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open Revival of the Ancients

Drago Ryder

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Tempest smiled as he, Ivy, and Cynthia stood on the bow of the Revival, the flagship of the three ship fleet. "It's almost time to set sail. Is everything ready?" Tempest asked, glancing at Ivy.


The silver unicorn nodded and smiled. "We just have to wait for a few more supplies and passengers, then we'll be ready." She said.

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Fireblaze, Skull and Blade came to the Ship as Rainbow Dash, FireDash, Futtershy and Applejack came.

"Well love since we can't go and have to porect Canterlot form any evil come." Rainbow Dash Saying

"Man I know and I wounded if Celestia let you guys come with us to help Tempest rebuild his kingdom.' Fireblaze.

"But we will never know if she let you come but let see if she will" BLade saying.

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Tempest noticed Blaze and the others, before jumping onto the docks. "Hey. I'm assuming all of you want to come along?" He asked. The cyan pegesus then smiled. "We have enough room for a few more ponies, before we have to head out."


Dark sighed as she swam through the water. "This is pretty relaxing." She thought, as she jumped out and landed behind Tenpest. "Hey, Blaze." She said, smiling.

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Frost trotted up to the dock with Ember in tow. He had brought all he would think he need, since he wasn't sure if this was a permanent stay for him, but that was what he thought it was going to turn out to be. "Hey guys, got everything packed and ready to go." he said as he trotted on to the boat and put his stuff in his cabin giving Iustus time to talk. "Alright, so....revival of our- I mean your race." he said thinking about how he technacilly was an aura pony, but not in Tempest's bloodline. He shook his head "So anyway, your family isn't still mad about the whole "I'll destroy your race." thing right?" he said letting out a awkward chuckle not knowing wether the rest of Tempest's family were comfortable with the dark aura god who had basically tried to wipe out Tempest's bloodline.

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Tempest glanced at Frost and smiled. "I've learned to forgive and forget. Also, I trust you enough to give you the position of my advisor." He said. "I won't be able to handle every little problem at once, so I'll need all the help I can get."


Cynthia glanced at Blaze and smiled. "Hey. Is Fire around?" She asked.

Ivy sighed as she trotted on the bow of the Revival. She then noticed Dark and smiled. "Hey. I didn't know you were coming." She said.


Dark glanced at Ivy and smiled. "Yeah. You guys are basically my family, so I might as well help you two rebuild your race." She said.

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"Know what since Element of Harmory do need a Rest and Vacation also help out our Best friends then we will help them. If Twilight call us then we will Fly back to her and stop the situation." Rainbow Dash saying.

"I agree with you Dash we do need a rest anyway." Applejack saying

"I agree too." Futtershy saying

"Then it steal." Blaze saying and then he saw Dark. "Hay Dark, Say hello to me and Rainbow Dash Daughter Firedash." Fireblaze saying as they enter into the ship.

"Hello Ms. Dark. Daddy and mommy told me about you." FIreDash saying. Then she saw Cynthia and smiles. "Hay Cynthia."

Blade and Skull happy that there lovers staying with them on this Jounery.

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Dark glanced at Firedash and smiled. "It's nice to meet you." She said. "You remind me so much of your parents." The black dragon was to big for any of the boats to hold and stay afloat, so she had to swim and follow the boats.


Cynthia smiled and nodded. "Anyway, we should be heading out soon, so just pick a room."

Tempest smiled slightly as he looked over the exploration fleet. "All of this, just so I can rebuild what was long thought destroyed." He thought. The cyan pegesus then smiled and stood at the wheel of the Revival. "I'll have to thank Celestia for this the next time I come back."

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lightning and diamond walked up to tempest and waved "hey tempest, hi ivy, this is my little sister diamond breeze." he said as he pointed to his sister next to him, diamond looked at tempest and ivy "hello my name is diamond, it's nice to meet you all." she said as she smiled at everyone.

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

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efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

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Ivy smiled and nodded. "I'm glad you two could make it." She said. "Cynthia could use the company."


The young filly heard her name and glanced at Diamond."Hey. My name is Cynthia." She said. "Who're you?"


Tempest sighed, but waited. In a few more minutes, he would leave Equestria and journey into a new land possibly filled with danger and excitement.

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Clayton trotted towards the Revival and noticed two other ships. "So, this is how Tempest plans to rebuild. This should be interesting." He thought. The unicorn then noticed a group of ponies and trotted towards them. "Hey. I didn't expect to see this many ponies for a simple reconstruction." He said, glancing at Lightning and the others.


A dark grey dragon slipped through Ponyville and cursed under his breath. "Why am I even here?" He thought, before noticing a dragon near one of the boats. "Well, maybe this won't be a major annoyance." The dragon then approached and smiled. "Hey, My name is Orion." He said.

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diamond looked at lightning and he nodded, she trotted up to Cynthia "hello my name is diamond and i'm guessing your Cynthia am i right." she said smiling, lightning walked up to tempest and ivy "so where are we all going? also who all is going?" he asked wondering.

Edited by muffinoverlord1337

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

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FIreblaze, Rainbow Dash, Firedash Chose a room. Then FireDash came back out while went to talk to Cynthia.

Blade, Applejack, chose there room too same as Skull and Futtershy.

"So Cynthia how you been? Also School was fun, Miss Cherlee Say hi too and Same as my Cousin Scootaloo and her friends Applebloom and Sweety Bell Say hi too." FireDash saying

(Thinking letting Scootaloo being FIredash cousin since she and Rainbow Dash are sisters)

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Frost nodded in approval as he walked over to Ember. "Ohhh advisor, that should be fun." he thought as Iustus cut in. "Someone of my stature should not be a mere advisor." he scoffed, but Frost just rolled his eyes as he met with Ember, who appeared to have a concerned look on her face. "What's the matter Ember, don't like boats." Frost said tilting his head puzzled. She shook her head "It's not that it's.....it's just..." she said as she looked up from the floor at Frost. "....Frost I'm...pregnant." she said with a small smile. Frost's jaw almost hit the floor. "YOUR PREGNANT!" he and Iustus screamed with delight. Frost smiled wider than he had ever smiled before "Wow I'm gonna be a dad.....IM GONNA BE A DAD!" he yelled to everyone within earshot.

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Tempest smiled at Frost and nodded. "Good for you." He said. The cyan pegesus then glanced at Clayton and shrugged. "Yeah, we're just waiting for a few more people." He said.


Dark glanced at Orion and smiled. "My name is Dark Opal, but most ponies just call me Dark." She said.

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Rut-Light had finally found the ship he was looking for; The Revival, of course he would need permission to board first, "Hey Tempest, permission to board the ship?  He yelled from the docks up to the ship, the ship was quite large so nopony would hear him unless he spoke up.


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Tempest glanced at Rut and smiled. "Permission granted." He said. The cyan pegesus then sighed. "We should have enough ponies. As soon as Rut get's settled in, we'll set sail."


Dark shrugged and looked at Orion. "I didn't realize there were any other dragons in Equestria. Where are you from?" She asked.

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Orion smiled slightly and sighed. "I actually live in the everfree forest." He said. "It's not exactly an easy life, but you get used to it." The dragon then laughed slightly. "I actually didn't know that there were any other dragons in Equestria, either, especially ones that were as beautiful as you."


Clayton sighed and put his bags in one of the spare rooms. "This had better be worth it." He thought.

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Dark giggled slight and blushed. "You don't look that bad either." She said. The black dragon then smiled. "Maybe we could spend some time together?"


Tempest noticed Orion and felt his aura slowly surround him. He didn't know why, but he felt protective of Dark. He then glanced at Lightning and smiled. "Well, be heading East. Celestia said something about a unexplored land, so we might as well settle their. As for who's going I would say just about everypony here."


Cynthia smiled and shrugged. "I've just been busy helping my parents on this journey." She said.

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lightning started walking towards an empty room "see ya later tempest, come on diamond you can play with Cynthia later."he said as diamond ran to him "ok lightning bye Cynthia see you later." she said as they entered the room and she laid on the bed, lightning sat with her and read her favorite book.


((her favorite book http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7541858-city-of-bones))

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

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efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

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Orion smiled and nudged Dark. "Why don't we do that right now? Come on?" He asked. The dragon then flew into the air and stayed close to the boats. He then glanced at Dark.


Clayton stepped out onto the deck of the Revival and smiled. "I hope Tempest is able to do this." He thought.

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Firedash smiles as he was looking at Cynthia. "That cool, My Cousin and her friends always say Cutiey Mark Cursaders. That kind of fun saying that."

Fireblaze, Dash were enjoying the company, then went to the side of the boat and looking at the sea.

Skull, Futtershy checking on Angel and Honey making sure they are better too.

Blade, Applejack were checking on there Farming tools since they will be in charge of the Farming.

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Cynthia smiled and nodded. "I can't wait to meet them." She said.


Dark smiled slightly and flew after Orion. She quickly caught up to him and nudged him.


Tempest put a hoof on a railing and looked out to sea. He then noticed Dark and Orion flying together and crushed the rail in his hooves. "Time to set sail." He muttered and started to unfasten the boat from the docks. The other two ships did the same.

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Clayton noticed Tempest undocking the ship and trotted towards him. "Hey, you must be Tempest." He said. "Do you think there'll be a place in your city for a artist?" The young unicorn then smiled, slightly.


Orion smiled slightly as he flew. "So, Dark, what do expect to get of this?" He asked.

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diamond looked at lightning  "can i go explore the ship please?" she asked pleadingly, lightning got up and walked towards the door "sure i was about to go talk to tempest." he said as he walked out the door with his sister, diamond ran off to look around and lightning went to find tempest, he found him unhitching the boat from the port "i take it we're leaving now." he said smiling, diamond was walking around looking and saw Cynthia and some other pony, she ran up to them "hi Cynthia who's your friend." she asked happily.

Edited by muffinoverlord1337

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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Tempest nodded and took the wheel. The other ships fell behind the Revival, as the ship sailed. "It'll take a few days to get to our destination, so I don't want to risk the food spoiling." He said.


Cynthia glanced at Diamond and smiled. "This is Firedash." She said.


Dark smiled slightly and sighed. "I was honestly looking for excitement." She said.

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