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"Friends...? Uh, not exactly. I've met some folks but they usually take offence at... something or other. Like the mare in the street yesterday." She said.


Looking at the building they had landed near, she thought back with disdain to the times when stealing food was a necessity - she quickly gave up that line of thought, it didn't do to dwell on the past. Not when she had things to deal with in the present.


"It's no problem though: I prefer my own company usually - or I did, at least."

  • Brohoof 1

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I prefer my own company usually - or I did, at least."


He was first wondering how such an interesting mare could not have freinds to be around already, even if she was knew to these surroundings. Then he was again puzzled, when she made her next statement. "Why is that? I couldn't imagine you not having some freinds...and what about now?"

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'Remember, we're trying to not lie to Percy...'


She shuffled a hoof on the ground nervously.


"I uh, well, I don't like having ponies get too close. Call it paranoia if you like."


She sighed: if he hasn't figured her out already then he had to find out sometime, she supposed it might as well be now - get it out of the way early.


"And, uh, they tend to not like some of my hobbies." She said defensively.

  • Brohoof 1

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He had some understanding now of why she hadn't had many freinds. 




"I uh, well, I don't like having ponies get too close. Call it paranoia if you like."


"So...I don't give you the same feeling of paranoia other ponies give you? Why is that?" He said with a cocky tone.




"And, uh, they tend to not like some of my hobbies." She said defensively.


"Those being?" He cocked an eyebrow for a moment, "You mean stealing my money, like last night?"

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"Yeah... Sorry about that. It's usually more... sentimental stuff - I don't do it for money, it's just what I'm good at... and it gives you such a rush!" it was rare to get a chance to speak openly about her game and she might have gotten a little carried away. Wincing at the thought if how this must sound to him, she quickly tried to change the topic.


"And I sort of... I don't know, we started hanging out and I just didnt want to leave: started to feel like I could trust you. Stupid isn't it?"

Edited by Cinderscribe
  • Brohoof 1

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and it gives you such a rush!


He sighed, "I don't want to...change...who you are, or anything messed up like that...but have you ever considered that it might not be a good kinda rush?"




"And I sort of... I don't know, we started hanging out and I just didnt want to leave: started to feel like I could trust you. Stupid isn't it?"


He was again confused at her words, "What's so stupid about putting trust into people you're close with?" He began understanding what she was feeling, even if he had different reasons to feel it. "I mean...I didn't have freinds growing up because I liked ponies, then I worked for a few years and didn't make any, then I met you and Sabel...but you, and I..." He sighed once again, "3 years ago, I would've been chasing flanks just to get some tail..." He blushed shamefully, "...now, I- I think I have you...I want to be with you. I'm finally happy."

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"It's all I can do Percy: it's what I'm good at! And with how things work out, I can afford to let myself get lazy."


She shrugged.


"I'm very good at something that's incredibly hard to do - probably the best! I'm not ashamed of it. I don't target those who don't deserve or can't afford it: not unless they tell me to bite them at least..."


It was the third time in her life that she felt the need to justify her actions. The first time was to her first friends, the second - her parents and now Percy for some reason she was beginning to understand.


"As for friends, I didn't get much chance on the street, stealing to feed myself. When I opened up, decided to try? I end up taking a hit for them..." She fluttered her useless wing. "And now? I'm telling you all this and I still barely know you! Of course I'm stupid: can you think of a more stupid thing to say to someone you like and don't want to drive away than 'I'm a thief and I don't like making friends because being loyal gets me hurt'?"

Edited by Cinderscribe
  • Brohoof 1

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A part of him wanted so badly to turn away and leave, but a bigger part of him refused, and his paws and claws stayed planted right where they were. He took about one minute to mull thoughts over in his head. What he would do, what he would say. He finally sighed, and smiled weakly. "I won't hurt you...and I won't leave you." He pulled the mare into a forced hug, as he had already decided she needed it. "Yeah, we barely know eachother...but I guess that's what trust is for. You've trusted me enough to let me carry you around on my back to the highest building in Manehattan, so do you still trust me?"

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"I... I do trust you. That's what's so confusing! I've done nothing for you, given you no reason to stay and every reason to walk away - why are you still here?"


If she had been in any state of mind to realise it, she might have noticed that she was trembling, just a little. Adrenalin, she would lie is anyone asked.


"You're... I'm here! I'm with you and we're exploring the city and I'm not hiding, or running or fighting and its because of you! It's such a change of pace and I like it because you make it seem worthwhile!"


'Tell the truth, don't drive him away... brilliant plan.' She thought to herself. 'In his situation, I'd be flying for cover right about now...''

  • Brohoof 1

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why are you still here?"


He hugged her more tightly now, as she was shaking a bit. "I don't know why I'm still here...maybe it's because after everything you've said, I want to be there for you. It sounds like you've been on your own for far too long, just like I was...you don't have to be alone anymore though...if you don't wanna. That's why I'm staying, that's why I will still stay." He let her out of the hug now, and began to gaze into her eyes.

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"... You really are something special, you know that?" She blinked, looking back at him. Seconds passed - maybe minutes.


"You still owe me a date, even after all this you know? No backing out now." She said without warning, putting all of her effort into keeping a straight face and not breaking eye contact as she did - the corners of her mouth creeping upwards slightly. "I'll even promise to behave, if it makes you feel better about it. About me."

  • Brohoof 1

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"Good behavior is appreciated, but I haven't felt bad about you yet...so don't think I won't be having some fun on our date." He chuckled, "You're all mine, honey." He smiled happily, "Now c'mon, let's think of something to do while we're down here. We might even come across Sabel, if we're really lucky."

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((Playing a little bit of catch-up with this post, sorry about that!  Got swamped with school, 3 tests back to back, couldn't get on much between studying.))




Sabel had been trying to decide what to do while resting under a small overhang, keeping a leery eye on the restaurant she had stolen her breakfast from just to make sure no one had noticed, when she saw a sight that made her grin.   "Now how often do you see a pegasus riding a griffon?" she joked to herself.  "Best go let them know I didn't get abducted during the night..."


Keeping an eye on her friends and on the cafe, not wanting to be seen around it again, she decided it would be better to approach from the other side of the street.  Trying not to draw attention to herself the young griffon used her wings to glide from one rooftop to another, not flapping her wings in order to avoid making noise.  Finally she came to perch on the roof of the restaurant behind Percy and Wind.  I should respect their privacy, she thought as she leaned over to eavesdrop on their conversation.  Which I will.  After I see what's going on.  


It had taken her long enough to fly over there that she missed the beginning of their conversation, but she was able to pick up easily enough the topic.  She turned away and pretended not to watch as the two got closer to each other, though she did keep listening.  As she heard Percy say her name, she took it as her cue and cleared her throat.  With a cocky grin she looked down towards her friends, looking a lot more sure of herself than she felt knowing that she'd been eavesdropping.  "Now that actually sounds interesting.  I swear if you two got any closer I was going to barf, and I don't think that junk tastes any better coming back up than it does going down."

Edited by EmberSparx











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Symphony feigned a lack of surprise as Sabel stepped out to greet them: she should have expected it really. 'Yeah. Reminds me of myself... Too much, perhaps.' She thought.


Before she turned, she leaned in towards Percy, placed a hoof on his chest and corrected him with a hushed voice. "Not quite, tough guy." She smirked before raising her voice loud enough to speak to the figure behind her.


"You know, you're generally not supposed to draw attention to yourself if you're going to do that. Not only does it defeat the whole purpose but you give away whatever position you're using - making it useless next time." The mare lectured irritably as she looked around at the female before rolling her eyes and smirking again, though only very slightly. "Not the worst I've seen though... how long were you up there?"

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Percy almost jumped when Sabel appeared and made herself known. Almost, but he'd never tell. He thought it best to let the two of them talk for a moment while he sat back and listened. "Might be able to learn a bit more about Wind this way..." He almost spoke the thought out loud, but still managed to sit back quietly, except for greeting Sabel. "Good to see you again. Disappeared on us last night, hm?"

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Sabel laughed, pretending to be more interested in inspecting her talons than in the conversation.  "Why not?  It's not like I was trying to jump the two of ya.  And I was here long enough."  With a smirk Sabel spread her wings and jumped down from the roof, gliding to the ground and landing carefully with her sore leg.  No point in letting on to everything I overheard.  I might not have been supposed to hear most of that.  


As she lands she grins at Percy, flicking a wing towards him.  "Yeah, sorry about that.  I decided a roof was more comfortable than that lump of a couch."  She winks at the other griffon before smirking again.  "Did ya miss me?  Oh let me guess, you were worried I got kidnapped or something."  Sabel laughs at her own joke, shaking her head.  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Figured you would turn up sooner or later." Symphony smirked as the Griffon dropped down to ground level - as much as her sudden, unannounced appearance had been a little disconcerting, she found Sabel's attitude entertaining - almost disarmingly so.


Her suspicious mind worked in the background: how much might Sabel have overhead on her approach? How long had she been above them, within earshot? Would she have listened in to them? 'Of course she would - it's exactly what I would have done...'  She hadn't said anything important had she? Emotional stuff sure but anything really important? She couldn't remember - probably not.


"Get up to anything interesting then, or did you just fancy yourself too cool for us?" She grinned at her feathered friend.

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"Ha, not unless you count trying to find some real food interesting.  Can you believe that there is NO place to hunt in this freaking city?  I ended up having to swipe some of that fake stuff just to get my stomach to shut up."  The young griffon grinned, using her eyes to gesture towards the cafe they were still standing next to.  It was a little risky to still be hanging out here, but the longer she went without anyone running out to accuse her just helped to reassure her that she hadn't been seen.  "Other than that, you know, just making ponies mad by hanging out where I'm not wanted."  


Sabel grinned cockily, flexing her wings a little.  Being a bother really wasn't something she should be bragging about, but something told her the crystal pegasus would understand her reasoning perfectly.  "What about you two?  Looks like you've been having a fun morning."  She winked at her friends, trying to ignore her thoughts.  Was that too much?  Gah, I'm going to mess up and let slip something I overheard they didn't want me to.  Shut up, Sabel.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Oh you know, out and about. Nothing too chaotic. Yet." Symphony shrugged with a grin. "Good to hear you're not keeping out of trouble: wouldn't want the place to get boring without us now, would we?"
She chuckled as she cuffed the Griffon gently with a hoof before waving the pair over down the street, away from the cafe.
"C'mon, ponies don't eat that meat-stuff so if anyone notices it missing then it's gonna be pinned on one of you two. At least don't stand in front of the door."


She thought for a moment about the implications: Sabel had slept on a roof and the mare was pretty confident that not many others played the same game as her for entertainment...

  • Brohoof 1

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Sabel laughed as she followed the pegasus down the street.  "They haven't figured it out yet - I don't think they really keep track of the stock of that junk.  Besides, even if they do try to pin it on one of us, what's there to prove?  It's not like any of us have it on us or anything."  The young griffon smirked, her tail flicking back and forth playfully.  It was true - she didn't have the meat on her anymore, she had eaten it already!


Heh, most of the ponies I've met would be freaking out right about now.  I knew there was a reason I liked her!  As they got to a safe distance away from the cafe Sabel stops to grin at Wind and Percy again.  "Ya know Percy, I don't get how you've lived here for three years.  I mean, literally.  Can a griffon really survive on that fake meat stuff?  You've GOT to have some kinda hunting grounds or something."

  • Brohoof 2











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Can a griffon really survive on that fake meat stuff?  You've GOT to have some kinda hunting grounds or something."


He grinned defensively, and laughed for a moment, "Well...yeah, I've gotten used to it...and I've even stooped to adapting to the greens you pony folk eat." He chuckled at the way he referred to the ponies. "By the way, sorry for any discomfort last night...with Wind and I..." He grew a sly grin, "I mean, her being my marefreind and all, now." He said proudly.

  • Brohoof 1
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"I don't remember agreeing to that! Not those words exactly, anyway." Symphony smiled, shoving Percy playfully with a hoof. "Uh, yeah, seriously though, didn't mean to make you feel weird or anything." She added to Sabel.


She had felt 'weird' herself - still did in fact but she liked Sabel and didn't want her to feel like the 'third wheel' of the group: Symphony had spent some time in that role around her first friends - it hadn't been the best bonding experience, to say the least.


"As for hunting - don't ask me! I knew a pony who tried to eat a fish once. Didn't end well apparently. For either of them."

Edited by Cinderscribe

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"Hah, weird?  Me?  Forget about it."  She waved a talon dismissively.  "It'll take more than you two getting mushy to weird me out.  Make me lose my breakfast maybe, but that's to be expected."  She smirks at both of them, the teasing tone not leaving her voice once.  I may have felt pretty out of place last night, but there's no way I'm admitting that to them.  It's a good thing they're hitting it off, right?


Instead of voicing her thoughts, the stubborn griffon laughs and grins again.  "I mean, what's there for me to feel weird over?  My two new friends are getting along, nothing to freak out over."  She flicks her wings at both of them, chuckling under her breath.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"I dunno, just wanted to make sure. Got to look out for each other right? Cant go rubbing each other the wrong way." She shrugged, wanting to dig deeper and find out more but stopping herself: sometimes friends keep things private for a reason, she had learned. Friends were close enough to deserve some privacy. A small amount, at least. "So, have any plans before you... dropped in on us?"


More than anything, Symphony was looking to try and find something - anything she could do that might seem like a normal activity: not wanting to push her recent debate with Percy about her hobbies any further. If Sabel had plans then she could go along with them as if that were normal.

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