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What Does MLP Forums mean to you Giveaway/Contest

Harmonic Revelations

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Edit: Contest now closed.




1st Place: Dsanders


2nd Place: Sky Warden


3rd Place: Pomfritter


Congratulations to all of the winners, and thank you to everyone who entered!


Be on the look out for more contests of this type in the future.




Hello there, forumers. today I'm here to talk to you about a contest I am holding. 


The premise of the contest is simple, in this thread, post what the forums means to you, this could literally be anything, from what you like about the forums, to how the forums have changed your life, to what kinds of friends you have made on the forums, the possibilities are literally endless.




The prizes are as following (All prizes besides the commissions and signature will be distributed through Steam, if you Win, PM me your Steam username so I can send you your prizes):


First Place:


-A Surprise Game (Retail value of $10)


-Two Uncommon Dota 2 items, two CS:GO items, and two TF2 items


-One Free Commission of any type from yours truly and a free sig from Nas. (For an example of a sig by Nas, see the one I'm using right now.)


Second Place:


-A Chivalry Medieval Warfare Steam Profile Background


-One Coupon for 10% off Shadow Warrior


-A free 5 chapter commission from yours truly


-Two Common Dota 2 Items, one CS:GO item


Third Place:


-One Coupon for 10% off Shadow Warrior


-A Garry's Mod Steam Profile Background


-A Common Dota 2 item


-A free short story or poem commission from yours truly.






-Harmonic Revelations (Yours truly)












-Only one entry per user


-Entries can be as long or short as you want


-All entries must be in before October 25th to be judged.


-Entries must follow all forum rules (For example, it must be written in English).


-You can edit your entry if you want to add to it until October 25th.




The deadline is October 25th. All entries should be posted here. 


Feel free to direct any questions at me or the other judges via PM or right here in the thread.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
  • Brohoof 10


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I think it means the same to me as it does others. It's a place that bronies go to to find people to chat and play with others that have the same interests. I have been on a lot of different brony forums, but this one... This one is the kindest and most loving of them all. If I ever need the latest in the news, I come here and are immediately enlightened. Whenever I feel down, I come here and it's all okay. It's like... A island in the middle of nowhere that is inhabited by nothing but kind and loving people. So... When it comes down to the nitty-gritty, this place is a second heaven.


Good day and tip your waiter,

Kee'Gan Vaas Owen.

  • Brohoof 2




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Just one question.


Does it have to be an entirely new post? Like can you use some of your old but very relevant posts in regards to the subject?

You can use other posts and quotes in your entry, do whatever you see fit in your entry if you feel that it is relevant to the subject.

  • Brohoof 1


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It is the first and only forum I ever signed up to, of the first fandom I have been a true part of, was awaking feelings that were opposite to what I thought was my purpose, made me question what I stood for, made me change my mind about a lot of things.


It was a welcome, warm place, a spotlight  for me in a very messy and hard time in my life, giving me strength and hope at a point where I was about to throw my life away. I wish I could say it still has that kind of a deep impact on me as it had in my first weeks, but it doesn't. I am still thankful for that first time.

Other than that, things have changed around here, not just lately, but slowly and steadily.

Not to the better, but that is life.


I made lots of friends here, enemies, too (that's a part of it, would be boring without), I had good times, bad times that made me wanna leave...

All in all I never regret joining here.

Edited by Friendship_Cannon
  • Brohoof 2




Signature made by the amazing ~Harmonic Dreams~

I always pictured you as a cross between Demoman and Pinkie Pie for some reason.
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MLP forums is the best and most top-quality online brony community I have ever discovered thus far, and it has overall, been a great unforgettable experience for me. It has allowed me to make many genuine friendships and share many memorable and meaningful moments with so many great members here, that wouldn't have otherwise been possible without the existence of Feld0's marvelous masterpiece.


The forums, the community thriving here, has changed my life in such incredible ways. 


It made me realize just how small the world really is online, and as I just mentioned, it has provided me with so many great friends from all around the globe that I might not ever get to meet in person. The site really taught me a lot on how friendship really is 'magic'(disregard the cliche). It is amazing how despite the fact that there is a physical screen between us all, we can connect and interact almost if not just as well as we can with our friends in real life, all through this wonderful medium of the internet.


During my early days on here, when it seemed like all the problems in my life were only getting worse and worse, the support of the friendly online community was always a great stress relief for me. And as sad and crazy as it may seem, my friends on the forums were eventually becoming better friends than a good portion of the one's I had in real life. Just a lot of them were drifting away, and some of them were changing negatively to the point to where I couldn't even recognize them that much anymore.


But for some reason, my online friends have always been ones that I could truly rely on, and they even helped me out when I was going through my most painful and heartbreaking times. They've always been there for me, to lend a hand, even when I felt like I didn't deserve any of it. 


I've received a lot of care, compassion, and entirely selfless support from others on here, and it's almost mind-boggling to comprehend how 'strangers' online can really have such a beneficial and meaningful impact on you. 


However, despite the anonymity, this site has clearly proven just how much we can all trust and have compassion for one another. We have the Life Advice threads as proof. Help, care, love, selfless concerns can be provided through the medium of cyberspace, and they can mean a lot. 


With all communication and interaction here being solely based on text and pictures, words alone can mean everything, and they can truly make a difference to many of us here. 


I've seen almost every quality of friendship displayed here. Trust, loyalty, kindness, care, and even a lot of honesty surprisingly. I laughed, I smiled, I've shared endless stories about myself and my friends have shared stories of their own with me, and I even on rare occasions, teared up and almost broke down with some of my friends on here. I've grown closer with them as the days go by, despite not being able to actually see them.


And all of that had taken place by the exchange of text alone. As crazy as that sounds, it is the truth. 


As cliche as it sounds, it turns out that the magic of friendship can even thrive in cyberspace... as well as relationships.


I asked my girlfriend out just a month, and she's been one of the best things that's ever happened to me, in all of my time spent on here. Our level of communication and the way we can converse with each other to no end...it's amazing and it just proves that even online you can have that same depth of love and emotional connection with that special someone.<3


So to finally summarize and briefly answer the main question: what does MLP forums mean to me?


To me, it means that love, care, support, friendships, relationships, and just general compassion for one another, can all thrive almost if not just as well in cyberspace as it can in real life. The words in which we express ourselves with mean everything, and the very sentimental values of the show are proven to be applicable here. Trust, loyalty, kindness, and the "magic" of friendship can be put into action beyond our own physical limitations and boundaries, by text alone. 


And overall, It is through the wonders of communication, our strong sense of morale, and loving and tolerating one another, that we can feel so closely connected and feel so at home here in this wonderful site Feld0 had created for us. smile.png


That is what MLP forums means to me. wink.png

Edited by Dsanders
  • Brohoof 13
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First of all im not interested in the contest but thats just because I kinda dont use steam or play any of the games you get rewards from ohmy.png so giving one of the prices to me would be kinda pointless.


But I will gladly write what these forums mean to me. 


So when I first signed up on the forum i never expected it to be so much fun, I was just a newborn brony that wanted to be a part of the awesome community so I signed up and didnt really know what to expect. I was so suprised over how warm and loving the community is, ive been on other forums that I will never return to (world of warcraft forums) where as if you had a problem and asked what other people toughts on it was you would either get ''learn to play noob'' or something like that. That is NOT the case here I might not have been here for so super long as other people but I havent even seen a single flame war here and I hope i never will. If you need help you get it, I had a question yesterday that I posted about and I was so amazed with the answers I got they were beyond just a simple ''yes'' or ''no'' answer and that is really a wonderfull thing in my opinion. 


Being part of such an awesome fandom is just so truly amazing its kinda hard to describe. The different topics people make are so fun to take part in and im usually not someone that writes alot because I dont wanna come off as an uneducated swede who skipped the english leasons because I really do forget about small things in the grammar etc, but no one has ever pointed out my mistakes and thats really nice aswell, so I really feel like I can express myself here without being afraid of people either trying to correct my text or just being straight up rude to me for screwing some small thing up ( you would be amazed by the flaming you can get for getting the eternal *your* and *you're* wrong, and no one seems to be very hostile as in flaming me for having a certain opinion on something everyone seems to respect each other even tho they have a different opinion on something they dont go WRONG WRONG WRONG YOU'RE WRONG. 


Im less afraid of screwing up here because im a person that dont want to make myself vulnerable to any kind of negativity because I have bad memories of that in school.


But most of all its a way for a super extremely socialy akward guy like me to interact with other people. My social akwardnes is in my opinion a bit extreme, my heart starts pounding super fast when my cellphone rings and its a number I dont have on my contact list, and if im home alone and someone is knocking on the door i prefer not to open.. whitch is kinda sad because I dont really want it to be that way but for me I really have a hard time changing that. So yeah these forums are a great way for me to interact with people with similar intrests (MLP FiM) and also a opportunity for me to express my opinion whitch I would never have the courage to do in real life. Im really glad that I can come out of my socialy akward shell here.


So I really love this forum, while I dont contribute with any artistic stuff like others I guess my opinion is atleast something. I Will nevr regret joining this forum, its so much fun and I love hearing other peoples opinion on stuff. And im sure I would receive support from here if I was to be either very sad or depressed or needed real life advice. I regret not joining sooner, but im very happy that I did end up here.

Edited by SveciaDash
  • Brohoof 1




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Well.. I was never good at writing stuff xD


This site isnt what I love. I can go moths without the site. But I cant go without the people in it. Ive made more friends on here than I have my whole life. I met my best friend on here. Someone really different from me but gave me the best friendship Ive had. Its a nice thing ti have someone to talk to and share stuff with. And its weird to think that I never would of met him and many other friends if it hadnt been forthis forums.


Besides friends, the forums are really fun. Getting to participate in the games, learn about people, talk, and watch movies (well.. equestria.tv is still being worked on).


I known if I have a problem I can go here for help. From school peoblems when I need tutoring to life problems when I need advice. Thanks for existing, mlpforums! :DD

  • Brohoof 2


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

What do you think of me?:


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Chances are I'm not gonna do any good... But I'll give this a shot.


Not counting the show and the fandom itself, I can safely say that it's one of the best parts of my life right now. I've been to a lot of forums, but this is the only one I've been truly happy to go to. I've had a lot of fun role playing, I've learned a few things, and I've made some amazing friends, all in just three months of being here. I've never had any fights here, unlike most forums I've gone to. It just shows that the people here are much nicer than anybody I've ever met. There are some people here (I won't say who) that are the only reason I haven't ended it yet. So I may not have that much written here, but it doesn't change how much I love this site.

Edited by Blazing Hoof
  • Brohoof 2


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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MLP Forums was the first ever brony forums I signed up for. Since I only had a couple and I mean a couple of brony friends, I decided to take things online.


When I first got here, I noticed how close each and everyone here is. They can relate to everyone easily and whenever someone had a problem whether it be in real life or here online, there would always be someone there to comfort and help them out. 

To me, MLPForums just doesn't mean friends and all, it means that I have found a new family. It means that I have interwoven myself into the lives of others so we could help each other become better people in the long run. Sometimes when people in real life don't help, I turn to this site, and I get help and comfort every time. It also means sharing the gifted talents we all have and getting critique in what we do, so we can unleash our full potential when it comes to our personal talent. 


If I hadn't come on this site, I wouldn't have changed the life of an American solider currently in the national guard @member='MLPDazzleglow'


I wouldn't have met so many people who have become great friends. 


The point is, this site has really impacted my life because it taught me how even though we all come from different backgrounds, different lifestyles and different places, we can still come together to form what I call...a family. 

Edited by Thunder-Dash
  • Brohoof 3
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These forums mean quite a bit to me. Ever since I've signed up 4 months ago, I've been greeted with nothing but kindness and generosity, I've also met some amazing people, and even found love. This is by far the friendliest forum I've ever been on, and I've been on several others...including being a moderator. The moderation team on MLPForums is top notch,and the admins are quite fun.


I've come to these forums nearly everyday since sign up....it's been quite a fun adventure for just 4 months of being on here. I see myself being a long time member of these forums, and hope to make even more friends on these forums....I've also met my boyfriend on these forums, which has made me quite happier, along with him and these forums, it's been helping my depression even more. These forums put a smile on my face everyday I come on. There's never a dull day on here....everyday something makes me laugh,on here.


So, what do these forums mean to me? They truely prove that friendship is indeed, magic.

Edited by ~Chaotic_Fluttershy~
  • Brohoof 4

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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So this will be short :)


But for me this place is kind of my online home. I have spent years on other forums and never found one as nice as this :)!


I have tried over and over to blog, but its only ever worked for me on this site! I guess its the whole MLP thing, its just awesome!


You guys are like my online family in a sense :P


Have ANY questions about Christianity? INBOX ME!         


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This forum is kind of like my second life, it's where I "escape" to on weekend nights, when everyone's asleep.

Not having anyone in real life to talk about some of my peculiar interests is a problem, but luckily, when I was searching for other people at least somewhat similar to me on the Internet, I stumbled into this place. I could have just as easily clicked the next link, or the previous, but no. "MLPForums" just sounds so official and inviting, which for both parts, was true.

I was welcomed with open arms and quickly assimilated into the friendly collective that is this forum.

Everything seemed very organized and coordinated, with the Friday movies, the post count ranks, and all of the different subforums. I've watched several movies through the stream, most notably First Contact.


Anyways, that was all more than a year ago, but yet my favourite part of the forums has stayed the same. Sugarcube Corner. I just love reading through those threads and seeing all the kinds of funny and embarrassing situations people have gotten into. It's also a place that keeps me up to date with current events in the community, no matter the type.


(There's so much to talk about)

Although I don't get as many chances to go on these forums as I used to, I still think about them the same way, and I'll keep visiting them for as long as I possibly can, even if that means dedicating a single day of the week for it.


Overall this forum has had a big impact on my life, more than the show itself. I hope it lasts forever.


(I typed this on mobile so the formattings probably wonky, ill fix it later)

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I am just doing this for fun, seeing as I'm not a very good writer and never really win anything, I'm just gonna do this for fun. To fully answer your question, let me give you a little bit of a backstory about me.


I was never really one who made friends very easily. I am a very shy person, and it sometimes takes a long time for me to warm up to someone. Even on Skype I would normally just sit looking at the screen until the other person started a conversation or just RP with them.


I have been through countless forums that were Ok but some of them were just so full of drama I couldn't enjoy myself. Until one day back in 2009 I joined a Disney role play site. They were the reason I found out about FIM to begin with. And I have gained close relationships with almost everyone there.


One day in 2011 when my love for ponies was in full swing I decided to see if I could find a forum to go to to find a forum for FIM. And I stumbled upon this place. And ever since my first day here even if I haven't really talked to any of you one on one really, this place is like a family to me. The people and support I have gotten since the day I have got here has been pretty overwhelming for me. And I have to say this is one of the bestest forums I have ever been o . MLP forums isn't just another forum to me, it's my home. I might not be able to draw or make a sig, I might be too afraid to show fan five, I might not even RP here. But, rest assured I love all of you here, and MLP forums is a Huge part of my life, I can't dream of a world without it.

Facebook: Josh B.

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I'm new to these forums, but after reading all of these posts, I have really high hopes! I've never been to other forum websites, but as far as I can tell this one is the best!


I probably won't win any prize, but for what it's worth these forums are going to be where I spend most of my time online from here on, and they actually mean quite a bit to me. Hopefully I'll make new friends, since I don't have a lot of friends in real life (I only have my one good friend that I'm in touch with through skype anyway). And maybe even meet someone to share my feelings with, since it seems stuff like that works for you guys :P


When it comes down to it, these forums mean a new beginning, after going through a rough time that has left me friendless, I hope to find a new life in here.


Signature by the amazing LittleRawr. Avatar by the as equally amazing Breeze.

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While I dont do steam I will say what it means to me


When I joined these forums I thought "Ok I'll give these a week and I'll be over it", boy was I wrong. Compared to other forums I been a part the people here are just great. After a long night of work it's nice to come on here and talk to friends and see what's going on with everybody. After a rough day I know I can come on here and talk to people and be cheered up in general.

I guess I cant really express what the forums mean to me in words, it's just a great place were you will akways be accepted no matter your sex, religion, race or creed, I know it's the internet but I consider all of you on here my friends.

  • Brohoof 1


^^ avatar and sig by me

Want a Reaper made Sig?Go here http://mlpforums.com/topic/75308-sigs-i-made-to-share-with-everyone/?p=1907748

Voted best Scootaloo fan

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What the forums mean to me?

The forums mean A LOT to me. Being a member of this forum has provided me some of the best moments in the last few years of my life. Everything from singing on Marco's stream to the many skype calls with friends. This forum has made me smile more then anything in the outside world. Not only this, but I've met some fantastic friends who I can't wait to meet...including someone who would eventually become my boyfriend. This forum is more then a website...it's a strong community of friends ^_^

  • Brohoof 1


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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Well, I haven't done this thing before, and even though I seem so hateful to some- well, many of you, I actually love this piece of code we call second home.

*cough* *cough*

*mic feedback*

*mic explodes*

November the twenty-ninth I joined, blazed with love of FiM I signed in, by the name of Sky Warden, I came here, last year. I was just a bold boy back then, completely lost in my joy of a show about bouncing coloured equines, seeking glory in the fandom through fiction writing. Then I met them, those people who later became my friends, one by one came to me with open hands and mouth bursting with laughter about trivial matters. Days turned into weeks and the moon rose and died, as I b*cked beautiful writing to the ground.


You need to know the full story to understand how important this community is for me. I was in my third year of a vocational school of engineering. Unlike other schools, the fourth year here is a time where students go to random companies and work according to their subject. I was in computer engineering, and the class was mainly focused for network engineering. I wasn't good at anything that time, and I didn't really enjoy network stuff. To make it short, my engineering skill was nothing special, and my grades were... well, standard. I had to compete with my other classmates, and the field was narrow for us. Hundreds of engineers from other vocational schools and universities, in a small province. Even though we were among the best, some of us had to go somewhere else. I wasn't prepared, and winter the year was coming.


The future wasn't promising at all.


I came here as a stupid boy who knew nothing but to write fiction stories. Was pretty confident with just that skill back then. Then I got to know my friends here more. They also had their own trade, which they seemed so proud of; drawing, music, animating, coding -- no there was actually no coder, acting, role playing. I can't remember where exactly met these talented folks. Some were in the Role Play World, some in the Creative Resource, but somehow we ended up in a fun conversation, talking about fun fan projects, college, and shits.

You see, having words with these people (translate: friends) really invoked me. I heard them talking about the songs they just wrote, the commissions they just sold, the competitions they just had, the shows they just played, how they were going to go to college, etc. I felt like I was with a group of powerful people who had glory very close to their hands. The thing was they had their stuff, and I didn't. Then it hit me, "They can do it. Why can't I?" In that very moment my eyes were open to an eternal river of information called the Internet, and all the power I never realised before.


I felt so thrilled, excited. I started reading random papers on the Internet (papers, for classicism sake) and studied a subject an IRL friend told me I had a talent in, programming. Later I found myself studying things my seniors (computer network folks) wouldn't even dare to touch.


My IRL friends soon found out about MLPForums. They often chuckled when they caught me lurking around it and said something like, "Geez, Win, grow up."


"A show for little girls. Try anime."


"Pfft, ponies."


With an annoying manner, holding a laughter, "What is that forum about?"


I continued my study, having my friends in this community on my back as a source of motivation ("I'm gonna show you people what kind of amazing shits I can do. Mwahahahahaha!!!"). I can't remember a day when I didn't go to this website. I always did, and not a single was brief.

When my classmates were playing PES after school (still at school, though), I sat next to them, reading E-books about various programming stuff, randomly posting in the forums in the process. While I couldn't play games much for entertainment, this community kept me happy, and driving me forward. I wanted to stand proud among those talented folks.


And here I am now. An apprentice in a web development company, making responsive website designs in daily basis, contracted until the school calls me back to officially finish my study there. Seeing that job, I think I overdid my study. I don't do asynchronous network programming, make games, or testing the company security system for flaws, but hey, it's a pretty dang good job for a 17 ye o' in his apprentice years, and I'm ready for my next steps.


I know that my friendship is not as 'fun' as most of you people have here. I don't do video call with other forumites, play online games with my friends, or even stream movies together every Saturday night, but they helped me to be what I am now. They helped me taking what I have now.

MLPForums.com is more than a website to waste my life in, for me. It's a place where I began another journey in my life. An important journey. I came here as an idiot, and now I'm still here as a much better man. Even though many of my old forum fellows aren't here any longer, I stay here to live their memory. This is what a community means to me. A place where different people with different skills gather and support each other, driving them forward, to be better.


My old friends from junior high, whom I heard had taken great achievements and fresh experiences, have been planning a reunion, and I know what I will do when they ask me who helped me in becoming what I am now. I will hold my head high and say with pride, "My friends in MLPForums did."

Edited by Sky Warden
  • Brohoof 3



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Sounds like time for symbolism :3 MLP forums is like a pet(after reading unsaid)love,similarity,and an easy relationship. There are no problems such as worrying about fitting in. It is hypnosis,fun,and all you could ever hope for in a forum. It means broad and brave,love and tolerance,and happy with a side of funny. Sadness is not an option on MLP forums,nobody is trying to bring you down,and development in a community among similar people.I was pointed toward this website by a number of people,and now I know I will never be left out,never feel as if I am to be gone. It is where I get my daily dose of life lessons(besides reading).That is what MLPForums means to me.

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I first joined this website to pimp my pony art. That worked out for a little bit, but that soon fell apart, although I've stayed for other reasons.


Primarily, it's just a website I go to sometimes when I am bored and there's nothing new on youtube or whatever. This is especially the case now that I've stopped producing new content for deviantart. I suppose I also come here to whine about my problems and try to get people to feel bad for me, so I suppose it's like my "facebook" too, I guess. It's kind of sad, really. Some people from here have given me good advice before though, so I'm grateful for that. Thanks.


I haven't really met any friends on this site, though one of my friends apparently knew me because I greeted him when he first joined the site. I was more active back then. Even though I've been a member for a year, I still feel like a stranger. I'm just kind of antisocial, I suppose.


Yeah, I know I'm kind of a downer and there's no chance in hell that I'd win such a contest, but I figured I'd give you all my two sense. In all honestly, I've had some fun on this site and many of you have been pretty cool. Thanks for everything.

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Before writing this, it is important to note that I signed up to these forums on Tuesday of this week. 


I find these forums to be an escape from reality that is very welcoming. I have a mediocre life and I find solace for this over the Internet. I used to post on forums that weren't moderated heavily and  had almost no rules as to the content that could be posted. As for this forum, I am happy to say that I feel as though my posts mean something and that they can help people and help me.


These forums are also a place where I can actually talk about things that interest me. I live in a village of around 100 people, which also has about 2 people my age. There is not a single person within a 20 mile area of me that is a brony (as far as I know) so I never have the chance to talk to people like us. This is why I enjoy this place, for I can be who I am without criticism and without worry.


Thanks for reading, 


  • Brohoof 1
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It is time to announce the winners!


All of the entries were great, and it was honestly hard for us to decide the winners. But with the general consensus given, here are the winners!


1st Place: @Dsanders


2nd Place: @Sky Warden


3rd Place: @Pomfritter


Congratulations to you all, and thank you to everyone who entered. 


Be on the look out for more contests in the future. 

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
  • Brohoof 4


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I ain't gonna give you a sob story, like I was depressed and/or suicidal before I joined here. 'Cause I wasn't. Sure, I was slightly more uptight or whatever (check my post history), but Mlpforums just strikes me as one big happy family, and I want a piece of that action. Everyone gets along on here, sure there's a couple of minor arguments, but this place is just fun. Gives me the fuzzies, though that might be a cat.

TLDR; I love you all like you're my family and you're all cool people. End.


EDIT; JUST MISSED IT DAMNIT. Still love you all though. C:

Edited by Art
  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't honestly been around to take part or even notice this really *the fact that someone else was the one to pin this says a lot, considering I'm usually the push pin guy D:*, but it looks like this got some success :3 Maybe not a ton, but some modest input is still great. I imagine these kinds of things will be even better once S4 starts, as well. Harmonic and anyone else who enjoys making these little events, during the weeks between episodes would be a wonderful time to launch little things here and there ^^


Less than two weeks, everypony~


Now, I shall assume my role once more. Topic unpinned.

  • Brohoof 1


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