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Starry Night:


Star calmed down after the two stallions said it was alright. "I-I'm Star." The one offered to go into the hallway. She quickly opened the door. She trotted out into the hallway leaving the door open.


Lola Lovely:





Cinder made her way towards her dorm and cracked the already unlocked door open: before falling face-first through it as another pony pushed past her somewhere in the hall.

"Uh, Hey!" she said to the mare already in the room from down on the ground with a sheepish smile as the cloud of ash that had erupted from her mane on impact with the ground started to settle. "I'm Cinder!" She added as she picked herself up.

Lola turned around at the mare. She had felt somepony under her but was to busy to check.

"Oh, I didn't mean to push past you. I'm Lola." She trotted over to the mare "You seem to be my roommate, is that right?"

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"I think so, is this your room too?" Cinder said, hastily dusting herself down with little success. "Sorry, it was my fault - I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."


Deciding that she had gotten enough of the ash from her most recent misadventure out of her mane (despite it looking exactly the same as when she had started) Cinder dumped her saddlebags unceremoniously of the ground and wandered briefly around the room, only just avoiding getting list in thought again. "Do you mind if I take this bed?" She asked. "I, uh, prefer to be close to the window in case anything explodes. Not that it will!" She added quickly.

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"So... You were made fun of by other ponies too? Why?" Blazing asked. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me, I would understand completely." He added. He knew what it was like for ponies who were hated, and how they usually didn't explain why, but he still had to ask at least. Maybe it'll be like what happened with Pacific... I'll get lucky and she'll confess. 

She knew that her lies were terrible and that if they continued she would only drive herself into a corner, "Maybe a little bit of the truth wouldn't hurt," she thought.


"L-let's just say I was always a little different, and others didn't quite like me." She said sheepishly.

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She knew that her lies were terrible and that if they continued she would only drive herself into a corner, "Maybe a little bit of the truth wouldn't hurt," she thought.



"L-let's just say I was always a little different, and others didn't quite like me." She said sheepishly.

"Well... I guess we're not that different then." Blazing said. "Not that many ponies liked me either, and some of them still don't." He explained. He wasn't going to go any further than that yet. He was going to wait to gain a bit more trust before he explained his magic issue.

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"Well... I guess we're not that different then." Blazing said. "Not that many ponies liked me either, and some of them still don't." He explained. He wasn't going to go any further than that yet. He was going to wait to gain a bit more trust before he explained his magic issue.

"Well he seems friendly enough, and I think he can understand what it's like to be hated. Maybe I can really talk to him... I don't know what shadow would do though. I really shouldn't be doing this." She thought.


"Well... why didn't they like you?" She asked.


She remembered how similar her question sounded to the one the stallion asked earlier, "Yeah he'd answer my question after I completely avoid his." She thought.

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"Well he seems friendly enough, and I think he can understand what it's like to be hated. Maybe I can really talk to him... I don't know what shadow would do though. I really shouldn't be doing this." She thought.


"Well... why didn't they like you?" She asked.


She remembered how similar her question sounded to the one the stallion asked earlier, "Yeah he'd answer my question after I completely avoid his." She thought.

Blazing sighed and said, "well, I knew I was gonna have to tell somepony besides Pacific eventually..." He hadn't expected to explain this so soon, but he really had no other choice. "Well... I look like an ordinary unicorn right?" He asked. Before he could get an answer, he kept talking. "That's not necessarily true. I've had this... Disability all my life... I can't use magic, and I'll never be able to." He was having difficulty continuing any further, but he couldn't stop now, he had to keep talking. "The only time I ever have magic is if my life is in danger." He finished.

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Blazing sighed and said, "well, I knew I was gonna have to tell somepony besides Pacific eventually..." He hadn't expected to explain this so soon, but he really had no other choice. "Well... I look like an ordinary unicorn right?" He asked. Before he could get an answer, he kept talking. "That's not necessarily true. I've had this... Disability all my life... I can't use magic, and I'll never be able to." He was having difficulty continuing any further, but he couldn't stop now, he had to keep talking. "The only time I ever have magic is if my life is in danger." He finished.

She stared at him for a moment, looking for the right words to say. No one has every really opened up like that to her before. "I'm sorry to hear that," she said, "But if it's worth anything I don't think not having magic all the time is a big deal; and I can only imagine what goes on the head of a pony who picks on someone else for something as uncontrollable as that."


Her shadow is shaking.

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"The worst part is... I come from a family of unicorns, who all have advanced magic. I'm the only one in the family who's had this problem." He explained. "Even my younger brother has advanced magic, and he doesn't even know how to use it yet." He added. He had no idea why he was saying all this, but there was no point in stopping anymore.

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"The worst part is... I come from a family of unicorns, who all have advanced magic. I'm the only one in the family who's had this problem." He explained. "Even my younger brother has advanced magic, and he doesn't even know how to use it yet." He added. He had no idea why he was saying all this, but there was no point in stopping anymore.

She was listening attentively to the stallions problems and was about to say something to comfort him, but something drew her attention for a moment. Just behind the stallion a flower pot seem to move an inch to the left. She disregarded it as her imagination, but then the pot came crashing to the ground just behind the stallion.


"Oh no! Sorry I get it too close." She said.


"Crud... That wasn't suppose to be out loud." she thought.

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"What do you mean too close?" Blazing asked. He didn't really understand some of the things the mare said, but that was normal for him. There's something wrong with this mare... And I've gotta find out what. He thought. He just hoped he could convince her to explain.

She took a step backwards away from the stallion, she was unsure of what to do or say, "I-I mean't..." 


"What did I mean?" She thought, and to her surprise her shadow answered her question in a low whisper. When it finished talking to her she began speaking to the stallion again.


"I mean't it was too close to check in time, and I haven't even seen my room yet." She said.

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"Um... Okay..." Blazing said. She's obviously lying... But what could she possibly be saying? He wondered. A realization hit him that caused him to feel like he usually did. She's lying to get away from me, isn't she? He realized. He didn't show any sadness, but at the time, it was the only emotion he had.

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Muddle turned her head for a moment to look for her shadow, but it was gone.


She turned her head towards the stallion and said, "Sorry again for being so short, but I need to find something... in my luggage... because I need to unpack. I really hope to see you around the campus though Blazing."

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Muddle turned her head for a moment to look for her shadow, but it was gone.


She turned her head towards the stallion and said, "Sorry again for being so short, but I need to find something... in my luggage... because I need to unpack. I really hope to see you around the campus though Blazing."

"O-okay..." Blazing said. Wow, not to be rude but she is one of the worst liars I've ever met... He thought. He wasn't too focused on that though, he was more focused on the fact that a mare had lied just do get away from him. "I should be used to that by now though..." He said to himself as he was walking back to his dorm.

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Black Fog trotted up to the university, and stopped to gaze upon the huge building. "Let's just go in, and finish whatever they want me to do," he muttered to himself. He started a slow trot as he went through the front doors. "Dorm 6 is where I'll be then," he whispered as he looked at his dorm information paper. He started to get to his dorm as fast as possible, hoping no one would see him.

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Starry Night:


Star calmed down after the two stallions said it was alright. "I-I'm Star." The one offered to go into the hallway. She quickly opened the door. She trotted out into the hallway leaving the door open.


Lola Lovely:



Lola turned around at the mare. She had felt somepony under her but was to busy to check.

"Oh, I didn't mean to push past you. I'm Lola." She trotted over to the mare "You seem to be my roommate, is that right?"

Douglas trots out of the dorm "So Star, Where 're you from? I'm from Ponyville, its a nice little town. You look like a mare from Canterlot, honestly." Douglas compliments standing in front of her in the hallway. he Was impressed by the looks of this mare.

*shes cute, hope i get to know her a little more*

(after Stars Response)



@Three Wolf Moon





@Blazing Hoof

An intercom sounds. "everypony please report to the auditorium for the opening assembly" the intercom shuts off.

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Starry Night: Starry blushed. "Well, I'm actually from Manehattan but saying that I looked like I was from Canterlot is really sweet." She smiled at the stallion. He's really sweet... Keep it together, you just met him! She looked at two. "So, shall we be heading to the Welcoming Ceremony, or just skip it?"

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"Wow... Don't even get to go back to my dorm then." Blazing said. He started walking towards the auditorium, wondering what this whole thing would be about. Just remember... It could be a lot worse... He reminded himself. Sure the only thing he thought would make it worse was if he had an annoying roommate, but that wasn't going to happen, so it was going to be fine.

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"Oh! We should go there I guess?" Cinder declared on hearing the announcement. Without waiting for a response (not wanting to be late as she usually was) she turned and cantered out of the room absentmindedly.


Not really paying attention as she made her way in what she hoped was the right direction.


'This is right, isn't it? I think it is.'

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Starry Night: Starry blushed. "Well, I'm actually from Manehattan but saying that I looked like I was from Canterlot is really sweet." She smiled at the stallion. He's really sweet... Keep it together, you just met him! She looked at two. "So, shall we be heading to the Welcoming Ceremony, or just skip it?"

"were not allowed to skip...let go then.." Douglas Smiled at her blushing cheeks and thinks *a cute mare from manehatten? never seen that before.* he was intrigued by this mare already. he begins trotting over for the Assembly area. (im guessing youre following)

"hope this assembly is fast, i want to get to eat i'm hungry from the long trip over here."

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Nova Whooves trots through the front door, looking about, and scratching his head, looking at a small map he is holding in the air.  Ah yes... late again.  Great going Nova, he thinks, chuckling softly to himself.  He trots to the dorms, looking around to see if he can find anypony, his saddle pack swaying around by his flank, his collection of caps clanging softly.

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Nova Whooves trots through the front door, looking about, and scratching his head, looking at a small map he is holding in the air.  Ah yes... late again.  Great going Nova, he thinks, chuckling softly to himself.  He trots to the dorms, looking around to see if he can find anypony, his saddle pack swaying around by his flank, his collection of caps clanging softly.

As Blazing was headed towards the auditorium, he literally ran into another pony. "Sorry about that." He said. Oh great... What a wonderful way to meet the second pony you're going to be stuck here with. He thought. He was almost sure he had already messed up meeting two ponies, and it was going to continue going like that the whole time he was there.

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As Blazing was headed towards the auditorium, he literally ran into another pony. "Sorry about that." He said. Oh great... What a wonderful way to meet the second pony you're going to be stuck here with. He thought. He was almost sure he had already messed up meeting two ponies, and it was going to continue going like that the whole time he was there.

@Blazing Hoof

As Nova is trotting along, looking down at his map, he is struck by one of the other ponies trotting by, and drops his map.  "Sorry about that," he hears, and he looks to the pony he ran into.  "Hey, don't worry about it man.  I take the blame.  Wasn't paying attention where I was trotting," he says, warmly smiling as he levitates his map back up to his pack.  He extends a hoof to the stallion.  "The names Whooves.  Nova Whooves.  Call me what you will.  And you?"

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@Blazing Hoof

As Nova is trotting along, looking down at his map, he is struck by one of the other ponies trotting by, and drops his map.  "Sorry about that," he hears, and he looks to the pony he ran into.  "Hey, don't worry about it man.  I take the blame.  Wasn't paying attention where I was trotting," he says, warmly smiling as he levitates his map back up to his pack.  He extends a hoof to the stallion.  "The names Whooves.  Nova Whooves.  Call me what you will.  And you?"

"My name's Blazing." Blazing answered. Not that it matters to anypony though... He mentally added. He wasn't used to ponies not being jerks to him, so this was different. He didn't quite know how to react anymore, seeing as the last time somepony didn't hate him was years ago.

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"Just my luck," Muddle thought, "I need to find shadow, but I can't skip assembly." She let out a sigh quietly to her self and thought, "Well it did tell me to go to my room after my talk with Blazing..." Her mind drifted off from a moment to the conversation her shadow had ruined with Blazing, and she began to feel bad for lying to him. "Well I can only guess it's there and not doing something else to ruin my chances with other ponies" She thought as she trotted towards the assembly room.

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