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open Pony University RP (NEED MORE ROLEPLAYERS!)


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"For a while I did. Bardic claims to be needed to deal with some problems in his own land. 'Fisher will be with the Dreamer as usual most likely..." He trailed off, wishing that he was aboard the ship instead of at this place. "... and it seems that I am now a student again. Fate truly has a sense of humor..."
Fate had nothing to do with it: after a long time and a much thinking, he had decided to follow the compass back to Minty. On finding the university, it had taken a number of favors to have a good word put in to get him enrolled. A terrible plan, in hindsight.
"What bothers you? Can I assist In any way?"

Never quite forgotten.

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"Well, I'm glad you're back; I've been having a lot of problems here and I'm happy to know that there's a friend here to help. What bothers me, though..? I, um.. well, I broke up with my ex. He seems to have gotten over it quite quickly and he's in that building over there with two mares.." Minty said, tearing up.


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Red winced internally at Minty's words: it had not exactly been on the best of terms that they had parted ways before.


"Two mares? I would strike him down and teach him humility... had that Serpent not taken away my blade. Certainly you know how to choose them." He half frowned, shaking his head. "In case you cannot recall, relationship advice is not exactly the strongest of my considerable skills I am afraid."


He ran a hoof over the faded scars that lingered from the event that had caused them to meet in the first place. Just past them hung the red strips of cloth her wore, one of which he removed and used to carefully dry his friends eyes.


"Anything that can be solved with force or finesse, you will find none finer. Matters concerning emotion? That was always more your strength than mine." He said. "If there is anything you need I am at your service."



Oh I've missed writing Reds 'over-the-top'ness... :P


Never quite forgotten.

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"You always did cheer me up when we were still in a relationship. You always deal with problems with your sword.." Minty said, trotting over to a bench. "It did help me feel a tad bit better talking to you, though. Don't think that you didn't help anything." Minty gave a smile to the stallion. 


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Glancing over at where Bubble was looking, Windy saw Minty talking with a weird looking stallion. "Ah, its probably nothing. Just a tough guy who thinks he's all that cruising for an easy score. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. Let's keep dancing!" he said as nonchalantly as possible, with a slight slur in his voice and a stumble in his step, while offering Bubble a full mug of strong cider. In his mind, however, the drunken gears were whirring... well, more like clunking and grinding, but whatever....


"What the hay is SHE doing talking to some douche-canoe like him? Right after dumping me, no less! Wow, she really has no standards... except for when she was dating me, of course. I might have to round up a few of my Delta Brothers and have a 'chat' with Mr. Bad News over there sooner rather than later..........."

Edited by Windy Runner
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Bubble Burst!




"Oh... I just wondered because he walking in waving a sword around." Bubble shrugged as she took the Cider, checked that it wasn't 'Green Stuff' and proceeded to take a drink.


"Are... you okay Windy? You've been... Watching those two for... A while now." She managed to say through the alcohol with a much hazier smile than usual.








"Incorrect! There was the time that... Redwave ground to a halt - the example he had been about to use was wrong. "Well what about when..."


This wasn't going so well. Surely there had to be sometime that he had solved a problem in a way that didn't involve attacking it!


"... Huh. Anyway. You study here now?" He tried to change the subject to one that wouldn't upset her so much as her misadventures with romance.

Never quite forgotten.

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Minty sighed. "Yup, I've been studying here since.. well, since the 'incident' in Canterlot. You know what I'm talking about.." Minty said, a pang of regret hitting her saying the words, remembering the scene that leg to Minty and Redwave's breakup, and even the Royal Guard splitting up.

Edited by Shaymin


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"I see, well I suppose I too am here to study... something." He said stiffly. Reading the paperwork he had been provided might have been a good idea. He didn't know what he was supposed to study. Or where he was supposed to sleep. Or anything else really.


He picked up a nearby cup of Cider and sniffed it before pushing it away distant fully and pulling out the bottle of Brandy from its place at his side.


"What do you study? Do you not enjoy it here?"

Never quite forgotten.

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"What I'm studying? I'm currently studying psychology right now. And with Windy on my back with angry glares and taunts, I, in fact, don't enjoy it here. At least, not anymore," Minty said, shuffling her hooves sheepishly on the ground. "Do you know where your room is?" Minty asked, trying to switch the subject. 


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"Erm... No?" He grinned cockily as he reached for the rolled up papers he had been provided.

"In all honesty, I have no idea. Aha! Here we are! B4! Perhaps you can assist me in finding the blasted place? This poor excuse of a map has no coordinates, bearings, navigable waypoints... It is little more than a foals scribblings!"

Never quite forgotten.

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A blue colt has arrived, upon the university grounds & is going into the schools office to become signed in form a room and his classes


"Hi, I'm Kabel of ponyville. I have came to study of Pony Transportation & History of the Ancients 101. Plus, too... Join any clubs"

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"B4? I think I saw that room by my door. Come on, I'll show you." Walking away from the dreaded party she was just at a few minutes ago, Minty breathed a sigh of relief. At least somepony could be there to make her feel better. "It's a coincidence that we both went to the same university, huh?"


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"Coincidence? Perhaps, though since it was Cinder and my fool of a cousin who had me come here I suspect 'interfering' may be a more appropriate word." Red rolled his eyes. "I was on the verge of departing when I happened to..."
He had looked at the compass he wore: a curious trinket that would point to whomever he was thinking about at the time. It had been pointing somewhere over the boundary of the university.
"... change my perspective, shall we say?"


He coughed.


"Anyway, I suppose all is well after all, and here I am again."

Never quite forgotten.

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"Is there another reason? Because I kind of.. well.. I regretted my decision of breaking up with you. I'm really sorry," Minty mumbled the last part, trotting a bit quicker away from the stallion, still staying close to him, making sure that he wouldn't lose track.


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[ooc] there is a chara, that is the Settled-in Office Assistant- for all beginning students/ right?


Or, I can put~ my chara has a dorm & is studing in quite some classes+ at the moment trying to get mares dorm room numbers & cafeteria date?



And, how many charas are teachers?

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Bubble Burst!




"Oh... I just wondered because he walking in waving a sword around." Bubble shrugged as she took the Cider, checked that it wasn't 'Green Stuff' and proceeded to take a drink.


"Are... you okay Windy? You've been... Watching those two for... A while now." She managed to say through the alcohol with a much hazier smile than usual.


Blaze had grogilly got away from the bar. He was drunk. Very much so. His mind was fuzzy. Yet mere moment later he was drawn to a rather cute mare, whi was sitting with the walking block of douche. He was unimportant, she was the only thing he was paying any attention to as he made his way over.

"Hey sweet suff. How ya'... How... Uh Buck!" He hit his head against a chair. "'ow yer doin' "

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Pardon? You... regret that your destination is not a zoo? My sincerest apologies Minty but that remains beyond my ability to influence."
Redwave followed as closely as he could to the mare as she seemed to hesitate about the speed of her pace: speeding up and slowing down seemingly at random.
"As for other reasons, I had them, I suppose. You know me - I do as I will or as is needed." He said, not really giving anything away at all.
Bubble Burst!

Everything had been going well... and then Windy had gotten distracted by something, storm was nowhere to be seen and some other pony had started talking to her in that funny way that always did at parties. Not the good kind of funny either.
"Oh! I'm, uhm, I'm okay..." She said, ears drooping as her brilliant smile dulled a little. "Uhm, are you?"
'Oh no, what do I do? It's okay, Windy said he would look after me... But what If he doesn't?' She thought. 'Have I still got that bottle Cinder gave me? I'm supposed to throw it, right? Oh no, I left it behind when I got changed..."

Never quite forgotten.

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Turning his attention back to Bubble, Windy saw a new stallion in a wheelchair talking to her, and not in a way he liked....


Not recognizing Blaze, Windy stepped in front of Bubble, shielding her from the new stallion. "Don't worry Bubble, he's not gonna be a problem, I'll handle this." he said reassuringly. Turning to face the pony, he muttered "Now listen here, wheelie. She's with me. I don't think there's anything for you here, so why don't you don't you just turn your wheelchair around and take your drunken flank somewhere else?" he said aggressively, stepping closer towards Blaze and doing his best to keep his drunken eyes trained on the pony assertively. 

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@, @,


Turning his attention back to Bubble, Windy saw a new stallion in a wheelchair talking to her, and not in a way he liked....


Not recognizing Blaze, Windy stepped in front of Bubble, shielding her from the new stallion. "Don't worry Bubble, he's not gonna be a problem, I'll handle this." he said reassuringly. Turning to face the pony, he muttered "Now listen here, wheelie. She's with me. I don't think there's anything for you here, so why don't you don't you just turn your wheelchair around and take your drunken flank somewhere else?" he said aggressively, stepping closer towards Blaze and doing his best to keep his drunken eyes trained on the pony assertively.

Blaze laughed hysterically. "Oh Windy. So ignorant!" He put his hoif around his shoulder and pulled him away. "Lemmie tell ya somethig! You're already off flirting with this chick when your ex left ya? Tsk Tsk. You need to calm it man. Stop with the flirtin', have a drink or two, and lighten up! C'mon it's only been a day!" Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Um, it's nothing.. It's not that important." Minty blushed, shuffling into the building sheepishly. "Don't worry about it." Minty trotted in front of what she supposed was Redwave's new room. "Um, here we are. I'll be going now, bye!" Minty said hurriedly, rushing down the hall and trotting into her dorm.


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Glaring angrily at Blaze, Windy felt his temper start to flare up, "Now listen here you little dipwad, I've already had plenty of drinks. Too many, probably. I don't need another one or two to 'lighten up'. Now, I'm here with Bubble because she's a fun mare to have around, and I enjoy her company. Now, I don't think my personal relationships are any of your crippled business, so how about you just turn yourself around and go away?" he spat, turning around and walking back towards Bubble.


"Sorry about that Bubble... I don't know what that idiot's issue was." he mumbled, hiccuping and casting a dark glance back in the stallion's direction.

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"Many thanks M..."

Before he could finish, the mare was gone.

'... as I expected this is naught but a waste of time. The filly doesn't wish to be around me: was that not obvious when we last met?' He thought as he pushed the door open and was met with a pristine room.


"Glorious! Somehow it puts even a ships bunk to shame!" He declared theatrically in his frustration.


Bubble Burst!

"I, uhm, yeah..." Bubble said blankly.


'I'm so confused: what was that guy talking about? And why did Windy get so angry? I mean, I know he was doing what he said he would and thats good but he seemed really angry about something... and If he was just some drunk pony how did he know Windy's name?' Her thoughts churned uneasily: it wasn't easy for Bubble to work these sort of things out: now when she was trying to anyway.


She shuffled her hooves nervously, head clearing rapidly but still no wiser as to what she should do.

Never quite forgotten.

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if i am still allowed to join this rp I would like to join with, hmmmm, how about Quartz Rose, the link is after Jewel Rainbow and is the second to last link or here: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quartz-rose-r4573 there is her link, scratch the first part the link is being defective and going to Frozen Fire instead of her so just click the link above if i can still join....

Vanilla Mist

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"Don't worry about that clown. Let's just keep having fun!" Windy said, beginning to feel the quad shot he had taken a little while before set in. Immediately his judgement began to deteriorate. "Hey.... Bubble.... If you're all danced out for now, we've got a hot tub out back. Wanna go take a dip in that?" he said, grinning at Bubble.

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Bubble Burst!




"Hot Tub...?" Bubble repeated.


All doubt evaporated instantly. Well, enough of it that she could ignore the rest. She had never been in a hot tub before: and she was always looking for new things to try!


"I mean, sure! That sounds fun!" She said brightly, stepping aside. "Lead the way!"

Never quite forgotten.

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