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open Sky Pirates (Adventure/Humor)


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Sweetie's eyes shot open and she sat up, "wha- where am I?" her memories blurred from the pub and she tried racking her brain to find out where she had gone, she remembered hearing voices when she was sleeping some of them talking about... "Sky pirates!" she immediately covered her mouth with one hoof. Maybe she was kidnapped maybe they'd hold her for ransom but she wasn't alone at the pub there was somepony else with her, Dogboots. They were probably doing unspeakable things to him now torturing him into giving him some sort of information. But she couldn't think about that now, she stood up then peaking out the door and seeing that there was nopony in the hall she snuck out but she heard hoof steps on the deck above and when she got to the stairs she resorted to dashing up them and running across the deck she saw the port and ran for it adrenaline kicked in just then giving her some extra speed and she ran down the plank to land and ran into an alleyway. She was breathing heavily her strength leaving her only to be replaced by a killer head ache, it all happened so fast that she didn't even notice the two figures come up behind her until they spoke.

"Excuse me, Miss Pie, but we need to ask you some questions."

She whipped around a shocked look on her face she relaxed when she saw who it was, "oh thank goodness officers I'm so glad you're here I just got myself into some nasty trouble... wait how do you know my name."

Ignoring the question one said, "we going to need you to come with us."

The policeponies made her uncomfortable and the way they were acting made her suspicious, "I... uh... I don't think I should." she was starting to get scared.

"Well, that's too bad cause it looked like you don't have a choice." a carriage screached to a halt behind her and the door swung open both policeponies lifted up their forehooves and before Sweetie knew it she was pushed inside the carriage and the door was slammed shut. But not before she screamed, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

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Twisted heard Star yelling about something, "Why did Gray let her on this crew...she is just in the way of progress and progress is the key to success and success equals payload and I like my payload being big." Speaking out loud.


Walking to his claimed room he could feel the stress in the area, "Thank Luna I have a teleport if things start to fall apart."


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"Umm it's Dogboots and thank-" He said before feeling sharp cold shiver down his back. It was as if something really bad had just happened, though the stallion just brushed it off as nothing. At least he hoped it was nothing.


"Anyways, thanks for giving me a tour," The earth pony thanked Star.

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"Well, for starters, you were so drunk you couldn't walk!" Moonlight said furiously, glaring at Gray. "It was because of your stupid drunk mind that we had to bring these ponies here. Dogboots seems honorable, but I don't know if we can trust him," she said quietly.


The mare's anger quickly returned, and she muttered, "Oh yeah, and I basically had to carry you all the way here."

"Oh ok. Note to self never drink again, and I'm sure Mr. Dogboots is fine. w\Wait...you carried me?"  Gray Smiled

"That's so nice of you."He chuckled then seconds later received a chill in his spine.

"Odd It's not to cold out tonight... heheh sorry for the trouble I caused you Moony."

Grays eyes quickly widen and his pupils shrink after he said the last sentence.



He takes a deep breath to calm down

"Do you have any Idea why I can't stop calling you that Moony?" Gray goes silent

"BUCK! I'm sorry M- *sigh* apologies... I seem to remember you don't like nicknames..." 

Grays has become very sad that he couldn't avoid the nickname


@@Moonlight Fire

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"Oh ok. Note to self never drink again, and I'm sure Mr. Dogboots is fine. w\Wait...you carried me?" Gray Smiled

"That's so nice of you."He chuckled then seconds later received a chill in his spine.

"Odd It's not to cold out tonight... heheh sorry for the trouble I caused you Moony."

Grays eyes quickly widen and his pupils shrink after he said the last sentence.



He takes a deep breath to calm down

"Do you have any Idea why I can't stop calling you that Moony?" Gray goes silent

"BUCK! I'm sorry M- *sigh* apologies... I seem to remember you don't like nicknames..."

Grays has become very sad that he couldn't avoid the nickname


@@Moonlight Fire,

Moonlight rolled her eyes and groaned. "I don't know why you've been calling me that," she said, slightly annoyed by the nickname. The mare noticed Gray getting slightly depressed, and her gaze softened.


"But..um..hey don't worry. I like the name..Moony," she winced as she said the sentence. Moonlight wasn't a big fan of the name "moony" but she had to cheer Gray up.

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Dogboots had followed Star who he wasn't too sure about but then again he was only making assumptions in his head. He had been wrong before about some ponies. He was at least hopeful that he was wrong about her, but it didn't seem that way.



The duo soon entered the engine room and like the earthy pony soon looked in awe at the engine room. Various tools and components and even the engine itself was quite a marvel. Though it seemed a little quiet in the room.


"Wonder where the mechanic is?" He wondered to himself.

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Dogboots had followed Star who he wasn't too sure about but then again he was only making assumptions in his head. He had been wrong before about some ponies. He was at least hopeful that he was wrong about her, but it didn't seem that way.



The duo soon entered the engine room and like the earthy pony soon looked in awe at the engine room. Various tools and components and even the engine itself was quite a marvel. Though it seemed a little quiet in the room.


"Wonder where the mechanic is?" He wondered to himself.

"Lume! Lumey, Lumey, Lume, Lume! Where the hay are you?" Star Belle called. "Ugh! Where is that mare?" Looking at the stallion behind her, she said, "Well, that's the tour. If your looking for the engine master, she's an orange earth pony with a lightbulb cutie mark. Alright?"


( Post something. You haven't for a while.)

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Pitch black turned to a brightness that nearly blinded, Sweetie tried to make out where she was but all she could see were blurry shapes that were slowly coming into focus. When her vision settled she looked about, she was in a basement as far as she could tell but it was nice looking with all white walls carpet and ceiling, the couch she was sitting on was white and the chair across from her was too. And the pony sitting in it was also white with a green mane and tail, he blinked at her over his glasses and even though he didn't seem to be very dangerous she jumped in her seat anyway before recovering.

"hello, Miss Pie."

"how do you know my name." it wasn't a question it was a demand she wasn't going to be weak and helpless no sir!

"I know a lot of things about you I've been briefed on your situation, tell me what happened this afternoon." also a demand, well played.

"I went to the pub..."

"and afterward?"

"you tell me." The stallion chuckled, "you really? don't remember what happened after that?" she only looked at him over the glass coffee table, "well, I'll tell you. A band of sky pirates drugged you and took you to their ship, I don't know what they were planning but perhaps it had something to do with your father.."

"my dad? but he's just a miner, he doesn't have much money."

"but wish his connections in the gem industry, holding you captive could be very useful."

Sweetie was silent for a long time thinking over what she had heard, "what do you want me to do." The unicorn smiled, "let's start with Gray, shall we?"

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Gray perked up a little after hearing Moonlights words even though he knew she was lying.

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up, I was right you are nice! But I think its about time we check on the intoxicated mare... The stallion is with star so I assume he's fine but I'm worried about that mare, she seemed relatively small and if we were as drunk as you say we were then she might succumb to alcohol poisoning right? Then again I have no idea, your the medic.... heck I'm till trying to find a temporary substitute for my broken glasses until I can somehow get them fixed."


Gray poked at his face wishing he could see better 

"Oh right um the mare, wanna check on her? I'd do it myself.... but I can't see too well." He became a little disappointed that he was so useless without glasses.

@@Moonlight Fire

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Moonlight rolled her eyes at Gray's cracked glasses. "You're correct. It's more likely she doesn't have alcohol poisoning, but it's definitely a possibility she could have it. I'll check on her. You..uh..you should really get those glasses fixed," she said, smiling slightly. The mare then began to walk to the sleeping quarters. I really hope she doesn't have alcohol poisoning. Man, that's such a pain to fix! she thought, pushing the door open.


Moonlight's eyes scanned the room, but strangely, there was nopony in the room. "Hello? Sweetie Pie, right? It's Moonlight," she called, waiting for the mare to answer. Nobody did. Could she have somehow wandered out?! The unicorn thought in panic, and began to franticly search the room, flinging aside blankets and searching under beds.


She's gone! She's completely gone! Moonlight realized, and with a sigh, returned to Gray.

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"You might be wondering who I am, my name is Ivory Cut and I'm with the police. I've been following the pirates who took you for a long time I lost track of them a few months ago but now that I've found them again I plan on taking them out."

"On a date."

"Miss Pie, if I feel that I don't have your complete cooperation this session will be over."

"That's fine by me this has nothing to do with me. I'd loke to go home now thank you."

"That's just it, you can't earlier I got a call from the firemares and... well they've burnt you store down." Ivory pulled out a file flipping it open onto the glass table, pictures of her beloved shop reduced to ashes and the little apartment above it gone as well. It took her a moment to swallow down the tears and the rage, "why would they do this..."

"We don't know but upon further inspection all the stores gems wer e gone as if by magic."

She wasn't going to cry she was going to be strong she was going to get even.

But what she didn't know was that behind mirror two figures stood, a pegasi and a diamond dog. The dog spoke first, "he sure is good at manipulation."

"Indeed, but the question is what can we get from this we can't get any information due to the loss of memories besides we already have your dogs watching their ship. But maybe she can be an asset. Give her back to them and let them think they're safe."

"No, no. That won't work just look, Ivory's got her all wrilled up she'll never be able to do it. But we could try something else."

"Like what?"

"Put her in the open let them come to us then take that spug "captain" down. Him and his crew, his band of rag tag ruffians, let's set the bait."

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Twisted was going bored of waiting to see this island full of gem and bits. Walking out of his room he saw Moon and Gray talking, "What's the hold up can we lift off and get out of this city?" Hints of unease in his voice. "I don't like being in this city for long period of time because something always goes wrong." Checking his bit bag.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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@@Brain Drain,


Moonlight took a panicked breath and turned to Twisted. "Sweetie Pie's gone. She was sleeping the sleeping quarters, and now I can't find her," she said as calm as she could. "If we're going to use logic here, I think I have a theory on what happened. Since she was so intoxicated with alcohol, she most likely woke up confused an disorientated, probably slightly afraid. I think she may have left the ship all together," Moonlight reasoned, closing her eyes in thought.


"I mean, it's just a guess," she said thoughtfully.

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"Cripes...Ok there's a confused Mare running around Manehatten and who knows what she thinks happened, if she's like me she has no memory So we need to track her down. Moony..."Gray got slightly agitated at the word Moony 

"I need you to tell her companion about this get Star too she seems to know the city well. We need to hurry She may tell the Authorities About the ship... Twisted You and I should start looking Now we can't afford to wait." 

Gray hits his face with his hoof "Cripes... of all the places, It HAD to be here."


@@Moonlight Fire,


 @@Brain Drain,

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Moonlight slightly winced at the name Moony, and nodded. "Alright. I'm trusting you both to find her," she said, then groaned as she noticed Gray's broken glasses. "Are you going to be able to find her with those broken?" she grumbled, but simply shrugged and decided to let him handle it.


The unicorn began to walk briskly through the ship. Where could they be? she wondered. "The engine room! Dogboots said he wanted to see it!" she said out loud, and started to walk towards it.


@@thor9356, @,


Moonlight walked inside, and was relived to find the two ponies there. "Star, Dogboots, we have a problem. Sweetie Pie is missing, and I had a hunch that she's somewhere in the city," she began, still contemplating if her idea was correct. "Twisted and Gray are about to go look for her. Star, you know the city pretty well, right? I need you to go help them look," the mare said, glancing at the Pegasus.

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Twisted looked at Gray, "So you're telling me that there is a mare that knows we are pirates and stole this ship somewhere in the city?! If this goes bad I guess my grave will actual have a body in it soon! Go looking for her now! I'll check her store!" Ordering Gray.


"Perfect, gives me a reason to steal those gems and anything valuable in that store of her's." Smirking as walked onto the main deck.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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@@Moonlight Fire,


"I see..." The stallion paused for a moment, contemplating his next move.


"Okay, here's what we're going to do. We need to send someone down to Sweetie Pie's shop and check to see if she's down there. That's the only place that I can think of that she would be. I can check down with a few coworkers of mine at the docks and see if they saw her," He said to Moonlight suggesting his course of action.

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Sweetie was left in the small room to stare at the pictures of her once beautiful shop and ahe was devastated and furious, her life's work just burnt away like nothing by those filthy pirates when she found this Gray she swore she was going to wring his neck.


Meanwhile behind the glass....


Ivory stepped in and the two turned to face him the pegasi was first to greet him, "come to watch the show? What did you even do to this one anyway?"

Ivory chuckled, "oh it was easy, the walls of her mind were so weak already that it made my job so simple all I did was block out things she would've remembered if she tried and then heighten her anger."

"And the blank pages?"

"She thinks they're her match making ship over on Fifth. Greed's dogs did take all the gems from the place but we couldn't risk burning it down, it would cause way too much attention."

"Right. And how convenient that the mare we pick up has gems in her store that we never even knew about."

The pegasi spoke up, "this is all very good and all but how do we get to the pirate scum?"

"Leave her in the open maybe the center of town, I don't care diamond dogs don't need to make plans Ivory you take care of it."

"Just leave it up to me, I think I can get her to stay still for long enough to be found."

Ivory walked back into the white room that Sweetie was in her head shot up to look at him and her frowned deepened, "am I allowed to leave now I want to go to the docks and find Gray." That was too close to the ship he needed the crew away from the ship, no quick escapes this time. "That would be too dangerous for you wouldn't you rather go to the fountain in town?"

"What? No. If I can't go to the docks then at least let me see my.... shop."

She was getting more guarded he pushed a little harder with his magic and found a cord in her mind he could manipulate and played it like a harp. "No, you'd much rather go to the fountain, right now."

"Ok...." he had complete control.

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Gray was asking a nearby Homeless Pony if he had seen the mare. The Hobo was useless and gave no information regarding the runaway. "Cripes..."  Gray kept walking until he bumped into a large stallion covered in oil "Oh apologies." When Gray looked up he saw It was the stallion he was looking for "Cliff! It's about time!" Gray chatted with his old friend a bit and negotiated the price for ship parts. After paying cliff he continued to ask another nearby Hobo if he saw the mare This hobo was well informed and told Gray About the kidnapping of the mare as she fled the ship. "Cripes! uh-um here's your payment!" Gray frantically threw a bag of bits at the hobo and ran to the location The homeless pony said she was taken. When he arrived t the location he stood there analyzing every inch of the area but found nothing "Either the Hobo was wrong.... or these are professionals" Gray looked concerned as he tried desperately to find any sort of clue to what happened.

Edited by Gray_Spectrum
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"All right... but I'm not working to closely with Twisted."


Star Belle flew off the ship. "Sweetie Pie, where are you?" She headed toward the shop. A skim of the shop concluded Sweetie wasn't there. " Strange...Why are all the gems missing?"


Star looked around, and spotted pink cloth. Grabbing twine, she tied it so it made a hooded cloak. dumping some bits on the counter, she stepped out of the shop and continued her search.


@@Moonlight Fire,




(if your shop doesn't have those items, then pretend it was a neighboring shop) 

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Twisted growled to himself as he saw Star take off to the shop, "Star is a thorn in my side and soon she will be removed. I guess for now I'll just sit around my grave and watch this chaos unfold." Walking towards the city's graveyard with a smirk on his face.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Sweetie Pie woke up as if from a trans and looked at her surroundings,  she was in the middle of town right next to the large fountain that stood there. She was in a standing position and yet when she woke up her head was tilted to one side eyes closed 'great' she thought 'now i just looked like an idiot.' Then she remembered being in the white room and all that Ivory had told her and she jolted and went to go to her shop, but something was wrong, she couldn't move her hooves. She tried again, same results, what in the hay was going on? this day was just getting more and more ridiculous and she turned to stallion next to ask for help think that maybe she just needed a jump start when she realized she couldn't open her mouth to speak. So great she could move everything except her hooves and her mouth, this was just perfect. She whipped her tail in frustration.


Greed had given the word and 4 dozen of his diamond dog pack had surrounded the small square in the middle of the city, being the pack leader of a massive underground organization of gem thieves and distributors, he had a score to settle with Gray being as he was the one who stole Greed's private collection of priceless gems that he had collected over the years and he was planning on making that pony pay. The pegasi who accompanied him was Silver Bullet a corrupt cop that had been leaking information for years, he was only there in case things went south and they needed to get out of a bind. But Ivory had a score to settle, he was the mafia boss for Manehattan and was the most powerful pony in the city and he would be the mayor or more  likely tyrant of the city if it weren't for that pest Gray, who thwarted his plans either intensionally or unintentionally Ivory was planning on getting even, he was going to take down Gray once and for all and then take the city by force.

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"Cripes...that poor mare could be in real trouble... But who would kidnap a matchmaker? ... A really lonely mobster in search of love?

I wish I knew where to look." Gray kicked his hoofs and thinks about his next move "Before anything else is should find a optometrist"

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@@Moonlight Fire,


"I see..." The stallion paused for a moment, contemplating his next move.


"Okay, here's what we're going to do. We need to send someone down to Sweetie Pie's shop and check to see if she's down there. That's the only place that I can think of that she would be. I can check down with a few coworkers of mine at the docks and see if they saw her," He said to Moonlight suggesting his course of action.

"Alright. Star just flew to her shop, and I think Gray is searching the city. I guess we could help him," she said with a nod. Moonlight began to briskly trot down the deck, her mind racing. "We'll find you Sweetie, and when we do, I'm going to make sure you never drink again," she grumbled to herself.

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@@Moonlight Fire@@Gray_Spectrum,


Dogboots began to make his way to the docks. Some of his coworkers were working this late though most of the time they were doing some shady deals which didn't really bug the stallion.


"Dogboots! What brings you here at this time of the night?" The stallion asked as Dogboots approached him.


"I'm looking for a friend of mine, she has a stylish purplish mane, white coat and green eyes. She owns a matchmaking shop down near the pub," Dogboots said describing his acquaintance.


"Now that you mention it, I remember seeing a mare fitting that description. Though she was taken in by the police. I had heard rumors that those gems she had belonged to somepony else," He said recollecting what happened a few hours ago.


"Well, that saves me the effort of searching the entire city, thanks again man!" The earth pony said before he had left.


"Well, Gray and Moon will not be glad to hear this," He thought to himself before galloping off trying to find either Moon or Gray. 

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