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private Special Ops


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Fire stared at the coffins, 7 all in total. They laid there all in line, lids closed, the military would’ve never let the pony’s family see what happened to them. Fire Sharp let a tear shed, she cared about every single pony that were before her. They had saved each other several times over and they were close, they never saw their family once they joined the team and the others became that, something to fill that void.  Her entire team, her new family had died and she could do nothing about it.

She stayed after the service, no one approached her during it and they didn’t want to now. She stood in front of the 7 graves, she saluted them, saying goodbye to her family. They had all been through some serious shit while out on missions and on the front line, they were all scared and veterans before their time.

A ponies hoof was on her shoulder, looking back she recognised the uniform.

“Hello General, what do you want?”

Fire didn’t want to talk to him, technically she was above him because she was a part of the special ops team. Anypony that was in the team had their say in the military, they were respected for their service to the land and they were rumours to the young soldiers just going out to fight.

“We need you to look after the new recruits, you know that an ordinary trainer can’t train them and you’ve been promoted to leader. Though you keep your other position as sniper, no one could pass you in that skill.”

Fire looked back at him; she knew that it was her responsibility to look after the ponies that would be replacing her team. That was how it worked, the team had to always be there, if somepony dies then they got a new solider and moulded them to fit the role they lost. She nodded, she would do it. They really did need the team to be active and she knew that she wouldn't be going home, unless she came in a box.




You were in your barracks, you had just graduated from the academy and your preparing to leave for war. But as your packing the small stuff amount you own a pony walks in. He’s wearing official uniform and a saddle bag, a letter in his hooves for you. The seal of the equestrian military is on the letter and as soon as you take it from him he walks away. Not talking or even staying to answer your questions.

You open the letter, it tells you to pack all your stuff and go to one of the conference rooms in the office block at the academy.  And you do that, with about a million questions in your mind.


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Rylen was no stranger to military activities, both of his parents where in the military and so is his brother, so when he got the letter he knew it was serious and he had to follow the orders given to to him to the letter. Rylen pack his things as fast as he could and went to the nearest conference room in thr office block. With all of his understanding and knowladge of military information, he still had a lot of questions in his head, and he wanted answers ASAP.

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((Things Roarke say are in red and things he thinks are in italic red))


Roarke was just checking over his stuff for one last time. It wasn't much, just a few bags with the bare essentials and some more personal stuff. Roarke looked over his bags as his eyes fell upon a photo. It was a group foto of his entire family. He didn't have a very military family, more the opposite. Most of his family was either farmer or anything close related to that. But Roarke never had any doubt, he needed to serve his country. Especially in these times of war.

He was snapped out of his daydream when a cough could be heared behind him. As he looked over, he noticed a pony in uniform giving him a stern look.

He quickly turned around and saluted the pony. He however, did not return the gesture and just proceeded to hand him a letter and trot away. what was that all about?

He opened the letter, but what he read only grew his confusion. they want me to go to a conference room? did i do anything bad?

Roarke took one last look at his family photo, before ripping a piece with his brothers and sisters off and putting it in his helmet, before trotting off to the conference room.

Edited by repsol rave


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Jaeger was ready to go to war. Since his failure in the guard this was the best he thought he could get. As he walked out an officer handed him a letter, saluted, and walked away. He read and immediately thought he had done something wrong. "Perfect just perfect." he hissed under his breath. Jaeger picked up his bags and began to trot to the conference room. "Let's see what you've done this time." he said as he pushed open the door to the conference room.

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Skitter Run was lying down just thinking about the harsh training he went through When he see a letter land on the bed, he opens and it up and reads it then thinks" Shit is this about the fight I got into yesterday"

He gets up and looks at the door " Well if i gotta go I better going running" he says with a smile as he gallops though the door.

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Phylomon looks at the letter question flowing threw his mind like a raging river. He opens  the letter and scans threw the letter then reads it again wondering if he miss read it after seeing to that he did not miss read the letter he finises packing his stuff. Once that is finished he grabs his stuff and the letter and gallops off to the conference room.


My Main OC's      Signiture done by Pink Mist

Avolon  Apolyon  Star Streak  Nocturne

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Skitter Run arrives at the conference room and opens the door to see nopony else inside.

"-Huh, I must be early-"

 He thinks as he walks over to a seat and sits done on it. After a few minutes he starts drumming on the table and thinking about all he has been though since he joined up.

" -I have been though a lot of shit and now after that fight yesterday I am probably going to get placed in a squad thats just cannon fodder.-"

He starts to get nervous and gets up to began pacing around.

"- All I am really good at is running and hiding. Sure I can shoot but so can't everypony else, in the name of Celestia I am not looking forward to this meeting.-"

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Jaeger walked up to the conference room and noticed the door was already open. "Wonderful, well let's go see what I did this time." he said as he entered the room and saw another pony already sitting down. He walked over and sat down in the chair parallel to the other pony. "So...um are you the pony I'm supposed to see?" he asked as he put down his bag next to his chair.

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Skitter Run looks up and stares at the new pony.

"Umm no and I'm guessing you didn't give me this here letter"

He says and looks closely at the newcomer.

"- he looks tough wouldn't be good for me to piss him off, and what is he doing here, maybe he did something stupid as well.

Also why did he bring his bag?-"

"Were we supposed to bring our bags?"

Skitter Run asks.

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Jaeger shook his head "I'm not sure, I'm guessing that letter you have is the same one as mine," he replied as he put his letter on the table. "It just said to bring my stuff to this conference room." he said with a slight smile on his face "I've never seen this pony around, so why is he here?" he wondered.

Edited by Frosty V
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((This Chivalry say will be with this " things he thinks will be with this ' ))


Chivalry had packed his things and was ready to leave, he didn't like to question things that he was bound to get answer's to later, but this really intrigued him. 'I wonder whats going on, is it a mission? more training? No it can't be that Iv'e already finished my training, hmm.' Chivalry was trying to think what they could want from him. 'is someone attacking? Are we going into war? I guess the only way to know is by going to the conference room in the office block.' ​Chivalry saluted the pony as he walked away. However it did't seem like he noticed Chivalry... Chivalry then left to go to the conference room with his things.


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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Fire watched as the ponies that were her new recruits walk into the conference room. She wasn't too far away, in one of the offices that were in fact occupied by admin staff, looking behind to see the old pony stare at her. 

"Sorry Ma'am, just have to keep low. I'll be out of your mane shortly." 


Fire looked back at the room and saw that everyone had finally walked inside, sitting at the chairs and tables that were provided for them. She opened the door to the office and walked towards the room, making sure she had shut the office door behind her. As she walked in the recruits stopped talking and watched her, she noticed the ponies and gave them a nod that she was here and was acknowledging them. She noticed that they were some bags to the side and she realised that they would've been the recruit's bags, though she only saw a few and she'd realised that some may not have read the letter properly. She would let them get their stuff later then.

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Rylen arrived to see all the ponies already in the room and seated around the table, as soon as he walked in he saw a pony who he pressumed to be a commanding officer. "Sorry I am late ma'am, PFC. Rylen reporting for duty." He gave a salute and took his seat at the rounded table.

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@,@, @@Frosty V,  @@Skitter Run,@@Avolon,@@repsol rave,

Fire saw the new pony walk in and took a seat and she prepared for her little speech, all 8 ponies were in front of her and they had know idea what was coming for them.


"Hello everypony, I am Fire Sharp. Now I know that all of you have questions as to why you're here but I hope that I can answer them before we get to the question section of this little meeting.

Your here because the equestrian military has lost a great team, something that I might say is legend amongst the other troops. This team was our fore front squad against the most of our dangerous foes and now we no longer have that team. The military has decided that you ponies will be the new members of this squad and I will be training you, as the new leader and the last member of Special Ops. They have not picked you for any special reason, most of you are just regular joes  that are going to become the best soldiers that we can offer, and some of you we have had an interest before or have an interest now. Either way you are all equals now. You are all part of the team Special Ops.

But I must say this now. You can not go home, the only way you're going to be doing that is in a wooden box and you won't be greeted with smiles. I haven't seen my family since I've joined the military and that is for a reason. We can't have you going home and endangering your family and normal civilians, and after some of the shit you're going to see out there you wouldn't want to talk to your ma about it. If you have any special loved ones, lovers, girlfriends and such, they are considered your family and will have the same benefits if you die out on the field.

But we have to have the Special Ops out there living and breathing, so I am sorry for doing this to you. You all have roles now to play in this team and we need you to be sharp and focused. Do not worry I'm not going to send you out after only the recruit training, we'll be going through a more specific training that will be more engaging with your magic skills and other skills that you have.I know how it feels to only do so much with your horn in normal training but with us you'll be doing all sorts of things that will help you out. 

I know I said in my letter to bring your bags, we're going to go to our new barracks soon, but it seems that some of you may have forgotten to pack or just didn't read it. Don't worry, if you didn't then I'll let you go get it. But before I do, do you have any questions?"


Fire waited expectantly as she waited for the questions they were sure to ask.

Edited by rascal61
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Jaeger shook his head "Ma'am, there are other highly trained operatives out in the field, so why would you get a bunch of recruits for a team like this?" he asked "Is there something I don't know about, does she have access to past records or something?" he thought to himself.

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"Wait a minute, are you saying that, as of now, we won't be able to see our families to say goodbye, or tell them that you love them one last time? This doesn't quite effect me considering my past but, what about the others?" Chivalry looks at Fire with a very serious face. "What- What will you tell there families?" Chivalry calmed down a bit but was still curious. 'I hope there not going to do what I think there going to do...' Chivalry thought to himself.


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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Fire cringed at the question, she knew that it was going to pop up somewhere during this and she was expecting resistance,.

"I know that not contacting your families and such will be hard for you but it's for their safety. I went through the exact same thing and I haven't seen my parents for over 20 years. You can't say goodbye to them and I'm sure that they know that you love them but everyone has to make sacrifices, we take some of the biggest ones."

Fire looked at all the ponies in front of her, letting them see how important it was through her emotions alone.

"We'll tell your families that you have gone to war, they won't suspect that your of importance and they have no idea of how long you'll be serving for. If you really want to send them one last message, we can try but I won't recommend it. Its cruel to send someone a letter saying how you're enjoying it here and how you're going to come back to them one day and when you do... It'll break their hearts."

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Through it all Roarke just stood his ground, listening to what he was about to endure. It was tough, on the one hoof this was exactly why he joined the military in the first place. To serve and protect his country. On the other hoof was his family. He loved his family more then anything and never seeing them again was sure going to leave it's scars.

He kept weighing it out in his head over and over again. This wasn't something you could expect to endure on a normal morning.

"So what about this training. How long is it going to take?" Roarke finally asked.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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"BUT- Grrr, darn it!.. What your saying is true, cruel, but true. I guess I'm lucky that I don't have anyone to say goodbye to then, but still... And I'm guessing this is something that we can't just walk away from eh? so there's no way out." Chivalry was finding it hard to accept this. "And another thing... how long. How long will we be serving for? You said that you have been here for over 20 years. Tell me, when does it actually end?"


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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@@repsol rave,

"I am glad to see that you've taken interest Roarke. Training will last until your ready, and everybody is ready for the battlefield. It will take as long as it takes."


Fire cringed again at Chivalry's question, this stallion was asking all the right but wrong questions.

" Chivalry, your service does not end until you die. Thats for all of you, when you are chosen for this squad... You can not back down and you can't retire, you never stop fighting. I won't be going home until I'm in a box and neither will any of you guys. That's how it works."

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"But that's... Insane. I know what I signed up for but this... This is crazy. Taking away our freedom, our families, our lovers. Until death no less, Are you saying that my life belongs to the military now? Like some sort of... Puppet? Chivalry was getting worked up, The answer's that he was getting were nothing he would ever had wanted to hear.


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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Skitter Run looked back a forth between the commanding pony and the one asking all the question.

"-Well shit just like me to get in the most messed up of situations but that Fire Sharp has a point I wouldn't want my familiy to know what i'm doing out here. Also I signed up for the army and if training taught me anything its stick your head down and do what you are told.-"

"When do we start and how much is the pay." 

He says

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"That sounds... Fair enough." Roarke didn't even know what to expect from this training. He allready had his normal military training, and that should be enough to be able to fight, right? What more ways to kill should be necessary to join the special ops?

He still wasn't entirely convinced that it was all worth it, but it also seemed like he wasn't going to be able to get out of this one.

"So if i get this all clear. We are selected to be the best of the best, while we're all just still recruits. And we are expected to never see or hear from our families again. We are going to be Trained from the ground up, and we are going to perform the most dangerous and important missions on the battlefield. One question remains then. Why us?"


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Jaeger gave a slight chuckle under his breath "So this team is the highest honor and the meanest curse, heh ironic." he thought. Although he knew his parents were already in the military so he would see them, but mabey only once a year. "So I'm guessing you have our stats from the academy ma'am?" he asked after a slight pause.

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