Onylex 2,837 August 16, 2013 Share August 16, 2013 (edited) My apologies if this thread has already been done before. I searched to see if it had already existed but, I couldn't find anything. : Anyway, I wanted to make this thread in sort of the same way as the one I did with the Have you ever come close to death thread. Agin its pretty much like the title says, do you have any really creep or scary things that you have experienced or, maybe something odd thats happened to you witch you wouldn't be able to give a reasonable explanation for? ~By creepy and scary I mean something like paranormal, not something like almost falling off of a building. Because I came in late with my story last time I guess I'll start first. My story: I have only had something like this happen to me once. I was spending a week of my vacation at an old beach house that my uncle had bought for summer vacation. Anyway through out the entire week of spending time in that house, something always felt off. There were only 5 of us staying in the house but, there was something I couldn't quite put my finger on... like there was a sixth person. At the time, I thought I was just being paranoyed because it was an old creepy looking house. But the last night of the week I spent there was the scaryest night of my life. I was sleeping in the last room down the hallway, and I woke up in the the middle of dead night. I heard some kind of scratching noise like someone took a knife to a wall in a room next to me.... Well, as I mentioned before that I was in the last room at the end of the hall, so there was no room next to the one I was in, just the end of the hallway.... I literally stayed up all night with every hair on my skin standing up thinking I was going to die, I kept thinking to my self that it was only a stupid mouse or something like that. The next morning I asked if anyone else had heard the scratching noise last night. All they did was look at me like I was insane. I asked my uncle how he came across the summer house we were staying in, and he mentioned that it was on a really good price because people thought it was hunted. After he said that my stomach dropped... I was paranoid for at lest another week even though I wasn't even staying in the place anymore. Edited October 26, 2013 by Onylex 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DaReaper 1,945 August 16, 2013 Share August 16, 2013 K this happened recently at work about 1am. The girl i work with was on break i was all alone in the kitchen, in whole building as a matter of fact, when to the left of me i heard my name get called out like a loud whisper, freaked me the hell out as i search around for who done it ni one was there. Nit the first time i heard my name get called hete but definitly the loudest. Strange things happen all the time in here, seeing things out the corner of your eye, seeung people walk past door ways stuff moving and dropping on it's own, freezer door feeling like it's being held shut. I had to shake it off and get back to work though, money more important 4 ^^ avatar and sig by me Want a Reaper made Sig?Go here http://mlpforums.com/topic/75308-sigs-i-made-to-share-with-everyone/?p=1907748 Voted best Scootaloo fan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demirari 454 August 16, 2013 Share August 16, 2013 (edited) There was one time where it seemed like my entire house is ready to kill me. Now what I mean by that I mean the large noises and scratching. By scratching, I mean those ones that make large sounds. The noises scared me to the point where I locked myself inside my room till the sounds disappeared. That was also on the date where I was alone in my home. The entire event scared me really badly. Thankfully those sounds never came back after that day. That was also the time where I was young and was forcing my mind to produce demonic sounds. The situation was quite hilarious when I look at it right now. Though the experience was still scarely as hell. Edited August 16, 2013 by Demirari 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RubyVesper 100 August 18, 2013 Share August 18, 2013 Well, I've had multiple cases of precognitive feels, precognitive dreaming and precognitive thinking, but the most prominent was on October 14 2010. I was cycling to school, when a random thought came upon me of a cycler being hit by a silver sedan. The bike was hit in the front wheel, ripped from underneath the cyclist, causing him to fall down sideways, and his left leg got caught under the skirt of the car and was smashed by the rear wheel. Three minutes later I got to a crossing, and a drunk speeding driver took the wrong lane, and the exact same incident happened to me. It was quite bizarre, but I never freaked out about it. Hell, I even thought I had just bruised my leg. Turned out my fibula was smashed clean in half, and my shinbone had a giant crack in it. Also, a lot of skin got turn from my hand from breaking my fall. Since then, I've experienced more paranormal things, but instead of big prominent things, it's mainly hints and riddles from dreams, songs and such. I'm busy figuring it all out and connecting the strings, but I need more strings... 5 Upcoming music producer waiting for the money to buy a new Mac. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AstroNova 133 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 Once, I was walking through the forest, with Spitfire (not knowing it was a creature, that shape shifts.) All of the sudden, her skin, her eyes and everything else faded into a dark black sphere. Then it turned purple, sending shock waves through the forest, knocking me about 20 feet. I was okay, except for this mass of unknown origins was coming towards me. I look at it again, it had raging red eyes, with a evil look in its eyes. I started to run, it then shot me with a bolt of lighting, that caused me to shake, and then I heard a ringing, a loud pounding in my ears. I knew it was the end, I had no where to go. Then the "Na, na, na, na," thing was going on. My adrenilne was pumping. The only friend I had, was actually a shapeshifter, one that can shape shift into anything, even your cloest friend. It then got closer to me, and it opened its mouth, it was a thousand sharp teeth, with blood ridden onto them. It then ate me. I was gone forever. 1 Credit to *Nova* for the awesome signature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 I was taking a quick nap after a long day of work, I saw a mysterious black figure on a glider throwing out bombs at every building in New York then a huge black sphere sent me into the sky with hungry wolves surrounding me. It was pretty crazy. 1 Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand_Finale 529 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 I wouldnt call it creepy, but really overwhelming. My stepbrother passed away a few years ago and we connect a shinedown song with him alot. My Grandfather passed away a few weeks ago, and I was told over the phone by my mom. I wasnt really close with him, so It was more shocking then saddening to me. I got in my car and started driving to my other stepbrothers house, because thats where we were all meeting up. I decided not to plug my Ipod into my car, which i usually do, and the song that I connected to my stepbrother started playing. I never hear it on the radio. I burst into tears, and I dont really cry at things like that. It was so perfectly timed, and everything fit so well together. It was really intense 3 Grand FInale:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/grand-finale-r3742 Caramel Corn:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/caramel-corn-r4029 Tarot:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tarot-r4090 Siren Song:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/siren-song-r4586 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DubWolf 17,386 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 (edited) I've told this story several times, and it's still my scariest experience ever: I was about seven or eight years old. I woke up in the middle of the night, and descended from my top bunk to the floor and headed to the restroom. *skips stuff* Once I finished, I walked back to my room. As I entered the room, I turned my head to the right for no particular reason, and then saw a small silhouette in the dark with bright green eyes, which was laughing at me in the creepiest of ways. I quickly ran into my parents room, and asked to spend the night there, but it wasn't over. I continued to hear whatever it was laughing and gurgling from my parents' restroom, and it appeared only I was able to hear it. After that night, nothing so daunting ever occurred to me again. Edited June 8, 2014 by Super80 Wolf 7 Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inactive01 5,299 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 None for me here, but my dad exorcised a demon once with a lot of prayer. That's about it, and I'm very glad I never had to go through one. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SkyDream 315 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 A small one and a bigger, crazy one. When I was really really young, I might have gone backwards in time while sleeping. I was watching a movie late at night with my sister and parents, which ended at 1:00AM in the morning. I went right to sleep, being dead tired. I woke up fairly quickly to use the restroom, and noticed that it was 12:00AM. I thought to myself, "That can't be right..." and checked all of the clocks in the house, and they were indeed all 12:00AM. The movie was supposed to end at 1:00AM in the TV Guide, too, and all the clocks were accurate then. There's no way I had slept through 23 hours either, because I'm fairly certain I would have remembered going to school the next day. I still have no idea what that was. The bigger story is a bit long and has a lot of background material to it, and I still don't know what it was all about, but it's probably one of the scariest experiences I've ever had, and it was definitely eye-opening, mostly because I still can't explain it. I'll leave it in a spoiler tag. So back in 2010, I got mixed up in an Otherkin group. I probably wouldn't have cared if I didn't express Therianthropic tendencies my whole life. A lot of them are into various forms of (friendly) witchcraft and all that jazz. Definitely nothing that panders to peoples' expectations and stereotypes. Some wonderful and amazing people there. Also some odd rivalry going on, which is very relevant to this story. I have to skip a lot of information here, and say that one day, while chatting on Facebook, my body suddenly had a very startling shift in well being or something. I became EXTREMELY afraid, hot and cold simultaneously, clammy, ridiculously nervous, and feeling very much unwell in the most inexplicable way. I mean it was like "awesome" to "awful" in half a second with absolutely no provocation. This wasn't all mental - It was very much physical as well, like your very essence seizing up. Like an attack on your spirit itself. Something that cascades down from one phase of reality downward to the physical. It was insane. So yeah, that was weird. Wasn't doing anything in particular. Just the usual Facebook stuff with these friends. Talking about Dragon Age: Origins with the boyfriend of the pack leader, for lack of a more appropriate title. Again, it just hit out of nowhere. No cause. But about a minute after this attack, the person I was chatting with posts in the Facebook group that we're all exclusively on that he'd been attacked by something, and a bunch of other people quickly replied that they were being attacked by it too. I'm not into roleplay at all, so don't overreact or anything, (I'm way too down to earth.) but when they start describing what I was going through to a T, shyt just got real, pretty much. It's not just me. So the pack leader starts taking charge, saying she'd shaken off the source and was tracing it, (and I have no idea what she's saying or doing. It's like the Pointy Haired Boss from Dilbert listening to his Engineers. Just oblivious and dumb.) and the guy I was speaking about Dragon Age with starts to help her somehow. Dunno how; it was on Facebook. So she goes from person to person, "undoing" whatever it was that made us all feel like that. I actually felt it being undone just seconds before she posted that the sigil had been broken. She'd mentioned sigils in the past, but I didn't think they were real. I'm not even sure how to end this story. I was only there because it was a joy to find friends that have something unique and strange but interesting in common, and damn it, Friendship is Magic, (groan if necessary.) I'm not about to leave for something like this. But I still have no plausible explanation for what happened. I can understand if I was told about it before I felt whatever it was, but I was informed about it after the fact. The mind wouldn't manage some placebo effect before it becomes aware that it has to generate the effect. It doesn't work that way. But there was one nice thing that came of it. I heard of the "sigil" that she mentioned, learned a bit about it, found out what it was and what they can be used for, and to this very day, I have a Sigil that helps me break through wind chills. It's been very useful. I'm working on one that dispels headaches. Also very useful. Sorry. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LittleRawr 679 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 I had a kind of 'paranormal' experience when I was around six years old. So, I was staying over at my grandmother's couch. I had to sleep on the sofa since the house wasn't very big. Near the sofa was a single couch. I woke up in the middle of the night, no idea why. I turned away from the sofa to face the rest of the room. There was someone sitting on the single couch. I turned back to face the sofa, thinking that it was my dad or something, so I didn't want to bother him. Some time later, I decided to face the rest of the room again. This time, I could see a whole crowd of faces looking at me. I don't know why, but they seemed really familiar. I can't really recall any of them now, except for a toddler with black curly/wavy hair. She had really chubby cheeks too. I turned to face the couch again, and went back to sleep. That's pretty much the only kind of paranormal experience I had. I'm pretty sure it was just my half-asleep mind playing tricks on me. 2 Signature by Azura Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunas Husband 2,777 October 25, 2013 Share October 25, 2013 Ah only one, When I was a kid and living in this old house.. at night I could hear doors opening and closing. I would hear people talking about something to this day I don't know what it was... 1 "Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." ~Princess Luna Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rough Pathway 157 October 26, 2013 Share October 26, 2013 (edited) Only two notable ones My great aunt died in my sisters room. A few years ago I was lying in my bed and I saw a women with a red/pink dress walk towards my sisters room. Pretty creepy...I don't believe in ghosts but yeah.. In April 2011 I was lying in my bed one night getting ready to goto sleep. I had a voice suddenly (I wasn't thinking about anything related to the topic at all) pop into my head and say that someone in my family was going to be murdered. It was the most realistic feeling, too. I was pretty creeped out and denied it. I fell asleep afterwards. The next morning I find out my 2nd cousin (my cousin's 2 year old daughter) had stopped breathing in the middle of the night and died...we never did find out the cause of her death.. Edited October 26, 2013 by Rough Pathway 3 Signature made by the amazing Sir Lunashy I make PMVS. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostPony750 959 October 26, 2013 Share October 26, 2013 Okydew!!! Well, once, I was sleeping (a miracle). And then I woke up; my music box started playing all by itself. It was lying on my desk, and I haven't touched it for a few years really. Since I was still sleepy, I opened the light and grabbed the box. I was like "dafuq do I do, I can't stop it". So I burried it under my sheets and waited 5 minutes until it fully stopped. Then I went to bed. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluttershyfan94 5,742 October 26, 2013 Share October 26, 2013 (edited) I have one that's pretty good, now there have been a few.. Okay, so there is a mystical creature, that is supposed to live near the ocean. Yeah, lol children stories and all that but that creature is supposed to have eaten kids back in the day. Of course, when I was a kid that was a bit more scarier for me. So, I was with my best friend and it was very late we were just around twelve or younger and it was very late. It was dark and cold, the stars were shining, the moon full. We decided that we would walk along the beach, now at that time that is crazy. There are rocks everywhere and there is a big wall protecting the town, made out of rocks. So we were walking in pitch darkness, we could not see anything but each others faces. Then suddenly we hear a rattling noise, we freeze. We look around us, we see nothing the cold wind surrounds us. We hear the waves, all we see is each others faces. The rattling noise continues, it sounds like it's coming closer. May I remind you that it was dark, we couldn't see anything and this was down at the beach. A huge wall behind us, so to get back into town we would have to climb it. It was just us, the sea, the rocks, the sound of the wind and waves, then the rattling noise suddenly what followed the rattling noise were footsteps. We were freaked out by then. Just as we were getting ready to climb the wall, we suddenly see something run in the dark and it sure wasn't something small we both could see it. For whatever reason, it was big, yellowish/goldish color and all we could see were the flashes. We ran up the wall, realizing that walking near the shores during night was not something we would do again. The wind was still blowing, it was cold and all we could think about was what the hell that was. That's one of many, it's indeed the best one and the only one I can not explain. I have walked down to the shore again in pitch dark, yet I always feel that strange feeling that's just telling me to stay away. It was most likely just our imagination, but it sure scared us. Edited October 26, 2013 by Fluttershyfan94 2 DA: http://fluttershyfan94.deviantart.com/ Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Fluttershyfan94 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloo Is Best Filly 578 October 26, 2013 Share October 26, 2013 What I can remember there was one paranormal thing that I still remember quite vividly. One afternoon while my parents were at work, I was doing my homework. And the door slammed shut hard. There were no windows open and I was the only person in the house. 3 Facebook: Josh B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReverseFaller 2,484 October 26, 2013 Share October 26, 2013 (edited) Yeah, I've had some weird experiences before. Around 3am I woke up, and I saw two white orbs floating in my doorway. They emitted some sort of static/electrical noise that was very distinct. I remember being scared shitless when I saw these, and I just tried to best to go back to bed. The second time I saw them there was only one, and again I was pretty frightened. I get chills just typing this. Anyways my grandma has seen orbs too so at least I know I'm not crazy. Now what I find interesting is what's happened more recently. (Warning, the following story will contain religious content) Okay, I'm a Christian right? I was an atheist for a good 2 years or so, but I've been getting religious again in the past year or so. For the first time in ages, I pray before I go to bed. So I wake up one night around 3am, and I hear that noise again. I look in my doorway with caution, and to my relief there is nothing there. I am still kind of scared, and I try to fall back asleep but I can't. All of a sudden a warm, hot, almost liquid like feeling covers my entire body head to toe. It sounds corny but this feeling felt like true love/peace. I remember it lulled me back to sleep rather quickly, like in less than a minute. I also remember seeing the image of the painting of Jesus from my local church in my head as this happened to me...at least I think I did. Now I told my mother about this and she said that my grandma has claimed to have felt the same feeling before. I found this rather interesting. My mother then proceeded to tell me that a lot of weird stuff happened when my cousin and I were small children. I claimed to see my deceased grandmother, of whom I had never met before. One cousin saw angels, and the other saw some sort of friendly ghost. So basically she said that this wasn't the first time weird stuff had happened to my family. Anyways, a few months or so went on, and I remember praying again for the first time in at least a month or two and I went to sleep when I was done. I had a dream about how my family and I were driving through my town, coming home from sort of fair or something like that. I remember we drove out of town, and we pulled over and around us were nothing but some slightly hilly plains. It was just us too, not other people. I remember getting out of the car, and looking at the cloudy sky. All of a sudden a large cross of light formed in one of the clouds. At that exact moment the same amazing feeling I described earlier covered my body again. I remember waking up a few seconds into this part of the dream, and my whole body was still warm. I still felt this feeling. I was lying facing the wall, and I remember whilst I felt this feeling I saw something. Out of the corner of my eye was a white/gold like orb, except it wasn't just an orb. I swear I saw something in it? Did I see little legs? I don't know but there was definitely something there. This time the feeling lasted a good 20 seconds after I was awake. I remember falling asleep before the thing, and the feeling faded away. Anyways that's what happened to me. I think it's weird, yet cool at the same time. Yep! Edited October 26, 2013 by Seibutsu Akuma 5 Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunatic Cake 1,618 October 26, 2013 Share October 26, 2013 I also got quite a few paranormal stories to share. First one was some time back (around 4 years ago). I was in my garden, looking at the skies (at night, I really love to do that) and I was noticing a "plane" at the sky, and followed it's movements. Everything looked normal to me until at one point this "plane" was going at unimaginable speed, I was barely able to follow it, I was extremely shocked back then and I was really thinking it was a weird dream, I expected to wake up any moment but I couldn't. After all, I was awake. Few nights later I had a few dreams, again me being in my garden, just sitting there when suddenly an UFO was flying extremely close above me, passing me. As it was above my head, I fell off my chair, fell back and woke up... most fucked up dream I probably had. Another experience happens rather often actually, there is a corner in my room that is mysteriously always lit quite a bit as if there is some sort of mist, I've gotten used to it by now but it certainly feels strange. The next one is probably the heaviest story I can tell. It's been a few weeks after one of my friends passed away, I felt like there was someone beside me, it felt weird. Anyway after I got to sleep, he was there in my dream, the dream I experienced was an event that was going to happen 3 days later, the only difference was that when it actually happened, he was not there but everything was the same. Weird thing was, I could've sworn I heard his voice back then when I was actually making that real experience. It feels weird to tell but lately I think that paranormal things are all around me, for example the curtains moving although there is no wind, things randomly moving, even my TV turnes off randomly at times. That leads me to my final paranormal story (which was probably pure coincidence) It was Halloween, I watched a movie about some child being the son of the devil. When he started to make the lights flicker, something weird happened to my PC, first the screen got all messed up, then I smelled something burned, I instantly turned the power off, luckily I was able to in time, otherwise I probably would've burned my room... but seriously I won't forget that experience, I was just looking at that childs face closeup smirking as that happened, it was rather disturbing, I thought it was something supernatural but that's actually the event I would call by coincidence. 4 Sig by: Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CornBreadGang 514 October 26, 2013 Share October 26, 2013 Wait... I can tell my stories? I have two. One not so scary, the other scared me more than anything, and it occurred at my campout last night. Here's the not so scary one: About a month ago, I was walking through the woods near my house, on my usual daily walk. Suddenly, I came to a park bench where I sit and admire nature for a while, and mind you, I take these walks late at night, with a flashlight, I went to sit down, but I noticed I was sitting on a piece of paper. I picked it up, and it was a package with my name, quite literally, written all over it. Confused, I opened the package. I opened it and pulled out a sheet of lined piece of paper. On the paper it said the following: (I changed my name for security reasons) super2379, I see you. I watch you. I know you. I'm watching you now. Can you feel my breath? Can you see me? I can see you. I'm behind you all the time. And You Will DIE I ran out of the forest with the paper and envelope. I haven't gone back since. A few days ago the letter went missing. The envelope is still with me, but the letter is gone. Instead, there was an engraving in my wood chair that said: Smile, You're next. Oh God. Help me. The next story will be in a spoiler: I was in my house late at night, when I heard footsteps in my basement. Curious, I descended into the darkness with my flashlight. I heard a voice call me, saying "come here super... I want to be your friend..." I followed the voice into the furnace room at my house. I called "who are you?" No reply. "Who are you?" I called again. I heard a rasped voice say to me "your god." I was furious at this person who calls himself a god. I am deeply Christian, so, I had to fight for God. "You're not God! You're a coward!" I yelled. "I am your god, and I'll prove it." Said the voice. "Do it, you pansy!" I called. That's when I saw him. He was about seven feet tall, with two black pits where the thing's eyes should be, a mouth that was cut back to its gruesome ears. His look chilled me, and it said "come to me, my son." I refused, and tried to fight back, but couldn't, I was drawn to this thing. It said "you are strong willed, you will be of use to us..." And it concluded with "prosper in what you do. You are mighty, with the strength of an army of angels, and with the anger of demons." And with that, the creature left. In its place was a not that read "6666". I still to this day think that I met the Devil himself that night. He never came to me again, but I hear his whispers sometimes, still calling me. Whew, it was good to get that off my chest. 4 Thanks to Rainbow Skywalker for the signature! Light Streak and reborn Light Streak OC's: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/light-streak-r4361 http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/light-streak-reborn-r4501 Dark Spot and Glowing Infinity OC's: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dark-spot-r5206 http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/glowing-infinity-r5211 Masquerade OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/masquerade-r5535 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnight Scribbler 1,705 October 26, 2013 Share October 26, 2013 (edited) I have something better than a story. I have a picture. My friend and I used to do cemetery walks at night back in high school. We went around 3AM, and took a series of pictures. It was a cool, clear night. No rain, no fog, just dry and cool. This is a couple of the shots I took. My buddy wasn't ready when I took the pics. He's actually on the roof of a crypt. Taken in order from top to bottom. I didn't see the figures in the back until I opened the files on my computer later that night. I brightened the images in photoshop so you can see them better. Other than brightness adjustment, these are 100% not edited. Edited October 26, 2013 by Midnight Scribbler 1 Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Tian_Disharmony~ 48 October 26, 2013 Share October 26, 2013 Here are a few stories: I saw a mysterious Blue light outside a window. My neighbor across the streat died in his RV In 4th grade Amore saw She-who must-not-be named I've heard that their was an old woman laughing at my old house, though at the other house the water turned on on and off and I used to see "Shadowy Figures" About 4: I feel sorry for the people who moved into the house, and it was built when I was 1... Maybe the land is haunted. There was no other houses around in the pictures of it while it was built.. Kinda weird (Yet I moved out of it) 1 Another MLP Villain? http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/princess-draca-r4725 http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/prince-hades-ares-r4816 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Onylex 2,837 October 26, 2013 Author Share October 26, 2013 I have something better than a story. I have a picture. My friend and I used to do cemetery walks at night back in high school. We went around 3AM, and took a series of pictures. It was a cool, clear night. No rain, no fog, just dry and cool. This is a couple of the shots I took. My buddy wasn't ready when I took the pics. He's actually on the roof of a crypt. Taken in order from top to bottom. I didn't see the figures in the back until I opened the files on my computer later that night. I brightened the images in photoshop so you can see them better. Beaty Ghost bright.jpg Ghost on Beaty Crypt bright.jpg Other than brightness adjustment, these are 100% not edited. OMG dude thats not just creepy, its scarier than hell! It looks like a person crawling on their hands and knees coming toward you! I just got chills! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnight Scribbler 1,705 October 26, 2013 Share October 26, 2013 yeah, I had my share of thrills on this when I first saw them. I actually noticed there's a skull in both images. The first one is right up close, like it's looking into the camera, and the second one, it's backed away and turned slightly to the right. 1 Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnight Dragon 264 October 27, 2013 Share October 27, 2013 When I was a little kid, I had a strange experience... One night, when I was in bed, I heard something outside. I heard what sounded like a little girl crying for her mommy...when I told my family about it, they said it was probably something on TV. But...it sounded so real... Even weirder, there were no other kids living nearby...so it wasn't a neighbor! 2 http://youtube.com/user/AuroraKnuxhttp://visigoth101.deviantart.comhttp://auroraknux.tumblr.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest October 27, 2013 Share October 27, 2013 My grandma tells me she sees something hunched over, like in pain she says, walk in front of her bed at night. i hear whispering, so has my boyfriend over skype, even when the tv is off and im not watching anything. one time i was on webcam and it looked like an arm behind me on the wall. little things like that have happened since my mom died. and about 2 or 3 days after she did die, i had my head layed down on a table, just depressed, and i felt my hair being played with or braided when no one was in the room. :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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