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Pixie's ears perked up as she heard her name. She wasn't a pony known to be shy, but in a place like this, she surely didn't feel as bubbly as normal. She just shrugged it off and sat in the corner. Meh. She silently wished that the darn assembly could start so she could go explore and maybe set up a prank... 


((Thanks Noble, This is going to be soooo awesome!  :wub: ))

Edited by Bronyette


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"Heh. I'm running into new students all over the place. I guess I should introduce myself when they get here." Blast grasped his forehead. "Ugh. The sugar crash is beginning to take it's toll. Guess that's why I felt slower this morning." He sat back in the bleacher and tried to keep himself from getting sick. He waited for the meeting to start, as well as the new mares.


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Aqua replied to the sick nova


“Yep, it's gonna be a pain with derpy, i wonder what she is like when she's drunk."


She looked him again


“Say, have you seen big macintosh or berry punch anywhere?


She started messing with her leg


“I'm just wondering cause I got worried."

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A green shading was beginning to emerge on Blast's face. "Well, Berry was *Murph* with you and Macintosh last night. I don't know where Mac ran off to, though... excuse me." Blast ran out of the room, trying to find the restroom before he got sick all over the hallway.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

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Flash and The Doctor followed Blast into the sports hall and took a seat near the rest of the students.


''What do you think all this is?'', asked Flash.


''Not sure. I suppose this is some kind of introduction to the school by the principal.'', suggested The Doctor.


Flash nodded, ''I see....so anyway, where are you from Whooves?''


''Ponyville. A nice little town.'', answered The Doctor


''Cool, I've lived in Cloudsdale all my life...now I'm here.''



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Pixie Dust watched the small group of ponies from afar. She felt extremely awkward sitting by herself. She took a deep sigh and scooted a bit closer to all of the ponies.


"Uh hi." She said, kicking her hoof. "So what's cool to do around here, anypony know?"


She smiled awkwardly. 


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After a few minutes, Blast walked out of the bathroom and was breathing hard. "That's it. No more sugar crashes for me." Blast walked back into the sports hall and saw and unfamiliar mare. He walked up to her. "You must be new here. I'm Blasted Nova, but you can call me Blast. Everyone does."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

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She saw the colt stumble out of the bathroom and greet her. "Hi Blast, I guess you could call me Pix." She giggled. "Are you ok? You don't look all too good."  She looked a bit confused, mostly since it was only the first day after all, too early in her opinion to be drunk. Maybe he is just sick, dude...that really sucks.


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Blast sat back down and proceeded his conversation with Pix. "I had to, well, excuse myself from the auditorium for a few minutes. The sugar crash from last night took it's toll, I guess." Blast drank some water that he brought with him. "Gotta wash out the terrible taste..."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

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"Oh yeaaaah... " She shifted in her seat uncomfortably. " So what do you think this assembly is about?" Pixie asked Blast, looking out at the rather dull sports hall. There was hardly anything in there except for the bleachers everypony was sitting on. She noticed how awkward she was sounding and gave a quirky smile. 


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Blast made a prediction. "I guess that they want all of the new students to be introduced to the staff and such. I was told a bit about this college before coming here, but it doesn't phase me. If I hate this place, I'll just jet off across the ocean and back to Ponyville." Blast shrugged at his sentence.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

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"Oh yeah, I guess any of us could do that." She giggled. "Also, you live in Ponyville? I have a cousin that lives there. It's such a nice quiet place." Pixie said looking to the center of the sports hall. "I really hope this thing starts soon, I wanna go check out the campus."

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"So tell me Whooves...why are you 'The Doctor'? You haven't taken any biology related subjects.", asked Flash out of his curiosity.


"Well...I'm just the Doctor....", answered Whooves, not really knowing what to say.


"Your cutie mark is a...hourglass? What's that supposed to be mean?"


"Must you ask so many questions?"




Whooves sighed, "Well, the cutie mark means that I'm good with time...that's all I can tell you."


Flash could tell he was hiding something, but he couldn't figure out what, He is one strange pony.



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Sooner or later, the hall filled with numerous ponies; students and teachers alike. At the front of the crowd, an elderly, withered looking earth pony, who was a greyish brown and had a receding hairline, switched up a microphone. His voice echoed through the surrounding speakers.


"Thank you all for coming here today students. It's so good to see we have many Earth ponies... and others..." A small look of displeasure stains his face as he glances at the various Pegasus and unicorns in the audience.


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"Thank you all for coming here today students. It's so good to see we have many Earth ponies... and others..." A small look of displeasure stained his face as he glanced at the various Pegasus and unicorns in the audience.


Flash nudged Whooves, "Did you see that look she just gave us?"


"I think that was for you. Not me."


Damn, that Security Pony wasn't kidding.



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She stands up




She noticed the pegusi and unicorns giving her angry looks


“...........ummmm.........*slides into her chair awkwardly*........."


She then contunue to listen in, albeit more quietly and awkwardly


((Poor Steve the security pony!, he had 50 kids and 90 grandchildren until he broke both of his wings falling down the galaxy!))

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"That's what I like to hear. Enthusiasm!" Leather Boots coughed "Anyways, I've been principal of this college for twenty... I think it's twenty five years"


@@The Awesome One, @@Bronyette, @,

@@Chubby Luna,


"Now, I'm going to introduce that teachers who you will be studying under for the next few years of your miserable lives" Leather Boots points over to a group of teachers "Any questions before I continue?"


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@@GingerJoy,@@Bronyette,@@The Awesome One

"Ponyville isa nice place indeed." Blast replied. "Though I'm always leaving it to adventure out in Equestria. Adventure is what I long for. I guess I just needed to get away from it all."

Blast raised his hoof. "Yes... why are you being racist towards pegasai and unicorns? That's not cool, dude."

Edited by Stevenearthpony
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

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Pixie sat in awe of how rude the headmaster was acting towards his students. Even though she was an earth pony she found it unacceptable that he looked down upon others, especially since her sister was a pegasus. She didn't particularly want to say anything about it though, what if he kicked her out of his school? It wasn't a good school at all, but it was all her farm family could afford. She couldn't handle the idea of her returning home without any schooling, so she just kept to herself.

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Aqua was relaxed and asked the head master-


“What are the wonderbolts doing here?"


She got hit by a bucket and her roboleg flew an hit somepony in the head


“Ooowwwwwwww" aqua said as she hit the floor and got hit with a book



(((Sorry i was inactive, working on fan fic with friend))

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((Just a quick little heads-up for you guys about why I haven't been replying recently. I am currently in the process of moving, so I haven't had time to log on to the forums at all. Sorry, but I probably won't be on for at least another week. I'll re-join the RP when I'm done.))

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((@@Chubby Luna, Full OOC posts go on the actual OOC thread. If you're not going to post actual RP content then it is in the community rules to use the OOC thread. I'm not trying to be a DM/mod wannabe, it's just that it's the rules and OOC threads ARE required for a reason.))

Sunset Sky was flying at her top speed, which wasn't very fast given she wasn't a speed flyer, but just fast enough to leave a golden-orang-and-brown streak in her path. She knew she was so late for her first day but she had only gotten to town half an hour ago due to  the train getting delayed. She arrived at the college and landed, out of breath and exhausted.

After regaining her breath, she darted inside and saw that there was a bit of an assembly. She snuck into the back, ending up near Pegasus mare with a robotic leg who was on the ground. Not one for leaving ponies in such states, she timidly reached out a hoof to help the mare up.

"U-um... are you o-okay?" she asked, concealing her face behind her mane a bit.


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@@Mint Drop,


((OOC: My fault sorry, I should be keeping on top of that))


@@Chubby Luna,


 ((OCC:Thanks for the heads up Luna))




"Racist?" Leather Boots shook his head "Child, don't go accusing ponies without proof"




"Yes, as some of you are aware..." Leather glanced at the wonderbolts, they looked very worried "The Wonderbolts are working for us this year. A good stroke of luck, I must admit"

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Blast got up, walked up to the stallion, and looked him in the eye. "I ran past the west and southern parts of the city the other day. Everywhere I turned, the pegasai and unicorns were treated like dirt. They're just as much of ponies as we earth ponies are."

Edited by Stevenearthpony
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Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

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Leather Boots raised a brow "Not my problem" He looked back at his teaching staff "We're teachers, not police staff"


He looked back at Blast "Child, it might be your first day here, but we have a very very strict policy on troublesome students. You'll keep that in mind, won't you"


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