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open Pony University RP (NEED MORE ROLEPLAYERS!)


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"Oh! Not at all! It's okay. I'm at least happy that I'm rooming with somepony I know! Make yourself comfortable. I wouldn't want to upset you, so I won't force you to actually say something." Minty smiled at the changeling, then went over to her bed to unpack.






"That's a really weird tradition, then! I feel sorry for you!" Storm said, flopping onto the bed. "Hey, is this your first time around ponies?"


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Tarot nodded and smiled. " sounds like fun! I'm no sports fan, but who doesn't like a good game" she said happily. " hey arrow, you wanna go watch the game too?" She asked palate. "It'll be good bonding time" she said nudging him. She liked her new friends a lot. " when's your first game." She asked curiously

Edited by Grand_Finale
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"Pretty soon; I know its coming up within a week. I'll need to talk to Coach Shinsplints to find out the exact date and time, but I do know that it is a home game! And glad to hear you guys are coming!" Windy said enthusiastically, glancing at Tarot for a moment before averting his eyes. "Why am I even considering flirting with her!? I'm in a relationship!" Windy thought in confusion, continuing to walk with the others. 

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Tarot nodded and smiled. " sounds like fun! I'm no sports fan, but who doesn't like a good game" she said happily. " hey arrow, you wanna go watch the game too?" She asked palate. "It'll be good bonding time" she said nudging him. She liked her new friends a lot. " when's your first game." She asked curiously

Arrow watches the ponies talk and all until Tarot asks to see windy's game. "Sure." He said a bit dull and mechanically. "I have nothing else to do, so... Why not?" He looks over at Shirly. "Cute mare..." He says to himself. "But is she perfect for you? Since when is a pony perfect?" He wondered silently to himself. 

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Tarot nodded and smiled. " sounds like fun! I'm no sports fan, but who doesn't like a good game" she said happily. " hey arrow, you wanna go watch the game too?" She asked palate. "It'll be good bonding time" she said nudging him. She liked her new friends a lot. " when's your first game." She asked curiously

Pelate smiled "that sounds fun." He said glancing at Tarot. He felt like he was looking at her for longer than he thought and caught himself and quickly looks forward. *oh come on Pelate you only known her a short time don't be an idiot be a gentle colt!* Pelate thought to himself. "Uhh. So what is the next class sop posed to be?"
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"Hmmmmmm, I think it's.... Ugh, chemistry" she says sticking her tongue out. "I hate chemistry" she says, looking at her map to see where the chemistry auditorium was. It wasn't too far away from here. "Let's head over there I guess" she said, noted already. She doubted she would be any good at this class

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Shirley exited the classroom with her brother and groaned. "Roy when are we gonna have food stuffs?" Roy shook his head and sighed. "How are you even in college? You're majoring in Culinary Arts, not "food stuffs"." Shirley rolls her eyes, for she had been joking but Roy was ignorant to that stuff as always, and continues to walk. She looks around for anyone she might know, but realizes she only knows Windy and continues walking with Roy to their next class.

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"Hmmmmmm, I think it's.... Ugh, chemistry" she says sticking her tongue out. "I hate chemistry" she says, looking at her map to see where the chemistry auditorium was. It wasn't too far away from here. "Let's head over there I guess" she said, noted already. She doubted she would be any good at this class

"Well I guess that's not so ba- WHAT!? Chemistry!? Fudge! I hate that class. I got a D- last year in it. Guess I gotta hope to get better, I guess, still hate it. (I'm doing chemistry soon in the school year, I hate my life...) anyways, I just want to go to my dorm and sleep for a day! I am exhausted from the trip here and stinging to the front door because I was late." Pelate says in a lazy tone, you could tell he was tired by the look of his face.
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Soon, after a few more moments alone with Blaze, Minty decided to go and try to find Windy again. She glanced around a bit before it snapped. She knew he would be at the field; he's the captain for Luna's sake! Minty trotted to the field, then skidded to a stop. She thought for a moment, (( I will reveal what she's thinking about later, this is HUGE. )) then saw Windy down at the field. She sat down at the bleachers and just decided to finish some assignments from a class. 


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Giving her two roommates a brief respite, Bubble knocked over her bags and started to throw her supplies into what could vaguely be described as 'away'.


She threw the clothes haphazardly away and pulled out a number of mismatched books for random subjects - some considerably more advanced than others. Dropping these beside her bed, she dropped down and gave a happy, heavy sigh.

Never quite forgotten.

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Arrow looks at his schedule. "I haveth a mathematics to go hither. I shalt not return in a few hours." He says aloud. "If thy memory only remembers where thy map went." He searches around and finds it under his chair. "Ah! There it is..." Arrow switched from old english to modern day english like a light a switch, and trots to his class.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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(Dud chemistry once, never again lol)

Tarot made a gagging sound. "Let's just get it over with then" she said, walking next to pelate. "Is this your first year too?" She asked curiously. "It's hard to tell between freshman and sophomores, all the classes are mixed together"

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Laughing heartily, Windy shook his head. "Chemistry! Hah! You'd never catch me dead in one of those terrible classes! The only ponies who like nerd classes like those are uber geeks! ....Or engineers... Catch you two later, hopefully at one of my games!" he said, waving good bye to the two ponies and winking slyly at Tarot, before trotting off towards the sports fields.  As he approached, he saw a very familiar green pegasus sitting in the bleachers working on her homework....




Walking up quietly behind Minty, Windy gently put a hoof over Minty's eyes and wrapped his other one around her waist. Leaning his head against her's, he murmured, "Hey there beautiful. Guess who?" 

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(Dud chemistry once, never again lol)

Tarot made a gagging sound. "Let's just get it over with then" she said, walking next to pelate. "Is this your first year too?" She asked curiously. "It's hard to tell between freshman and sophomores, all the classes are mixed together"

"Yes I am a freshman" Pelate says not too prowd of it. "Sigh, lets go to class then...get this over with..." Pelate walks with Tarot to chemistry and takes a seat in the back so he doesn't get caught falling asleep in class. "Lets hope time goes fast..." Pelate says with a shrug. Edited by PelateOvercast
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Tarot sits next to him, opening her textbook, as well as some crackers. She took a mouthful. "Want some?" She asked with a full mouth. The professor looked like a much happier pony than the other one. Tarot looked at the textbook, none if it making a lick if sense. She flopped her face into her book. "This is lame, It hasn't even started yet and I'm confused" she said, her muzzle in the book, muffling her voice

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"Windy? I knew you were always the flirt.." Minty laughed, pecking him on the cheek lightly. Taking a more serious tone, Minty turned to Windy. "Look, we need to talk. Are you.. going to be flirting with the new mares? Like you did with that mare down there?" Minty said sadly.


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Windy shook his head forcefully. "No way Minty! You're the one and only mare for this colt! As for what happened with that filly, I don't even know her name, I was just messing with her a bit! It was just a little wink, and I've promised it before, I'll promise it again, I'll always be faithful to you babe. And did I mention how happy I was to see you again?" he said, leaning in close, hoping for another kiss.

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"well, that`s a shame." Vincent said with a smirk. "Maybe I can give you roaring lessons." he joked, letting out a light chuckle at the idea. Still, perhaps he could hang out with this mare sometime, outside of the dorm, even after he`d gotten a new roommate. She seemed... alright. Better than most ponies anyway.



"Heh, don`t feel sorry for me. It`s... something you get use to." he said, stifleing a laugh. At her question about ponies, he shook his head. "Well, i`ve met a few in the Griffin Kingdoms, and my mom took me down to Manehatten once. I was really young: barely older than a hatchling, so I don`t remember much." after a moment, he looked at the two mares. "sooo... what are you two majoring in?" he asked curiously. 

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Arrow was in mathematics listening, watching how it all comes together. From algebra  to geometry, he thought it was interesting how it came together into one solution.. Or multiple... "Pythagorean theorem? This'll be fun!" He whispers to himself and starts to take down notes for it. 

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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@, @,




"I'm not so sure this relationship will work out, Windy." Minty said, looking at her hooves sheepishly. "I'm clearly out of your league and I get that. The other mares will suit you better," Minty sighed. She then got up and left to her room. 






"I'm majoring in psychology!" Storm chirped, bouncing about the room. "You want a tour of the university?"


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Tarot sits next to him, opening her textbook, as well as some crackers. She took a mouthful. "Want some?" She asked with a full mouth. The professor looked like a much happier pony than the other one. Tarot looked at the textbook, none if it making a lick if sense. She flopped her face into her book. "This is lame, It hasn't even started yet and I'm confused" she said, her muzzle in the book, muffling her voice

Pelate twiddled his...hooves? In complete boredom and tiredness I hate being tired in class. It makes it feel longer" Pelate rests his head on his hooves and looks around the classroom nothing much to see. "hope the teacher is at least better than the other one right Tarot?" He turns his head to the mare who has her head inside a book. Edited by PelateOvercast
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" maybe if I lay here long enough the boredom will suffocate me" she said, head still in the book, the professor was nice enough, cracking a chemistry joke every now and the,on, though most of them went over tarots head. The lesson made no sense. "You think we could just not ever toto this class again?" She joked

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" maybe if I lay here long enough the boredom will suffocate me" she said, head still in the book, the professor was nice enough, cracking a chemistry joke every now and the,on, though most of them went over tarots head. The lesson made no sense. "You think we could just not ever toto this class again?" She joked

Pelate wishes he could do that, but if he got caught ditching class he would get into trouble of coarse. "Sigh well I guess we just gotta pull though, but I know I won't take it again hopefully...just can't wait for lunch, and even better, the end of this long day." He exclaimed.

Pelate rests his head on the desk almost falling asleep.

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Growling in frustration, Windy kicked the side of the bleachers... only to be rewarded with a stinging in his hoof and the inability to walk on his back right leg.  Cursing and grumbling, Windy hobbled away from the field, doing his best to maintain some semblance of composure... which was hard to do for a guy who could barely walk and was fighting back tears... and failing pretty badly. 


"I just got... dumped! Me, DUMPED?!?! This.... this doesn't make any sense! Why would she dump me?! We were perfect for each other!" 


Stumbling back into the building where his room was, Windy tried to remember where it was. However, he couldn't remember, between the fact that he had only been there once and the fact that he was pretty darn upset. So, with a cry of frustration, he leaned against the wall and slid down it onto the floor, sniffing pathetically in a random dorm hallway.


((Windy doesn't take being dumped very well....))

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Arrow was finished with his mathematics and happy that he was returning home and eager to do more work on his bow. As he was walking back, he sees a pony that he remembers seeing back in history. (or outside of history, I don't remember and I'm too lazy to look back) "Hey... Uhm... You ok?" Arrow asks keeping a few feet away.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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