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private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!


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Snowdream sat through the music class, not really paying attention. After about 20 minutes, Snowdream could feel herself starting to doze off.

If I don't get out of this dull class I'm going to fall asleep, and I know there would be consequences to follow that. I MUST ESCAPE! 


Snowdream had never really liked music, mainly because her talents didn't really lie in that field. She was a reasonably talented singer, but that was as far as her musical abilities went.


She called the teacher over and started to talk.


Obviously the teacher was more than happy to allow Snowdream to not throw up in her classroom, and instead let her do it in the first aid room. Snowdream waited as the teacher wrote out a note before she levitated her books and left the room.


That was almost too easy... Snowdream thought as she trotted through the school.


Faking a sicky is the oldest trick in the book, how did the teacher not catch on!  She thought as she kept moving.


Eventually she saw three ponies sitting together on the grass.


@@Sterling Crimson, @, @@Umbreon,

Snowdream recognised them from her math class, but hadn't introduced herself to them yet.


"So guess I'm not the only one ditching class today." She said light heartedly as she approached them. "My name's Snowdream, were in the same class for maths right?" She asked the three ponies, feeling reasonably confident in herself.

Edited by Snowdream
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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona watched as the teacher walked in "Hello class I'm your science teacher Professor Beaker and today we'll be having quite the fun first day." Professor Beaker used his magic levitating some beakers and test tubes to each pair. "Today we're going to mixing a few potions, and I hope you're comfortable with who you're sitting next to because they're going to be your lab partner until the end of the year." Corona looked over at Sterling and blushed slightly. I...I can't be starting to have feelings for Sterling I only just met him. But it's the only thing that makes sense especially why I'm blushing so much. Corona smiled as she started working on their lab to make a simple color changing potion.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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(Your Pokemon looks so cute by the way :3)


Sterling was excited when science class started. When Mr. Beaker came into the classroom, Sterling could already sense the excitement and care he had towards his students. Plus, he got them engaged in a fun science workshop on the first day of classes! Plus, he got to work with Corona for the whole year! This day was already starting off wonderfully!


Deep down, Sterling felt comfort with Corona. To him, she was a shy pony who needed help getting around Baltimare, just like him. He had just moved in from Manehattan after his parents underwent what they called a precarious situation. Sterling didn't know much about it, but all he knew was that he was clearly saddened by the fact he had to leave his few nerdy friends in Manehattan. Still, the past was over, and Sterling was already starting a new life in Baltimare. And with a pretty looking pony no less! It was too bad her body was grey...


"Hey Corona! Let's get mixing with these potions! The reason they mix is because each of the compounds gives off a characteristic colour based on the solid they form. Take Silver Nitrate for example." Sterling explained and then took the potion containing the white solid precipitate.


"You see this? It's a solid called Silver Nitrate, the chemical formula being AgCl. I think we'll be learning about that soon enough, but my parents let me read some chemistry books about it, so that's how I knew about it so early. Other precipitates can have different colours, but I'm not sure what they are. All I do know is that if you mix chemicals together, you can change colours, or even make then disappear!" Sterling continued his explanation, just beginning to realize that he was ranting about science... Sterling stopped in fear that Corona thought he was rambling too much.

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@@Sterling Crimson


(Lol thank you thinking of changing again though...I like Raichu but not my fave.)


Corona looked back at Sterling, she had the look of the anime characters that got really dizzy like she had spirals for eyes. She'd obviously gotten lost int the technicality of what Sterling had been saying. Corona snapped back to reality and could see that he was a little worried, letting out a little giggle. Corona placed her wing on his shoulder, "Don't worry Sterling you look cute all paranoid and such, I like it." Corona smiled unaware that one of the students had messed with her potion, Corona turned her attention to her potion just in time for it to explode in her face. When the smoke cleared Corona had multiple colors all over her face and mane, the whole class started laughing at her. "Heh heh yeah bout time you got some color on that ugly coat of yours!" The pony that messed with the beaker yelled, Corona started crying and ran out of the classroom.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Sterling was just beginning to bask in the moment of being with Corona, but a student who messed with the potions ruined everything. The colour burst onto Corona's face and mane, which completely ruined the moment. He tried to stop Corona from leaving the class, but couldn't do so as she ran away in tears. What was he to do in this situation? Sterling could only think of one thing: First roar at the class, and then leave to assist Corona. It was completely out of his nature, but he felt this inner drive he had never felt before. It was nearly instantaneous, as Sterling instantly jumped up and spoke angrily,


"I don't understand you all! Why would you do such a thing?! You all should burn for this disregard of respect!"


After that, Sterling stormed off the classroom, following Corona out of the school and hoping to comfort her...

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Regal was sitting in his french class speaking to his classmates when he heard somepony in the hallway. It was a good thing he was close to the door. He looked out the glass in the window and saw a pony running down the hall crying.

He looked around and rose his hoof.

"Mr. Flour. I need to use the restroom" he said as he got up."

"Remain in your seat. Class is close to being over, But it is an emergency and you can't hold it. I suppose"

Regal thought it over. He was about ready to leave class for a random pony he saw crying. He gathered his stuff and sat back down, 


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona was sitting outside in the grass along the wall for the stairs crying. A black raincloud floated above her dumping rain all over her, it was nothing more than a rogue cloud that decided to misbehave. It was then that she heard the doors open and saw Sterling standing in front of her. "Go away Sterling...you don't want to be seen with a mare that has no color. *sniff* This was what I was worried about, just leave me alone." Corona covered her self up with her wings, no rainbow was on her face thanks to the cloud but she still didn't want anypony to look at her.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Sterling could feel the sadness and sorrow pouring from Corona. Sterling stopped for a brief moment... he wondered what he could do at such a terrible time for Corona. It was that moment that he remembered what his father Front Page would tell him every now and then,


"Sterling... If you ever see a mare who's crying, the first thing you should do is comfort them with a hug. Only do this when you've begun to know her. It is the best way to show your care towards them. That's what I did when I first met your mom."


Sterling never believed he would ever have to follow his dad's advice; he could never become friends with a mare even if he did try. Corona was the first friend he ever met, and he wasn't willing to be pushed away from that. He knew she needed love now, and he was more than willing to give it.


Sterling trotted slowly and cautiously to Corona, who cried heavily about her grey body. Sterling sat down carefully and calmly and then wrapped his hoof around Corona's back, completing his side hug. He then pulled her close towards him and let her cry her tears, hoping that she would feel some comfort. Sterling then spoke as soothingly as he could,


"Corona... I... I know I haven't been made fun for my looks. But you know what? I... I could never believe it, but my parents told me I had what was called autism. Ponies of all kinds called me retarded and mentally challenged because of how I acted due in part to my autism. I know how you feel. 


Still, you want to know something? I think those ponies are jealous of your wonderful looking mane. They focused so much on your body after all. Why didn't they talk about your mane? I love that blend of orange and blue. It makes you look prettier. Those ponies are no judges of aesthetics, and you shouldn't listen to them one bit! You're special in your own way, and you should be proud of that!"

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Shirley had seen what happened and had followed Sterling out of the classroom. She sat down next to Corona and patted her back. "Hey don't worry about. Anybody intelligent doesn't care what coat colors you have. But that was a stupid insult anyway. Gray's a cool color. I think you rock it pretty well." 

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@@Sterling Crimson, @


Corona felt Sterling's hoof around her and his kind and gentle words, followed by Shirley giving her a vote of confidence as well. Corona whipped her tears away and let a small smile show, "Thanks you guys I really appreciate everything you said *sniff* especially you Sterling. You're so sweet to me and we only just met today...you don't have to stick up for me. I've always been picked on for my grey coat...I just hoped this year would be different." Corona stood up and shook the water off and flew up and kicked the cloud away before landing back on the ground. "I'm ok now you guys lets head back inside our teachers are probably pretty mad at us."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Shirley shrugged. "It's no big deal. I'm nice to everyone. Or at least ponies with half a brain. And I have a friend who has dog ears. You know what he did? He started calling himself Dog Ears. That pony is just one big ray of sunshine. I think you'd like him." Shirley smiled. "Now lets get going. The math teacher's gonna hate me, so it would be best if this teacher at least tolerated me." 

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Sterling felt himself swoon over Corona's word. The word "especially" really pierced his heart with the arrows of the mysterious yet amazing Cupid. He could see Cupid's effects start to work on him, although not fully manifested. It was an amazing feeling for Sterling to be given recognition for caring for a mare. It was the first time he was ever given such a feeling. Sterling responded with a happy yet dreamy grin,


"Me... sweet... Thank you Corona. And don't worry about our teacher. I think he'll understand. After all, it was the other pony's fault who sabotaged our solutions and made fun of you as a result. I'll bet he got the bigger whipping from our teacher. At least, I hope so."

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"First day of music class and it is starting to make people fake being sick" Flare said to himself as he watched Snowdream leave the classroom. "Man this is boring" Flare said as he looked at the teacher and raised his hoof waiting to be called on by the teacher.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Sterling was still comforting Corona on the grass when he heard yet another mare approaching them. Sterling then mumbled to himself with a chuckle,


"Is this seriously skip your class day? Wow... what a first day of school huh Sterling?"


Sterling then waved at the cyan coloured mare, wondering why she would be out with them as well,

"Hello. Who are you? Hey... weren't you the one who got late for math class?"

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(I suppose I will since your waiting on the teacher)

 He was busy telling the students what each instrument was called. The teacher saw your hoof went up a little later.

"Yes?" he looked down at his list of students. To find your name. "Flare? Did you need something?"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"When will we be able to play the instruments" Flare asked as he wanted to wait till after class to ask about the box. "Also is it okay to bring our own instruments to school next day" Flare added since he was eager to play on of the instruments at the moment.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Yes we will get to the instruments soon, but first I have to take roll and get some things that the school requires me to do. Maybe tomorrow we can start, also feel free to bring it your own. Should anything happen to it though I can not do anything about it"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Thank you" Flare said"Besides anyone who touches my instruments without my permission is going to get hurt" Flare said to him self as he laid his head down on the table. "Tomorrow will be a better day hopefully cause today wasn't my best and I made myself look like the bad guy" Flare said to himself

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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@@Sterling Crimson, @@Snowdream, @


Corona smiled as she saw the other pony from their math class earlier she wasn't liking not being in class but after what happened she didn't really want to go back. "Hey I'm Corona, it's really nice to meet you." Corona extended her hoof in a hoofbump. She was glad to be making so many new friends already in just the first day of school. Suddenly Professor Beaker walked out of the doors, "Ok everypony I think it's time that all of you get back to class considering the class is almost over."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Sterling was visibly frightened once he saw Mr. Beaker walk outside the school. Would he get in trouble for skipping class like his? Would his friends also get in trouble? It was something he wasn't worried about considering the circumstances. Nonetheless, the fear was still there. Sterling apologized profusely to Mr. Beaker as soon as he exited,


"Oh Mr. Beaker. We're so sorry for storming out of class like that. We really didn't mean to do so. We had to comfort Corona after the other ponies made terrible fun out of her. They must have changed the potions around that resulted in this! Once again Mr. Beaker. I'm sorry. I hope you won't hold this incident against us."

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Bass Cannon looked out the window as the teacher was naming all of the instruments, and noticed 4 ponies outside talking. She then noticed one of the teachers was talking to them and was wondering what they were all talking about. As she watched she noticed the teacher was looking at her, so she looked back to the music teacher. In her head she was thinking of what all happened, and then noticed that class was almost over. She couldn't really wait to ask, so she did anyway. She raised her hoof and waited to be called on by the teacher.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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(OOC: I guess I am the music teacher now? I'm oddly ok with this. we need a name for the teacher in the least)


The teacher looked from his lesson plan that he was suppose to give to the students so they could know what to expect from the class

-Another question?- he began to wonder if he was even a good teacher now.

"Yes you have a question?" he looked down at the list of names. "Bass"

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Sterling Crimson, @, @@Umbreon,


Snowdream cringed when they mentioned the math lesson.

"Uh.. yeah that was me who was late to maths... I think I made quite a spectacular entry..." She chuckled to herself.


She bumped hooves with Corona and smiled to her. Suddenly a professor appeared and asked them all to return to their classes.


Snowdreams mouth fell open in shock when she overheard Sterling explaining why they were out of class.


"Corona, you don't have to take any crap from anypony, I've got ya back filly. If anyone troubles you, drop me their name and I can guarantee that they won't say another word about you!" Snowdream promised with an evil grin, punching the air with two hooves.


"So... we're meant to be returning to our classes... aaaaaaaaaaand I'm supposed to be in first-aid... sooo I think I should just lie low until this lesson finishes..." Snowdream said

Edited by Snowdream
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Regal sat in class. He would have loved to ditch class and see what was going on since he saw a group of ponies pass by the door., but after seeing Snowdream he wondered if he should ditch class.

Regal raised his hoof

"Mr. Flour. May I use the restroom?" Flour looked at the clock and sighed

"You might as well take you stuff with you. Class is close to being finished... I suppose" He didn't look to happy.

"Thank you" Regal gathered his items and left the classroom. Regal moved down the hallway until he notice a group of ponies outside with a teacher.

-Looks like I picked a bad time to ditch class- Regal always had bad timing to things. He turned and headed towards the library to wait out the clock.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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