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private Special Ops


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"Yes, we will be the ones there. It so we can bond easier, we all need to trust each other if we're ever going to do anything. And we'll be training with nearly everything. We have to be prepared for everything that we do."

Fire sharp kept walking to the way to her, and now their new, home. The landscape turned less of life as they walked.

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@@repsol rave

((So this RP almost died, but I am here to revive it!))

"Hm? weren't you listening? Fire told us that we were going to a new base separate from this one. I guess it's to protect us." Chivalry walked on and spoke to another team member.

@@Child Of Darkness,

"Hey there, looks like you were lagging behind a bit there, ya? Heh, hey don't worry. It'll all be fine." Chivalry turns to his front. 'yet, how can I say that when even I don't know if it's going to be alright...' Chivalry thinks to himself. He looks up and walks faster up to Fire.


"This place is pretty far, ya? tell me, does anybody else know about this place? or is it just us?" Chivalry stares at Fire, awaiting an answer.

Edited by ChivalryKnight


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Rylen did not pay much atention to the pony as he just wanted to be left with his thoughts, 'Seems like a nice bunch, but nice won't save your life in the field, I just pray that they are as good in the field and with weapons as they are at running there words'. Rylen trotted at a faster pace to catch up with the rest of the group.

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(skitter casts revive on rp)

Skitter smiled and turned around

"everyPony the first rounds on me"

Then he turned back towards firesharp

" hey if we are the only ones there who runs the shops and what sort of things are we able to do there"

Skitter could see the camp approching

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This place is pretty far, ya? tell me, does anybody else know about this place? or is it just us?"

Fire kept walking along, the camp wasn't too far ahead.

"Well it's not that far, you could probably see it soon. And some ponies know where it is, they have to deliver food and that to us so yeah. But really its just us up there."




hey if we are the only ones there who runs the shops and what sort of things are we able to do there"

"We can do whatever we want really, but of course everything within reason. We'll be training most of the time but we still have days off and we do shit together."

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(skitter casts revive on rp)

Skitter smiled and turned around

"everyPony the first rounds on me"

Then he turned back towards firesharp

" hey if we are the only ones there who runs the shops and what sort of things are we able to do there"

Skitter could see the camp approching

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Jaeger saw the camp and smiled. "Well that was pretty far out." he said as he turned to Fire Sharp. "So this is our home away from home huh?" he asked letting out a chuckle. He thought about what he was getting himself into. "Well this should be interesting." he thought

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  • 3 weeks later...



" hey if we are the only ones there who runs the shops and what sort of things are we able to do there"

"There aren't any shops there, the entire thing is just a base. A base that we run, so we'll be the only ones there. But we'll be doing all sorts of things there, mainly stuff to help you train. We have certain positions and such and skills that we need to mold you into. We're not as strict as the military, we're above it. But we keep  the same. 



"So this is our home away from home huh?

Fire looked at the stallion.

"Yeah, but you can't really go back home. So now this is more like home."


As they walked the base came into view. It was all one story and there were a couple of buildings clumped together. Fire looked back at all the ponies behind her.

"Look, theres your new home guys."

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Jaeger picked up his pace a bit to get a better look. "Well its not exactly a mansion, but a I'm not complaining." he said letting out a small chuckle as he turned to Fire Sharp. "So, you'll be staying here to then?" he asked trying to make conversation with somepony

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"So, you'll be staying here to then?"

Fire Sharp looked back at the stallion, peeling her eyes from her home. Hoping to answer his question, though she was probably going to have to repeat it for all the others.

"Of course, I live here. You will be too. This is really the only place where we can live."

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(is this really an actual revival? never thought something like that was possible :P


Roarke trotted over to get a view on his new home. It didn't seem all that bad, he could see a number of buildings, and it all seemed a little much to just house one team really. Definately enough room. 

He trotted ver to his new commanding officer and spoke up. "M'am, are we going to complete the entire training on these grounds?"


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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"M'am, are we going to complete the entire training on these grounds?"

Fire looked at the orange coated stallion, she was answering questions anyway. And it was probably best that she got them all sorted out before they started to head out into the field. 

"Yes, this is your new base. And home. I'll be training you and we'll be living here as well. Considering we have no other place to go."

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"Allright M'am." Roarke said as he started trotting again. he picked up the pace towards the new camp, eager to get a good spot in the barraks. With a little luck he could get a bunk somewhere close to a window. he allways like sleeping under the stars, and sleeping under a open window was the closest he could get out here.

As he came closer to the building he noticed that dispite it's distance to everything else the camp was maintained very well. All the buildings looked nice and there was allmost no weeds on the paths surrounding them.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@Child Of Darkness,@, @@repsol rave, @@Frosty V, @@Skitter Run, @@Avolon,  

Fire kept walking, though started to follow a path through the others. There really wasn't much for it but Fire loved to add that little chaos to her the well kept place. Since no one actually came up here, except for food, she was the one who did everything. The paths, the gardening, the kitchens. She kept everything tidy when she was on her own and she expected everyone else to do the same.

As she got up the gates her horn started to glow with magic and one of the pocket flaps in her jacket opened, and a small black thing was taken out. 

"Alright Everypony. Welcome to our base, Special Ops: First edition. This is going to home from now on, and the place we train. SO we'll cover the rules when we properly settle in, but keep most things tidy please."

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"yes mam" Phylomon says already flying higher to get a better look at the base. Finding a building that looked like the barracks Phylomon dives for the building bringing him self to a point that he can land with no damage but still going fast. The sign on the door reading Male Barracks confirmed his suspicion (if there is not a male and female barracks just scratch the male part). Opening the door Phylomon scans the barracks and trots over to a bunk in the darkest corner of the room when the lights are not on. hanging his great-sword on the support of the bunk Phylomon dumps the rest of his stuff and gets it organised.


My Main OC's      Signiture done by Pink Mist

Avolon  Apolyon  Star Streak  Nocturne

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Rylen saluted fire and flew around the base, maling sure that he could remember most of the building locations and pathways in the base. After a fly by he headed out for the barracks. He arrived to see one other pony in the barracks, but did not talk to him, Rylen went to the bed in the corner of the room and unpacked his things.


(Its good to be back)

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Fire watched as the pegasi in the team flew over the gate, the small black thing still hovering with her magic.

"For all those who don't have wings. Ta Daa!"

Fire pressed one of the buttons on the remote and the gates started to swing open, not making a sound. She had oiled them but before she left.

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Jaeger watched the gate swing open and smiled. "Well then, this should be interesting place to stay.....I call cooking duty." he yelled with a chuckle as he strode through the gate and looked around at the buildings, it wasn't as run down as he expected, he thought he could get used to it.

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@Child of Darkness


"So, what military experience to you have?" Phylomon say putting on the sheath, drawing the great sword Phylomon grabs his sharpening stone and starts re-sharpening his sword's blade, waiting for the other pony to respond to his question.


My Main OC's      Signiture done by Pink Mist

Avolon  Apolyon  Star Streak  Nocturne

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@Child of Darkness


"So, what military experience to you have?" Phylomon say putting on the sheath, drawing the great sword Phylomon grabs his sharpening stone and starts re-sharpening his sword's blade, waiting for the other pony to respond to his question.

"I have always been in the army. But for my personal experaince I can say that I have survived many operations, some where quick strike ops and others where full on gun fights and battles. So I think it is fair to say that at my age I have seen my fair share of battles and know enough to stay alive in the field. What's your war experiance"?

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Skitter run jolted out of his daze.
"Wow thats some impressive button pressing you got there commander, where do i sign up to learn skills like that."
Skitter laughed and then looked around.
-"So this is my new home, looks nice.. Oh there's the store-"
"Hey i'll meet you all back in the barracks."
said Skitter as he dashed towards the store.

Inside he grabbed a few things of food and then 2 cases of beer and threw the money in the self checkout thingy and ran back over to the barracks.

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Roarke looked as the ponies, his new family, all seemed to go and explore the base. Roarke however, made his way to one of the base's few really calm places. He found a bench against the wall of the barracks, somewhere in a corner of the base. He decided to make this his spot when he needed time for himself, and sat down. so, this is really happening huh? no more family. no more purpose in life, just killing machines. numbers ready to be replaced when the inevitable happens. His thoughts made a pretty depressing turn, fortunately, this didn't last. no, i can't think like that. these ponies are my family now. i better start treating 'em like they are.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Phylomon looks at his blade "Not half bad I dare say" putting the sword in its sheath he tosses the sheath over his shoulder. Walking outside Phylomon flys up and looks around the base. A fairly typical set up, finding the shooting range he looks at the targets from his aerial vantage point, firearm targets padded targets a bunch of wooden poles sitting to one side probably for kicking and other marshal arts. Pulling his great sword from its sheath Phylomon dives one of the wooden poles obliterating it with the force of the dive and the swing at the same time. Picking up the remains of the pole Phylomon throws them in the dumpster on the side of the range.


My Main OC's      Signiture done by Pink Mist

Avolon  Apolyon  Star Streak  Nocturne

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