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ooc Equestia Divided Reboot


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@@AnonBrony, Sure, here's the copy/pasted version.

- Twilight's reaction to the disappearance of the Princesses was that of disbelief, followed by deep sadness, which in the following weeks spiralled wildly into depression;

- after being called back to Canterlot, to meet her parents and brother, her depression takes a backseat to her newfound determination for finding the truth about the disappearance;

- one time after attending a meeting in the Caterlot Palace, she is approached by a mysterious unicorn mare who presents herself to Twi as Bright Eyes – a spokespony for a rather elusive organization called „The Moon and Star Society”.

- Twilight refuses the offer to join the society, feeling that something is not right about them;

- meanwhile, the political climate in Caterlot and in turn in whole Equestria has been becoming steadily more unstable and hostile, soon heated arguments started to arise between those who still believed in the divine rule of the Princesses and those who believed them to be a sham;

- Twilight attends a couple of political meetings, giving full support as the Element of Magic to her Parents and their political agenda of „Cautious Transformation”;

- in the meantime, Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence have been chosen by the Canterlot Council to be the de-facto rulers of Equestria until the crisis has been resolved;

- more and more horryfying information about the current state of Equestria is seeping through the walls of Canterlot, messengers report full-blown riots in southern part of the country and a rapid increase in citizen dissent against Canterlot authority thorough the land;

- amongst the chaos, centuries-old grudges and grievances come to light again – some of the unicorn nobles start preaching of unicorn superiority over the other pony races;

- once again, Twilight is approached by Bright Eyes and offered to join the „Moon and Star Society” – once again, she refuses;

- a political party going by the name of „White Horns” , led by ponies Jet Set and Upper Crust, is formed and starts gaining followers for their unicorn supremacy doctrine, Twilight acts openly antagonistic and even violent towards them, but her father warns her that they should be defeated in a debate that would expose their irrational goals, rather than a fight;

- meanwhile the rest of Equestria is being plagued by riots, uprisings and a crime wave of magnitude no pony has ever seen before;

- one of the mages at Canterlot University informs Twilight that he may have found a way to find what happened to the Princesses and instructs her to go to the Royal Castle Library and search the „Clover the Clever” wing for clues, but the only things she finds in there are three mysterious books: „The Divine Pony”, „A Shadow Cast by the Sun” and „On the Three Races”. After reading through all of them, Twilight finds herself appalled and disgusted by the ideologies and ideas they seem to promote, but at the same time she finds the books incredibly fascinating. Exiting the library, Twi meets her father who tells her to not trust anyone from the M&S Society, as that will spell doom on her and the entire Equestria;

- the day of the great debate between the „White Horns” and Twilight's parents' „Cautious Transformation” Movement ends in a tragedy, as a group of pegasi terrorists attacks the crowd and the politicians on the stand and kills both Twi's mom and dad before her very eyes; the terrorist are later caught without much trouble and sentenced to death by revenge-driven Prince Shining Armor;

- the „Bloody Debate” causes a domino effect in Canterlot and its neighbourhood, unicorn supremacists of „White Horn” gather more and more followers for their cause and soon – any pegasi found in Canterlot becomes a target of ridicule, mistreatment, bullying, prejudice, crime and outright persecution; soon the same misfortune begins to plague the earth ponies of Canterlot;

- in midst of the ongoing racial tensions, two great canterlotian organizations: „Equestrian Trade Union” and „The Society of Canterlot Nobles” leave Canterlot for Manehattan and there they set up their new base of operations; they're soon followed by at least one third of the members of the Canterlot University of Mages;

- Twilight, mentally broken by the loss of her parents seeks comfort in the arms of her older brother, who reassures her that everything will be allright, now that they have their new allies; moments after, Twilight notices a copy of „A Shadow Cast by the Sun” lying on one of her brother's bookshelves;

- at the very moment, Twilight is again approached by Bright Eyes and asked to join her brother in the ranks of the M&S Society; Twilight screams in anger at Shining and storms out of the castle;

- meanwhile, the disgusting propaganda of „White Horns” starts to take effect outside of Canterlot: pegasi are treated as mindless barbarians they always really were, and earth ponies being the natural-born slaves are reminded of their rightful place among the dirt;

- the creation of the secret Unicorn Bureau of Integrity and Morality gives birth to the brutal indoctrination and persecution practices which will become far more common when the bureau eventually transforms itself into the dreaded Celestial Inquisition;

- Twilight lost in the chaos turns to the only ponies who can help her now in these dire times – her friends; she devises a plan to turn herself into an alicorn using a foribidden ritual mentioned in the book „The Divine Pony”; to succeed, she needs to merge with one physically strong specimen of earth ponies and one equally strong specimen of pegasi; in her mind the choices are obvious;

- under the cloak of the night, Twilight leads her friends into the Castle's ritual chambers with the elements and there she spells the whole plan out for them, all while nervously shivering and desperately holding back her tears; her friends are her only hope of restoring the order, but one of them says „No.”

- Applejack appaled at the mere thought of taking part in creating such an unholy monstrosity, and moreover – returning to the old status-quo of a divine creature governing the masses through the power of „the Benevolent Lie” turns her back on her friend and runs off never to be seen again;

- Twilight infuriated by such act of treachery curses AJ and promises her a payback, then coerces Pinkie to take the earth pony part of the ritual; Pinkie reluctantly agrees;

- the ritual starts, and Twilight starts to radiate enormous power, the whole spectacle is too frightening for Fluttershy to witness and soon she follows AJ's steps leading outside the castle and Canterlot proper; meanwhile Rarity stays with the rest and observes the whole ritual;

- at one point it seems as if the three ponies will actually merge and create actual alicorn, but a sudden burst of uncontrolled energy going through Twilight's horn severes the connection and blasts the three of them into the ground;

- the results are horryfying – Pinkie's dead and her body is horribly burned and maimed, Rainbow Dash survives, but the right side of her face and neck is all melted, she's quivering in pain; Twilight seems to not be affected at all; Rarity mortified by the sight of her friends horrifically scarred and dead manages to mutter only one sentence to Twilight: „You're a murderer.” before she runs off in terror.

- Twilight stands alone and broken – her beloved teacher has disappeared without a trace, her parents have been murdered and now her friends have abandoned her when she needed them the most; moments later, a voice from the dark reassures her that she is in fact, not alone – it's her brother, Shining Armor who lends a helping hoof in these troubled times;

- days later, Twilight attends the funeral of her dear friend Pinkie Pie and sees Rainbow Dash escorted to Cloudsdale, despite „White Horns” objecting to such action, saying that a pony like Rainbow Dash may prove a nuisance later;

- after the funeral, Twilight is again approached by Bright Eyes and offered to join the M&S Society; this time, after a long talk and many questions both answered and unanswered Twilight decides to join the society;

- in the following months, Twilight becomes the most important figure within the society, effectively becoming its leader; now fully versed in the teachings of the Society and its rituals, Twilight is ready to introduce the new order to Equestria – the one Celestial Sisters would deem worthy;

- soon, the „White Horns” political party gets disbanded and Jet Set and Upper Crust are soon relegated to governing the neighbouring lands, the Unicorn Bureau of Integrity and Morality is officially renamed the Celestial Inquisition; Bright Eyes – the spokespony for the Society, gets hanged by Twilight for her crimes against Equestria and teachings of Celestia and Luna; Twilight methodically, with the help of her new aquaintance and now the leader of the Inquisition – Trixie Lulamoon, eradicates any influence of the M&S Society in Canterlot and its neighbouring lands;

- Twilight introduces Trixie to the three books: „The Divine Pony”, „A Shadow Cast by the Sun” and „On the Three Races”, which will eventually lead the Grand Inquisitor to become obsessed with unicorn supremacy;

- in a dramatic fit of irony, she decides to rename the war-torn Equestria „The One Nation Under Moon and Star”. After the other factions start to secede from Equestria, the Canterlot-held lands will be known by separatists as „House Moon and Star”.





I believe I have evidence to support the claim that the Mane Six each still are in possession of their respective Element of Harmony. Yorrick recently posted on FIMFiction a basic outline of the history of House Moon and Star, including the events preluding when the Mane Six went their separate ways. In this post it says that this occurred immediately after Twilight's attempted accession which killed Pinkie Pie and scarred Rainbow Dash. At the time each of the six friend bore each bore their Elements of Harmony, and since after the encounter they all went their separate ways it stands to reason that each of them took their Element with them upon their departure. Pinkie may be the only exception to this since she did die after all and Twilight may now be in possession of the Element of Laughter (which would be quite a boon for her more recent experiments) but isn't likely. The more probable explanation would be that it remained on her corpse when it was claimed by the cult.

I don't really have any issue with the history as shown, though I ask that it is considered through the lens of wishing to keep moral balance between the Houses and even the Cult. I am not certain of my storytellers' thoughts on this new information and how they will use it but I hope that they make sure to show each of the factions are harmful and incorrect in their thinking while also not making the Mane Six monsters. They honestly believe that which they stand for and are doing what they do because they wish to help ponies in their own twisted way... at least those of their own faction.


On the Elements of Harmony I feel that the above does not change the fact that the Guardians could have taken them later... though I am willing to consider that the Mane Six (except for Pinkie) keep the Elements despite not being able to use them. Though I would ask why they would, after all that has happened one could argue they would see the Elements of Harmony as a bitter remember of how their friendship with each other fell apart. I could see some angrily try to destroy their Element, to get rid of something that causes pain in their hearts and how it represents a lie they stand now again.

Also any bios I need to look over and consider for second approval? I also hope we perhaps get a couple more characters/players to even everything out though perhaps no more then one or two.

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I am not certain of my storytellers' thoughts on this new information and how they will use it but I hope that they make sure to show each of the factions are harmful and incorrect in their thinking while also not making the Mane Six monsters.


It certainly does make the backstory of the setting all the more intriguing. I'll definitely take Rarity's role in this to mind, but my current views will stay the same until further notice.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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I don't really have any issue with the history as shown, though I ask that it is considered through the lens of wishing to keep moral balance between the Houses and even the Cult. I am not certain of my storytellers' thoughts on this new information and how they will use it but I hope that they make sure to show each of the factions are harmful and incorrect in their thinking while also not making the Mane Six monsters. They honestly believe that which they stand for and are doing what they do because they wish to help ponies in their own twisted way... at least those of their own faction.


On the Elements of Harmony I feel that the above does not change the fact that the Guardians could have taken them later... though I am willing to consider that the Mane Six (except for Pinkie) keep the Elements despite not being able to use them. Though I would ask why they would, after all that has happened one could argue they would see the Elements of Harmony as a bitter remember of how their friendship with each other fell apart. I could see some angrily try to destroy their Element, to get rid of something that causes pain in their hearts and how it represents a lie they stand now again.

Also any bios I need to look over and consider for second approval? I also hope we perhaps get a couple more characters/players to even everything out though perhaps no more then one or two.

Only Trickster's bios are left. And Thunder's or should I say "Magos Amphrose" since he changed his name IF he was gonna ever submit an OC...


You are right about the Elements. I can't really argue that the Mane Six would keep their own. There is a chance they didn't. Its just that I rather they did keep their respective elements. Might make things more interesting a challenging persay. Rather than just having the Guardians already have them. But I am only one voice. Its up to everyone else to decide the fate of the Elements. I'd just prefer it if they each kept their own. 


(Though because of Season 4's synopsis of the first ep... Even though we aren't supposed to take it into canon there is now another route we can go down now concerning the elements. And this one might be even more interesting and better for the story. Though we'd have to see what happens in the S4 openers first.)

Edited by AnonBrony
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On a related subject to the elements, if new owners had to be found which element would your characters be likely to get their hooves (Or related paws/claws) on?


Myopia would most likely get the Element of Generosity himself.


Lautrec... strangely enough he would be a really strong contender for the Element of Loyalty, provided the loyalty points he gained for serving his bride by killing his friends, family and everypony who knew his name in her name outweighs the points lost by betraying and murdering his friends, family and everypony close enough to him to know his name.

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Bad news everypony. I had to contact Mr. Amphrose a.k.a Thunder and he said he is usually very busy and probably said he wouldn't be able to keep up. I said I will give him a chance to see if he still wishes to be the moderator, but we will most likely will still need a new mod for the Cult. 


Never mind this message. Magos decided he will still be the mod.

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That's alright. I can still do it. But you will understand, due to the speed of the RP, that I will be unable to run an OC, correct? I have other things I am running...

Hmmm alright. But just so you know there will be time you won't be able to do anything since players will usually venture out on your own and you might not have anyone to interact with but yourself.


Unless maybe you control Derpy or someone to be with them...

Edited by AnonBrony
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I've been kinda busy lately. Had papers due, and go figure, I suddenly have an active social life and a girlfriend. Of course, I'm not complaining, but that takes away some of the time I would otherwise devote to this RP. 

It's not like I plan on leaving again, though.

I like Yorick's history of House Moon and Star. It certainly does a good job of giving us ideas on how House relations might work - at the very least, relations between Moon and Star and all the others. All I can hope for is that, if he does histories of the other houses, that these don't contradict possible plans the Storytellers might have for these Houses.

I don't have a FIMfiction account. He hasn't released any more since M&S, has he? 

  • Brohoof 1

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@, It did indeed blow up in the hangar. It's sad, but hey, life goes on.


@, He's mentioned changelings and what he would have planned to do, but no, not really.


Interestingly enough, Twilight would have almost literally become the Empress of Ponykind, Golden Life-Support Throne and all.


Oh, well. I liked it better with this deadlock better. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Nothing really to discuss I guess huh until the RP starts huh. Well Just waiting on that Archi to return. I'm assuming all the mods have written their intros? Well except for Archi.


Oh I almost forgot. Happy Halloween everybody! And Happy Dias de Los Muertos for all you Latin AmericansI If their are any heheh. 

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his is probably a really dumb question, but is this going to be in the advanced RP section? because if it is, I have alot of writing ahead of me, im not used to advanced ones XD

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his is probably a really dumb question, but is this going to be in the advanced RP section? because if it is, I have alot of writing ahead of me, im not used to advanced ones XD

Last one was but people didn't really like it that much so I'm guessing this will just be in the regular section. Honestly I don't care how long the posts are. As long as your aren't super inactive, like gone for days.

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his is probably a really dumb question, but is this going to be in the advanced RP section? because if it is, I have alot of writing ahead of me, im not used to advanced ones XD

Yeah, it's going to be an advanced RP. That fact kind of encourages you to have two characters, so you don't have to type so much to say that you itched your nose and picked up a rake.


Well, that was the logic last time, anyway. It's really up to Anon and Scholar.


When's that Storyteller chat going to start?

Edited by Dez

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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I have returned from the depressingly boring reaches of Wales! Sorry if I've held up the RP but I'm pretty much ready to go when everyone else is ready. smile.png

  • Brohoof 4

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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At this point, as much as I hate to admit it, I still haven't completed the Stormwing bio. After my little...  accident, I've lacked the proper motivation. I'll have it done by the end of today though, but the aim will be to immediately integrate the only two characters with another house. The RP defiantly wont be starting today, but it will very soon.


@, it's good to have you back. Now we can get back to killing eachother.


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Yay! Will this RP be starting today? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

(PS (hopefully) last edit to bio has been made)


Also, I'm not on the confirmed players list, but I'm listed in house Whitegold. Why is that?

Did I forget to add you into the confirmed players list? I swear I did. My apologies but you are in the RP. :)



I have returned from the depressingly boring reaches of Wales! Sorry if I've held up the RP but I'm pretty much ready to go when everyone else is ready. img-1972057-1-smile.png

Welcome back ol' friend from across the pond. Unfortunately someone still has yet to submit their second OC (Looking at you Trickster) so we will still need to wait for him and the Master apparently. And I bet scholar still has some intros to check out as well since he hasn't responded to mine but mine is very long so that's understandable. 


So I will see if we can get this started sometime this weekend. 

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@@The-Master Ooh, I don't know about kill. Beat the crap out of each other for a bit, make a fragile alliance, alliance fractures, rinse and repeat, is more like it. :lol:


@@AnonBrony Thank you, and to be honest delays aren't too much of a problem for me since privately qccessing MLP Forums at my father's is difficult due to the computer being located in the living room. Nevertheless, I'll try my best. :)

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Humboldt generator.

(Are we still doing this?)

My hope is tomorrow. We would of started last week but Archi left and the mods weren't ready. Most if not all the mods should be ready. And all OC's have been approved. We should start very soon unless something comes up.

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