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private No Rainbows Over Ponyville


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Twilight Sparkle arose to the sharp cry of a rooster somewhere nearby. She groaned and rolled over in her bed. She was really getting tired of that dumb rooster crowing every single morning! Granted that's what they were supposed to do, but couldn't it take a break?!


She slid out of bed, heading to her vanity and combing her mane before braiding in her usual style. A long braid falling to the side, with a scrunchie tying up the bottom. She quickly gulped down some juice and a daisy sandwich before, grabbing her favorite pink striped scarf and heading down to her shop.


As usual there were quite a few ponies waiting to get inside and start shopping. It really wasn't an oddity, winter was right around the corner, and ponies wanted to get the pretty designs before Twilight put out the generic single colored ones. She wished that she could provide beautifully designed scarves all the time, but it was only her in the shop and she just didn't have time.


She set up a few racks and stands, flipped the 'Closed' sign to 'Open!' and went to sit behind the counter for her customers.

Edited by DarligPegasi
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Rarity sighed. Why WAS she in Ponyville? She was too tidy to come to this dump! Well, it was where she grew up. She might as well celebrate Winter Wrap Up. "Watch the dress, you mule!" Rarity shouted at a stallion stepping on her dress, and strutted off the train. She went straight to Carousel Boutique, her old home, now inherited by Sweetie Belle. 


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Pinkie slowly woke up as the sunlight from the new day streamed through the window in her room. She sat up, stretching a slight bit, feeling the warmth of the sunlight beam against her face. "Oh joy," she said, nonchalantly. "Another day in Ponyville." Her eyes turned, and she began to slowly scan her room. Her vanity remained unusued in the corner, as always; She never needed to brush her hair, as it always stayed flat, and she didn't have any accessories to put on. It would probably have gatherered inches of dust, did she not feel the need to dust it every week or so.


She stood up fully, yawning slightly as she travelled down the stairs of the treehouse, into the circular library. She quickly glanced around, checking every bookshelf, making sure nothing was out of place. Seeing everything in good shape, she crossed to the door, grabbing her side satchel from behind her desk as she did so, and walked outside. She breathed in deeply, exhaling with a heavy sigh, and watched as some of the other ponies left their homes and went about their days, a spring in their steps.


She began to walk towards the town diner, where she always ate breakfast. As she arrived, she noticed it was considerably less busy than normal. She sat at her normal table, and a waitress came up to her table almost instantly.


"The usual, Pinkie?" the pony asked, to which Pinkie nodded. The waitress walked away, and Pinkie began to stare off into the distance, soon becoming lost in her own thoughts.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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The sun shone through the yellow Pegasus' bedroom window and cast a bright light on her face, waking her up slowly. She got up and went to make breakfast.

"I'm running low on food... i should probably go sell flowers today so i can get groceries..." she mumbled to herself.

After breakfast, she went around and tended to her flowers, taking any that were ready to be picked and getting them ready for selling.

Edited by Mint Drop
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After selling the majority of her garden themed carves and hats to a group of tourist ponies, Twilight decided to go on a short break. She closed up shop, replacing the 'Open!' sign with a clock that read 'Will Return in 30 minutes', and trotted off to the nearest cafe. As she walked she walked she made sure to look as graceful as possible and held her head up straight.A pony with poise was a pony that everyponyelse wanted to be friends with.

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@@DarligPegasi@@Mint Drop,@@Pinkie Paranoia,


Rarity saw a familiar purple mare trotting towards the same cafe she was already in, and was tempted to slam her drink on the table, yet remembered it wasn't lady-like. "Oh, look! If it isn't that fiend, Twilight SPARKLE!" Rarity scoffed, snickering viciously.  

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Twilight trotted into the cafe stepping in gracefully and heading to the counter. The shopkeeper nodded at her, and she nodded back, smiling sweetly at the stallion. "Um...I'd like a daisy sandwich and some rose tea." She said, fluttering her eyebrows, but at that moment an eyelash decided to fall into her eye, causing her eyes to water. She rubbed her eye vigorously and she automatically began to sniffle as a reaction to the eye watering. The stallion stared at her warily and then turned to put in the order. Twilight felt her pelt heat up in embarrassment and quickly went to go sit down at the first table she came upon. She wrapped her scarf around her muzzle, and it was only then that she saw who she was sitting in front of.

"Oh, hi! Um..Rarity was it?" She asked, smiling.

Edited by DarligPegasi
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After going around her house twice - she always made sure to double-check, and she also needed to water the flowers and make sure they were all healthy - Fluttershy had a half dozen small bouquets to sell. She took them and gingerly placed them in her saddlebag.

At the door, she took a deep breath. She didn't like going into town much, but it was necessary if she wanted food. 

The soft yellow Pegasus left her house and headed into Ponyville. Her hooves crunched in the snow, and she winced at the ound - it wasn't very pleasant. After a short while, she arrived at the Ponyville Marketplace, where she sold her flowers.

Fluttershy slipped into her stand and put the sigh up - it read: "OPEN~ Assorted bouquets, flowers grown with care. 2 Bits each" - before carefully taking the bouquets from her saddlebag and put them onto the display.

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As Pinkie sat, lost in her own thoughts, the waitress that served her set Pinkie's meal down on the table. "There you go Pinkie, A Tulip Salad and a glass of Rose Tea." The waitress said.


"Thanks" Pinkie replied, and began to eat, slowly. As she did so, her eyes began to scan the diner. A few more ponies had come in while she had been lost in her thoughts: A purple pony wearing a rather beautifully-made scarf, and a white pony with a purple mane that curled intricately.


Pinkie paid no attention to the two, as they had both sat at the same table, and turned her head back to her food.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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Applejack walked in to the cafe,yawning. She stayed up all night writing in her journal. One table was open, right next to a table with a purple mare and a white one. She walked up and sat, not saying anything. The others ignored her as well. A waiter walked up, "What can I get you?"


"Umm, Raspberry Tea, Please." "Coming right up" She sat there thinking about these mysterious mares, none of them said a word.

"Here you go!" "Thanks."  She thought, 'I just moved here, should I talk to them?' She decided not to. She took out her journal, and drew them. After she finished her tea, she was about to walk out, but someone stopped her...

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@@RainbowDashie RD

Fluttershy sighed. Only about two bouquets had been bought, and she was somewhat hungry again as her breakfast had been fairly small. She switched her little sign to CLOSED, made sure nopony would be able to steal her flowers, and exited the stand, before walking to the nearby café. She didn't like social places like that, but it was close, decent pricing, and it had pretty decor. 

As she walked in, she bumped into somepony who was going out, preventing them from leaving until she exited. The yellow Pegasus blushed and backed up, hiding her face a bit behind her mane.

"O-Oh my goodness, I'm s-so sorry... I-I didn't see you there..." She stammered, her voice small.

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@@Pinkie Paranoia,


Twilight sat at the table for a few seconds, drumming her hooves on the wooden surface. "Um...Order 3! A daisy sandwich and rose tea?" the stallion from behind the counter called and she quickly got up to grab her order. She briefly considered just running back to her shop and eating there, but she didn't want to carry her things all the way back! By then her tea would be cold and her sandwich would be all gross and weird. She started towards an occupied table in the back since Rarity had completely ignored her, but spotted another pony she could possibly make small talk with. She trotted over, smiling brightly. "Hey, mind if I sit here?"

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Pinkie was bringing a mouthful of salad up to her muzzle, but stopped mid-bite as she heard a pony address her.




"Hey, mind if I sit here?"


Pinkie looked up from her meal to see the purple pony with the scarf standing at her table. She slowly re-started her muzzle, chewing the salad she had just placed inside. Pinkie shook her head no, then motioned with her hoof at the seat opposite her.


'OHMIGOSH I can't believe someone is talking to me! This is a good sign!! Maybe I'll actually get my first friend today, besides the books in my library!!! :D'


Pinkie swallowed her mouthful, opening her mouth as if to say something to the pony opposite her.


'Come on, Pinkie, you can do it! You have to choose your next words carefully, as they could make or break a delicate relationship known as friendship!'




(((OOC: Emoticons in thoughts because Pinkie Pie)))

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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@@Pinkie Paranoia,


Twilight beamed, happy that she hadn't been ignored for the second time that day. "Hi!" She responded cheerfully. She dug into her meal, eating quickly and glancing up at the pink pony every once in awhile. "So um, I've seen you around. But I kinda stay on the other side of Ponyville, so I've never actually spoke to you...I'm Twilight. Twi-Sparkle." She said quickly, accidentally interrupting herself and running over her own words. She blushed, and shook her head. "I mean, I'm Twilight Sparkle, I go by Twilight though, my brother used to call me Twilie but I think that's too foalish, and I'm anything but...Foalish I mean." She shoved the remaining half of her sandwich in her mouth in an effort to stop blabbering so much.

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"Pinkie laughed a bit on the inside as the purple mare's words spewed forth. "Well Twilight, I'm Pinkie Pie."



I've never actually spoke to you

"To be honest, you're actually the first pony that's talked to me, in a social sense. Usually I'm inside the library, tending to the books. But since nopony ever comes inside to check one out, I'm left to my lonesome quite a bit."


Pinkie's tone of voice changed from nonchalant to somber as she spoke the last sentence, but she quickly regrouped herself, and kept the conversation going.


"Do you normally eat that fast, or are you just trying to impress me?" Pinkie tried to put a joking manner in her sentence, but failed, having never experienced laughter or joking herself.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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@@Pinkie Paranoia,


Twilight stopped eating abruptly only now noticing that the only thing left was a daisy petal and a few drops of rose tea. She laughed and rubbed the back of her sheepishly. "Ha, sorry! I've always had a problem with eating my food too fast. I talk too much and I get flustered, mess up and use food to fill in the awkwardness. I should join a pie eating contest." She laughed.


"Well, I don't read much. I mean-I do read. But I'm usually restocking my store so I don't really have time for reading...But maybe I'll stop by and get some Daring Doo books." She suggested.

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Pinkie let out a small smile as she took a sip from her tea. 'That's the first time I've smiled since.... well, since forever! There's something about this mare. I don't know what.'


She set down her tea, her smile increasing slightly. "Yeah, I'd like that. Feel free to stop by anytime, even if you don't want to check out a book! I'm sure we'd both enjoy the company." As Pinkie finished her last sentence, she glanced over at the White pony she had seen before. "I saw you sitting with her a while ago, maybe she'd like to come too?"

Edited by Pinkie Paranoia

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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