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open The Looming darkness

Child Of Darkness

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Dark landed in front of Tempest and sighed. "I know your mad about what happened, but you did what you had to do." She said. The black dragoness didn't know exactly what to say, but she still needed to try and comfort the pony who raised her.


Tempest sighed and stood up. "Did I?" He asked, with a slight hint of sadness in his voice. "I could've found a way, but I didn't. I went against everything I stand for, and I killed one of the only ponies I admired." A few tears began to trickle down Tempest's cheeks. "I'll probably be sent to jail, or worse." Tempest then got into the fetal position and his body visibly shook.


Dark curled inti a ball around Tempest to try and comfort him. "Tempest, nothing is going to happen, because we know YOU." She said.


Tempest smiled slightly, and calmed down. "Thanks, Dark. I needed that." He said. The cyan pegesus then thought of where Caras might be, and flew into the air, and towards the ruins he called his home.


Dark stood , and followed Tempest. "It's good to have you back, Tempest." She thought.

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Rambler looked up, his face blank despite the torrent of emotions going through his mind. "Thanks, but no thanks. Minath and I have always looked after each other, and ourselves, just fine. It'll be a dark day when I can't at least do that much." Suddenly, to his own surprise, he flashed a devilish grin. "But if you're going to kill that bastard Caras, I'm behind you all the way on that. Now, if you don't mind, I'd rather the two of us were left alone for the time being. We- and I imagine everyone else as well- need some time to unwind and reflect on everything that's happened. We'll be there when you need us, though."

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Chivalry gave Rambler a small nod. "Yes I understand. I shall leave you two to yourselves, I just wanted to introduce myself is all." Chivalry gave Rambler a small smile as he walked away. Chivalry looked in Sole and Discords direction and thought that it was best to just leave them.


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Sole walked over to the others "no. Fuck rest and reflection, we've been doing that long enough and it's getting us nowhere. We need to attack caras now, and finish him." He said adamantly, his anger was causing his chaos energy to flare out and change the ground around him into a checkered pattern. "He's killed too many innocence, taken too many lives... He doesn't deserve to live." He said darkly, as discord looked at sole with concern "oh no..." He mumbled "he's losing it..." He thought, as he teleported next to sole "hey kiddo, calm down. We'll get our revenge, but your taking things a little too quickly." Sole ignored him, his anger was still causing him to lose control of his chaos magic.


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My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Rambler spoke without bothering to turn and look at him. "If you want to go fight him yourself, be my guest. But it would be stupid for us to go in now. Whether you realize or not, all of us are vulnerable right now. This isn't a fight we can win if we go in halfheartedly. We need to recover, both physically and mentally."

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Rambler spoke without bothering to turn and look at him. "If you want to go fight him yourself, be my guest. But it would be stupid for us to go in now. Whether you realize or not, all of us are vulnerable right now. This isn't a fight we can win if we go in halfheartedly. We need to recover, both physically and mentally."

sole glared at him "I don't care! And I WILL fight him alone, even if none of you will!" He said angrily, his aura flaring out even more. "Sole! St this now! Your burning your energy!" Discord scolded, as sole growled and turned to him "I DONT CARE!" He said, before flying out a window.


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My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Rambler was still barely phased by this outburst. He had bigger concerns on his mind. For whatever reason though, there was one thought that surfaced as what he said next. He turned to Discord. "You know, you're a much more responsible parent than I would have thought. Shame he won't listen to you, but he'll probably cool down pretty soon." That said, he turned back to Minath's dome and lay there waiting until she decided she was ready to come out. Right now, that was what really mattered to him.

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(I guess I might as well start posting again.)


Caras landed at his home in the Everfree forest with a smile on his face. He had taken the elements of harmony and gotten Luna killed. Equestria was now weaker than it has been for 1000's of years.

"Finaly. After such a long time of planning and preperation. I can finally execute the plan."


Caras set the Elements down on a table and began to focus his magic. After 5 minuets of intense concentration, Caras cast a spell at the elements causing them to be stripped of there power and replaced with the exact opposits.

Crulty, despair, bewitchment, deception, severance and greed. The spell itelf was no easy feet to cast. It would have killed a normal unicorn many times over, and it left Caras on deaths door.

"At last, 10000 years of waiting have become true. There are truly non who can stop me now."


(This magic can be detected by almost every unicorn for 100's of miles. *hint, hint*)


(I cannot say I am extatic that this did not die, but I am glad it did not.)

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Discord chuckled "no... I'm no father. You should've seen me when I first created sole, I was much worse." He said, before sighing "and no, I don't think he'll calm down anytime soon. I wouldn't be surprised if he went to fight caras again..." Ha said quietly, before shrugging "but if he doesn't come to his senses before he finds him, then I'll stop him." He assured, as he sensed an explosion of magic "it seems as if caras is on the move... Maybe we should check it out." He said


Sole sensed an explosion of energy, and flew toward it. "What the hell? It must be him!" He cursed, flying as fast as he could.

Edited by ~chaotic sole~


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My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest landed in the brush near Caras's home, and felt a surge of power. "What in the name of..." He thought. The cyan pegesus then detected Caras, and formed his armour around him, and his swords at his hooves. "This ends now." He thought, as he flew towards the entrance. "This is for Luna, Celestia, and for all of Equestria."

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Rambler shook his head. "As much as I'd like to do something about it, we have no plan, very little in the way of resources, and most of us are either beaten up, mentally shaken, or both. Caras holds all the cards at this point, and even if he didn't, Minath is still off in her own little world. We can't do much of anything without her. Granted, it might be a good idea if someone, preferably someone who can fly, were to go scout things out and see what's going on. I'd do it, but I can't get a bird's eye view or cover ground quickly like some of the others, and anyway, I should really be here for Minath when she's ready to come out again."

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Rambler shook his head. "As much as I'd like to do something about it, we have no plan, very little in the way of resources, and most of us are either beaten up, mentally shaken, or both. Caras holds all the cards at this point, and even if he didn't, Minath is still off in her own little world. We can't do much of anything without her. Granted, it might be a good idea if someone, preferably someone who can fly, were to go scout things out and see what's going on. I'd do it, but I can't get a bird's eye view or cover ground quickly like some of the others, and anyway, I should really be here for Minath when she's ready to come out again."

discord sighed "well... I could do it, but I imagine that's where sole is headed now. He must've sensed that explosive magic. So... If sole can refrain from attacking, we can maybe get some information on what's happened." He said calmly, as he floated through the air calmly.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Rambler shrugged. "Well, hopefully he'll make it back alright. If we're going to beat Caras, we're going to have to do it together." He sighed, "I'm getting carried away now, though. If I keep talking like this, I'll start getting it in my head that I'm the leader or something, and I'm hardly qualified for that. I'm only even involved in all of this because of Minath."

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Chivalry felt the surge of power that came out of nowhere. "it seems as though that Caras is up to something..." Chivalry stated to no pony in particular. He noticed that everyone and their grandmother were going out to fight Caras or something. "Hmph, foolishness leads to death, Caras taught me that," Chivalry says to himself. He then turns to the only ones who didn't go, Rambler and Minath.

@@Alex Kennedy,

"So, your not going with them, yeah? I guess you and I share the same thoughts. We both believe that Caras must be crushed, but the others are going at it the wrong way, we need to come up with a plan. Then, when the time is right, we strike." Chivalry says to Rambler. "I want to help my friends, but I can't just go charging in without a plan. Do you agree?"


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Rambler nodded. "That's exactly right. Caras holds all the cards, and that means we can't afford to run in without a plan. Going in with things as they are now is suicide, and we can only hope they realize that and come back before something happens to them."

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@@Alex Kennedy,

Chivalry nodded. "But the chances of that happening are slim. From what I learned, Sole can get pretty carried away very easily. And with that expression on his face before he left, I doubt he'll stay alive for long sadly. I'm not sure where Tempest and Dark went however, but if they felt that surge of magical energy, then they're definitely moving in towards Caras. Which brings me to a very mysterious question, what in the hoof was that magical energy surge? it felt so powerful, like nothing Iv'e ever felt before. Did you feel it Rambler?" Chivalry looked in his thoughts to try to find a solution. 

Edited by ChivalryKnight


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Tempest landed in the brush near Caras's home, and felt a surge of power. "What in the name of..." He thought. The cyan pegesus then detected Caras, and formed his armour around him, and his swords at his hooves. "This ends now." He thought, as he flew towards the entrance. "This is for Luna, Celestia, and for all of Equestria."

Caras knew that Tempest was near, and opened the front door to his home letting him inside. Caras took the now corrupted elements of harmony and placed the 5 necklesses around his neck and the crown on his head. His magic was back to its full potential, but when Caras put the elements on, somthing ux-expected happened. He was encased in an inpenetrable ball of a mixture of Light, Dark and Chaos magical energy. This left a very strong magic sent that could be found by the most un-skilled of unicorns, all over Equestria.


(This is leading up to something. Something big and powerful.)

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Tempest smirked slightly, as he landed a few feet from Caras. "So, this is your big plan?" He asked. The cyan pegesus then fired multiple aura spheres at Caras. "I am going to be the one that kills you, no matter what."


Dark arrived at the ruins Caras called home, and saw the battle. "Tempest, you have to win." She thought.

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(Did you all forget about discord? He didn't leave.)


Discord sighed "yes, caras may have the advantage here, But never underestimate my boy. He may not be as strong as me, but he won't be killed so easily. Besides, I'm fairly sure the aura pony and the dragon are with him as well." He said, sounding deceptively calm. In his mind, he was panicking. That was chaos magic he sensed just now, along with most other known forms of magic. "Be careful son..." He thought in worry


Sole arrived to see caras and tempest about to face off, but something was wrong... How did caras have chaos magic? Only a handful of beings in equestria knew how to use it, and caras wasn't one of them. "What... The hell?" He mumbled, as he watched and waited for caras to make the first move.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Rambler tapped his forehead with his hoof, indicating his lack of horn. "Earth pony, remember? I can't sense magic stuff like you unicorns can. Granted, even I can tell there's something in the air. Something sinister, that wasn't there before. I couldn't speak for what it might be, though." 

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The ball of magic that surrounded Caras made him immune to any form of attack, but it also prevented Caras from moving. He was in a form of susspended animation but he could see everything that was going on, but he could not respond in any way, what so ever.

"Well shit."

Caras thought to himself watching Tempest and Sole make an arrival.

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"You... Could say that. There is definitely something foul coming from caras' location." He said darkly "I hope the others stay safe..." He mumbled in concern


Sole cursed as he sensed the massive amount of magical energy surrounding caras. He had only felt energy like this from the elements at full power, or from his father in his prime. His power was small in comparison. "Why isn't he doing anything?" He thought curiously, as he continued to watch.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest simply sighed, as he watched Caras. "Something tells me that things are going to go downhill from here." He thought to himself. The cyan pegesus then charged at the sphere, and prepared to strike. "That doesn't mean that I'm going to wait to find out, though."

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@@Alex Kennedy,

Chivalry facehoofed. "Heh, right sorry about tha-" Chivalry was cut off because he sensed a very powerful surge of magical energy. He had never experienced so much magical energy before that it was unbelievable that this much magic could be emitting from Caras. "Sweet Celestia, what the... Rambler, I just felt an unimaginable amount of energy. I don't think even Caras could produce so much... wait a minute. Caras went off with the elements of harmony right? so then that must mean... Oh my god. We need Minath NOW Rambler!!! We can wait for her no longer, this is very dire, Caras has the potential to destroy us all if this is what I fear it to be!" 


Chivalry ran up to Minaths barrier and started pounding on it with his hoof. "MINATH!!! Can you hear me, please you need to come out NOW! MINATH!"

Edited by ChivalryKnight


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Rambler shoved Chivalry out of the way. "That's not going to do you any good. If she could hear us, she'd come out on her own. Just let me take care of it."


@@Minath Khalsi


Rambler focused and tried his best to access the telepathic communication he and Minath had been using earlier. He sent her his thoughts as best he could and hoped she could hear him. "Minath, we need your help. I know you have a lot to deal with right now, but we don't have any more time to try and process it all. We have to move now, before it's too late."

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