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planning Entropy (Searching) (Possible Advanced)


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Everything is going your way when you find that letter in your mailbox. You'd won the competition - the chance to go on a whirlwind all expenses paid month long train ride with the enigmatic (and rather buxom) daughter of the late Sapphire Shores herself - Fair Entropy, the film star! (Oh, the joys of being young!) (Or not. We don't judge.)

Heart soaring, you get to meet her yourself, and you learn that on your journey, you'll be participating in a...competitions of sorts, ending in a prize with zeros you can't even count without making your bumpkin head spin! (You have to split it with a team but the zeros still remain.)

But alas, all goes amiss when SHE goes amiss when the trains power goes out for several minutes - oh, the horror, the tragedy, the death of one so young!...but wait, perhaps she is not dead at all...perhaps this is all part of plan!

However, something deep in your chubby little peasant belly tells you that this is not what was meant to be, that this is all something terrible. The staff of the train make your orders clear, however, and the challenge is still on, taking you all over Equestria and further - but this time, there is a much larger prize at stake - Fair Entropy.

Was it another passenger? Was it (oh, but it cannot be true!) yourself? Or is this all a freak accident? There's no way to find out but to follow the clues left behind and hope that in the end, all hope will prevail. 

(And maybe you'll get a kiss from her too.)



Okay, everyone, this is Entropy, an Equestria-wide roleplay where you and the rest of your trainmates (I made that word up right then, so there!) will interact to solve a mystery while still competing for the fabulous prize of 1000000000000000000000000-

(I'm sorry, I think I feel asleep there, but it appears I'm still missing a few zeros. Ah well, bear with me.)

You will be doing so by solving clues that lead you to the next location that will further your game with your teammates. 

Before you continue on reading, please read this little note.


Due to the nature of this RP I am asking for experienced roleplayers only. Please link at least two RP's that you have participated in. I have every right to refuse your acceptance if I do not feel that you will be able to keep up with the pace or the nature of the roleplay.


Now that that is out of the way, I'll get the other boring bit done.



1. Please listen to I, the DM. All the important developments will be posted by me. if I ask you to desist from doing something, please do.

2. Don't godmod. Yes, there is little to no combat in this RP (unless I have some drunk attack you or something Idunnolol), but you can still godmod by solving puzzles too quickly and, as a result, ruining the RP for others.

3. When you have solved a puzzle, please send me your answer via PM rather than posting. I want others to have a crack at getting it too!

4. Double check time-to ensure you have read these rules thoroughly, post a picture of Applejack in a top hat.

5. Respect your fellow players! If you don't agree with something that they do be polite about it. On that note, please keep swearing to an absolute minimum if you at all feel it necessary.

6. Gore is not permitted; nor are graphic sexual relations. You can have romance but let's face it, you're fighting to win. XD

7. No maximum to amount of characters being played so long as you don't turn into me and use eleven. (I've done it. 10000 word posts. Killed me, but it was awesome. NOT THAT I ENCOURAGE IT.)


Character Creation:

You need three things. 

1. Your character page links.

2. Your two RP links.

3. A few sentences on the current state of your character and their profession.




1. Catchkey (TBA)

2. ? (TBA) (probably Fallon or Pluse)


Scoutapooloo: (#year2pottyhumournoshame)

1. Jabbermouth


repsol rave:

1. Repsol Rave



1. Arctic Combustion


Sterling Crimson:

1. Erlen Meyer


Alex Kennedy:

1. (TBA)


Agent505's Friend):

1. (TBA)



1. North Light

2. ? (TBA)





Teams are randomly generated once sign-ups shut down.

Sign ups close tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. If you know anyone that RP's or is interested please tell them.


Team A:



Team B:




I've also been toying with some ideas that I thought people could vote on.

1. Advanced or not?

Edited by PinkieDaShy


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Would it be good if we split the players off into teams who each get a share of the money (pardon, bits) that is the eventual prize, allowing more collaboration?


^ That. Especially because, if one player gets stuck on a puzzle for too long, they might get frustrated and ragequit. I'm talking about me lol


I'll edit this post once I get a character that I like. In the meantime...




oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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^ That. Especially because, if one player gets stuck on a puzzle for too long, they might get frustrated and ragequit. I'm talking about me lol


I'll edit this post once I get a character that I like. In the meantime...




Yeah, that's likely a better idea - otherwise people aren't going to be able to interact as much as they'd like.I'll update the OP.

  • Brohoof 1


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Anyway, i might be too unexperienced for this RP. I have been in a lot of RP's, but they usually just die out because people stop posting. :(

But for the small chance that i might be accepted, here are some links to RP's i've been in.

Total Drama Castaways


The forgotten secret


Also, the character i would like to sign up is Repsol Rave.


His current state could be as follows: He has a day to day job working for the Cake's delivering sweets and more of the sort all around ponyville.

He lives alone in a small house on the outskirts of ponyville and his dream would be to move to Canterlot someday.

I found this profession fitting since he is still quite young, and his talents are mostly focussed on speed.


So yeah, that's all you get from me. Hope i'm accepted, and if not, no probs :) 


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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There's the biggest chance i've royally bucked up with something here, but it's late, i'm tired and I put down Glasslands to apply to this, so here goes. 

(I'm also not entirely sure I understand everything about this RP but hey, I never do)


I'll be applying with Frostbite (She's a fillyfooler anyways, but that wont stop her from flirting with colts if it means she gets her own way) 


RP's i've been a part of? 

I'm pretty sure i've RP'ed with you more than twice but hey...i'll play along :P

The Tyranny of Princess Cadence

Unlikely Guardians


And i'm sure there should be a picture of Applejack in a tophat somewhere too, but i'm just lazy.


_|  |_

:huh: (Does this count?) 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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This sounds like a very interesting roleplay. I love the idea of this. Nonetheless, how much dedication would I need for this roleplay? Do you expect one post a day or multiple posts? I'm just making sure so I can slot all my time in properly with MCAT next month and my final year of university fast approaching.


I will play with the intelligent, yet socially-awkward Erlen Meyer. He'll be in this contest some time after medical school. He is applying to become a researcher for biochemistry at a chemical plant in Manehattan. He does not currently have a marefriend because the mares never liked his looks and raspy voice. The braces don't help either. The link is on my signature.

Here's the roleplays I've been involved in:



Land of Shadows <---------------- Current

Welcome to Echo Falls  <---------------- Current (Just Begun)

Rhapsody in Blue <---------------- Current

A Kismetent Honeymoon <-------- Current (Dead? Not sure)

Hoofstomp High <--------------------- Dead (Unfortunately)

A Tropical Odyssey <---------------- Completed



Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@@repsol rave

The only thing I can say is try to keep your grammar as good as you can, and you'll do swimmingly. :3



Basically, the train will stop at a number of locales, each where you will find or receive a clue. The clue will lead you to a certain area on the map (maps will later be provided when my scanner gets working, LOL) where you and your team have to find a certain item and/or another hint.

Since I am making the riddles, I cannot have my characters guess, because that would give my team a clear advantage; it's up to you guys to find everything out and continue the story. Think of it like a detective game.

Glad to see we're getting some mares.


@@Sterling Crimson

Since I am quite busy as well I doubt that I'm going to let it move too fast, so you ought to be safe. Thanks for all the RP's that you showed....but you're missing something! I'd check the rules again.


On that note, all of you are accepted. Welcome!

Edited by PinkieDaShy


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@, I can't decide. Should I use the writer, the scammer, or the drunk? Or do you want me to create a new OC? I've been meaning to do that for a while now. 

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Whoever you feel would do well in this situation will be fine. If you want t create a whole new one, that's great too. I have no personal preference. 


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Whoever you feel would do well in this situation will be fine. If you want t create a whole new one, that's great too. I have no personal preference. 

Don't give me that. Don't give me that! I need guidance!


...eh, I'm gonna go for the drunk. I've never really used her...or played her as an actual drunk. And she would love to use the money for booze.

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Sounds interesting, i'm curious now to see how this plays out, more than anything.

I said that about Silverwisps RP too...let's not jinx things. 

Thanks for accepting, and hopefully i'll get to actually use Frostbite for a decent run before the RP ends or dies off this time :P 



Curses! I was hoping you'd use Jabber again, I like him :3  

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Careful negligence for the win.

But I didn't want you to play the drunk! Dammit, Scootapoo, I TOLD you!

(^ every stereotypical lady, ever.)


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Curses! I was hoping you'd use Jabber again, I like him :3  

I think you're the second person to say that. Thanks! That means a lot. He's my favorite OC.  :wub: 

@, does that mean no drunk?  :o  

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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I have too many things I need to take care of right now to put any real effort into applying for this, but I'll be back later. Just so you know.


Also, I've been in more than two RPs with you, and I'd like to think you know me pretty well, so is it necessary for me to fetch links? I will if necessary, but that takes time and effort, which I don't like to expend unless necessary.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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No, it means that I'm being a stereotypical lady. Like I said, whoever you use...always know that I'm behind your decision, 100%.

Unless it's the drunk.


I have too many things I need to take care of right now to put any real effort into applying for this, but I'll be back later. Just so you know.


Also, I've been in more than two RPs with you, and I'd like to think you know me pretty well, so is it necessary for me to fetch links? I will if necessary, but that takes time and effort, which I don't like to expend unless necessary.

Yeah, that's fine, I'll put you down as a reserve. And no, I've been in a few with you, so I know you're fine. It's more for people I don't know.

  • Brohoof 1


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I feel like I should actually mention something I kinda forgot that's somewhat important, I messaged a friend mentioning this RP to them, they should have a reply by tomorrow, I hope (technically today) and if not i'll hound her till she considers. Hope that's not a problem?


Also, imma go bed. 

I'm ready for dream times Mr. B.

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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SURPRISE I'm using Jabbermouth. He talked me into it. (I'm not the only one whose OC's talk to him, right?)


Here's my two RP linkes: Wasteland Uno and Wasteland Dos.


As for Jabber's current condition...he's fresh out of the royal clinker, where he swore he would turn his life around. Yeah lol no that ain't gonna happen. He was put in jail for selling Blueblood one of the Blueblood family's "lost heirlooms" which was actually a particularly shiny rock Jabber had found in a junkyard. In jail, Jabber managed to bribe a drunk of a mare out of her ticket to join Fair Entropy's train ride (see wat I did thar?) So now he's excited to join the competition, win the cash, and retire to a comfy life of laziness and indulgence.

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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a.), huge kudos for that Mr. B. Like, huge kudos. b.), that is more than fine, that is fabulous. We need more people.


@@Sterling Crimson

No, I just needed more pictures of Applejack in a top hat, I only have three.

...you get used to me after a bit. 




Anyways, thank you, adding him to the list.  

  • Brohoof 3


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This seems interesting enough... And it is a little bit different from what I am used with, so yeah, I'll give it a go~

My character: North Light (I will change a few things here soon, mainly regarding his special talent and cutie mark - if you read through his page and look a bit further down, then you'll probably understand)

My two RPs:



A Tropical Odyssey

Land of Shadows

The Secluded Village

+ a couple more, though I do not think it'll be fun to look though a TON of stuff just to find a few dead RPs...



North's current state would be alive and well... And sleepy (he usually is), as well as being quite the big adult. He would be a travelling bard - or rather a silent bard, letting his special fiddle do the singing~

His fiddle can some times be heard echoing though parts of the Crystal Mountains where he is from...


Also, I might want to have another character on here as well... Just to try it out, at least. I have never RP'd with more than one character~

(I have yet to finish his page, so if I ever do, I'll post his page then)


And now for the gift I have to offer ye, the almighty DM...






Oh, and I'm not really used with Advanced RPs, so I'd vote no, but I'll happily give it a try if that's what we're rolling with~

Edited by Zhooves
  • Brohoof 1

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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All right, I just need to know if you're using two or not yet, because I'd rather not go over ten OC's so the teams are even and 12 is a bit extreme for me, LOL.

Welcome to the RP!~ (Very cute OC, by the way. <3)

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Okay so my friend say she'll apply tonight when she gets back from school, again I hope that's okay :P


I also just realised that Frostbite is far more suited to adventure RP's than this kind of thing, so this'll be interesting to see how it plays out. I can see her most likely trying to skank off with her partner's prize money too, probably making some attempt to either manipulate or bump him off on the way to their goal...

Edited by Agent505

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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I'm half-tempted to use my OC Discreet now so we can see who'll "outskank" one another, but we need mares and I have to use Catchkey, LOL. It would be fun to do that, though. Maybe I can use Loveless, she's a...er...an "escort", if you know what I mean. <__< >__>

Don't judge me she's in my mature fanfiction. ;_;

Either way, your character sounds like she's going to do pretty well at this game, LOL.


That's great; so long as it's sometime tonight. When she does apply I can add her to the list since I already have her down as a reserve. We have one more spot left if Zhooves uses one OC.

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Whoo! I'm in~

And I think I'll only roll with one character... As two ponies in the same household winning at the same thing like this would be a little unlikely, + that it would make room for others~

(Oh, and thank ye for the compliment~)

  • Brohoof 1

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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