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any music suggestions


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hey guys im looking to broaden the horizon on my musical tastes as it is very limited at this point in time or at least more so than i would like 


could you please suggest some music to me **I WILL LISTEN TO IT IF I CAN FIND IT **


could you please post the full name and creator of the song or music you want me to listen to  


thank you if you participate 




i enjoy


metal core 


dubstep ( general term don't get mad) 






sorry to these who have already posted them 


( im using a school provided laptop with government provided internet  so i cannot view you tube videos ) 





Edited by HunterScars



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Well I suppose it would help a little to know what you already enjoy listening too, just to give a sense of direction.


Anyway, I would suggest looking at some of the musical scores from movies and VGMs from video games. There really are a lot of under-appreciated pieces out there, and can be a nice change from other types of music that are perhaps more common to being shared or played.


This one is a personal favorite of mine, Arrival to Earth by Steve Jablonsky. It just builds and builds up to a resounding and heroic climax that makes any simple task a little more epic.



There is also this piece, Ending Credits by David Newman.


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Since i have no idea what you listen to I'm taking a shot in the dark here but one of my favorites Heaven Shall Burn "Combat" song is about childerwn being used in war



And if that us too heavy this one is frim a Local Band where i live called Stemm song name "Left Behind"



Hopfully they available in your country

K removed the youtube links for you Hunter but the songs still stand might be hard getting Stemm where you live for the fact they're a local Buffalo band but rhey are on itunes

Edited by DaReaper
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Is metalcore the only type of metal you listen to? I can throw you a bunch of other types of metal but I dunno if you'd be into it. Also, knowing if harsh vocals like death growls are okay with you or not will help cuz I don't wanna throw something like Amon Amarth at you if you wouldn't be able to stand the guttural vocals. :lol:

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@@Gears of Halo Duty V,


those songs are awesome man thanks





the first song is quite good actually i really enjoyed it


and second is quite good also 




Is metalcore the only type of metal you listen to? I can throw you a bunch of other types of metal but I dunno if you'd be into it. Also, knowing if harsh vocals like death growls are okay with you or not will help cuz I don't wanna throw something like Amon Amarth at you if you wouldn't be able to stand the guttural vocals. :lol:


throw anything my way and ill listen to it 


uhm i prefer song with SOME clean lyrics and do enjoy screams and growls if there done well  

Edited by HunterScars
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"Screams and growls done well" is a pretty tall order cuz everyone's gonna have a different opinion on that.


Regardless I'll throw you a few songs, tell me what you think of them and we'll go from there. (No rush though, don't feel you have to do it RIGHT NOW. :P )


I'll do it in a Band - Song format so be mindful of that cuz there's a lot of bands and songs you can't tell which is which. xD


Infected Rain - Stop Waiting

Scar Symmetry - Chaosweaver

Blind Guardian - Sacred Worlds

Masterplan - Spirit Never Dies

Machinae Supremacy - Player One


All of these bands have amazing clean vocals and the top two have them mixed in with pretty impressive growls as well.


If you think you can stand songs with ONLY growls try these:


Skeletonwitch - Within My Blood (like...my favorite song ever)

Warbringer - Dread Command

Dethklok - The Cyborg Slayers

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An answer to your question also depends on whether you want to broaden your horizons in just metalcore, metal in general, or if you want to discover something very different from metal at all. It all depends on how far you want to go from your usual "comfort zone" and in which direction, because possibilities are pretty much endless.


I usually say that each type of music has its own "vibrations" and in that they are similar to the color of your clothes: they must match your "aura" or natural "vibrational frequency" of your self to be pleasant. It also works the other way around: sometimes changing the color of the clothes you usually wear might influence your personality and shift your mood, for example, or make you more self-confident, more relaxed etc. (Ever wondered why they force you to wear some particular colors and types of clothes in army or in hospital? ;-J ) The same is with music. For example, I usually don't listen to some types of metal, because they make me feel things I don't like to feel most of the time. But there are some occasions when I want to feel that way, and then I listen to this type of music and enjoy it.


So this is my answer to your question, and a question at the same time.

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If you really wanna expand your metal horizons you should definitely check out Crispy's Metal Thread. We constantly go back and forth in there with various types of metal from your most gutteral, devil-spawning black to the uplifting chords of power to the shredding speed of thrash.

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An answer to your question also depends on whether you want to broaden your horizons in just metalcore, metal in general, or if you want to discover something very different from metal at all. It all depends on how far you want to go from your usual "comfort zone" and in which direction, because possibilities are pretty much endless.


I usually say that each type of music has its own "vibrations" and in that they are similar to the color of your clothes: they must match your "aura" or natural "vibrational frequency" of your self to be pleasant. It also works the other way around: sometimes changing the color of the clothes you usually wear might influence your personality and shift your mood, for example, or make you more self-confident etc. (Ever wondered why they force you to wear some particular colors and types of clothes in army or in hospital? ;-J ) The same is with music. For example, I usually don't listen to some types of metal, because they make me feel things I don't like to feel most of the time. But there are some occasions when I want, and then I listen to this type of music and enjoy it.


So this is my answer to your question, and a question at the same time.


i want to broaden my horizons in all musical genres except  ones that on direction and beiber and the like may be found those can just 


and i will listen to just bout everything you put in-front of me 




the songs with clean lyrics where pretty good


and i quite enjoyed  dethklok the cyborg slayers  


thanks for the recommendations bro 

I make metalcore/chiptune fusion stuff. I draw a lot of inspiration from acts such as Haste The Day and Oh, Sleeper, so I try to keep things pretty melodic as opposed to the more "core" oriented stuff you'd find out there.


ok man some of these songs are awesome  


hallways has some brilliant guitar use and implementation of the chiptune music in fact all the songs do   well done 





very nice song  

Edited by HunterScars
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I'd highly recommend each of those bands and maybe throw Iced Earth (go look up Dracula ;) ) into the mix.


Also, you like dubstep. How's your feelings on other electronic music? Trance? Hardstyle? I could throw you a few there. Or if I'm being overzealous and annoying tell me. :lol:

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I'd highly recommend each of those bands and maybe throw Iced Earth (go look up Dracula ;) ) into the mix.


Also, you like dubstep. How's your feelings on other electronic music? Trance? Hardstyle? I could throw you a few there. Or if I'm being overzealous and annoying tell me. :lol:



no man i don't mind at all im willing to give just about anything music wise a go here so fell free to just throw music  at me left right and center  



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The forbidden words have been spoken, may ye not regret thy decision. :lol:


A bit of trance:




And a bit of hardstyle:




Some of my genre skills are iffy though. I'm kinda genre blind when you get down to specifics about genres so someone else might tell you something is a different genre. I just go by what I'm told. :P


You can blame the anime stuff on cookies. I can't find electronic music without it anymore. lol

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All right lets get silly Green Jelly "3 Little Pigs" could be under Green Jello lil strange band


And back to another lical band but thats nationaly known Snapcase "Typecast Modulater"


Wait both them bands are local eh whatever have fun


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The forbidden words have been spoken, may ye not regret thy decision. :lol:


A bit of trance:




And a bit of hardstyle:




Some of my genre skills are iffy though. I'm kinda genre blind when you get down to specifics about genres so someone else might tell you something is a different genre. I just go by what I'm told. :P


You can blame the anime stuff on cookies. I can't find electronic music without it anymore. lol



please no YouTube links as i cannot vie them AT ALL as i am using government internet ad youtube is blocked if you could provide me with  the song name i will look into them without haste 



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Ah, my bad. That explains why you asked for full songs. :P


More often than not with electronic music you'll find many different videos with different artists and such so I'll give you the search terms and they'll bring you to the songs.


The trance one is Eurodancer and I find it on Maikel6311's channel. The other one is The Darkness so search for The Darkness Hardstyle, without the third word you'll get stuff for the video game series The Darkness.

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snap case is quite good but i cannot find Green Jello lil




hahahaha the darkness sounds pretty cool and quite awesome ( alot like the stuff my friend peter was trying to get me to listen to ) 


and the other one im having a little trouble finding 

the most common with that name is by dj mangoo so imma assume  its that one ?

Edited by HunterScars



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I'm surprised. Searching Eurodancer Maikel6311 should bring it right up at the top.


Also, I found some pretty horrifying but badass techno. Try "demon evil techno"


Some parts of that song just have this horrifyingly disgusting sound to it but I can't bring myself to stop listening.

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Yeah could be green jelly or green jello or could just search for 3 Little Pigs it's wuote a intresting song to listen sux you dont have youtube on laptop

Or Green Jellÿ like that

Edited by DaReaper
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Oh snap, I didn't realize you meant no Youtube at all. In which case searching Maikel6311 isn't gonna do you any good. xD


It seems to be pretty popular though so I'm sure you'll find it somehow.

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How's abuot Showtek- We Speak Music


I dont know what kind of music you listen to: if it is Techno/ hardstyle/dubstep then this is one of the songs to go to for Hardstyle

Edited by Fluttershy12341
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http://dascottishbrony.deviantart.com/ My DeviantArt Page.


Why Only Tuesdays, I'm Not even in this fandom, i've just been sent here to spy on all of you. You guys are defenseless without your tin-foil hats!
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