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private Special Ops


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Fire rose from her seat and slammed her hoof onto the table, careful not breaking it.

"YOU ARE NO PUPPET.  You are above the military, you give the orders to them, we do this. We sacrifice everything we have to make sure that everyone may live and they are afraid of us. They respect us and we do what right. Your life belongs in the hooves of your teammates. We die to save everyone and don't you dare disrespect the ponies that have died to save your lives."

Fire calmed down from her small outrage.

@@Skitter Run,

"Your pay is double and will be sent to families and others, you won't be needing your money and anything you spend will be coming out of the military's pocket"

 @@repsol rave,

"Why you? Well it depends on the ponies really. But mostly we pick you at random and build you up if you're something special thing thats why your picked... I'm sure I can explain it better for you at a latter time but I'm a bit worked up at the moment. You ponies are picked right after the loss of a member, and we're recreating the team."

@@Frosty V,

"We mostly pick you guys from random, and its proven that stallions get an ego boost from showing off their stats... so maybe at a later date when we're all calm and such we can sit around a campfire and telling everyone about our amazing stats." 

Fire was having some slight trouble calming down but was doing alright.

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"I..." Chivalry sighs and completely calms down. "Your right again, I guess I'm going to have to accept this no matter what." Chivalry looks around at the others. "It seems like the others had already accepted there fate anyway. So I guess, I'll accept my own fate." Chivalry looks down at the table with a depressed look on his face.


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Jaeger was excited he knew that he was worthy of being on this team. His accuracy in marksmanship was average, but he was the top of his class in strategic warfare and scored second highest on his reaction test in high pressure firefight situations. "When do we start ma'am." he said boldly.

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Skitter Run looked around at his new 'brothers in arms'.

"-What a strange looking bunch we have. Anyways all this sitting is making me nervous .-"

Skitter Run stands up and looks at the open door and then back at Fire,.

"I am going be right back ,just going to grab my bags ma'am" 

On that note he turned and bolted out of the door as fast as he could.

"- I had to get out of there before I said something stupid. This is unfair but I can't question it at all and to make it worse I promised my Mother I would come back alive. I guess that makes me a lier now.-"

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"so is this something that we are forced into with no say in it, THAN you tell us that we have no contact with the outside world? Damn this is going to be an entertaining situation" Phylomon says "also another question will we have time to wright our wills? Cause I don't have a family none the less anyone that I actually have any positive relationship with."


My Main OC's      Signiture done by Pink Mist

Avolon  Apolyon  Star Streak  Nocturne

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Skitter Run runs back with his bags and enters the room and sits backs down.

"So do we get started you seem to be avoiding that question a lot ma'am."

He asked and then he looked around the table

"By the way the names Skitter Run I hope we all get though whatever this is together."

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"Yes you can, but maybe at a later date so that you can adjust to life with us and be calm when you write your wills. Alright everybody?"

@@Skitter Run,

Fire looked up the earth pony walking in and she thought that these ponies were very curious, but she appreciated that he was trying and he introduced himself.

"I'll let you guys have  abit of a grace period so that you can get to know everyone else and then we'll get to the training."

@@Skitter Run,@@Avolon, @@Frosty V, @, @@repsol rave,

"I guess that our little talking session is over now. I want you to grab your bags if you forgot them and then we're heading out to the site, it's going to be a little walk till we get there but i'm sure you guys can handle it."

Fire got out of her seat and headed for the door, as she got out of the room.

"I have to go do something but when I get back I want you to be behind the admin building. I  just have to tell them that we're leaving."

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As soon as they where dismissed, Roarke trotted back to his bunk. It wasn't like he was ever going to see any of this again.

He packed his bags with the essesntials and started trotting away. However, he stopped mid-trot and took one last look at the photo of his family.

"i'm gonna miss y'all.." Roarke muttered to himself as he turned away, facing his duties. The little ripped piece of photo still savely under his helmet.

As soon as he came to the admin building, he noticed that he was the first to be there.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@repsol rave

Jaeger stood up from his seat, grabbed his bag, saluted, and walked out. As he arrived at the admin building he saw that one of the ponies from the conference room was already there. "Might as well get this over with." he mumbled under his breath as he trotted up th the stallion. "Hi, I'm Jaeger I was in the conference room earlier. What's your name?" he asked in a awkward tone.

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@@Frosty V,


As a voice called out, Roarke turned towards the source. It was one of the pther ponies he had seen in the conference room.

"Nice to meet you Jaeger. My name is James Roarke, but please just call me Roarke."

Roarke stuck his hoof out as a gesture for a hoof bump.

"So... This is pretty crazy huh? Leaving everything all of a sudden.."


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@repsol rave


Jaeger smiled as he returned the hoof bump and nodded. "Yeah it is kinda strange..." he said as he trailed off "..but then again the military is full of strange people." he replied with a chuckle, but in the back of his mind he couldn't help but question his statement. "Or mabey there was a reason we were picked." he thought to himself

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@@Frosty V,


Roarke loosened a bit when he heared the stallion chuckle. To be honest, he still needed to let it all sink in for a few more minutes.

"Yeah i guess that's true." roarke replied with a wry smile. 

"So, where you anything before you where called up here? Like infantry or something? I'm still recruit actually."


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Rylen saluted who was now his commanding officer, grabbed his bag and walked to location specified. 'This is going to be interesting, I wonder what our first operation will be and when we will depart for our first mission'. Rylen trotted behind the admin building and saw two others there. "Hello, my name is Rylen, I was in the conference room when we where getting debriefed. Nice to meet the others on the team, what are your names?" He awaited there responses.

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Just as an awkward silence started to develop another stallion came trotting up to the admin's building.

guess that's another of our guys. i don't really recognise him from the converence room tough...

"Hello Rylen. My name is James Roarke, but please just call me Roarke. Nice to meet you."  Roarke said as he gave the stallion a kurt nod.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@The Shadow Alicorn


Jaeger turned to the pony that had just arrived and smiled "I'm Jaeger, it's nice to meet you Rylen." he said trying to make conversation. "So what do you think we are gonna do first, I'm very interested." he said still tingling at the chance to start training

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Skitter Run got out of his seat and went to the admin building but as he arrived he saw 3 ponies already there so he stopped at an distance to watch them for a bit. 

"- They all seem to accept whats happening. Didn't they promise family that they would come home alive? Are they all lying too.-"

As Skitter Run though about this an idea dawned on him.

-" I can make it so none of us are lying. I going make sure that we all survive until we are to old for them to keep us in or until there's no more enemies left so we get sent home.-" and with that he trotted over to the group with a smile on his face.

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Phylomon trotted into the admin building, "hello" Phylomon says putting down his bag leaving only a sheath with a hilt protruding on his back. "My name is Phylomon." Phylomon looks at all the other ponys before continuing "Anypony have an idea of what this spec ops team is for, sure there are quite a few spec teams out there but most you retire from, so what's so special about this team?" Phylomon asks the other ponys.


My Main OC's      Signiture done by Pink Mist

Avolon  Apolyon  Star Streak  Nocturne

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Roarke looks around the growing group of ponies. he was somewhat dissapointed that nopony had answers for him, but deep down he knew that most of them knew just as much or even less about what they where going through as him.

He looked the at the stallion who just joined the group. "You never heared about the spec ops team? they are the best of the best. ponies stripped of their basic humanity to become animals, killing machines. after we have gone through this training we are going to be able to kill dozens of ponies with nothing but our bare hooves. let alone when they give us a weapon."

he looked over the group again and sighed.

"and other then just killing machines, they are the basic moral of the army. when the footsoldiers go to war, and they see a spec ops chopper flying over them to drop the most specialized team behind enemy lines, that is a huge moral boost. even when the soldiers are running towards a deathtrap."

if anything, Roarke was very honored to be selected for a team like this. he had to be selected for a reason, and it made him proud to have what it takes.

but other then that, it scared him shitless. he was about to basically kill his old self, just to become a mindless monster. a robot specially designed by the army itself. a pony created to bring hurt, pain and suffering upon the ones that are unlucky enough to cross his path.

he let none of this show however, as his face kept it's always stoic stature. he huffed once before looking at his watch.

"i hope commander Fire shows up soon."

Edited by repsol rave


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Chivalry was taking a while as he was getting his things ready. "Darn, looks like I'll be late, that won't make anypony happy." Chivalry tries to get his things in order and finally he was ready. He started to walk down to the admin building and as he was doing so, he started to think to himself. 'Well, looks like this is it. this is who I will be, so no use crying about it anymore... I'm ready!' Chivalry makes it to the admin building and see's that everpony except for Fire had already arrived. "Uh, sorry guys. I got a little tied up while packing..." He looks over to his right and saw a pegasus that he hadn't seen at the conference room. "Hey guys, uh, who's the new guy?" Chivalry awaited an answer.


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@@Frosty V@,@@repsol rave, @@Avolon,  @@Skitter Run,@,

Fire sharp looked at all her new recruits as they waited for her behind the Admin building. She had a talk with one of the organisers in Adim and made sure that they had food and all that for her new recruits at their base. She smiled at that, they got their own base, and since she was the only female now she had the entire barracks to herself. Though the reason why she had the barracks to herself did make her feel sad again like before, though she put her chin up and  walked over to her soldiers.

"Well I guess all of you got here. Now as you see, we have our own base because we're not exactly part of the military anymore. So our new place is a little far away from here. But we don't have a bus, so we're walking. It'll be good way to socialise a bit more and we better get going before its dark."

Fire Sharp then headed towards the entrance of this military base and walked right past the officers waiting there. They knew who she was and they let herself and her team through.

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Skitter Run was happy about the fact that They could walk and not just sit in a bus he ran up to Firesharp and started asking her a bunch of questions.

"What will the living conditions be like and what is there to do on down time ma'am" (ooc question. is the alcohol if so ) Is the a place to buy alcohol from nearby?"

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@@Skitter Run,

Fire sharp laughed, a full on laugh. Something she hadn't done in ages, though she could resit to be happy after what the stallion said.

"There is Alcohol in the store and if you want you can get drunk in your free time. Though you ain't going to complain to me when you wake up with the largest headache in Equestria. You're still going to be doing your drills."

Fire sharp chuckled for a little longer then answered his other question.

" The living conditions aren't too bad, you'll be sleeping with the others though. You don't get separate rooms or anything, you sleep in the baracks with them and the food isn't too bad. Unless you're a shit cook, we're cooking up there on our own. No help whatsoever."

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"So if i get this correctly mam' we are going to be the only personnel on the base? Phylomon asks wile opening his wings shaking them out and hovering a few feet in the air before landing and adjusting his bags so he could fly with the bags. "Also what weapons are we going to train in?"


My Main OC's      Signiture done by Pink Mist

Avolon  Apolyon  Star Streak  Nocturne

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As the group progressed foreward, Roarke noticed that the base they where going to was very isolated. All signs of life around him became less and less. This was playing on his nerves, he was about to isolate himself with a team he didn't even know yet. He nervously looked around a bit more as he felt himself falling behind the group. come on buddy, keep it together He picked up the pace untill he trotted besides a pegasus.

He looked him over a few times nervously. Roarke wasn't really one to start a conversation, but he didn't want to seem too awkward in fron of his team. His new family. The pegasus suddenly flew up and asked something at Fire.

Roarke just kept on trotting like nothing happened, but inside he felt like he failed.

He trotted for a while before moving over to Chivalry.

"Where do you think we're going?" Roarke asked.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Rylen was walking a bit separate from the group, as the solitary help to clear his mind, his was going to join a group that is the best of the best. He would get first class training an equipment to use in the field. He was loving it, he had already gotten over not being able to see family again, it was something he was taught from birth because of his military background. 'Ok, time to put the cards together. I will join the best unit in Equestria, I will never see my family again, I will have the best weapons available, and I am Ok with all of this'. He let his thoughts drift away and walked back to the group.

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