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@@Breeze,  Bayonet giggles and waves a hoof dismissively." It's alright, I daze off a few times a day, so I don't mind. I'm also gland you don't mind me calling you that. Usually when I call someone something other then their name, they don't like it very much." She takes a bit of her lunch and makes a face."My, the food here is not very good, is it?"

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@Gloomfury "No, not at all," Fog said as he looked at his food. "So, what kinds of things do you like to do?" he asked to try to create a conversation. "I like to play pony sports and make self portraits." He looked up at the pony next to him, and noticed how beautiful she was. His face started turning red, and he tried to hide it.



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@@Breeze, "Well, I like to do lots of things, cook, read, takes care of animals. And sens I'm a blacksmith I love working a forge." She takes another bit of the food and makes another face. Even if it tastes bad she always finishes her plate. "I also like to practice with my knife. So what things do you like to do?" 

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@Gloomfury, "Well, besides sports and art, I'm always helping my friend with screen writing. I like the whole writing process, and how it can be turned into a movie. I've always been very fascinated by that kind of stuff," Fog replied. He looked back at his food, and decided he wasn't hungry.



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@@Breeze, "That's really nice of you to help your friend out like that. And that also sounds very interesting, I don't think I can do that though, I was never very got coming up with ideas for anything other then blacksmithing. You must be very creative to have to come up with ideas all the time, And talented to be able to do art as well." 

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"Okay, let's go!" Cinder hopped up and was about to set off when she remembered that the two of them hadn't been sat alone. "Uhm, see you later!" She added with a wave before trotting away down the hall.


'That guy I'm hanging around with, Nova? He keeps acting kind of weird. A little bit like Silver did a little bit, minus the flying and the singing and generally being him... Oh that was stupid! Why did I have to bring up Silver? Now I'm going to be sat moping around like a filly when I should be working! Buck up Cinderblock, you're not just an inventor: your an adventurer! You don't need other ponies, you just need yourself! Wait... what was I thinking about again? Ooh! Look at that!'


Distracting her internal monologue by examining a notice board, she waited for Nova to catch up.

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"Okay, let's go!" Cinder hopped up and was about to set off when she remembered that the two of them hadn't been sat alone. "Uhm, see you later!" She added with a wave before trotting away down the hall.


'That guy I'm hanging around with, Nova? He keeps acting kind of weird. A little bit like Silver did a little bit, minus the flying and the singing and generally being him... Oh that was stupid! Why did I have to bring up Silver? Now I'm going to be sat moping around like a filly when I should be working! Buck up Cinderblock, you're not just an inventor: your an adventurer! You don't need other ponies, you just need yourself! Wait... what was I thinking about again? Ooh! Look at that!'


Distracting her internal monologue by examining a notice board, she waited for Nova to catch up.




Nova is about to starts trotting after Cinder, but looks back to the ponies that had accompanied them at the table.  "See ya later Doug.  Pleasure meeting you." He says to the stallion, and trots off, eventually catching up to cinder and the notice board.  "Hey ya."  He says, and looks to the board also.  "Hmm...something catch your eye, Cinder?" He asks, stopping his trot close to her.


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Pixie rubbed the sleep from her eyes, sitting up in the bed. "Blaze? Are you still here?" She asked, but when no response came she knew she was alone. She turned over in the bed and flicked on the light. The room brightened up and she was sure now that she was alone. Pixie got up, trotted to the bathroom and turned on the lights. She picked her head up to look at a small mirror placed above the sink. To her horror the bruise that was left was larger than she had expected. The lavender earth pony felt her head with one hoof, gently pressing her wound. She hissed in pain and drew her hoof away from it. 'Well... This is awful.' She thought turning off the light so she did not see the monster in front of her. Pixie walked out of the room and out into the hallway. "Hey?" She called. "Does anyone know if there is a nurse here?"

Edited by Bronyette


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"What? Oh, no, just stuff." She waved a hoof at the board absentmindedly. "Something about sports clubs or such, nothing really interesting. I just wanted to see if there was anything interesting."


Moving on from the board, Cinder stumbled a little but managed to keep her balance without dropping anything this time.




Flicking an ear at the sound, Cinder looked around for the source of the voice.


"Hello?" She asked curiously as she changed her direction to investigate without thinking.

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@@NovaWhooves,"What? Oh, no, just stuff." She waved a hoof at the board absentmindedly. "Something about sports clubs or such, nothing really interesting. I just wanted to see if there was anything interesting."

Moving on from the board, Cinder stumbled a little but managed to keep her balance without dropping anything this time.@@Bronyette,

Flicking an ear at the sound, Cinder looked around for the source of the voice."Hello?" She asked curiously as she changed her direction to investigate without thinking.

"Oh wow, I really wasn't expecting another pony. I honestly haven't seen anypony else for a couple hours at the least." She stated, scratching the bruised wound on her face. 'Who knew healing magic made you so itchy afterward." She thought, thinking it was just a side effect or a spell gone wrong. Pixie looked to the mare. "Do you know if there is some sort of nurse around here?" She asked, tilting her head a bit. "I think I should really see one."


((Whoops Cinder is a mare. x.x sorry))

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"Oh! What happened? I've not seen any but maybe we can find one..." Cinder said as she moved forward to examine the mare, still more out of curiosity that anything else.


"Healing magic? It can't have been very strong..." She mumbled.


Much as she was happy to treat her own wounds, Cinder had a thing against trying to use her knowledge to try and heal others: much as she knew about medicine and first aid, she had no official medical training and knew better than to subject others to her 'self-taught' methods that could hardly be defined as safe.

  • Brohoof 1

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"I tripped and fell." She answered the mares' question blushing a little. "It sorta busted my head open so I had to rest at my friends place." Pixie felt pretty embarrassed talking to the mare about how clumsy she was. "But yeah, I should be okay, I just need a bandage."


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"I knew it wasn't just me!" Cinder said loudly, just managing to avoid shouting. "Sorry, I keep tripping and stuff and I knew I couldn't be the only one who..."


'Uh, shouldn't you be helping her, or something?' Her thoughts reminded her.


"Oh, sorry! You might have a concussion or head trauma, lets find somepony more... qualified to help. I'm Cinderblock, by the way." She explained, holding out a hoof to help the mare along.

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Nova finally catches up with Cinder and sees her with the other mare, and looks to her. "Woah, what happened here Cinder?" He asks, using his magic to diagnose the injured mare. "Huh... A mild concussion.. That's not good. " He looks to her and asks, "have you been treated yet for this?"

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@Gloomfury, "Thanks. I hope we can be friends like that," Fog said with a smile. "I'm not the best at making friends though," he added with a sigh. Most ponies either hate me or think I'm invisible, he thought sadly. He looked up at the mare next to him. But she's different, he thought to himself.

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"Oh yes, I had tried to get it treated, but not before I passed out." The mare awkwardly scratched the back of her head. "So I'm not entirely sure who healed me but I got a good idea."


"Cinder..." Pixie said, trying her best to figure out where she had heard of the mare. " I know I've heard the name before but I cant remember where." She stated, looking to the ground sadly. "Maybe the fall knocked it out of me. But anyway, nice to meet you. My name is Pixie Dust."

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Blazing did a bit of looking around for somepony who could answer his question, but ended up forgetting why he was looking for somepony in the first place. "Better just head back to see if Pixie's okay..." He sighed. He walked back towards his dorm, but stopped when he saw Pixie with two other ponies. Of all ponies, it ended up being Cinder and Nova. He stood where he was out of sight, and put a hoof over his mouth before swearing repeatedly.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"Yeah, Cinder! Come on, you can lean on me if you need to Pixie. Lets get you some help." Cinder said, her voice more serious than it had been but still noticeably cheerful: there didn't seem to be anything majorly wrong with the mare, but better to get the opinion of somepony trained to look for that sort of thing.


"I'm always bumping into things so I've kind of gotten used to it, but I know it can be weird to hit your head. Tell me if it gets worse or anything."

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@@Breeze, "I know how you feel, I never had friends when I was growing up back home. That is also the other reason why I came here. Besides to learn and I'm glad my stomach lead me too, or else I wouldn't have met a nice stallion like you." She giggles at her joke. She takes Black fogs hoof and gives a warm smile. "And I would love to be your friend, schwarzer Nebel. Oops, I mean Black fog, hehe."



(And if you want to mention someone, first you highlight any word on my post and you'll see something pop up, to just do my name hit @mention to quote something highlight the thing you want to be quoted and hit the button.)

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@@Gloomfury, Fog looked up at the mare. He smiled at her joke, and then looked down to see they were holding hoofs. His face turned red as fast as light, and he knew he could no longer hide it. Fog, you're ruining it, he thought to himself. "Um....sorry," he said awkwardly. "I'm never good at talking with mares," he admitted.


(Thanks happy.png)

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"I don't think I'll need any help, the worst of this all is over." Pixie said, walking alongside Cinder.  "I did pass out earlier, but a unicorn named Blaze carried me to his room to rest. He was the one to help me." She recounted, smiling to herself as she walked. "It was very kind of someone I hardly know." 


Pixie then realized how wrong that sounded and blushed. 'It was just innocent though, I hope they don't think the wrong thing.'

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@@Breeze,  She laughs a little. "It's alright. I use to be very bad at talking to others." Bayonet looks at the blushing stallion in front of her. It's kinda cute, now that she thinks about it. She looks down at her hooves and sees that she's holding his. She pulls away and blushes herself. "Oh sorry! Sometimes I do things like that without thinking."


(no prob)

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"I don't think I'll need any help, the worst of this all is over." Pixie said, walking alongside Cinder.  "I did pass out earlier, but a unicorn named Blaze carried me to his room to rest. He was the one to help me." She recounted, smiling to herself as she walked. "It was very kind of someone I hardly know." 

Blazing didn't hear anything, still too busy with his anger. It would've made him feel better if he had heard it, but he would never have that kind of luck. Every time! Every bucking time! Screw pranks! I swear I am going to- Well I don't know yet, but Nova better be bucking afraid of me! Blazing screamed mentally. Alright, that's enough of that... Now I need to go get prepared. He thought. He ran into his dorm and started digging through his things again. "I really need a better organization system here..." He said as he was searching.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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@@Gloomfury, "Oh...uh...that's okay," Fog said while trying to get himself to stop blushing. This mare seems to be different from all the rest. She's nice and more beautiful than them all, he thought as he looked at her. Usually all the mares only care about themselves, and how they look, he thought in disgust. 



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the bell sounds signaling that class is going to start soon, everypony starts trotting to their classes.

Douglas stood up and went to class. he trotted down the hallways and entered the medium sized classroom.

he sits near the back of the class. and waits for class to start.

*we all have the same classes btw just so wew dont get confused and so i dont have to control 5gazillion NPc's*

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