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open University of Equestria (Romance/SoL/Drama/Etc.) NEED MORE PEOPLE TO JOIN!


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ok seriously! all of the university Rp Threads either have a DM thats never online, or that doesnt take control, or it just dies at the best part because of the DM. so I use my phone, so no matter what unless im at school, i can post. so im starting my own University RP. here WE GO!!!!!


-keep it PG-13 (but there are SOME acceptions)
-Don't over do the Drama
-no drugs
-you may use alcohol but don't over use it
-no god modding
-no Mary/Gary sues/steus
-no grim dark or clop scenario
-no controlling ANYPONY unless you are given permission by other person
-no killing one another, unless given permission by other person
-no alicorns a no Acceptions
-no extremely powerful magic (ex:explotion magic)
-speaking of explosions, NO NUKES
-no extreme change in scenario or plot twists unless given permission by DM (me)
-if you have sexual relations with one another one you need permission by other person, the DM (me), and DO NOT DETAIL IT WE DON'T WANT TO KNOW
-no changelings, dragons or other powerful antagonist creature
-you are definitely ABLE to be a griffon, or crystal pony
-this is free world, so have fun and follow Da Rules
oh, and Tell me if you feel that the RP is dying

OK there are the rules!

now here are the


Dorm #1

Dorm #2

Dorm #3
1. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/chain-mail-r4581%20

2. http://mlpforums.com...a-whooves-r4560%20


Dorm #4

1. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pixie-dust-r4246

2. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blazing-hoof-r4037

There! img-1874596-1-e9FkmL5.png
So I'm going to say this seprate because its the most important rule in this whole RP next to the alicorn and Gary stue rule.

YOU guys got it? ok? OK! img-1874596-3-e9FkmL5.png
so just tell me if you want to join! img-1874596-4-img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png
its NEVER too late to join, just go to the OCC and tell me!!!img-1880365-5-e9FkmL5.png
starting now

douglas trotted down the gravel road towards the large university standing right in front of him, he opened the door and walked in. he signed in and went for his dorm "dorm #1 it looks like, alright," Douglas goes down the bright purple and yellow highlighted hallways, "pretty school" he smiles and stood in front of his roon. he walks on into his dorm and drops his luggage and begins unpacking

Edited by TheFlightlessPegasus
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(This is the actual RP right?)

Blazing walked towards his dorm, wondering what his roommate would be like. Watch... My roommates gonna be so fun to be with. He thought sarcastically. He found his dorm and walked inside, seeing nopony there. "Hm... Maybe he's not here yet or something." He said to himself. He would assume he didn't have a roommate, but he had never had that much luck before.

  • Brohoof 1


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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All Darkshift could think about was the next chapter of his life being filled with partying and having a blast, he was so excited that the idea of studying wasn't in the question now.He knew he was early so he was happy to see his dorm and pick his bedroom after that he began unpacking his supplies.

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Arrow Head was excited be going to this college. He had his things, his conjuration books, so on. He walks up to his dorm. I wonder if my roommate will be cool... Possibility... Or could be a punk... He thought to himself and walked into his dorm. Nice place. He thought and set his things on his bed and lays next to it.  


He sees his roommate. "....Oh hai...." He gets back up and approaches, holding out a hoof. "Names Arrow Head, but you can call me Arrow." He greets with a smile.

Edited by Three Wolf Moon

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Bayonet was so happy to be ably to go to university for the first time in her life. After taking a quick walk around the campus and buying the books that she needed. She decides to head to her dorm room and get settled in. She really hoped that her room mate was nice. She never sheared a room with someone else before.

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Cinderblock trotted through the main doors of the university, taking great care to not barge into anypony this time. Whenever she found herself away from Scribe she tended to find herself losing focus of whatever she happened to be doing with impressive ease. But not this time! This time she was going to be particularly careful not to...


"Ouch!" She exclaimed as she meandered into a solid wall. Not her finest hour: and she had only been on the grounds for about two minutes.


Glancing around to check if anypony had seen, she noticed a small, black orb rolling slowly across the ground away from her.


"No... no, no! Stay!" She half shouted at the orb as she carefully scooped it up and placed it safely in the pouch hanging by her side with a sigh of relief.


So far, so good!

Never quite forgotten.

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Arrow Head was excited be going to this college. He had his things, his conjuration books, so on. He walks up to his dorm. I wonder if my roommate will be cool... Possibility... Or could be a punk... He thought to himself and walked into his dorm. Nice place. He thought and set his things on his bed and lays next to it.  


He sees his roommate. "....Oh hai...." He gets back up and approaches, holding out a hoof. "Names Arrow Head, but you can call me Arrow." He greets with a smile.




(oops i forgot im not playing as pelate, im really Douglas) Douglas  looks behind him and at the door, "oh hello. im guessing you're my room mate?" He stood up and greets himself "im Douglas Overcast" he says ' but please call me Doug, i dont lke my full name..." he says sheepishly. "so Arrow, where ya from?" he asks beginning (hopefully) a  conversation.

Edited by TheFlightlessPegasus
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(oops i forgot im not playing as pelate, im really Douglas) Douglas  looks behind him and at the door, "oh hello. im guessing you're my room mate?" He stood up and greets himself "im Douglas Overcast" he says ' but please call me Doug, i dont lke my full name..." he says sheepishly. "so Arrow, where ya from?" he asks beginning (hopefully) a  conversation.

They both shake hoofs. "Well...." He hesitates. "I'm from ponyville" He says a bit shy like. "I was about to move but parents died so I had to stay there... I probably would've liked it there instead of Manehattan." He adds. "Where you from?" Arrow asks trying to avoid the talk of dead ponies. 


maybe have a few nukes to! vsTALhM.png 


Edited by Three Wolf Moon

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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They both shake hoofs. "Well...." He hesitates. "I'm from ponyville" He says a bit shy like. "I was about to move but parents died so I had to stay there... I probably would've liked it there instead of Manehattan." He adds. "Where you from?" Arrow asks trying to avoid the talk of dead ponies. 


maybe have a few nukes to! vsTALhM.png 


then douglas gets a 25 kill streak and nukes the school

Douglas releases his grasp and responds to the question "ooh, I'm from Ponyville too" he says with an intrigued tone of voice.

"i moved there because my Brother was having a hard time at Cloudsdale so we had to go to ponyville. Hes one year younger than i am, hes a Senior in Equestria High." Douglas looks at the window "man im tired, but we still have to go to the welcoming ceremony and all that stupid crap, but i hope it'll be over soon"

Edited by TheFlightlessPegasus
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then douglas gets a 25 kill streak and nukes the school

Douglas releases his grasp and responds to the question "ooh, I'm from Ponyville too" he says with an intrigued tone of voice.

"i moved there because my Brother was having a hard time at Cloudsdale so we had to go to ponyville. Hes one year younger than i am, hes a Senior in Equestria High." Douglas looks at the window "man im tired, but we still have to go to the welcoming ceremony and all that stupid crap, but i hope it'll be over soon"

Arrow kills douglas and tebags him and uses vulgar language with a squeaky voice

"Yeah." Arrow agreed. "I heard that Cloudsdale was getting a bit rough." He added with monotone. "Couldn't we skip the ceremony though? it's not like that it's part of our grade." He ends.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Lola Lovely and Starry Night trotted through the doors. "Guess we're late." They trotted to the sign seeing the dorms they were in. Starry went into Dorm two and Lola went to dorm one.


Lola Lovely:

Lola unpacked her things quickly for she wanted hang out with Star and meet new ponies. Her roommate didn't seem to be there. Lola trotted out of the room to meet up with Star.


Starry Night:


Starry trotted to her dorm and levitated her belongings to where she wanted them to go. She tried to teleport to Lola but made a miscalculation and ended up in the dorm with two stallions in there.




"Eep! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I was just trying to meet up with my friend." Starry backed up to the door, but was so panicked that it was hard to open.



Go to my profile for my ocs

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Lola Lovely and Starry Night trotted through the doors. "Guess we're late." They trotted to the sign seeing the dorms they were in. Starry went into Dorm two and Lola went to dorm one.


Lola Lovely:

Lola unpacked her things quickly for she wanted hang out with Star and meet new ponies. Her roommate didn't seem to be there. Lola trotted out of the room to meet up with Star.


Starry Night:


Starry trotted to her dorm and levitated her belongings to where she wanted them to go. She tried to teleport to Lola but made a miscalculation and ended up in the dorm with two stallions in there.



"Eep! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I was just trying to meet up with my friend." Starry backed up to the door, but was so panicked that it was hard to open.

Arrow looks over at the mare. "Hey; it's okay." Arrow tried to reassure her. He sees her in a panic and puts a hoof on her shoulder. "It's fine... Names Arrow..." He shortened his name not caring for the other four letters. "what's yours?" He asked and quickly looks over the mare.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Arrow kills douglas and tebags him and uses vulgar language with a squeaky voice

"Yeah." Arrow agreed. "I heard that Cloudsdale was getting a bit rough." He added with monotone. "Couldn't we skip the ceremony though? it's not like that it's part of our grade." He ends.

"well, i know its not part of our grades but it is required, missing students will get into some trouble i think" Douglas assumes, he knew it was required, but he did'nt really know exactly how it goes, because he just got here. "well might as well not find out what happens if you're not preasent at the assembly..."


Douglas looks over the panicing mare She was beautiful, He was impressed right then and there "nah nah, its perfectly fine...I'm Doug, whats your name?" he says charmingly. "lets go into the halls, we can unpack later. eh Arrow?"

Edited by TheFlightlessPegasus
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Muddle slowly began approaching the university's main doors. She began moving slower and slower as she got closer to the main door, until her movement came to an abrupt stop. She began watching other ponies pass by her, and enter the campus grounds.


"So I guess this is it huh shadow. The day at least one hundred ponies thought would never come." She said to her shadow, but the mysterious black figure just looked at her and sighed, "I counted at least three-hundred and seventy-five, including me and your mother."

"Maybe I should start another year," she said, but her shadow spoke again, "But it seems as though three-hundred and seventy-five ponies, including me and your mother, were wrong about you... just a little..." She didn't bother to try and make her shadow say any other words. She picked her head up and smiled brightly as she entered the campus main hall.

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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After reaching her dorm room, Bayonet find that some bags are on the bed next to her. 'They must belong to my new roommate' She thought. She then gets to putting her things away and cleans up a bit. After she was done cleaning she thought it would be nice f her to make something for her and her new roommate. Thinking it would be a good way to be neighborly.

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Muddle slowly began approaching the university's main doors. She began moving slower and slower as she got closer to the main door, until her movement came to an abrupt stop. She began watching other ponies pass by her, and enter the campus grounds.


"So I guess this is it huh shadow. The day at least one hundred ponies thought would never come." She said to her shadow, but the mysterious black figure just looked at her and sighed, "I counted at least three-hundred and seventy-five, including me and your mother."


"Maybe I should start another year," she said, but her shadow spoke again, "But it seems as though three-hundred and seventy-five ponies, including me and your mother, were wrong about you... just a little..." She didn't bother to try and make her shadow say any other words. She picked her head up and smiled brightly as she entered the campus main hall.

"Maybe I should go meet some others..." Blazing said to himself. He left his dorm and started walking around. He wasn't really the smartest, so he didn't check any of the other dorms first. He finally found a pony nearby, and walked over to her. "Finally I found somepony else." He said. "What's your name?" He asked.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"Maybe I should go meet some others..." Blazing said to himself. He left his dorm and started walking around. He wasn't really the smartest, so he didn't check any of the other dorms first. He finally found a pony nearby, and walked over to her. "Finally I found somepony else." He said. "What's your name?" He asked.

Muddle turned around and saw a unicorn facing towards her. She looked left and right before realizing the pony was asking for her name, "Oh my names Muddle. Pleased to meet you."


Her shadow began materializing behind her so it could see the pony Muddle was talking to as well.

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Muddle turned around and saw an earth pony facing towards her. She looked left and right before realizing the pony was asking for her name, "Oh my names Muddle. Pleased to meet you."


Her shadow began materializing behind her so it could see the pony Muddle was talking to as well.

(Earth pony? Earth pony? EARTH PONY?! I AM A UNICORN! (Don't take that seriously, I'm just messin around... But Blazing is seriously a unicorn))

"My name's Blazing. I thought I'd never find anypony else here." He said. Oh wow... That was a brilliant first thing to say... He told himself. He had spoken without thinking, something he did far too often. It usually ended badly for him, and yet he still did it.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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(my bad apparently half blindderpy_emoticon2.png ) She smiled softly as she realized something, "I guess your not the welcoming committee then, your first day too?" she asked.


She took little notice of her shadow, glaring at the stallion named Blazing, "I just need one word." It thought to it's self.  

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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(my bad apparently half blindderpy_emoticon2.png ) She smiled softly as she realized something, "I guess your not the welcoming committee then, your first day too?" she asked.


She took little notice of her shadow, glaring at the stallion named Blazing, "I just need one word." It thought to it's self.  

"Yep." Blazing said simply. "To be honest, I'm a bit nervous..." He added. He had barely made it through regular school, so he didn't know how he was going to get through this. I really need to think before I act. He thought to himself. He didn't even notice the shadow that was glaring at him.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"Well what reason do you have to be nervous, you seem much nicer than some of the ponies I meet before." She said not realizing what had slipped her mouth. "I probably shouldn't have said that last part," she thought.


"I don't trust him, but at least Muddle may have made my job easier." The shadow thought. 

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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"What do you mean by that? Why shouldn't you have said it?" Blazing asked. Maybe something happened in her past... Just like me... He thought. He wasn't entirely sure if that was right, but he had to find out somehow. He wasn't going to just ask her, but he was going to find out somehow.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"Crud and things were going so well." She thought, "What was I told to do?" Muddle began turning her head away from the stallion, acting as if something had caught her attention. The first thing she saw were sports ponies.


"O-oh I meant nothing at all, it's just- that the sports ponies were a little bit rude to me, and I just didn't want to offend you if you were on the team." She stammered.

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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"So... You were made fun of by other ponies too? Why?" Blazing asked. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me, I would understand completely." He added. He knew what it was like for ponies who were hated, and how they usually didn't explain why, but he still had to ask at least. Maybe it'll be like what happened with Pacific... I'll get lucky and she'll confess. He thought.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Cinder made her way towards her dorm and cracked the already unlocked door open: before falling face-first through it as another pony pushed past her somewhere in the hall.


"Uh, Hey!" she said to the mare already in the room from down on the ground with a sheepish smile as the cloud of ash that had erupted from her mane on impact with the ground started to settle. "I'm Cinder!" She added as she picked herself up.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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