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open Sky Pirates (Adventure/Humor)


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"Hmmm... I think his office was around here..." Gray stumbles upon  his old optometrists office The words Eye see you were on the front entrance. Knowing that the doctor usually worked late he entered the office and got new glasses from the old coot. Now able to see Gray decides to Investigate the general area were  Sweetie was Taken.  "Wow I forgot how convenient it was to be able to see"

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Twisted sat a upon his tombstone, "Here lays Twisted Fate killed by a explosion during a research study....keep my coffin warm these fools of a crew will most likely get me killed or put into jail hopefully it's the first one." Opening his card carrier he remembered he gave a golden card to the mare. "I guess she won't be needing that anymore." Activating the card he recalled the card from the shop.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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@@Moonlight Fire, @@Gray_Spectrum,


Dogboots began to make his way to the docks. Some of his coworkers were working this late though most of the time they were doing some shady deals which didn't really bug the stallion.


"Dogboots! What brings you here at this time of the night?" The stallion asked as Dogboots approached him.


"I'm looking for a friend of mine, she has a stylish purplish mane, white coat and green eyes. She owns a matchmaking shop down near the pub," Dogboots said describing his acquaintance.


"Now that you mention it, I remember seeing a mare fitting that description. Though she was taken in by the police. I had heard rumors that those gems she had belonged to somepony else," He said recollecting what happened a few hours ago.


"Well, that saves me the effort of searching the entire city, thanks again man!" The earth pony said before he had left.


"Well, Gray and Moon will not be glad to hear this," He thought to himself before galloping off trying to find either Moon or Gray.

Moonlight glanced at Dogboots as he galloped up to her, looking as if he had something important to say. "What is it?" she asked warily. "Oh no. Is it bad news?" the unicorn swallowed, readying herself for the worst.


She had been asking several ponies if they had seen anything, but none that she asked did. Some had even been unfriendly (but she had dealt with them.)

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@@Moonlight Fire,


"I've got good news and bad news," He said panting in between words. The stallion had been running around trying to find a familiar face.


"Good news is I know where Sweetie is. The bad news is...she's in the custody of the police," The earth pony said breaking the news to Moon.

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Catch a glimpse of Fate, Star Belle zoomed off and easily found Dogchutes.


He said something about the police. "Crap. Police are never good. What happened?" She took a look around, to see if any police or Twisted Fate were in seeing distance.


(@@thor9356 I'm still calling you Dogchutes. Are you gonna correct that?)

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"The police took Sweetie, so we're all in a jam. I'd suggest getting everypony together and coming up with a plan to get her back," He said informing Star of the situation. This was going to be a problem considering they don't know how much she told the police.


(I thought I did a couple pages ago when Star gave DB the tour but other than that I don't think she has addressed him as Dogchutes)

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Silver Bullet stomped his hoof impatiently, "this is going too slow, we need to draw them here." Greed pulled out a rocket launcher preparing to aim it at the building opposite the one they were standing on, "this should bring them here real quick." but Ivory put a hoof up, "no, that will only alarm the authorities we need a better plan one that doesn't get us caught." He thought for a minute before Greed spoke up. "It's that one a crystal pony?" the unicorn looked up, "what the bait? no she's only half, why."

"well, don't those kinds of ponies glow?"

"no. only when they're... happy."

"what's wrong, Ivory?"

"Nothing, shut up. I'm concentrating." He pulled into her mind plucking it's strings until he found the right ones.


Sweeties head shot up, something was wrong. But it felt right for some reason, and she liked it she liked it very very much. She found herself smiling a huge dorky grin spread across her face and her mood becoming better and better. As her mood improved so did the shine in her coat and began to crystallize drawing the attention of those around her and bring smiles to their faces. she closed her eyes not wanting to see and her emotions only grew stronger until she couldn't hold them in anymore and her feelings burst forth up into the sky like a firework and blooming in a number of beautiful colors.


The mares body still shinning below the three figures on the roof of the building overlooking the square stood in shock, "i had no clue that would happen."

"Well, it's done now and I'm glad it did now they'll come running in and if they don't we'll go for plan B." Ivory glanced at the rocket launcher smiling maliciously.

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@@Moonlight Fire, @@slimmyjimjim,


"According to my contact they just took...her- huh, never seen that light before," He said, pointing out a rather bright glowing light on top of the building. It was strange as the stallion never seen a light like that before.


"Something about that light seems...familiar, like i've seen it somewhere, but I can't put my hoof on it." Dogboots thought to himself seemingly mesmerized by the light in the distance.

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@@Moonlight Fire, @@slimmyjimjim,


"According to my contact they just took...her- huh, never seen that light before," He said, pointing out a rather bright glowing light on top of the building. It was strange as the stallion never seen a light like that before.


"Something about that light seems...familiar, like i've seen it somewhere, but I can't put my hoof on it." Dogboots thought to himself seemingly mesmerized by the light in the distance.

Moonlight narrowed her eyes at the light. "You're right. I've had to had seen that somewhere," she said, struggling to concentrate on the thought. Suddenly, the unicorn gasped. "Sweetie Pie! It's Sweetie Pie!" Moonlight shouted, finally realizing she had seen Sweetie shine like that at the pub.

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@@Moonlight Fire,


"What's she doing all the way there?" He asked outloud. It was strange though cause according to his coworker she was taken by the police and now she was all the over there which was no where near the police station or her workplace.


"Something seems off about this," Dogboots said narrowing his eyes at the light.

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Twisted pondered as he watched the grass on his grave slowly move, "I already know where she is and what is going to happen next, but I'll play along until these ponies don't notice me slowly sneaking away. I'm not going to give up my freedom for the mistakes they made in bring those two on the ship...and Star the thorn of my life always in my way!" Looking at the gates of the graveyard.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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@@Moonlight Fire,


"What's she doing all the way there?" He asked outloud. It was strange though cause according to his coworker she was taken by the police and now she was all the over there which was no where near the police station or her workplace.


"Something seems off about this," Dogboots said narrowing his eyes at the light.

Moonlight nodded. "If I am recalling correctly, that light means Sweetie's very happy," she mumbled, trying to decipher the meaning of the light.


"Well, whatever the light means, we better head towards it. That's definitely got to be where she's at," the unicorn said finally.

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crimson cursed quietly to himself as he ran, he had been searching for the others for a few hours now, after his conversation with twisted, crimson decided to take a drunken walk around town, but he after a close encounter with the local police ponies, crimson burned up enough calories to sober up and face hoofed realizing what he had done. "I've gotta drink less dammit..." mumbled crimson with a sigh, turning the corner to see Moonlight and another stallion talking, crimson smiled in relief and ran up to her, "finally! I found you! where are the others?" asked crimson before looking at Dogboots curiosity, "and...uh...who's he?" asked crimson with slight suspicion.


((LOL, Crimson is very protective of his friends, so he's a little suspicious of Dogboots. anyway, since I've been gone for so long, I just improvised and said crimson's been out on a drunken trollfest, so he hasn't met neither Dogboots nor Sweetie, does that sound like an good enough excuse story to you guys?))

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As Gray was looking around he noticed a bright light from a small distance away

"Light? No a normal light wouldn't stand out so much... a party maybe? I WANNA GO!"


"Cripes... I have to find sweetie. Well I guess I could see if anypony found anything."

Gray walks the streets in search of any of the crew to see if they found anything out.

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Moonlight tore her gaze away from the light and glanced in surprise at Crimson. "Where have you been?" she asked warily, eyeing the stallion. At the sight of his slightly messy mane and faint alcohol on his breath, Moonlight predicted the answer. "Oh, don't tell me you've been drunk this entire time! Gah, you're an idiot!" she growled furiously, her grouchy temper escalating.


The unicorn took a deep breath and swallowed her anger. "Well, no matter I guess. This is Dogboots. Me and Gray met him and his companion, Sweetie Pie, at the local pub. We..uh..they know about the airship and everything. But thankfully they won't tell anybody," she said, looking at Dogboots through the corner of her eye.


"Unfortunately, Sweetie got extremely drunk and went missing. Apparently, the police ponies took her, and that light in the distance is hers," Moonlight said, peering back at the bright colors.

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Looking up at the gate he could see his golden card, "About time that card shows up and hopefully it can shed some light on what happen to those gems I was planning on stealing from sweetie's shop." Grabbing the card he tossed it upon the grave. Sitting there with a smug look on his face he waited for the card to show him the pony that took his gems.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"Dogchutes! Moonlight! Um, we found Sweetie, so let's go get her!"


Star Belle smiled when she saw Crimson. Twisted had gotta be planning something...


Whatever. She flew over to Sweetie's flash. "Hey glad to see you're okay! Um, I went to your shop, and saw the gems missing, well, maybe you have a reason, but just thought you should be aware. So... What's up?"

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@@Moonlight Fire,





"It's Dogboots, not Dogchutes," The stallion said correcting Star before turning towards Moon and Crimson.


"Back to the issue at hoof, I think we should find Gray before we head towards Sweetie's location, agreed?" He suggested to the mare. Dogboots could tell that not many of the crew members could hold their own cider.

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Sweetie looked up wide eyed her coat now dimmed to a faint shimmer. She tried to open her mouth to speak but couldn't she had so much she wanted to say but couldn't so she tried using facial expressions to convey what she wanted to say, first she made a huge surprised face, then a frustrated angry face, and then she made a mock crying face bouncing her head up and down for the crying effect. All of this she did with out being able to open her mouth to speak, she opened her eyes to see if the message was getting across to the mare.





"Look there's one now," Silver almost jumped with excitement.

"yes, but it's only one I need the whole crew. And even so, now that we have her how will we keep her here I'm barely holding on to the other one right now and my grip is slipping."

"shall I call my dogs on her?" Greed had his dogs at every entrance of the plaza hiding in waiting for the unsuspecting pirates to enter the plaza and then they would pop out and block all escape routes.

"No, no, no. That won't work I need to save them for when all of our guests arrive."

"Well then, I guess it's my turn." Silver Bullet opened his wings dropping from the roof they were standing upon to the plaza below and walked up to the young mare readjusting his police hat with one hoof, "good evening, miss. I'm very sorry but I'm going to have to ask you a few questions, so if you'll come with me."

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"Whoa whoa whoa," Star Belle said. " I come in peace. Oh and sorry Dogchu-er, boots." She smiled sheepishly. "What do you need the dogs for? We were just showing Dogboots the ship, and you passed out drunk. Oh, and THE GEMS IN YOUR STORE ARE MISSING!" She shouted, hoping Mr. Fate would hear.

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The stallion looked at Gray dumbfounded and in a way knew what Moon had to put up with. Dogboots soon shook off his comment and bluntly stated the situation.


"Gray, that isn't a party over there, THAT is Sweetie. Secondly, we know what happened to her, we just need to find out what's she doing all the way over there,"  

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Twisted could hear Star's yelling, "That pony sure does know how to fire me up because if I find her alone she won't be able to speak or even walk for that matter. I will teach her a lesson about messing with the wrong pony." Slamming his hoof against his tombstone creating a huge crack in the stone. "One of these days I'm going to lose control and attack her even if the others are around. She keeps pushing me and it's starting to get to me!" Looking where the voice came from.


"Keep talking Star and watch what happens next!" Replying to the taunt.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"No party? Criiiipes!" Gray turned around and faced the area where sweetie was being held


"Does it matter what she's doing over there? She was kidnapped right? That means we go to her location dispite the reason she's there. I will not allow her to get hurt just because she happened to meet us." He looked back at the group and tiped his hat


"Ok, Crimson and I will go in first, Dogboots and Moony..." Gray clenches his jaw upon saying the nickname

"You two back us up if things get hairy. stay out of sight untill then."


Gray leans in to Dogboots whispering in his ear "Keep an eye on Moony..." Grays eye twitches "She's resorcefull but she's still not the best of fighters"

Gray leans back away from dogboots and turns back to the location of Sweetie "You guys ready?"



@@Moonlight Fire,


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