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open Pony University RP (NEED MORE ROLEPLAYERS!)


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"Uh, Bubble's getting ready right now. Is it okay if I come? Pleeeeeeeeeeeease?" Storm asked, big eyed. She even bit her lip; she didn't exactly know how to charm ponies.





"Hey, Blaze, I'm going to a party. You want to come? We can talk a bit more there. You never did tell me why you got a broken leg." Minty said, flying off towards the party.

Edited by Shaymin


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Windy gulped noticeably and awkwardly shifted his weight from hoof to hoof. "Uhhhh.... um.... yeah, yeah, sure you can come along!" he said, trying to keep a blush at bay. Bubble was his date, not this other mare! Who just happened to be super cute...... 


"Yeah, it won't be a problem. There's no limit on the number of cute mares the Deltas let into their parties." Windy said without thinking, and he instantly mentally kicked himself for his tasteless comment.

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"Uh, okay!" Storm said, oblivious to Windy's comment. She instead, gave a slight smile to the stallion and called out to Bubble Burst, "Hey, Bubble! Your date's here, just if you wanna know!" The mare turned back to Windy. "I know we'll have so much fun! A party!"


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"Uh, Bubble's getting ready right now. Is it okay if I come? Pleeeeeeeeeeeease?" Storm asked, big eyed. She even bit her lip; she didn't exactly know how to charm ponies.





"Hey, Blaze, I'm going to a party. You want to come? We can talk a bit more there. You never did tell me why you got a broken leg." Minty said, flying off towards the party.

Blaze remembered that he had never told her about his wheelchair. "Oh this isn't a broken leg. I broke the lower half of my spine. Can't feel anything down there." He shrugged. "But that ain't stopping me from going to a party! So wait up!" he tried pushing his way to her.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Oh! I'm here, one second!" An loud crashing sound accompanied Bubble making an appearance beside storm, wincing for less than a second until the sound subsided before breaking into her usual beaming smile again. "Uhm... Don't worry about that! Hey Windy! Storm asked if she could come too, is that okay?"

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"Hopefully nothing's too damaged in there.... Oh and yeah, that's totally alright that Storm wants to come! The more the merrier, am I right?" Windy exclaimed. After a moment, he reached behind his back and pulled out the tulips. "Here you go Bubble! Hope you're not allergic!"   

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"Tulipa Suaveolens! I love them!" Bubble almost squealed as she took the flowers: beaming, if at all possible, even more than before. As much as she loved flowers, she usually had to pick them herself - which usually led to trouble since ponies seemed to take offence at her removing them from their gardens and parks...


"No I'm not allergic - they're so great, thank you!" She said far too quickly. "Are we ready? Are you ready Storm? I'm ready! Well... One minute!" She rushed quickly inside and returned flowerless a moment later. "Probably shouldn't take them with us. Okay! Ready now!"

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"Let's go! We're probably going to be a second late because you guys are so slow!" Storm said, sticking out her tongue playfully and dashing down the hall towards the exit that led to the Delta Fraternity's House. "Slowpokes!"






"Really? Aw, I'm so sorry for you!" Minty said sincerely, trotting back to the changeling's side. "Okay, here we are." Minty said, looking at the feared Delta House.


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Rolling his eyes at Storm's over-energetic dash towards the frat house, Windy chuckled, "C'mon Bubble, we'd better catch up to her." Grabbing her hoof in his, he followed Storm out the doors, making sure not to look back at Bubble, just in case she saw the blush that was forming on his cheeks and across the bridge of his nose. "Hey Storm! Wait up!" he called out, slowing down and coming to a stop next to Storm in front of the Delta House. Still holding Bubble's hoof in his, he glanced around at the other ponies showing up at the party. One of them was walking with a pony in a wheelchair... and looked awfully familiar...


"That can't be Minty, can it?? Whatever, if it is, I'll just ignore her! I've got two beautiful mares at my side, I can't ignore them for a has-been ex of mine!"


"So, how's about we go in?" he asked to Bubble and Storm. 

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"Sure!" Bubble nodded excitedly. "Uhm, don't go too far though, please? I get kind of nervous around too many ponies I don't know. And at parties they tend to act really... weird." The joyous mares persistent smile faltered for a second but was soon back on her face: she had Windy and Storm with her after all, nothing bad could happen!

Edited by Cinderscribe

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"Let's go! We're probably going to be a second late because you guys are so slow!" Storm said, sticking out her tongue playfully and dashing down the hall towards the exit that led to the Delta Fraternity's House. "Slowpokes!"






"Really? Aw, I'm so sorry for you!" Minty said sincerely, trotting back to the changeling's side. "Okay, here we are." Minty said, looking at the feared Delta House.

"There's no need to be sincere. It's a wheelchair! Yeah I can't walk and it's gonna suck if I score but hey! At least I have to do less work." Blaze shrugged. "But enough dilly dally." He held the door open for Minty. "After you!"

(yeah I'n really not sure how I'm gonna make this work.)

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"I'm so EXCITED! We're going to blow the roof of this party!" Storm shouted, dashing into the house almost too excitedly, quickly getting lost in the large crowd that begun to gather on the dance floor.






"Thanks for letting me know!" Minty gave a smile to Blaze as she trotted into the party. She excused herself to go to the bathroom, then began to search for it.


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"I'm so EXCITED! We're going to blow the roof of this party!" Storm shouted, dashing into the house almost too excitedly, quickly getting lost in the large crowd that begun to gather on the dance floor.






"Thanks for letting me know!" Minty gave a smile to Blaze as she trotted into the party. She excused herself to go to the bathroom, then began to search for it.

Blaze shrugged. "Alright then! I'll just be over there!" He yelled over the music as she went off to the bathroom. He went over to the bar thingy where they serve drinks and allowed himself to think. He looked alright, and he sounded fine, but on the inside he was a mess. If he hadn't gone to this university he woukd have been fine, able to trot, and probably more happy than he is now. Instead he was wasting is life away in said Uni. And for what? He wasn't attntending lessons, he couldn't stand up for a fly. He had no nerves and he coudn't help his friends issues. Si why was he there? To drink? That sounded like a smart idea. Yeah. He went and ordered the best they had.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Glancing at Bubble as Storm dashed into the house, Windy laughed, saying, "Well, we'd better follow Storm. And don't worry Bubble, nothing bad will happen to you. Colts only act weird around you because they like you! Stick by me and I'll make sure you're safe." he said reassuringly, holding the door open. "Now let's go find Storm and party!" 

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Smiling brightly, Bubble trotted happily past Windy and inside through the open door. She grinned to herself as she instantly forgot any concerns she might have had.


"Uhm, I think we lost Storm" She grinned sheepishly, peering into the crowd and trying to single in on her friend. Between the movement and the lights and the sheer number of other ponies it seemed to be a list cause. "That didn't take long!"

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Arrow hears loud music playing from afar. "..... Loud music equals certified campus party... Or a party that is about to go down hill soon." He says to himself. Curiosity got the best of him and followed the loud sounds. He see ponies walking into a building. "Looks alright." He says to himself and walks in. He looks around at the crowd, enters the dance floor, and looks around some more. 

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Storm was eventually found talking to a drunk stallion, laughing. "You talk funny! SAY MORE WORDS!" Storm said happily, flailing her hooves around. "I wish I can talk like that! Ooh, what's this thingamajig?" Storm asked, picking up a glass of.. something that was on the bar. 


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"SAY MORE WORDS!" - quite possibly the funniest thing I have seen today. :P



"It's... green?" Bubble observed, finding a place beside her roommate and flicking an ear as she puzzled out what the curious liquid might be. "Well theres only one way to find out!" She declared: her curiosity once again proving to be the strongest of her mental faculties.

Edited by Cinderscribe

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Finally catching up to Bubble and Storm, Windy hurried up just in time to see Bubble throw back a drink she had apparently just picked up off the table. "Uh-oh...." 


"Um... How's it going mares?" he asked nervously, wondering how drunk the two were already. "Hey, uh, Bubble? Wanna hit the dance floor for a bit?" he added without thinking, before finishing off his drink, a quad shot of fireball whiskey, and setting it down. 


"Probably shouldn't have polished that off... when it kicks in, I'll be feeling it. And how am I supposed to look out for these two if I'm passed out in the bathroom or something like that...?"

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"Sure, I'd love to!" She beamed "You don't mind, do you storm?"


Turning back to Windy, she considered informing him about the unusual taste of the green drink, but instead decided to simply jump up and seize his hoof, pulling in the direction of the dance floor.


'Heh, everything is kind of twisty...' She thought as she watched the room warp slightly and the lights blur as she moved. 'That stuff was weird...'

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Arriving at the dance floor and beginning to dance with Bubble, Windy grinned stupidly as he pressed close to her. "Gee, would you look at me now brain? The very day I was dump-er, broken up with, I'm now kicking it at a crazy party with two hot mares! Especially this cutie... Although, maybe I shouldn't have had so much to drink... I still haven't gotten my tolerance back up to what it was at the end of last year, and over the summer I didn't drink enough to keep up............... But what the buck is up with Bubble? She seems even more drunk than I am... Ah well, whatever! If only Minty could see me now!"


"Enjoying yourself Bubble??" he slurred out, continuing to dance very close to her, and beginning to betray a tiny hint of a wobble in his step.  


"I wonder what Storm's up to... we should get her out here to join the funnnn...."

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Bubble Burst!




"Yeah, this is... great!" Bubble grinned as she moved. Her hooves wobbled slightly under her but held firm as she danced.


'Wow, 'Green Stuff' is really strong! I should find out what its called! Well... I guess if I want more I can just ask for 'Green Stuff' and I'll get the same thing. I don't think I'll have any more though, it makes it hard to think. Am I thinking now? Is this thinking? I think it is... Maybe Windy would like it? Or Storm? Did she drink any? I don't remember. I don't remember much right now... Oh! Shiny!'


"Thanks for inviting me Windy, I'm having a great time!" She managed to say after a brief moment of silence as she thought to herself. "Oh! Whats going on over there?"






So it was a party. Admittedly it was full of 'students' who hadn't seen a day of honest work in their lives: technically he was one now as well... he even met the 'honest work' criteria moderately well.


The grounds were fairly quiet, more than he had expected. Eventually he followed the sound of some diabolical music to its source.


"That will be the place then, I assume. Because the situation was not already degrading enough - now I must mingle with the arrogant and vulgar..." Redwave muttered under his breath, checking a compass that hung at his side before striding forward, kicking open the door and looking inside as a mare galloped through the grounds after him.


"I am searching for... what now?!" He stated as she caught up.


"We do not allow... you can't bring that onto campus!" The mare shrieked at the now-student, pointing a hoof at the cutlass hanging by his side. "It's a weapon! It's forbidden!"


Redwave glared at her.


"I read your rules! Sort of. And nowhere did it state that I..."


"It's common sense! This is a place of learning! Give it to me this instant or leave!"


After a number of minutes arguing in the doorway, Redwave conceded and passed the sword to the now rather disheveled receptionist. He was a little irritated as being forced to degrade himself so. He was a little irritated at having to give up his weapon. Mostly though, he was irritated as the mare had ruined his entrance.


He had a reputation to maintain, after all.

Edited by Cinderscribe

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After going outside the house to relax from the booming music from inside, Minty sighed. "Another party, more problems. With Blaze getting drunk, I can't even go near him! Even worse, Windy's here.." 


Looking off into the distance, she spotted a, well, sort-of lost stallion who seemed to have joined late. She decided to watch him from a distance, narrowing her eyes. He looked a bit familiar; she got up and trotted towards him until she recognized him: Redwave. "Redwave?!" The mare cried, all too excitedly.





"You have your fun," Storm winked at the pink mare, knowing that Bubble and Windy would definitely get together. She trotted over to a different drunk stallion at the bar, drinking furiously. "Slow down! You look like you're going to swallow the glass!" 

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'Well that was certainly far easier than I had anticipated...'


Redwave looked around at the Mint mare. She looked exactly how he remembered: much healthier, less beaten and bruised but otherwise exactly as he remembered.


"Ahem. Hello Minty." He said a little more awkwardly than he had intended after his less impressive than usual entrance. "It has been a while. Are you well?"

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"Worse than usual," Minty gave a sad smile to her old friend. "So, what are you doing here? Weren't you going to keep adventuring across the seas as usual? With your friend Bardic and that.. well, that other mare that you always mentioned? What was her name, Kingfisher?"


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