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He smiled happily, "I'm glad you like it, it's all I've got." He chuckled a little.  He was dumbfounded by the mare's beauty, so much so, that he almost didn't know what to ask, so he stuck with a basic question he had in mind. "So...have anything specific you want to do today?"

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"Uh... No." She giggled uncharacteristically at the blunt response. "I still don't actually know what you like to do: You don't spend every day leaving work and picking up beautiful mares I hope?" She asked with a smirk and a raised brow.
Of course, her hobby was hardly something that was something she felt that she could share: let alone when things had just started to go so well. He was worried about scaring her away?


"Its a beautiful view from up here: know anywhere else?" She suggested.

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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Autumn Glow perched at the top of the restaurant. She couldn't hear nor see what's inside, but her receptors were more than enough to sense that Vincent and Raspberry were having a good conversation with each other. She smiled, the blossoming of a new relationship was always the best. Well, after a marriage ceremony of course.


Curiously she crawled among the wall and peeked through a window. After a few moments of squinting she finally saw Vincent and Raspberry. The griffon was having a full meat meal. Autumn Glow winced, looks like the unicorn had a stronger stomach than her.


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He smiled a bit more confidently now, "Well...there is one place you might like..." He placed her on his back once more, and took flight. After about 15 minutes of flying, he reached the building. The tallest building in Manehattan stood in front of them. "Alright...haven't been here since I first moved here...so bear with me here. Hold on!" He then propelled himself and flew as fast as he could to the top, all the way to the tip of the spire on top of the building, then back down the what would be considered the roof, where they could stand. He set the mare down, lightly. "Hold on to me if you need to, it's windy up here. This is one of the highest points in the city..." The air was thin, but still breathable. "Beautiful view...but it's no match for my mare." The statement was a bold one, and Percy hoped she wouldn't push him off of the building for it, but he smiled nonetheless.

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The crystal mare had been about to make a cutting comment about being being more than capable of enjoying the view without needed to cling to something. Instead, she found herself captivated the the view around her with her hoof entwined in his feathers.


"Wow... you did good with this spot - I take it you like to watch the city sometimes?" She asked. "Ever seen the crystal kingdom?"


(Wow, that had previously turned out... Really terribly xD)

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  • Brohoof 1

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"No...only ever heard of it." He smiled, "I'd like to see it one day. It sounds wonderful." He wrapped one foreleg around her, partially to offer embrace, but also because it was rather cold on the roof of the tallest building in Manehattan. "We can stay up here as long as you want, by the way."

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My last post... Ouch, I have no idea how it ended up so messed up :/ fixed it now.



"Just a minute more. There's something I want to do while I'm up here..."


She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. Throwing caution to the wind, she reached her neck up and pressed her lips against the feathers of his his cheek. It might not have been a massive undertaking: but the fact that she was doing so without any ulterior motives made it seem strange to her.


"Sorry..." She said, again looking anything but apologetic. "... too soon? Is it just me or is it warm up here? Shall we continue?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Percy nearly jumped when the mare's lips made contact with him. It was one reason he wished he had lips instead of a beak, but he savored the moment rather than over thinking it. He smiled, and returned what could possibly be considered a kiss from a Griffon. "Well...not too soon. I think I've been waiting for that." He nuzzled the mare, and used a wing to shield her from more cold wind blowing around them.

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The cold was nothing worse than she had suffered before but it gave her a good enough excuse the press herself against his side: feeling just a little less out if her depth now that she knew she hadn't messed up - it was just like any other skill: it took practise.


Hopefully something she wouldn't be short of.


She buried the side if her face in the feathers of his neck and smiled awkwardly for a few minutes before a half-relevant question came to mind.


"What happened to Sabe, by the way? She bail on us?" She asked, looking up from the temporary warmth of the male and

  • Brohoof 1

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Percy was somewhat surprised by the question, and thought for a moment of an appropriate answer. "Well...I think we made her uncomfortable with our huge flirtfest yesterday. Wanna try and find her today?" He smiled, hopeful for a positive answer. He wasn't always sure what to expect from the mare, but at the same time, he enjoyed a surprise.

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Sabel's stomach had decided she was hungry, and her lack of bits had decided she wasn't.  So the young griffon had come up with a compromise and snuck into the back room of a small cafe that she had perched near, waiting until the coast was clear before swiping some of the pseudo meat product that seemed to be all she could find in this city.  I'm assuming they don't have customers regularly asking for this stuff - the ponies won't even notice it's gone!  


She really didn't feel bad about it at all - the taste had her deciding she had done the owners of the cafe a favor by taking it off their hooves.  Perched on a random roof again she ate her "acquired" meal, trying to decide what she wanted to do today.  "Hmm, I wonder what there is to actually see in this city...  Not a bar though.  That didn't work out so well yesterday."  The griffon's tail flicked back and forth along the roof while she tried to decide, content to watch the ponies walking around on the streets below while she ate her breakfast.











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'... "Huge Flirtfest"? You should see me when I don't care...' Symphony thought, smirking to herself - she had considered herself quite reserved the night before, as opposed to the 'charm' she reserved for marks like the oaf who's money she had liberated the same morning.


"Yeah... if you don't mind?" Shy said. "Theres no rush I mean, its still early. I just kind of feel bad for abandoning her last night though."


Symphony shrugged: she felt that without Sabel, things might not have worked out the way they had. Not to mention that the griffon reminded her of herself, in a way.


"But yeah, plenty of time for that. It's amazing up here, I forgot how easy it used to be to get someplace quiet: it's nice to get away from the crowds once in a while, you know?"

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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"But yeah, plenty of time for that. It's amazing up here, I forgot how easy it used to be to get someplace quiet: it's nice to get away from the crowds once in a while, you know?"


He sighed, grinned, and chuckle all at once, "Yeah...almost makes it easier for me to tell you things like...you're beautiful...you have made my life an adventure for the past day." He nuzzled her lightly, "Think we should get off of here before we fall?" He chuckled, "Wouldn't want that to happen."

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Symphony just couldn't figure the Griffon out: he seemed to simply enjoy saying and doing things for her: regardless of whether he gained anything of it himself. She didn't fully understand it but... it was nice.

"Falling... about that..." The mare fluttered her wings. "A little help? Or was it you're plan to bring me up here to see how long it took me to get down without flying?"


She peered over the edge, not in the slightest bit perturbed by the wind as it tried to push her over, swaying comfortably - even without use of her wings she was still a pegasus pony after all. "If I had to guess I'd say about... twenty seconds? I might not be so beautiful afterwards of course, but falling is a most efficient method of travel..."

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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but falling is a most efficient method of travel..."


He chuckled, "Yeah...efficient until the ground starts showing you everything inside of you."


He grinned, and flew around to the front of her, and hovered over the edge of the roof. "Now...about getting down..." He smiled, "I'll only get you down if you go on a date with me tonight."

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"I suppose I might find time in my busy schedule of being assaulted, making trouble and generally being beautiful to accept your offer." The crystal mare said, eyes glinting teasingly.


'A date? A date? You're getting in too deep now. Tell him you're busy: you've already made plans...' She thought.


"I would love to, in fact." She added despite the revitalised efforts of her thoughts.

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  • Brohoof 1

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"I would love to, in fact."


He chuckled, and glanced at the building's edge, "Guess I'm more persuasive than I thought." He pulled the mare onto his back, and carefully flew them down to street level, where he set her down gently. "So...shall we look for Sabel now? I can't think of much to do otherwise, unless you want our date to start early."

  • Brohoof 1
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A gray pony sighed as as he steeped off the train from Ponyville.

"Welcome,home", he said to himself.

In all honesty he was scarred and alone; Alone he is use to,but scared is feeling that dominant becuase he was scared to run into enemies he might or might made the month before he left.

"I hope no one notices", he thought

He then started to carry his bags to his new apartment

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"Either you're very persuasive..." She smiled evilly. "... or perhaps I'm more persuasive than you thought, and this was my plan all along?"


She was joking of course - she was persuasive enough, when need be, but really still had no idea what she was actually doing with Percy. It was all one new thing after another without time to stop and consider how she felt of what she should do.


"Heh, yeah let's find Sabel, see if she's alright at least."

  • Brohoof 1

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He grinned at her joking attitude, and even chuckled a little. Still though, he sighed, mostly out of relief at her answer. He wasn't exactly completely confident about the whole dating thing yet. "Yeah...Sabel, she probably went to nest- uhm, rest...on a rooftop." He pulled the mare back onto his back. "Well, let's take to the sky." He took them to a point where they were high enough to see rooftops, but low enough to see small details on them. Whether those details are a chimney, or a Griffon.

  • Brohoof 1
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Why do phones show the 'edit' and 'quote' buttons right next to each other on this site? And the 'edit' and 'quote' pages are identical too. I guess by now you've realised that I made a duplicate post by pressing the wrong one, so don't bother reading this - move along!

Edited by Cinderscribe
  • Brohoof 2

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Sunset nodded, turning her attention back to the road.

"N-nice to meet you t-too," she mumbled.

Not long after, they reached the cafe. Much to Sunset's relief, there were only a few other customers.. She looked at the menu and ordered one of the cheapest things on it; chocolate chip muffin. She turned back to Glacier, still timidly hiding behind her mane, moreso now that there were other ponies around them.

"A-are you sure y-you're not going to g-get anything?" she asked, mainly to fill the silence. Truthfully, she liked the silence, but she thought Glacier might dislike it or find it awkward, hence her attempt to fill it.

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Aphelion got to his apartment complex, he took note there was a library across the street. A small smile reached across his face. He took out a paper which read: 201. He went to the second floor with his stuff and open the door to his room. He noticed the kitchen  was  a bit small,but that didn't matter.He looked at the bed fairly large for his size,he liked it. He noticed his apartment window looked down an alley.He then begun to unpack everything

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Clutching loosely at his neck, Symphony breathed a content sigh and lay her head on his back - finally relaxing fully. She moved herself a little so that she could see below them.


Something was wrong: she shouldn't be doing this - her instincts were screaming at her that she was being foolish and she was ignoring them - but it just seemed right.


"Oh, is that...?" She said, picking her head up before shrugging. "Nope, false alarm."

Edited by Cinderscribe

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He almost responded to her words until hearing 'false alarm,' but instead, shrugged a little and kept flying. After flying for some time, he finally got bored, and decided to set them down next to a small restaurant.  "Well...no sign yet...maybe we're just unlucky?" He chuckled, "So...new ideas? Got any freinds around here?"

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