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open Sky Pirates (Adventure/Humor)


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"Whoa!" Star woke up from her nap. I guess we'e arrived, she thought. Manehatten, huh, city I grew up in. She remembered everything. She had run off from the orphanange, it was too overcrowded and the food was disgusting. The filly had to resort to pickpocketing and stealing when dropped bits hadn't been enough. After a while she had earned her cutie mark in acting-- a good show always helped when you tried thievery. Once, she had stolen a vase from an art museum and sold it to somepony whom she convinced it was bought from the museum-- after selling that, she got her tail out of that city and moved to Hoofington.


She wasn't worried about anypony reconizing her-

she wasn't well known, and her mane and tail were dyed black to match the dark rags she called her "ninja costume".


Star Belle tucked her book and bedsheet in a counter and went to go help Crimson with any tasks needed.


(I'm back!)

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He finished his inspection of the two when Sweetie Pie asked him if he wanted to join them.


"Well that's mighty nice of you. I guess I could, I am waiting for a friend that works here after all. But one condition Let me pay for the drinks, It's the least I could do for running into Mr. Dogboots." He said pulling a bag of bits from his vest. He became sidetracked by the two nice ponies and forgot about the underground.


"I'm Gray Spectrum, Nice to meet you." He said tipping his hat off to them





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"Nice to meet you Gray and anypony paying for drinks is a friend to me," He laughed a little. Normally Dogboots would've questioned him but it had been a long day for him down at the docks and a free drink was more than enough to make up for it. Still, he was a bit curious why he had such an interest in him.

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Twisted felt crimson behind him, "Not his time...just this city makes me feel uncomfortable. Kinda weird coming from a thief...this is like a gold mine for thieves, but for me it just fills me with discomfort." Taking another drink. "....my cursed city..." mumbling under his breath.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"I think I'm going to take you up on that offer," she didn't usually except drinks from stallions but since they were in a group of three she allowed herself the luxury. The prospect of sitting back for once and relaxing made her coat brighten with chystalization but she immediately dimmed it be thinking of something bad which usually did the trick. 'Dead flowers and city gutters, dead flowers and city gutters." Her coat dimmed and she smiled looked up to see if the two hadn't noticed.

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Moonlight tiredly trotted out of the last medical shop, carrying several heavy bags of supplies. Let's see..hmm..I think that's everything I need to buy, she thought triumphantly, counting the items in her bag. The mare ran a hoof through her fiery mane, and set the bags down. "Gah, too heavy," she grumbled under her breath, her usual grouchiness back.


Moonlight picked the supplies back up before walking back towards the ship. As she boarded, she spotted Crimson and Twisted talking, and nodded to them. "Have you guys explored Manehatten yet?" she huffed, setting the bags with a loud thump onto the deck.



@@Brain Drain,

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Twisted heard Moon's question and took another drink before setting the bottle on the ground, "I have nothing to say about it." Walking to the stairs he turned for a moment, "If you need i'll be down here somewhere..." Sadden tone to his voice as he disappeared below deck.

@@Moonlight Fire,


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Moonlight nodded as Twisted disappeared. He seemed a little depressed, but she was probably imagining it. The mare turned to Crimson with a shrug. "Well, I'm going to go see if there's anything,  uh, fun to do here," she said, stuttering slightly as she spoke the words. Wow, it's been a while since I've said that. When's the last time I've had fun? she thought to herself.


Moonlight unboarded the ship, and began to walk blindly around the city, a match making business catching her eye. The mare rolled her eyes grumpily and kept walking, before stopping in front of a pub. She sighed and shrugged before walking in. Nothing better to do, she thought.

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It took awhile but Dusk managed to fix his issues with the comm piece and headed off for the city.
Thinking loud as was his custum, and not realizing he was partially filling the comm with his chatter. Fortunately he was thinking sparingly so it might sound like he was just telling the group where he was for safety.

"Let's see. An island that might not exist with riches so vast apparently anypony can survive for life with it and nopony's ever returned.
Eyup. LONG trip."

"Let's get started. A standard crew of about 10-15 means close to 10 barrels of grog. Two barrels of water, we'll make due with rain most of the trip to restock that. The grog should last us two weeks and I think we'll be fine with raw materials and brew up replacements as we go. Hops and barley are cheaper than the stuff and I'm pretty sure I can brew it up: how hard can it be?"

Dusk crossed a window and his eyes suddenly lit aglow.

"ooooooh. Daddy likes."
He entered the shop window and the last words on the door were 'financing available'.

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As Gray joins Sweetie Pie and Dogboots he buys quite a few rounds in advance.


"So what do you two do?" he asks before downing a Mug.


He noticed Moonlight walk into the Pub and he waved to her as if inviting her to join them, while listening to what Dogboots and Sweetie Pie have to say.

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As Gray joins Sweetie Pie and Dogboots he buys quite a few rounds in advance.


"So what do you two do?" he asks before downing a Mug.


He noticed Moonlight walk into the Pub and he waved to her as if inviting her to join them, while listening to what Dogboots and Sweetie Pie have to say.






@@Moonlight Fire,

Moonlight smirked and walked across the pub towards Gray, and noticed he was talking to two unfamiliar ponies. The mare uncomfortably gazed around the pub, and it was evident that this was her first time being in one.


"There's a first time for everything, I guess," she grumbled, as she finally got to where a Gray was sitting. "Hey, Captain. I finally finished the medical shoppin-" Moonlight stopped short as she wearily gazed at the ponies.

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Sweetie looked over to to where Gray had waved to see a slender mare with firey hair, 'intelligence, someone she can carry on a conversation with maybe a little bit funny.' The list ran through her head but it was too long and she wanted to shorten it. "Well you already know that I match make but a captain...wow that's exciting. So do you have your own ship in Celestia's fleet?" The bartender came over and she made her, "just give me the tallest strongest drink you have." There was a lag in her work this week and the office was beginning to depress her so she wasn't planning on going back there soon.

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@@Gray_Spectrum, @@Moonlight Fire,


"I unload cargo at the docks for various boats, it's not much but it pays the bills. Usually when there's nothing to do I would do some maintenance work on some of the vessels," He stated before noticing a mare approach them. She had addressed Gray by the title of Captain.


"Captain? Do you own your own vessel? I've never seen you at the docks before," He said wondering why he hadn't seen Gray before. He knew pretty much every Captain at the docks.

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Dusk opens a comm link
"Hey Lume, you on? You awake? I'm at the... hardware engineering shop in the middle of the trade district. Um, hang a south at the fountain. Strike that. I can feed you directions as you go. I'm looking at something you're going to want to look at.
It's ... soo... pneaumatic."

Dusk gushed before seeing if he was operating right and would get a reply.

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@@Brain Drain

Star Belle walked over to Twisted Fate, seeing as he was with Crimson, and walked over with a snobby look on her face.


"Ah, returning to my hometown. Y'know, l grew up on the streets in Manehatten. Was quite the ophan pickpocket." She smirked at Twisted."Beat

that past, dude!"


Then she flew out of his reach so he didn't try any tricks.

Edited by EpicHarmony
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@@slimmyjimjim, @@thor9356,


Moonlight bit her tongue as the two ponies started questioning them. Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at Gray. Moonlight, you're an idiot! Why would you call him Captain?? she thought to herself furiously, but eventually took a deep breath.


"Er..well..I should probably introduce myself first. I'm Moonlight Fire, but you can shorten that to Moonlight of course," she said, tentatively holding out a hoof.

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Sweetie gave Moonlight a firm hand shake and giving her a smile being a business woman going through the motions was like breathing air. "Oh, don't be rude Dogboots I'm sure these fine navel troops have traveled a long way to get to our fine city so I'm sure they're here to relax and they deserve it." The bartender came back with her drink and she took generous gulps from it, "aren't you guys going to get something?"

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Sweetie gave Moonlight a firm hand shake and giving her a smile being a business woman going through the motions was like breathing air. "Oh, don't be rude Dogboots I'm sure these fine navel troops have traveled a long way to get to our fine city so I'm sure they're here to relax and they deserve it." The bartender came back with her drink and she took generous gulps from it, "aren't you guys going to get something?"

Moonlight glanced at the bartender, slightly unsure. She didn't know what to order, but if she didn't order something, she'd look like an idiot. "I'll take a..whatever she had," Moonlight said, motioning to the mare that just shook her hoof.


She turned back to the mare and replied, "So, what do you do for a living?" Moonlight asked, attempting to change the subject.

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She was taking a swig of her drink when she was asked the question to she hastily set it down, "I have the talent and resources to bring ponies hearts together" she clapped her hooves at the word "together" she was a light weight so she couldn't drink much before getting a bit loopy.

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She was taking a swig of her drink when she was asked the question to she hastily set it down, "I have the talent and resources to bring ponies hearts together" she clapped her hooves at the word "together" she was a light weight so she couldn't drink much before getting a bit loopy.

Moonlight snorted in amusement at the mare, obviously slightly tipsy from her drink. "Hmm..pony's hearts together.." Moonlight felt her analyzing mind begin to whirl as she replied, "Ah! You must run that shop by this pub. I passed it on the way back from shopping for medical supplies!"


The unicorn glanced away as the bartender arrived with her drink, and scrutinized it under her gaze. It would be her first time in a LONG time trying the stuff.

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Sweetie held up her drink to Moonlight "Cheers! And drink up and you two get something to drink as well next rounds on me." She downed the rest of her drink and motioned the bartender to bring her another before she snickered, "hey guy.... we have marks on our flanks!" Another snicker, and she was out of it feeling tipsy as ever.

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Twisted turned to Star, "I grew up alone and poor not knowing if i was going to live another day." A darkness in his eyes. "I've done more then pickpocket to live my life...this city hold dark secrets  about me that should be bury in the ground. Which some of them are, but if you want to be proud of pick pocketing then congrats." A chill coming from his voice.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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@@Moonlight Fire,


"Am I to assume that you're the first mate on Gray's vessel?" The stallion asked Moonlight after finishing his 4th drink. Unlike his companion, Dogboots was able to hold his own when it came to drinks. It would take a barrel and a half before he even got drunk.

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Gray was watching their conversation and chuckling at how funny it was turning out. When he suddenly felt rather drunk after downing about nine mugs


"Oi Barkeep Bring our table a keg or two! *Hic* Wheeeeee Heheha!"


He looked over at moonlight as she was talking "Shhhhhh *Hic* Mooony" he whined like a little kid trying to convince his parents to buy him a new toy "Youh'll gif ahway ouhr shecrets."  Slurring his speech and falling off his seat and onto the floor laughing. 


@@Moonlight Fire





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@@Brain Drain

Star Belle scratched her head." So much for looking tougher," she mumbled. She then flew into the building Grey & Moon were in.


"One cider, no achol, it would be a bad idea to get drunk right now, I just need to clear my head." She sat down. "Uggh, long trip. I just need a break. Do you have any food? I haven't eaten in a while."




@@Moonlight Fire


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