanting an ancient draconian war cry said to empower friends.
"Im ynkern e, partut’yan k’vo t’shnami yem talis k’vo sharzhumnerin yev ognel dzez stanum hoginery!"
((My friend, defeat thy foe, I empower your movements and help you reap the souls!))




DH watched the battle, and summoned both Chrmosh and had Guayota return to his form. Chrmosh began swatting around palace guards and Guayota biting them, tearing fur and flesh from bone and sinew.

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Caras recovered slowly from the attacks from Discord and Sole. He lay on the floor coughing up some blood and in pain. He got up on his hoofs and reversed the effects of Discords spell. Even though it was humiliating, he could not hold back a laugh.

"Pink fur, Green afro. You have not lost your touch Discord. That was funny, bravo."

Caras saw the air blast flying at him, so he reversed the spells effect and changed its direction sending a blazing inferno of air at Minath.

"Stay out of this."


(Time for Nightmare moon)

The beam was unexpected, it froze Nightmare moon in place and the beam was a direct hit. It set her several feet backward and knocked her to the ground. She was now very weak and badly wounded.

"You cannot kill me, if this body dies, Luna dies with it. You have bested me in battle, so tell me what are you planning on doing next?"


(Back to Caras)


"So this was fun and all, I underestimated you two. You two are a force to be reckoned with. I applaud you, bravo. But do you still think that Chaos magic can over power the Magic from the Dark relms. Here is a taster of some of the advance spells."

Caras' body began to glow with a black aura, his eyes became as black as the void. The spell would make any one withing the blast blind for a short amout of time. He cast the spell and the blast radius hit everyone within the Castle. (You cannot block this spell.)

"Now then, if its all that same with you I will be going now. But first I will take these."

Caras went from pony to pony taking there Element of Harmony.

"Goodbye for now."

Caras went by DH as he was leaving and reversed the effect of his spell on her and the Darklings. He pointed to the now blinded ponies.

"Easy prey."

Caras went outside, spread his wings and took flights.


(Sole, you can consider that a victory as I did not kill anyone. But you never going to stop me from getting the elements of harmony. Also this post was a lot bigger than I intended 1684 characters, madness. Also short quotes, mentions and spell checker are not supported on mobie phones, and that is what I am using to write all this up so sorry for bad spelling and not being able to send a mention your way.)

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Tempest grit his teeth in anger and simply formed a three foot sword in his hove. "Luna would've died anyway, even if she was free from your grasp.' He said. The cyan pegesus then charged at Nightmare Moon, and plunged the sword into her chest. "I'm sorry." He thought, as he began to mentally breakdown.

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Sole cursed as him and discord were consumed by the attack, and sent flying back into walls behind them. They both stood as caras began to fly away "oh no you don't!" Discord said angrily, as he summoned a chaos spear and threw it in caras' direction, aiming to impale him right through the back.

Edited by ~chaotic sole~


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Nightmare moon felt the sword pierce her chest, and she could feel her life draining from her body. Nightmare died, giving Luna a few moments to say her goodbyes.

"Tempest, you did what you had to, I'm proud of you for doing that. The elements... Are the elements safe?"

She looked around and saw that all the elements where gone.

"Tempest, promise me you will kill Caras, can you promise me that?"


(Change to Caras)


Caras saw that the spear was coming right for him so he quickly turned around and teleported the spear behind discord, angleing it just right so that it would stab him in the leg. With telepathy he talked to discord one more time.

"Next time Discord, you will not have the luxary to walk away alive."

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Tempest smiled slightly, and nodded. "I promise that I will find and kill Caras." He said. The cyan pegesus didn't show it, but he was actually very scared. He then looked into his own subconscious, and found Luminos still in his mind. "How are you still here?" He thought. 


The spirit sighed. "Just because you don't have the element of magic, doesn't stop me from communicating with you." He said.

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Discord cursed and teleported away, his leg dripping with blood. "I'll kill you!" He snarled, as sole saw luna dying on the ground "nnoooo! Luna!" He cried, flying over to her with tears in his eyes "no... No no no... Not you too..." He said quietly, forgetting all about the fight.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest glanced at Sole, and simply sighed. "It was the only way." He said. The cyan pegesus then grit his teeth in both frustration and anger. "I will make Caras suffer for this." The cyan pegesus then flew out the window, and began using his aura sight to look for Caras.

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((Cmon, we can't just let this rp die. Keep posting guys.))


Sole was quiet, ignoring everything going on around him as he looked down at the princess of night's dying body "y-you...you and celestia... you've both done so much for... for everyone... especially me. I'm sorry... I should've helped you, I should've noticed caras' manipulations. Please.... forgive me..." he said to her quietly, as he weeped over her.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Dark sighed as she watched Luna die. "I wish I could do something, but I can't." She thought. "I have to help Tempest find and take down Caras, once and for all." The black dragoness then flew out a window and towards the Everfree forest.


Tempest was growing more and more frustrated as his search for Caras was proving unfruitful. "I won't give up." He thought.

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Minath watched the death of Luna, and backed away. Sure, she hadn't known Luna as well as she had known Celestia, but Luna might have been her only hope of holding everything together in Equestria. Minath took off and flew to the training grounds. She formed a meditation bubble, a dome that tuned out everything and left her alone with her thoughts. She needed to get her bearings.






Lumi followed Dark out the window, her leathery wings silent. She knew everyone needed space, but Lumi didn't want to be alone. She would have to deal with being the silent tag-a-long. 

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Tempest sensed two auras approaching him, and recognized them as Dark and Lumi. He simply sighed, and landed on the forest floor. "I might as well wait for them." He said. The cyan pegesus then began to meditate, to try and calm the emotional and mental storm that was going through his head

Edited by Kyurem
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@@Minath Khalsi,


It wasn't until the battle was over and Luna was dying that Rambler realized he had spent the whole time simply standing in awe and not helping at all. But then, in a fight like that, what could he really have done? More importantly, he could tell Minath was upset, and rightly so, given what had just happened. He followed her on the ground as she flew off, but by the time he caught up to her she was already in a dome that seemed to be cutting off everything from the outside world. Not knowing what else to do, he stood outside the bubble and began to talk, not sure whether she could hear him or not.


"Minath? I don't know if you can hear me, or if you even want to listen to me right now, but if you need to talk or anything, I'm here for you. If there's any way I can help you bear this burden, I want to do all that I can, even if it's just lending a sympathetic ear."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Chivalry could see the whole thing. A tear crept from his eye as he saw Princess Luna's descent to the heavens. He gave a short prayer towards Princess Luna. "First Celestia, now Luna. How many more have to die until Caras is stopped? I swear I will stop him, even if it costs my life, he will die!" Chivalry was done waiting. he had to get to the others before anypony else dies.

@@Minath Khalsi,

Chivalry then looked towards Daeva.
"Hmph, your lucky Daeva, it seems that I must take my leave now. I am going back to the castle, alot has happened since I left and I'd like to say hello again. Oh and keep in mind, I know exactly where DH is so make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." Chivalry then created a lightwieght bubble around himself and floated off towards Canterlot.


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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Sole stood slowly, as discord teleported beside him, his leg now healed. "Son... I know how you feel. But right now we must find caras, so we can exact the oh so delicious vengeance upon him." He said, putting a paw on sole's shoulder as he wiped his tears away "yeah... Your right." He said quietly, as he stood "caras has taken so much... He doesn't deserve to live anymore." He said darkly


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Chivalry is currently on his way to the castle where the others are mourning for their recent loss. Chivalry is too taking it hard, but is also trying to keep his feelings in check. However, he cannot stop the flow of thoughts that run through his head currently.

'Celestia, Luna, and everypony else who has died at Caras's hooves. I pray for you all, and I am sorry that I could not help you in your time of need. But now, now I can finally help. With this blade I will show Caras his demise. But first, I must comfort my friends back at Canterlot. I hope they will be surprised to see me, I have been gone for a long time. Or maybe they'll be mad that I wasn't there to help... Well whatever the case, I am going there now regardless of what they may think. I just hope Minath is okay, now that she is reunited with her lover. She did seem very depressed when Luna...' Chivalry shook his head. "Anyway, I should concentrate on my flight, don't wanna crash now."


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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@@Alex Kennedy,


Minath felt like Rambler was near by, sensing his magical presence.


Before inheriting Celestia's magic, Minath could only sense unicorns. And even then, only strong ones. But Minath had begun learnig that everything has magic, even earth ponies and pegasi. Minath wan't connected to the outside world, though, so even though she knew Rambler was there she couldn't hear him.

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@@Minath Khalsi,


Not getting a response and not knowing what else to do, Rambler just laid down next to the dome that was cutting Minath off from the world and waited. If she wanted time alone badly enough to magically isolate herself from everything, he had to respect that. But when she needed him, he would be there.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Chivalry could see the castle and he perked up a small smile. Finally he could be reunited with his friends, who hopefully weren't going to be angry with him. Chivalry landed near the castle doors and popped his bubble float spell. He slowly opens the doors and immedietly upon entering, the sword started to react. It illuminated the palace with celestia's and Luna's magic, and of course Chivalry was not expecting that. The palace pulsated with both princesses magic, as if the blade were happy to be back at the castle.

Chivalry looked around and noticed Minath encased in some sort of barrier with Rambler at her side, though outside the barrier. He also noticed Sole with Discord who both looked a bit ticked off. Dark and Tempest were nowhere to be seen, 'guess they went somewhere to track Caras down or something.'

@@Alex Kennedy,

Chivalry walks up to Rambler and talks to him.
"Hello Rambler, my name is Chivalry Knight, and I am a part of the battle against Caras. Everypony else already knows who I am, especially Minath. How... is she doing anyway? I already know that Luna has... um, anyway I'm glad your here to comfort her in her time of need. She needs you Rambler and I can see that you need her, I will do my best to protect you both with my life and I can assure you, Caras will be vanquished. Chivalry gave Rambler a small smile as he finished speaking.


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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